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[PATCH] Fix the requirement for bzr whoami is set in kicad-install.sh



I see that Dick now merged the no lp login install script - great.
That also solved the step 9 not completing (at least for me).

But the script still requires that the bzr whoami is set when it tries
to build boost. My suggestion to fix this is attached.

It removed the bzr whoami check in the install script, because that is
not needed anymore, since we now use https to dowload the sources and
that I patched the download_boost.cmake to use some dummy bzr whoami
information (sot it is always set here). This is overrides whatever
bzr whoami that is set in that step, but I guess that is fine, because
this step is not to be comitted anywhere else than locally.

Nick Østergaard
=== modified file 'CMakeModules/download_boost.cmake'
--- CMakeModules/download_boost.cmake	2014-04-03 11:55:02 +0000
+++ CMakeModules/download_boost.cmake	2014-04-06 20:17:16 +0000
@@ -296,6 +296,7 @@
 ExternalProject_Add_Step( boost bzr_commit_boost
+    COMMAND bzr whoami --branch --directory <SOURCE_DIR> "Kicad Build <nobody@foo>"
     COMMAND bzr ci -q -m pristine <SOURCE_DIR>
     COMMENT "committing pristine boost files to 'boost scratch repo'"
     DEPENDERS patch

=== modified file 'scripts/kicad-install.sh'
--- scripts/kicad-install.sh	2014-04-06 19:21:10 +0000
+++ scripts/kicad-install.sh	2014-04-06 20:45:48 +0000
@@ -123,9 +123,6 @@
         exit 1
-    # ensure bzr name and email are set.  No message since bzr prints an excellent diagnostic.
-    bzr whoami || exit 2

Follow ups