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Re: Another strange thing happening launching from the kicad manager


On 05/26/2014 04:19 PM, Lorenzo Marcantonio wrote:
> Done a full rebuild of kicad as stable/release, to test things.
> From the project manager:
> - pcbnew opens OK and seems to work
> - cvpcb still OK, as above
> - eeschema don't work :(
> Doing a strace shows that eeschema starts a then sits there after
> loading the libraries (presumably). Clicking again on the eeschema
> button opens an eeschema frame but everything is stuck: repainting works
> but commands are not dispatched, not even a close. Need to
> sigint/sigquit to stop the whole process.

Is wx using --enable-stl?

> Maybe I just noticed today because I usually launch the application
> separately, not from the project manager.
> Also try to keep possible to continue to use the applications in
> different process spaces, it's very inconvenient to handle everything in
> one process...one wrong move and everything goes down (and session
> management issues, too).

Follow ups
