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Re: New form of back annotation


Le 07/07/2014 06:20, Dick Hollenbeck a écrit :
> I added back annotation to Eeschema directly from Cvpcb when they are both running under
> Kicad.exe.
> I could have done it row by row.  Instead I did it as a group batch when you "save" under
> cvpcb, on the idea that if you were to abort cvpcb without saving, you would not want to
> affect your schematic.
> For the TODO list, I think we have a problem with the hierarchical format.  Here is a
> takeout from a nested schematic, used six times in the hierarchy:
> $Comp
> L R R1
> U 1 1 520135B0
> P 5400 3350
> AR Path="/5201406D/520135B0" Ref="R1"  Part="1"
> AR Path="/52014588/520135B0" Ref="R2"  Part="1"
> AR Path="/52014893/520135B0" Ref="R3"  Part="1"
> AR Path="/520134DE/520135B0" Ref="R4"  Part="1"
> AR Path="/52015233/520135B0" Ref="R5"  Part="1"
> AR Path="/520155E6/520135B0" Ref="R6"  Part="1"
> F 0 "R2" V 5500 3450 60  0000 L CNN
> F 1 "R" V 5300 3450 60  0000 L CNN
> F 2 "Discret:R6" H 5520 3450 60  0001 C CNN
> F 3 "" H 5400 3350 60  0001 C CNN
> 	1    5400 3350
> 	0    -1   -1   0
> $EndComp
> $Comp
> If CVPCB sets only R3, and not the others, then the back annotation does not stick.  This
> is not new that I can tell, I believe it failed this way when doing back annotation with
> the *.cmp file also.  The code between the two means is similar.
> I used an s-expression on the KIWAY express, and parsed it with the DOM s-expression
> parser in about 5 lines of code.
> See SCH_EDIT_FRAME::backAnnotateFootprints()
> Jean-Pierre, what do you think?
> Dick

If fact, it is hard to fix this kind of issue, because this is not
really a bug, and it exists with .cmp files.
You are using a complex hierarchy, therefore the *same* schematic sheet
(and therefore the same data) is used 6 times.

Cvpcb (and Pcbnew) are seeing a flattened schematic, because they are
using a netlist, which is always built from a flattened schematic
In this case, R1 to R6 are the same component in schematic (therefore
only one footprint field, one doc field ...) and 6 different reference
However there are 6 different components for Cvpcb, and you can set 6
different footprints  (and in Pcbnew, you also can have 6 different
footprints, for the same schematic component)

In your example, R1 to R6 should have the same footprint, to be
compatible with a schematic backannotation.

(If not, this is the last footprint name read in the back-annotate file
which is stored in schematic)

This is not really a bug, but a limitation of complex hierarchies.
But is it really a limitation ?
When your are using complex hierarchies you are doing that because you
want your changes (schematic modification, change a component value, or
a footprint name ...) made only once but reproduced 6 times on your board.

In other words:
* If you want to back-annotate a complex schematic: R1 to R6 should have
the same footprint.
* If you want to design a board: R1 to R6 can have different footprints.

You can fix that "issue", only by creating constraints in CvPcb, for
instance do not accept different footprints for R1 to R6 (which have the
same time stamp), or displaying only one component ( for instance only
R1 ), but it is a unnecessary constraint for Pcbnew (although it is not
a really strong constraint).

This is more a decision to take.

Jean-Pierre CHARRAS

Follow ups
