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Re: New 3D Viewer options patch


In this patch I did, I am not rendering the board body separated from the copper call list.
I was missing in fact the separation between the top and bottom copper to play a bit with that..

Also, I noticed that this transparency method to render the solder past is not "physical rendering correct". you will notice that when you try to render a black solder mask. It will not look like a real black solder mask board because you will have a little color from the "copper color".
I do believe that in reality the solder mask is less transparency and it will filter also the color that the copper will reflect. So, if we have a black solder mask with gold copper, the mask will filter much of the yellow color from the gold.
anyway, we can't do it at the moment because we don't have a separate copper (with and without solder mask zone) to make that "operations".

From: Andrew Zonenberg [azonenberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 17 August 2014 05:20
To: Jason Whiteman
Cc: Mário Luzeiro; kicad-developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Kicad-developers] New 3D Viewer options patch

Possibly a bug in the order layers are drawn in? Alpha blending requires
specific draw orders to get good results. Top-down requires one order,
bottom-up another

On Sat, 2014-08-16 at 22:13 -0500, Jason Whiteman wrote:
> In my unreleased (due to incomplete status of the entirety of changes
> I was working) soldermask arbitrary color / silkscreen arbitrary color
> enhancement - I noticed that the soldermask bottom side obstructed
> traces so I had to adjust the transparency until both sides were
> balanced.  I didn't spend much time trying to determine what the root
> cause was - but did verify that layers were balanced and I added
> lighting to try to change the behavior with no reasonable results
> whereas transparency seemed to fix whatever the root cause was.
> I cannot get to the build server at the moment but would be happy to
> trade notes.
> Regards,
> Jason
