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Re: Stable Builds


On 8/29/2014 1:19 PM, Margaret Johnson wrote:
> (please correct me if I am communicating in a method that is not
> efficient.  This is my first message to the mailing list)
> I've gotten to truly enjoy KiCad.  What a great piece of software.  
> I am interested in donating money to CERN if the priority is on
> releasing stable builds.  Before I do this, I'd like to understand:
> 1. what are your priorities regarding features (I see stability as a
> feature - so my priority would be dev and test members are focused on
> releasing a stable build.  This may not be the case for CERN.  So I'd
> like to gain your perspective).
> 2. who is accountable for selecting and meeting a build schedule for the
> stability feature?  For example, if I donate what expectation should I
> have regarding time frame for stable release and who on the dev side
> feels awful when the stable release is not realized and will work extra
> hard to make it so?
> thank you.
> -- 
> Kind regards,
> Margaret
> blog: http://bitknitting.wordpress.com

Hi Margaret,

Thank you for your interest in KiCad.  This is the correct place to get
input from the KiCad developers.  I have recently taken over the roll of
project leader.  One of the things on my short list is to come up with a
plan to provide periodic stable releases of KiCad.  The details of how
the project will provide stable releases needs to hashed out by the
developers in order to provide the best experience for our users and be
sane enough to prevent a large drain of developer time.  I hope to have
a plan in place before the end of the year.  How long before a new
stable release after a stable release plan is in place is hard to say.
All of the developers (except for the CERN developer), are volunteers so
it is difficult to give you an accurate estimate of when the next stable
release will happen.

This is also true for features.  The general rule of thumb for open
source projects is developers prefer to work on what interests them.  I
have no authority to force any one to do anything.  I will do my best to
steer the project in a direction that balances the needs of both our
users and our developers.

Best Regards,

