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Message #18160
Re: kicad main icons - minor improvements
Hi Nick,
the paper fold was an unlucky attempt to differentiate between tools. top
right for the lib de and lib footprint editor and bottom right for the
other main kicad programs. All in all is not a really lucky implementation.
I will make the same fold for all.
The book is not bad but a little hard drown for the main large icons set
(48px) but good for the small 26px icons.
thanks for comments
Fabrizio Tappero
On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 8:47 PM, Nick Østergaard <oe.nick@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I wonder why the fold on the paper is in the opposite direction of the
> other ones, that was there previously. I do not imoly weatjer this is good
> or bad, I just want to know if there was any thoughts about this.
> I dont think the old icon with the book for the lib editor is that bad,
> because I am used to the various books for the symbol editor. But those
> are also ised for the fp editor. On the other hand the new one is alsp
> pretty nice.
> Den 04/05/2015 20.42 skrev "Fabrizio Tappero" <fabrizio.tappero@xxxxxxxxx
> >:
>> Hello,
>> I am working on some styling improvements of the main kicad icons. The
>> two lib component editor and lib footprint editor really need some work, I
>> think.
>> This is some intermediate result:
>> [image: Inline image 2]
>> Any feedback would be great.
>> I think that the pen (that suggest the editing) is actually quite
>> redundant. I attach the svg file just in case somebody (Konstantin?) feels
>> like contributing.
>> Regards
>> Fabrizio
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