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Re: Schematic Symbol Philosophy?


Fix previous:

Maybe add new file format "_parts_ library" that consist something like that:
EESchema-_PARTS_-LIBRARY Version x.x

PART "part_id"
SYMBOL "sch_symbol_lib_name" "sch_symbol_name"
FOOTPRINT "pcb_footprint_lib_name" "pcb_footprint_name"
#sch_symb_pin    pcb_footprint_pin            // pins assignment
1    2
2    4
4    A

# next parts
# ...

Schematic will can understand as current sch library format as _parts_ library format.
Process to add part to schema:
Click "Place component" -> select part from list -> [schematic load sch symbol and add to cache library new component with reassign pins in accordance fields PINS-ENDPINS and footprint field with footprint name].
I think this is easy way to add part and add new possibility.

06.06.2015 11:44, Eldar Khayrullin пишет:
Maybe add new file format "components library" that consist something like that:
EESchema-COMP-LIBRARY Version x.x

PART "part_id"
SYMBOL "sch_symbol_lib_name" "sch_symbol_name"
FOOTPRINT "pcb_footprint_lib_name" "pcb_footprint_name"
#sch_symb_pin    pcb_footprint_pin            // pins assignment
1    2
2    4
4    A

# next parts
# ...

Schematic will can understand as current sch library format as components library format.
Process to add part to schema:
Click "Place component" -> select part from list -> [schematic load sch symbol and add to cache library new component with reassign pins in accordance fields PINS-ENDPINS and footprint field with footprint name].
I think this is easy way to add part and add new possibility.

Follow ups
