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Re: [PATCH] Skip redundant repetition of component name in component chooser


[Adding kicad-devel back; context:
https://github.com/KiCad/kicad-library/pull/231 ]

On 4 August 2015 at 08:41, Kerusey Karyu <keruseykaryu@xxxxx> wrote:

> Henner Zeller w dniu Tue, 4 Aug 2015 07:48:54 -0700 napisał:
> > Thanks for merging my library cleanup patch! This way, we don't need
> > the (more hacky) workaround in the KiCAD application to 'manually'
> > remove the prefices there.
> >
> Let me speak the final words:
> And in this way the group got rid one of a translator, library
> maintainer and contributor. Every revolution destroys their children...
> Best Regards
> Kerusey Karyu

I am sorry that you feel that way and I am probably not too qualified to
respond here as I am just contributing a patch without knowledge of
possible prior context around - I guess you didn't mean to privately send
it to me, so I added the devel group back. I certainly didn't mean to
create any bad feelings here, just propose a reasonable patch.

My reason for this change is simple: it removes redundancy (which is always
good when maintaining data). And with that, it allows to show more relevant
information in the limited space in the component chooser. Several KiCAD
developers felt the same way.

The redundant data didn't serve any apparent purpose; in the pull request,
you were vehemently against the change, but couldn't state a reason why it
would be useful to keep it the way it was. Maybe everybody is blind to the
actual reason, but if you don't state it, people will go with the more
reasonable choice for them.

I presume that you spent quite some time in the past adding these as
searching used to be very tedious - which is the what you said in the pull
request. And of course that means that you are attached to the work that
went into it. But shouldn't we all be happy to be able to remove a
workaround when the original problem (tedious searching) is fixed ?

I can't comment on your decision to stop contributing, the group is
probably more qualified for it. If this pull request is the trigger, then
this is a sad outcome. As a user, I thank you for your tremendous
contribution to the KiCAD libraries and wish that some healthy discussion
can keep you on-board.


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