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Re: cvpcb alternative


> On Sep 5, 2015, at 9:36 AM, Lorenzo Marcantonio <l.marcantonio@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Nifty trick: pre-set the footprint field in eeschema for the components
> you use usually (some companies actually have a list of approved part
> numbers, that would be easier...). When 90% of your resistors are in
> 0603 it pays to have a '0603 format resistor' component in eeschema :D I
> actually have a '10µF/50V capacitor in 1210 package' component with
> everything already set (as a bonus I don't need to check if the 10µ/50
> is 1206 or 1210…).

And I reiterate again: that’s how it’s done in a professional environment. Components are symbols with the correct footprint and a company (or vendor) part number baked in.

That makes it very difficult to screw up the footprint vs the parts you buy, among other things. 

Assigning footprints after schematic capture is a recipe for problems for designs that are not trivial.

And why do the work of assigning footprints to symbols more than once? I honestly don’t understand the arguments of people who prefer the CvPCB flow.

But hey, everyone does things the way they prefer. Whatever.

