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[RFC] gerbview fixing branch


Not  pushing this for stable, for the future. Just my work in progress.


This is mainly a UX improvement of gerbview rather than introducing
features right now.

1. Cleaning, removed dead code, removed unused includes, removed some stupid.
2. Layers are now dynamically allocated to the list. No more fixed 32 layers.
3. Layers can be rearranged up/down in the widget through right click
option. Also the layer at the top doesn't get a "move up" option, etc.
4. Layers can be deleted individually.
6. Trashed block move because it totally made sense for a gerber **viewer**.
7. Unless gerber X2 attributes are specified, layer names in the
widget are now the filenames
8. Move gerber drawing items under gerber layers rather than globally
to simplify visibility and drawing checking
9. Eliminated use of DHEAD/DLIST in favor of std::list for drawing items.
10. Layer visibility is now saved in the layer instance rather than
some funny bitmask which would limit you to 32 or 64 layers.
Visibility now persists while loading more layers which it previously
11. Added show/hide others context menu items for layers
12. Deglobified g_GerberList, moved into gerbFrame.


11. Fix the fact a class with no inheritance from EDA_ITEM is being
used as the parent class for EDA_ITEMs.......yea.....
13. Fix Print and Export to PCBNew option
14. Cleanup changes and restructure things a little now that I have a
feel for it
13. Fix Excellon parsing to stop assuming a "header" will exist
because its 100% optional. This will be done as a new parser which
will have a separation from "data" from "drawing" logic.
14. Fix gerber parsing that seems to generate artifacts on my super
complex gerbers :D No plan to rewrite into "data' and "drawing"
classes for now.

Main goal is to make gerbview more usable for general usage and for my
own needs where I find other free tools also fuck up at reading
gerbers or drills. In this case I can actually fix it ;)


Follow ups