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Re: Packaging the python footprint wizards for the release


On 28 September 2015 at 11:36, Miguel Angel Ajo <mangelajo@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hmm, that's a good point, I guess we should install them to
> $KICAD_PATH/scripting/plugins
> as it's the standard place where kicad will try to load them from [1]
> [1]
> https://github.com/KiCad/kicad-source-mirror/blob/master/scripting/kicadplugins.i#L85

Actually, depending on the system we attempt to load from a few
places. On Windows we're looking in Pgm().GetExecutablePath() + wxT(
"scripting/plugins" );

I think that the KICAD_PATH env var is a relic from the past when we
were testing and getting the python stuff up and running and could
probably be removed.

For Windows, we can package the contents of
kicad-source/pcbnew/scripting/plugins into the bin/scripting/plugins
directory and it'll work for 4.0.0 as-is.

As to whether they should be there or not, well that's a different
matter. There's a TODO in the code about this stuff:

Personally, for this release I wouldn't change the code (except for
fixing the CMake install so the plugins actually get installed) and
just package the scripts to where the code is currently looking. We
need to add the more useful user paths for plugins anyway. This means
adding more than the one path that's currently used.

Best Regards,


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