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[PATCH] Remove dead legacy save code



Here's a patch to remove a bunch of ancient, dead file-save code from 
the legacy plugin. There's no point in keeping this around anymore, as 
the formats aren't even compatible now. I don't expect this to be 
controversial - the code hasn't been touched in over a year and a half - 
so if nobody says anything for a day or so, I'll go ahead and commit. On 
the off chance someone's particularly attached to the code, feel free to 
yell at me and I'll withhold the patch.

>From 3834d6261dcf6a71a8c26ac6a7ea02cd1f33be35 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chris Pavlina <pavlina.chris@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2016 10:33:43 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/1] Remove dead legacy save code

 pcbnew/legacy_plugin.cpp | 1273 ----------------------------------------------
 pcbnew/legacy_plugin.h   |   81 ---
 2 files changed, 1354 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pcbnew/legacy_plugin.cpp b/pcbnew/legacy_plugin.cpp
index 408d539..a8faa82 100644
--- a/pcbnew/legacy_plugin.cpp
+++ b/pcbnew/legacy_plugin.cpp
@@ -3131,1091 +3131,6 @@ void LEGACY_PLUGIN::SaveModule3D( const MODULE* me ) const
-#if 0
-//-----<BOARD Save Functions>---------------------------------------------------
-static inline const char* ShowVertJustify( EDA_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_T vertical )
-    const char* rs;
-    switch( vertical )
-    {
-    case GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP:      rs = "T";   break;
-    case GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER:   rs = "C";   break;
-    case GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM:   rs = "B";   break;
-    default:                        rs = "?";   break;
-    }
-    return rs;
-static inline const char* ShowHorizJustify( EDA_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_T horizontal )
-    const char* rs;
-    switch( horizontal )
-    {
-    case GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT:     rs = "L";   break;
-    case GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER:   rs = "C";   break;
-    case GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT:    rs = "R";   break;
-    default:                        rs = "?";   break;
-    }
-    return rs;
-#define SPBUFZ  50      // wire all usages of this together.
-int LEGACY_PLUGIN::biuSprintf( char* buf, BIU aValue ) const
-    double  engUnits = biuToDisk * aValue;
-    int     len;
-    if( engUnits != 0.0 && fabsl( engUnits ) <= 0.0001 )
-    {
-        len = snprintf( buf, SPBUFZ, "%.10f", engUnits );
-        while( --len > 0 && buf[len] == '0' )
-            buf[len] = '\0';
-        ++len;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // The %.10g is about optimal since we are dealing with a bounded
-        // range on aValue, and we can be sure that there will never
-        // be a reason to have more than 6 digits to the right of the
-        // decimal point because we are converting from integer
-        // (signed whole numbers) nanometers to mm.  A value of
-        // 0.000001 is one nanometer, the smallest positive nonzero value
-        // that we can ever have here.  If you ever see a board file with
-        // more digits to the right of the decimal point than 6, this is a
-        // possibly a bug in a formatting string nearby.
-        len = snprintf( buf, SPBUFZ, "%.10g", engUnits );
-    }
-    return len;
-std::string LEGACY_PLUGIN::fmtBIU( BIU aValue ) const
-    char    temp[SPBUFZ];
-    int len = biuSprintf( temp, aValue );
-    return std::string( temp, len );
-std::string LEGACY_PLUGIN::fmtDEG( double aAngle ) const
-    char    temp[50];
-    // @todo a hook site to convert from tenths degrees to degrees for BOARD_FORMAT_VERSION 2.
-    // MINGW: snprintf() comes from gcc folks, sprintf() comes from Microsoft.
-    int len = snprintf( temp, sizeof( temp ), "%.10g", aAngle );
-    return std::string( temp, len );
-std::string LEGACY_PLUGIN::fmtBIUPair( BIU first, BIU second ) const
-    char    temp[2*SPBUFZ+2];
-    char*   cp = temp;
-    cp += biuSprintf( cp, first );
-    *cp++ = ' ';
-    cp += biuSprintf( cp, second );
-    return std::string( temp, cp - temp );
-void LEGACY_PLUGIN::Save( const wxString& aFileName, BOARD* aBoard, const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
-    LOCALE_IO   toggle;     // toggles on, then off, the C locale.
-    init( aProperties );
-    FILE* fp = wxFopen( aFileName, wxT( "w" ) );
-    if( !fp )
-    {
-        m_error.Printf( _( "Unable to open file '%s'" ), aFileName.GetData() );
-        THROW_IO_ERROR( m_error );
-    }
-    m_filename = aFileName;
-    // wxf now owns fp, will close on exception or return
-    wxFFile wxf( fp );
-    m_fp = fp;          // member function accessibility
-    wxString header = wxString::Format(
-        wxT( "PCBNEW-BOARD Version %d date %s\n\n# Created by Pcbnew%s\n\n" ),
-        LEGACY_BOARD_FILE_VERSION, DateAndTime().GetData(),
-        GetBuildVersion().GetData() );
-    // save a file header, if caller provided one (with trailing \n hopefully).
-    fprintf( m_fp, "%s", TO_UTF8( header ) );
-    SaveBOARD( aBoard );
-wxString LEGACY_PLUGIN::writeError() const
-    return wxString::Format( _( "error writing to file '%s'" ), m_filename.GetData() );
-#define CHECK_WRITE_ERROR() \
-do { \
-    if( ferror( m_fp ) ) \
-    { \
-        THROW_IO_ERROR( writeError() ); \
-    } \
-} while(0)
-// With the advent of the LSET expansion it was agreed to abort the legacy save since
-// we'd have to expand the old format in order to suppor the new LAYER_IDs.
-void LEGACY_PLUGIN::SaveBOARD( const BOARD* aBoard ) const
-    m_mapping->SetBoard( aBoard );
-    saveGENERAL( aBoard );
-    saveSHEET( aBoard );
-    saveSETUP( aBoard );
-    saveBOARD_ITEMS( aBoard );
-void LEGACY_PLUGIN::saveGENERAL( const BOARD* aBoard ) const
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$GENERAL\n" );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "encoding utf-8\n" );
-    // tell folks the units used within the file, as early as possible here.
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Units mm\n" );
-    // Write copper layer count
-    fprintf( m_fp, "LayerCount %d\n", aBoard->GetCopperLayerCount() );
-    /*  No, EnabledLayers has this information, plus g_TabAllCopperLayerMask is
-        global and globals are not allowed in a plugin.
-    fprintf( m_fp,
-             "Ly %8X\n",
-             g_TabAllCopperLayerMask[NbLayers - 1] | ALL_NO_CU_LAYERS );
-    */
-    fprintf( m_fp, "EnabledLayers %08X\n",  aBoard->GetEnabledLayers() );
-    if( aBoard->GetEnabledLayers() != aBoard->GetVisibleLayers() )
-        fprintf( m_fp, "VisibleLayers %08X\n", aBoard->GetVisibleLayers() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Links %d\n",            aBoard->GetRatsnestsCount() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "NoConn %d\n",           aBoard->GetUnconnectedNetCount() );
-    // Write Bounding box info
-    EDA_RECT bbbox = ((BOARD*)aBoard)->ComputeBoundingBox();
-    fprintf( m_fp,  "Di %s %s\n",
-                    fmtBIUPair( bbbox.GetX(), bbbox.GetY() ).c_str(),
-                    fmtBIUPair( bbbox.GetRight(), bbbox.GetBottom() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Ndraw %d\n",            aBoard->m_Drawings.GetCount() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Ntrack %d\n",           aBoard->GetNumSegmTrack() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Nzone %d\n",            aBoard->GetNumSegmZone() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "BoardThickness %s\n",   fmtBIU( aBoard->GetDesignSettings().GetBoardThickness() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Nmodule %d\n",          aBoard->m_Modules.GetCount() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Nnets %d\n",            m_mapping->GetSize() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$EndGENERAL\n\n" );
-void LEGACY_PLUGIN::saveSHEET( const BOARD* aBoard ) const
-    const PAGE_INFO&    pageInfo = aBoard->GetPageSettings();
-    const TITLE_BLOCK&  tb = ((BOARD*)aBoard)->GetTitleBlock();
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$SHEETDESCR\n" );
-    // paper is described in mils
-    fprintf( m_fp,  "Sheet %s %d %d%s\n",
-                    TO_UTF8( pageInfo.GetType() ),
-                    pageInfo.GetWidthMils(),
-                    pageInfo.GetHeightMils(),
-                    !pageInfo.IsCustom() && pageInfo.IsPortrait() ?
-                        " portrait" : ""
-                    );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Title %s\n",        EscapedUTF8( tb.GetTitle() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Date %s\n",         EscapedUTF8( tb.GetDate() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Rev %s\n",          EscapedUTF8( tb.GetRevision() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Comp %s\n",         EscapedUTF8( tb.GetCompany() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Comment1 %s\n",     EscapedUTF8( tb.GetComment1() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Comment2 %s\n",     EscapedUTF8( tb.GetComment2() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Comment3 %s\n",     EscapedUTF8( tb.GetComment3() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Comment4 %s\n",     EscapedUTF8( tb.GetComment4() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$EndSHEETDESCR\n\n" );
-void LEGACY_PLUGIN::saveSETUP( const BOARD* aBoard ) const
-    const BOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGS& bds = aBoard->GetDesignSettings();
-    NETCLASSPTR netclass_default     = bds.GetDefault();
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$SETUP\n" );
-    /*  Internal units are nobody's business, they are internal.
-        Units used in the file are now in the "Units" attribute of $GENERAL.
-    fprintf( m_fp,, "InternalUnit %f INCH\n", 1.0 / PCB_LEGACY_INTERNAL_UNIT );
-    */
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Layers %d\n", aBoard->GetCopperLayerCount() );
-    unsigned layerMask = ALL_CU_LAYERS & aBoard->GetEnabledLayers();
-    for( LAYER_NUM layer = FIRST_LAYER; layer <= LAST_COPPER_LAYER; ++layer )
-    {
-        if( layerMask & MASK( layer ) )
-        {
-            fprintf( m_fp, "Layer[%d] %s %s\n", layer,
-                     TO_UTF8( aBoard->GetLayerName( layer ) ),
-                     LAYER::ShowType( aBoard->GetLayerType( layer ) ) );
-        }
-    }
-    // Save current default track width, for compatibility with older Pcbnew version;
-    fprintf( m_fp, "TrackWidth %s\n",
-             fmtBIU( aBoard->GetDesignSettings().GetCurrentTrackWidth() ).c_str() );
-    // Save custom tracks width list (the first is not saved here: this is the netclass value
-    for( unsigned ii = 1; ii < aBoard->GetDesignSettings().m_TrackWidthList.size(); ii++ )
-        fprintf( m_fp, "TrackWidthList %s\n", fmtBIU( aBoard->GetDesignSettings().m_TrackWidthList[ii] ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "TrackClearence %s\n",  fmtBIU( netclass_default->GetClearance() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "ZoneClearence %s\n", fmtBIU( aBoard->GetZoneSettings().m_ZoneClearance ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Zone_45_Only %d\n", aBoard->GetZoneSettings().m_Zone_45_Only );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "TrackMinWidth %s\n", fmtBIU( bds.m_TrackMinWidth ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "DrawSegmWidth %s\n", fmtBIU( bds.m_DrawSegmentWidth ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "EdgeSegmWidth %s\n", fmtBIU( bds.m_EdgeSegmentWidth ).c_str() );
-    // Save current default via size, for compatibility with older Pcbnew version;
-    fprintf( m_fp, "ViaSize %s\n",  fmtBIU( netclass_default->GetViaDiameter() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "ViaDrill %s\n", fmtBIU( netclass_default->GetViaDrill() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "ViaMinSize %s\n", fmtBIU( bds.m_ViasMinSize ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "ViaMinDrill %s\n", fmtBIU( bds.m_ViasMinDrill ).c_str() );
-    // Save custom vias diameters list (the first is not saved here: this is
-    // the netclass value
-    for( unsigned ii = 1; ii < aBoard->GetDesignSettings().m_ViasDimensionsList.size(); ii++ )
-        fprintf( m_fp, "ViaSizeList %s %s\n",
-                 fmtBIU( aBoard->GetDesignSettings().m_ViasDimensionsList[ii].m_Diameter ).c_str(),
-                 fmtBIU( aBoard->GetDesignSettings().m_ViasDimensionsList[ii].m_Drill ).c_str() );
-    // for old versions compatibility:
-    fprintf( m_fp, "MicroViaSize %s\n", fmtBIU( netclass_default->GetuViaDiameter() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "MicroViaDrill %s\n", fmtBIU( netclass_default->GetuViaDrill() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "MicroViasAllowed %s\n", fmtBIU( bds.m_MicroViasAllowed ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "MicroViaMinSize %s\n", fmtBIU( bds.m_MicroViasMinSize ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "MicroViaMinDrill %s\n", fmtBIU( bds.m_MicroViasMinDrill ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "TextPcbWidth %s\n", fmtBIU( bds.m_PcbTextWidth ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "TextPcbSize %s\n",  fmtBIUSize( bds.m_PcbTextSize ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "EdgeModWidth %s\n", fmtBIU( bds.m_ModuleSegmentWidth ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "TextModSize %s\n", fmtBIUSize( bds.m_ModuleTextSize ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "TextModWidth %s\n", fmtBIU( bds.m_ModuleTextWidth ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "PadSize %s\n", fmtBIUSize( bds.m_Pad_Master.GetSize() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "PadDrill %s\n", fmtBIU( bds.m_Pad_Master.GetDrillSize().x ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Pad2MaskClearance %s\n", fmtBIU( bds.m_SolderMaskMargin ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "SolderMaskMinWidth %s\n", fmtBIU( bds.m_SolderMaskMinWidth ).c_str() );
-    if( bds.m_SolderPasteMargin != 0 )
-        fprintf( m_fp, "Pad2PasteClearance %s\n", fmtBIU( bds.m_SolderPasteMargin ).c_str() );
-    if( bds.m_SolderPasteMarginRatio != 0 )
-        fprintf( m_fp, "Pad2PasteClearanceRatio %g\n", bds.m_SolderPasteMarginRatio );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "GridOrigin %s\n", fmtBIUPoint( aBoard->GetGridOrigin() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "AuxiliaryAxisOrg %s\n", fmtBIUPoint( aBoard->GetAuxOrigin() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "VisibleElements %X\n", bds.GetVisibleElements() );
-    {
-        aBoard->GetPlotOptions().Format( &sf, 0 );
-        wxString record = FROM_UTF8( sf.GetString().c_str() );
-        record.Replace( wxT("\n"), wxT(""), true );
-        record.Replace( wxT("  "), wxT(" "), true);
-        fprintf( m_fp, "PcbPlotParams %s\n", TO_UTF8( record ) );
-    }
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$EndSETUP\n\n" );
-void LEGACY_PLUGIN::saveBOARD_ITEMS( const BOARD* aBoard ) const
-    // save the nets
-    for( NETINFO_MAPPING::iterator net = m_mapping->begin(), netEnd = m_mapping->end();
-            net != netEnd; ++net )
-    {
-        saveNETINFO_ITEM( *net );
-    }
-    // Saved nets do not include netclass names, so save netclasses after nets.
-    saveNETCLASSES( &aBoard->GetDesignSettings().m_NetClasses );
-    // save the modules
-    for( MODULE* m = aBoard->m_Modules;  m;  m = (MODULE*) m->Next() )
-        saveMODULE( m );
-    // save the graphics owned by the board (not owned by a module)
-    for( BOARD_ITEM* gr = aBoard->m_Drawings;  gr;  gr = gr->Next() )
-    {
-        switch( gr->Type() )
-        {
-        case PCB_TEXT_T:
-            savePCB_TEXT( (TEXTE_PCB*) gr );
-            break;
-        case PCB_LINE_T:
-            savePCB_LINE( (DRAWSEGMENT*) gr );
-            break;
-        case PCB_TARGET_T:
-            savePCB_TARGET( (PCB_TARGET*) gr );
-            break;
-        case PCB_DIMENSION_T:
-            saveDIMENSION( (DIMENSION*) gr );
-            break;
-        default:
-            THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( UNKNOWN_GRAPHIC_FORMAT, gr->Type() ) );
-        }
-    }
-    // do not save MARKER_PCBs, they can be regenerated easily
-    // save the tracks & vias
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$TRACK\n" );
-    for( TRACK* track = aBoard->m_Track;  track; track = track->Next() )
-        saveTRACK( track );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$EndTRACK\n" );
-    // save the old obsolete zones which were done by segments (tracks)
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$ZONE\n" );
-    for( SEGZONE* zone = aBoard->m_Zone;  zone;  zone = zone->Next() )
-        saveTRACK( zone );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$EndZONE\n" );
-    // save the polygon (which are the newer technology) zones
-    for( int i=0;  i < aBoard->GetAreaCount();  ++i )
-        saveZONE_CONTAINER( aBoard->GetArea( i ) );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$EndBOARD\n" );
-void LEGACY_PLUGIN::saveNETINFO_ITEM( const NETINFO_ITEM* aNet ) const
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$EQUIPOT\n" );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Na %d %s\n", m_mapping->Translate( aNet->GetNet() ),
-                                 EscapedUTF8( aNet->GetNetname() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "St %s\n", "~" );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$EndEQUIPOT\n" );
-void LEGACY_PLUGIN::saveNETCLASSES( const NETCLASSES* aNetClasses ) const
-    // save the default first.
-    saveNETCLASS( aNetClasses->GetDefault() );
-    // the rest will be alphabetical in the *.brd file.
-    for( NETCLASSES::const_iterator it = aNetClasses->begin();  it != aNetClasses->end();  ++it )
-    {
-        NETCLASSPTR   netclass = it->second;
-        saveNETCLASS( netclass );
-    }
-void LEGACY_PLUGIN::saveNETCLASS( const NETCLASSPTR nc ) const
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$NCLASS\n" );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Name %s\n", EscapedUTF8( nc->GetName() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Desc %s\n", EscapedUTF8( nc->GetDescription() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Clearance %s\n",    fmtBIU( nc->GetClearance() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "TrackWidth %s\n",   fmtBIU( nc->GetTrackWidth() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "ViaDia %s\n",       fmtBIU( nc->GetViaDiameter() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "ViaDrill %s\n",     fmtBIU( nc->GetViaDrill() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "uViaDia %s\n",      fmtBIU( nc->GetuViaDiameter() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "uViaDrill %s\n",    fmtBIU( nc->GetuViaDrill() ).c_str() );
-    for( NETCLASS::const_iterator it = nc->begin();  it!=nc->end();  ++it )
-        fprintf( m_fp, "AddNet %s\n", EscapedUTF8( *it ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$EndNCLASS\n" );
-void LEGACY_PLUGIN::saveMODULE_TEXT( const TEXTE_MODULE* me ) const
-    MODULE* parent = (MODULE*) me->GetParent();
-    double  orient = me->GetOrientation();
-    // Due to the Pcbnew history, m_Orient is saved in screen value
-    // but it is handled as relative to its parent footprint
-    if( parent )
-        orient += parent->GetOrientation();
-    wxString txt = me->GetText();
-    fprintf( m_fp,  "T%d %s %s %s %s %c %c %d %c %s",
-                    me->GetType(),
-                    fmtBIUPoint( me->GetPos0() ).c_str(),   // m_Pos0.x, m_Pos0.y,
-                    // legacy has goofed reversed order: ( y, x )
-                    fmtBIUPair( me->GetSize().y, me->GetSize().x ).c_str(),
-                    fmtDEG( orient ).c_str(),
-                    fmtBIU( me->GetThickness() ).c_str(),   // m_Thickness,
-                    me->IsMirrored() ? 'M' : 'N',
-                    me->IsVisible() ? 'V' : 'I',
-                    me->GetLayer(),
-                    me->IsItalic() ? 'I' : 'N',
-                    EscapedUTF8( txt ).c_str()
-                    );
-    if( me->GetHorizJustify() != GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER ||
-        me->GetVertJustify()  != GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER )
-    {
-        fprintf( m_fp,  " %s %s\n",
-                        ShowHorizJustify( me->GetHorizJustify() ),
-                        ShowVertJustify( me->GetVertJustify() )
-                        );
-    }
-    else
-        fprintf( m_fp, "\n" );
-void LEGACY_PLUGIN::saveMODULE_EDGE( const EDGE_MODULE* me ) const
-    switch( me->GetShape() )
-    {
-    case S_SEGMENT:
-        fprintf( m_fp,  "DS %s %s %s %d\n",
-                        fmtBIUPoint( me->m_Start0 ).c_str(),
-                        fmtBIUPoint( me->m_End0 ).c_str(),
-                        fmtBIU( me->GetWidth() ).c_str(),
-                        me->GetLayer() );
-        break;
-    case S_CIRCLE:
-        fprintf( m_fp,  "DC %s %s %s %d\n",
-                        fmtBIUPoint( me->m_Start0 ).c_str(),
-                        fmtBIUPoint( me->m_End0 ).c_str(),
-                        fmtBIU( me->GetWidth() ).c_str(),
-                        me->GetLayer() );
-        break;
-    case S_ARC:
-        fprintf( m_fp,  "DA %s %s %s %s %d\n",
-                        fmtBIUPoint( me->m_Start0 ).c_str(),
-                        fmtBIUPoint( me->m_End0 ).c_str(),
-                        fmtDEG( me->GetAngle() ).c_str(),
-                        fmtBIU( me->GetWidth() ).c_str(),
-                        me->GetLayer() );
-        break;
-    case S_POLYGON:
-        {
-            const std::vector<wxPoint>& polyPoints = me->GetPolyPoints();
-            fprintf(    m_fp, "DP %s %s %d %s %d\n",
-                        fmtBIUPoint( me->m_Start0 ).c_str(),
-                        fmtBIUPoint( me->m_End0 ).c_str(),
-                        (int) polyPoints.size(),
-                        fmtBIU( me->GetWidth() ).c_str(),
-                        me->GetLayer() );
-            for( unsigned i = 0;  i<polyPoints.size();  ++i )
-                fprintf( m_fp, "Dl %s\n", fmtBIUPoint( polyPoints[i] ).c_str() );
-        }
-        break;
-    default:
-        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( UNKNOWN_GRAPHIC_FORMAT, me->GetShape() ) );
-    }
-void LEGACY_PLUGIN::savePAD( const D_PAD* me ) const
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$PAD\n" );
-    int cshape;
-    switch( me->GetShape() )
-    {
-    case PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE:    cshape = 'C';   break;
-    case PAD_SHAPE_RECT:      cshape = 'R';   break;
-    case PAD_SHAPE_OVAL:      cshape = 'O';   break;
-    case PAD_SHAPE_TRAPEZOID: cshape = 'T';   break;
-    default:
-        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( UNKNOWN_PAD_FORMAT, me->GetShape() ) );
-    }
-#if BOARD_FORMAT_VERSION == 1       // saving mode is a compile time option
-    wxString    wpadname = me->GetPadName();    // universal character set padname
-    std::string spadname;
-    for( unsigned i = 0; wpadname.size(); ++i )
-    {
-        // truncate from universal character down to 8 bit foreign jibber
-        // jabber byte.  This basically duplicates what was done in the old
-        // BOARD_FORMAT_VERSION 1 code.  Any characters that were in the 8 bit
-        // character space were OK.
-        spadname += (char) wpadname[i];
-    }
-    fprintf( m_fp,  "Sh \"%s\" %c %s %s %s\n",
-                    spadname.c_str(),  // probably ASCII, but possibly jibber jabber
-    fprintf( m_fp,  "Sh %s %c %s %s %s\n",
-                    // legacy VERSION 2 simply uses UTF8, wrapped in quotes,
-                    // and 99.99 % of the time there is no difference between 1 & 2,
-                    // since ASCII is a subset of UTF8.  But if they were not using
-                    // ASCII pad names, then there is a difference in the file.
-                    EscapedUTF8( me->GetPadName() ).c_str(),
-                    cshape,
-                    fmtBIUSize( me->GetSize() ).c_str(),
-                    fmtBIUSize( me->GetDelta() ).c_str(),
-                    fmtDEG( me->GetOrientation() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp,  "Dr %s %s",
-                    fmtBIU( me->GetDrillSize().x ).c_str(),
-                    fmtBIUPoint( me->GetOffset() ).c_str() );
-    if( me->GetDrillShape() == PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_OBLONG )
-    {
-        fprintf( m_fp, " %c %s", 'O', fmtBIUSize( me->GetDrillSize() ).c_str() );
-    }
-    fprintf( m_fp, "\n" );
-    const char* texttype;
-    switch( me->GetAttribute() )
-    {
-    case PAD_ATTRIB_STANDARD:          texttype = "STD";       break;
-    case PAD_ATTRIB_SMD:               texttype = "SMD";       break;
-    case PAD_ATTRIB_CONN:              texttype = "CONN";      break;
-    case PAD_ATTRIB_HOLE_NOT_PLATED:   texttype = "HOLE";      break;
-    default:
-        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( UNKNOWN_PAD_ATTRIBUTE, me->GetAttribute() ) );
-    }
-    fprintf( m_fp, "At %s N %08X\n", texttype, me->GetLayerSet() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Ne %d %s\n", m_mapping->Translate( me->GetNetCode() ),
-             EscapedUTF8( me->GetNetname() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Po %s\n", fmtBIUPoint( me->GetPos0() ).c_str() );
-    if( me->GetPadToDieLength() != 0 )
-        fprintf( m_fp, "Le %s\n", fmtBIU( me->GetPadToDieLength() ).c_str() );
-    if( me->GetLocalSolderMaskMargin() != 0 )
-        fprintf( m_fp, ".SolderMask %s\n", fmtBIU( me->GetLocalSolderMaskMargin() ).c_str() );
-    if( me->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() != 0 )
-        fprintf( m_fp, ".SolderPaste %s\n", fmtBIU( me->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() ).c_str() );
-    double ratio = me->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio();
-    if( ratio != 0.0 )
-        fprintf( m_fp, ".SolderPasteRatio %g\n", ratio );
-    if( me->GetLocalClearance() != 0 )
-        fprintf( m_fp, ".LocalClearance %s\n", fmtBIU( me->GetLocalClearance( ) ).c_str() );
-    if( me->GetZoneConnection() != PAD_ZONE_CONN_INHERITED )
-        fprintf( m_fp, ".ZoneConnection %d\n", me->GetZoneConnection() );
-    if( me->GetThermalWidth() != 0 )
-        fprintf( m_fp, ".ThermalWidth %s\n", fmtBIU( me->GetThermalWidth() ).c_str() );
-    if( me->GetThermalGap() != 0 )
-        fprintf( m_fp, ".ThermalGap %s\n", fmtBIU( me->GetThermalGap() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$EndPAD\n" );
-void LEGACY_PLUGIN::saveMODULE( const MODULE* me ) const
-    char        statusTxt[3];
-    double      orient = me->GetOrientation();
-    // Do not save full FPID.  Only the footprint name.  The legacy file format should
-    // never support FPIDs.
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$MODULE %s\n", me->GetFPID().GetFootprintName().c_str() );
-    statusTxt[0] = me->IsLocked() ? 'F' : '~';
-    statusTxt[1] = me->IsPlaced() ? 'P' : '~';
-    statusTxt[2] = '\0';
-    fprintf( m_fp,  "Po %s %s %d %08lX %08lX %s\n",
-                    fmtBIUPoint( me->GetPosition() ).c_str(),    // m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y,
-                    fmtDEG( orient ).c_str(),
-                    me->GetLayer(),
-                    me->GetLastEditTime(),
-                    me->GetTimeStamp(),
-                    statusTxt );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Li %s\n", me->GetFPID().GetFootprintName().c_str() );
-    if( !me->GetDescription().IsEmpty() )
-    {
-        fprintf( m_fp, "Cd %s\n", TO_UTF8( me->GetDescription() ) );
-    }
-    if( !me->GetKeywords().IsEmpty() )
-    {
-        fprintf( m_fp, "Kw %s\n", TO_UTF8( me->GetKeywords() ) );
-    }
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Sc %lX\n", me->GetTimeStamp() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "AR %s\n", TO_UTF8( me->GetPath() ) );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Op %X %X 0\n", me->GetPlacementCost90(), me->GetPlacementCost180() );
-    if( me->GetLocalSolderMaskMargin() != 0 )
-        fprintf( m_fp, ".SolderMask %s\n", fmtBIU( me->GetLocalSolderMaskMargin() ).c_str() );
-    if( me->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() != 0 )
-        fprintf( m_fp, ".SolderPaste %s\n", fmtBIU( me->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() ).c_str() );
-    double ratio = me->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio();
-    if( ratio != 0.0 )
-        fprintf( m_fp, ".SolderPasteRatio %g\n", ratio );
-    if( me->GetLocalClearance() != 0 )
-        fprintf( m_fp, ".LocalClearance %s\n", fmtBIU( me->GetLocalClearance( ) ).c_str() );
-    if( me->GetZoneConnection() != PAD_ZONE_CONN_INHERITED )
-        fprintf( m_fp, ".ZoneConnection %d\n", me->GetZoneConnection() );
-    if( me->GetThermalWidth() != 0 )
-        fprintf( m_fp, ".ThermalWidth %s\n", fmtBIU( me->GetThermalWidth() ).c_str() );
-    if( me->GetThermalGap() != 0 )
-        fprintf( m_fp, ".ThermalGap %s\n", fmtBIU( me->GetThermalGap() ).c_str() );
-    // attributes
-    if( me->GetAttributes() != MOD_DEFAULT )
-    {
-        fprintf( m_fp, "At" );
-        if( me->GetAttributes() & MOD_CMS )
-            fprintf( m_fp, " SMD" );
-        if( me->GetAttributes() & MOD_VIRTUAL )
-            fprintf( m_fp, " VIRTUAL" );
-        fprintf( m_fp, "\n" );
-    }
-    saveMODULE_TEXT( &me->Reference() );
-    saveMODULE_TEXT( &me->Value() );
-    // save drawing elements
-    for( BOARD_ITEM* gr = me->GraphicalItems();  gr;  gr = gr->Next() )
-    {
-        switch( gr->Type() )
-        {
-        case PCB_MODULE_TEXT_T:
-            saveMODULE_TEXT( static_cast<TEXTE_MODULE*>( gr ));
-            break;
-        case PCB_MODULE_EDGE_T:
-            saveMODULE_EDGE( static_cast<EDGE_MODULE*>( gr ));
-            break;
-        default:
-            THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( UNKNOWN_GRAPHIC_FORMAT, gr->Type() ) );
-        }
-    }
-    for( D_PAD* pad = me->Pads();  pad;  pad = pad->Next() )
-        savePAD( pad );
-    SaveModule3D( me );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$EndMODULE %s\n", me->GetFPID().GetFootprintName().c_str() );
-void LEGACY_PLUGIN::savePCB_TARGET( const PCB_TARGET* me ) const
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$PCB_TARGET\n" );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Po %X %d %s %s %s %lX\n",
-             me->GetShape(),
-             me->GetLayer(),
-             fmtBIUPoint( me->GetPosition() ).c_str(),
-             fmtBIU( me->GetSize() ).c_str(),
-             fmtBIU( me->GetWidth() ).c_str(),
-             me->GetTimeStamp()
-             );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$EndPCB_TARGET\n" );
-void LEGACY_PLUGIN::savePCB_LINE( const DRAWSEGMENT* me ) const
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$DRAWSEGMENT\n" );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Po %d %s %s %s\n",
-             me->GetShape(),
-             fmtBIUPoint( me->GetStart() ).c_str(),
-             fmtBIUPoint( me->GetEnd() ).c_str(),
-             fmtBIU( me->GetWidth() ).c_str()
-             );
-    if( me->GetType() != S_CURVE )
-    {
-        fprintf( m_fp, "De %d %d %s %lX %X\n",
-                 me->GetLayer(),
-                 me->GetType(),
-                 fmtDEG( me->GetAngle() ).c_str(),
-                 me->GetTimeStamp(),
-                 me->GetStatus()
-                 );
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        fprintf( m_fp, "De %d %d %s %lX %X %s %s\n",
-                 me->GetLayer(),
-                 me->GetType(),
-                 fmtDEG( me->GetAngle() ).c_str(),
-                 me->GetTimeStamp(),
-                 me->GetStatus(),
-                 fmtBIUPoint( me->GetBezControl1() ).c_str(),
-                 fmtBIUPoint( me->GetBezControl2() ).c_str()
-                 );
-    }
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$EndDRAWSEGMENT\n" );
-void LEGACY_PLUGIN::saveTRACK( const TRACK* me ) const
-    int type = 0;
-    if( me->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )
-    {
-        const VIA *via = static_cast<const VIA *>(me);
-        type = 1;
-        viatype = via->GetViaType();
-        drill = via->GetDrill();
-    }
-    fprintf(m_fp, "Po %d %s %s %s %s\n",
-            viatype,
-            fmtBIUPoint( me->GetStart() ).c_str(),
-            fmtBIUPoint( me->GetEnd() ).c_str(),
-            fmtBIU( me->GetWidth() ).c_str(),
-            drill == UNDEFINED_DRILL_DIAMETER ?
-                "-1" :  fmtBIU( drill ).c_str() );
-    fprintf(m_fp, "De %d %d %d %lX %X\n",
-            me->GetLayer(), type, m_mapping->Translate( me->GetNetCode() ),
-            me->GetTimeStamp(), me->GetStatus() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$CZONE_OUTLINE\n" );
-    // Save the outline main info
-    // For keepout zones, net code and net name are irrelevant, so we store a dummy value
-    // just for ZONE_CONTAINER compatibility
-    fprintf( m_fp,  "ZInfo %lX %d %s\n",
-                    me->GetTimeStamp(),
-                    me->GetIsKeepout() ? 0 : m_mapping->Translate( me->GetNetCode() ),
-                    EscapedUTF8( me->GetIsKeepout() ? wxT("") : me->GetNetname() ).c_str() );
-    // Save the outline layer info
-    fprintf( m_fp, "ZLayer %d\n", me->GetLayer() );
-    // Save the outline aux info
-    int outline_hatch;
-    switch( me->GetHatchStyle() )
-    {
-    default:
-    case CPolyLine::NO_HATCH:       outline_hatch = 'N';    break;
-    case CPolyLine::DIAGONAL_EDGE:  outline_hatch = 'E';    break;
-    case CPolyLine::DIAGONAL_FULL:  outline_hatch = 'F';    break;
-    }
-    fprintf( m_fp, "ZAux %d %c\n", me->GetNumCorners(), outline_hatch );
-    if( me->GetPriority() > 0 )
-        fprintf( m_fp, "ZPriority %d\n", me->GetPriority() );
-    // Save pad option and clearance
-    char padoption;
-    switch( me->GetPadConnection() )
-    {
-    default:
-    case PAD_ZONE_CONN_FULL:        padoption = 'I';  break;
-    case PAD_ZONE_CONN_THERMAL:     padoption = 'T';  break;
-    case PAD_ZONE_CONN_THT_THERMAL: padoption = 'H';  break; // H is for 'hole' since it reliefs holes only
-    case PAD_ZONE_CONN_NONE:        padoption = 'X';  break;
-    }
-    fprintf( m_fp,  "ZClearance %s %c\n",
-                    fmtBIU( me->GetZoneClearance() ).c_str(),
-                    padoption );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "ZMinThickness %s\n", fmtBIU( me->GetMinThickness() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp,  "ZOptions %d %d %c %s %s\n",
-                    me->GetFillMode(),
-                    me->GetArcSegmentCount(),
-                    me->IsFilled() ? 'S' : 'F',
-                    fmtBIU( me->GetThermalReliefGap() ).c_str(),
-                    fmtBIU( me->GetThermalReliefCopperBridge() ).c_str() );
-    if( me->GetIsKeepout() )
-    {
-        fprintf( m_fp,  "ZKeepout tracks %c vias %c copperpour %c\n",
-                        me->GetDoNotAllowTracks() ? 'N' : 'Y',
-                        me->GetDoNotAllowVias() ? 'N' : 'Y',
-                        me->GetDoNotAllowCopperPour() ? 'N' : 'Y' );
-    }
-    fprintf( m_fp,  "ZSmoothing %d %s\n",
-                    me->GetCornerSmoothingType(),
-                    fmtBIU( me->GetCornerRadius() ).c_str() );
-    // Save the corner list
-    const CPOLYGONS_LIST& cv = me->Outline()->m_CornersList;
-    for( unsigned it = 0; it < cv.GetCornersCount(); ++it )
-    {
-        fprintf( m_fp,  "ZCorner %s %d\n",
-                        fmtBIUPair( cv.GetX( it ), cv.GetY( it ) ).c_str(),
-                        cv.IsEndContour( it ) );
-    }
-    // Save the PolysList
-    const CPOLYGONS_LIST& fv = me->GetFilledPolysList();
-    if( fv.GetCornersCount() )
-    {
-        fprintf( m_fp, "$POLYSCORNERS\n" );
-        for( unsigned it = 0; it < fv.GetCornersCount(); ++it )
-        {
-            fprintf( m_fp, "%s %d %d\n",
-                           fmtBIUPair( fv.GetX( it ), fv.GetY( it ) ).c_str(),
-                           fv.IsEndContour( it ),
-                           fv.GetUtility( it )  );
-        }
-        fprintf( m_fp, "$endPOLYSCORNERS\n" );
-    }
-    typedef std::vector< SEGMENT > SEGMENTS;
-    // Save the filling segments list
-    const SEGMENTS& segs = me->FillSegments();
-    if( segs.size() )
-    {
-        fprintf( m_fp, "$FILLSEGMENTS\n" );
-        for( SEGMENTS::const_iterator it = segs.begin();  it != segs.end();  ++it )
-        {
-            fprintf( m_fp, "%s %s\n",
-                           fmtBIUPoint( it->m_Start ).c_str(),
-                           fmtBIUPoint( it->m_End ).c_str() );
-        }
-        fprintf( m_fp, "$endFILLSEGMENTS\n" );
-    }
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$endCZONE_OUTLINE\n" );
-void LEGACY_PLUGIN::saveDIMENSION( const DIMENSION* me ) const
-    // note: COTATION was the previous name of DIMENSION
-    // this old keyword is used here for compatibility
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$COTATION\n" );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Ge %d %d %lX\n", me->GetShape(), me->GetLayer(), me->GetTimeStamp() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "Va %s\n", fmtBIU( me->GetValue() ).c_str() );
-    if( !me->GetText().IsEmpty() )
-        fprintf( m_fp, "Te %s\n", EscapedUTF8( me->GetText() ).c_str() );
-    else
-        fprintf( m_fp, "Te \"?\"\n" );
-    fprintf( m_fp,  "Po %s %s %s %s %d\n",
-                    fmtBIUPoint( me->Text().GetTextPosition() ).c_str(),
-                    fmtBIUSize( me->Text().GetSize() ).c_str(),
-                    fmtBIU( me->Text().GetThickness() ).c_str(),
-                    fmtDEG( me->Text().GetOrientation() ).c_str(),
-                    me->Text().IsMirrored() ? 0 : 1     // strange but true
-                    );
-    fprintf( m_fp,  "Sb %d %s %s %s\n", S_SEGMENT,
-                    fmtBIUPair( me->m_crossBarO.x, me->m_crossBarO.y ).c_str(),
-                    fmtBIUPair( me->m_crossBarF.x, me->m_crossBarF.y ).c_str(),
-                    fmtBIU( me->GetWidth() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp,  "Sd %d %s %s %s\n", S_SEGMENT,
-                    fmtBIUPair( me->m_featureLineDO.x, me->m_featureLineDO.y ).c_str(),
-                    fmtBIUPair( me->m_featureLineDF.x, me->m_featureLineDF.y ).c_str(),
-                    fmtBIU( me->GetWidth() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp,  "Sg %d %s %s %s\n", S_SEGMENT,
-                    fmtBIUPair( me->m_featureLineGO.x, me->m_featureLineGO.y ).c_str(),
-                    fmtBIUPair( me->m_featureLineGF.x, me->m_featureLineGF.y ).c_str(),
-                    fmtBIU( me->GetWidth() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp,  "S1 %d %s %s %s\n", S_SEGMENT,
-                    fmtBIUPair( me->m_crossBarF.x, me->m_crossBarF.y ).c_str(),
-                    fmtBIUPair( me->m_arrowD1F.x, me->m_arrowD1F.y ).c_str(),
-                    fmtBIU( me->GetWidth() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp,  "S2 %d %s %s %s\n", S_SEGMENT,
-                    fmtBIUPair( me->m_crossBarF.x, me->m_crossBarF.y ).c_str(),
-                    fmtBIUPair( me->m_arrowD2F.x, me->m_arrowD2F.y ).c_str(),
-                    fmtBIU( me->GetWidth() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp,  "S3 %d %s %s %s\n", S_SEGMENT,
-                    fmtBIUPair( me->m_crossBarO.x, me->m_crossBarO.y ).c_str(),
-                    fmtBIUPair( me->m_arrowG1F.x, me->m_arrowG1F.y ).c_str(),
-                    fmtBIU( me->GetWidth() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp,  "S4 %d %s %s %s\n", S_SEGMENT,
-                    fmtBIUPair( me->m_crossBarO.x, me->m_crossBarO.y ).c_str(),
-                    fmtBIUPair( me->m_arrowG2F.x, me->m_arrowG2F.y ).c_str(),
-                    fmtBIU( me->GetWidth() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$endCOTATION\n" );
-void LEGACY_PLUGIN::savePCB_TEXT( const TEXTE_PCB* me ) const
-    if( me->GetText().IsEmpty() )
-        return;
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$TEXTPCB\n" );
-    wxArrayString* list = wxStringSplit( me->GetText(), '\n' );
-    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < list->Count(); ii++ )
-    {
-        wxString txt  = list->Item( ii );
-        if ( ii == 0 )
-            fprintf( m_fp, "Te %s\n", EscapedUTF8( txt ).c_str() );
-        else
-            fprintf( m_fp, "nl %s\n", EscapedUTF8( txt ).c_str() );
-    }
-    delete list;
-    fprintf( m_fp,  "Po %s %s %s %s\n",
-                    fmtBIUPoint( me->GetTextPosition() ).c_str(),
-                    fmtBIUSize( me->GetSize() ).c_str(),
-                    fmtBIU( me->GetThickness() ).c_str(),
-                    fmtDEG( me->GetOrientation() ).c_str() );
-    fprintf( m_fp,  "De %d %d %lX %s",
-                    me->GetLayer(),
-                    !me->IsMirrored(),
-                    me->GetTimeStamp(),
-                    me->IsItalic() ? "Italic" : "Normal" );
-    if( me->GetHorizJustify() != GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER ||
-        me->GetVertJustify()  != GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER )
-    {
-        fprintf( m_fp,  " %s %s\n",
-                        ShowHorizJustify( me->GetHorizJustify() ),
-                        ShowVertJustify( me->GetVertJustify() )
-                        );
-    }
-    else
-        fprintf( m_fp, "\n" );
-    fprintf( m_fp, "$EndTEXTPCB\n" );
-#endif  // NO LEGACY_PLUGIN::Save()
 //-----<FOOTPRINT LIBRARY FUNCTIONS>--------------------------------------------
@@ -4482,96 +3397,6 @@ void LP_CACHE::LoadModules( LINE_READER* aReader )
-#if 0
-void LP_CACHE::Save()
-    if( !m_writable )
-    {
-        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format(
-            _( "Legacy library file '%s' is read only" ), m_lib_path.GetData() ) );
-    }
-    wxString tempFileName;
-    // a block {} scope to fire wxFFile wxf()'s destructor
-    {
-        // CreateTempFileName works better with an absolute path
-        wxFileName abs_lib_name( m_lib_path );
-        abs_lib_name.MakeAbsolute();
-        tempFileName = wxFileName::CreateTempFileName( abs_lib_name.GetFullPath() );
-        //wxLogDebug( wxT( "tempFileName:'%s'  m_lib_path:'%s'\n" ), TO_UTF8( tempFileName ), TO_UTF8( m_lib_path ) );
-        FILE* fp = wxFopen( tempFileName, wxT( "w" ) );
-        if( !fp )
-        {
-            THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format(
-                _( "Unable to open or create legacy library file '%s'" ),
-                m_lib_path.GetData() ) );
-        }
-        // wxf now owns fp, will close on exception or exit from
-        // this block {} scope
-        wxFFile wxf( fp );
-        SaveHeader( fp );
-        SaveIndex( fp );
-        SaveModules( fp );
-        SaveEndOfFile( fp );
-    }
-    // fp is now closed here, and that seems proper before trying to rename
-    // the temporary file to m_lib_path.
-    wxRemove( m_lib_path );     // it is not an error if this does not exist
-    // Even on linux you can see an _intermittent_ error when calling wxRename(),
-    // and it is fully inexplicable.  See if this dodges the error.
-    wxMilliSleep( 250L );
-    if( !wxRenameFile( tempFileName, m_lib_path ) )
-    {
-        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format(
-            _( "Unable to rename tempfile '%s' to library file '%s'" ),
-            tempFileName.GetData(),
-            m_lib_path.GetData() ) );
-    }
-void LP_CACHE::SaveHeader( FILE* aFile )
-    fprintf( aFile, "%s  %s\n", FOOTPRINT_LIBRARY_HEADER, TO_UTF8( DateAndTime() ) );
-    fprintf( aFile, "# encoding utf-8\n" );
-    fprintf( aFile, "Units mm\n" );
-void LP_CACHE::SaveIndex( FILE* aFile )
-    fprintf( aFile, "$INDEX\n" );
-    for( MODULE_CITER it = m_modules.begin();  it != m_modules.end();  ++it )
-    {
-        fprintf( aFile, "%s\n", it->first.c_str() );
-    }
-    fprintf( aFile, "$EndINDEX\n" );
-void LP_CACHE::SaveModules( FILE* aFile )
-    m_owner->SetFilePtr( aFile );
-    for( MODULE_CITER it = m_modules.begin();  it != m_modules.end();  ++it )
-    {
-        m_owner->saveMODULE( it->second );
-    }
 void LEGACY_PLUGIN::cacheLib( const wxString& aLibraryPath )
     if( !m_cache || m_cache->m_lib_path != aLibraryPath ||
@@ -4635,104 +3460,6 @@ MODULE* LEGACY_PLUGIN::FootprintLoad( const wxString& aLibraryPath,
-#if 0   // omit FootprintSave()
-void LEGACY_PLUGIN::FootprintSave( const wxString& aLibraryPath,
-        const MODULE* aFootprint, const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
-    LOCALE_IO   toggle;     // toggles on, then off, the C locale.
-    init( aProperties );
-    cacheLib( aLibraryPath );
-    if( !m_cache->m_writable )
-    {
-        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "Library '%s' is read only" ), aLibraryPath.GetData() ) );
-    }
-    std::string footprintName = aFootprint->GetFPID().GetFootprintName();
-    MODULE_MAP&  mods = m_cache->m_modules;
-    // quietly overwrite any by same name.
-    MODULE_CITER it = mods.find( footprintName );
-    if( it != mods.end() )
-    {
-        mods.erase( footprintName );
-    }
-    // I need my own copy for the cache
-    MODULE* my_module = new MODULE( *aFootprint );
-    // and it's time stamp must be 0, it should have no parent, orientation should
-    // be zero, and it should be on the front layer.
-    my_module->SetTimeStamp( 0 );
-    my_module->SetParent( 0 );
-    my_module->SetOrientation( 0 );
-    if( my_module->GetLayer() != F_Cu )
-        my_module->Flip( my_module->GetPosition() );
-    mods.insert( footprintName, my_module );
-    m_cache->Save();
-void LEGACY_PLUGIN::FootprintDelete( const wxString& aLibraryPath,
-        const wxString& aFootprintName, const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
-    LOCALE_IO   toggle;     // toggles on, then off, the C locale.
-    init( NULL );
-    cacheLib( aLibraryPath );
-    if( !m_cache->m_writable )
-    {
-        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "Library '%s' is read only" ), aLibraryPath.GetData() ) );
-    }
-    std::string footprintName = TO_UTF8( aFootprintName );
-    size_t erasedCount = m_cache->m_modules.erase( footprintName );
-    if( erasedCount != 1 )
-    {
-        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format(
-            _( "library '%s' has no footprint '%s' to delete" ),
-            aLibraryPath.GetData(), aFootprintName.GetData() ) );
-    }
-    m_cache->Save();
-void LEGACY_PLUGIN::FootprintLibCreate( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
-    if( wxFileExists( aLibraryPath ) )
-    {
-        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format(
-            _( "library '%s' already exists, will not create a new" ),
-            aLibraryPath.GetData() ) );
-    }
-    LOCALE_IO   toggle;
-    init( NULL );
-    delete m_cache;
-    m_cache = new LP_CACHE( this, aLibraryPath );
-    m_cache->Save();
-    m_cache->Load();    // update m_writable and m_mod_time
-#endif  // omit FootprintSave()
 bool LEGACY_PLUGIN::FootprintLibDelete( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const PROPERTIES* aProperties )
     wxFileName fn = aLibraryPath;
diff --git a/pcbnew/legacy_plugin.h b/pcbnew/legacy_plugin.h
index 18e0519..2216438 100644
--- a/pcbnew/legacy_plugin.h
+++ b/pcbnew/legacy_plugin.h
@@ -79,16 +79,6 @@ public:
     BOARD* Load( const wxString& aFileName, BOARD* aAppendToMe, const PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL );
-    /* we let go of "save" support when the number of CU layers were expanded from 16 to 32.
-    void Save( const wxString& aFileName, BOARD* aBoard, const PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL );
-    void FootprintSave( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const MODULE* aFootprint,
-                                    const PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL );
-    void FootprintDelete( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const wxString& aFootprintName, const PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL );
-    void FootprintLibCreate( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL );
-    */
     wxArrayString FootprintEnumerate( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL);
     MODULE* FootprintLoad( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const wxString& aFootprintName,
@@ -125,7 +115,6 @@ protected:
     LINE_READER*    m_reader;       ///< no ownership here.
     FILE*           m_fp;           ///< no ownership here.
-    wxString        m_filename;     ///< for saves only, name is in m_reader for loads
     wxString        m_field;        ///< reused to stuff MODULE fields.
     int             m_loading_format_version;   ///< which BOARD_FORMAT_VERSION am I Load()ing?
@@ -222,76 +211,6 @@ protected:
     //-----</ load/parse functions>---------------------------------------------
-    //-----<save functions>-----------------------------------------------------
-#if 0
-    /**
-     * Function writeError
-     * returns an error message wxString containing the filename being
-     * currently written.
-     */
-    wxString writeError() const;
-    /// encapsulate the BIU formatting tricks in one place.
-    int biuSprintf( char* buf, BIU aValue ) const;
-    /**
-     * Function fmtBIU
-     * converts a BIU to engineering units by scaling and formatting to ASCII.
-     * This function is the complement of biuParse().  One has to know what the
-     * other is doing.
-     */
-    std::string fmtBIU( BIU aValue ) const;
-    std::string fmtBIUPair( BIU first, BIU second ) const;
-    std::string fmtBIUPoint( const wxPoint& aPoint ) const
-    {
-        return fmtBIUPair( aPoint.x, aPoint.y );
-    }
-    std::string fmtBIUSize( const wxSize& aSize ) const
-    {
-        return fmtBIUPair( aSize.x, aSize.y );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Function fmtDEG
-     * formats an angle in a way particular to a board file format.  This function
-     * is the opposite or complement of degParse().  One has to know what the
-     * other is doing.
-     */
-    std::string fmtDEG( double aAngle ) const;
-    void saveGENERAL( const BOARD* aBoard ) const;
-    void saveSHEET( const BOARD* aBoard ) const;
-    void saveSETUP( const BOARD* aBoard ) const;
-    void saveBOARD_ITEMS( const BOARD* aBoard ) const;
-    void saveMODULE_TEXT( const TEXTE_MODULE* aText ) const;
-    void saveMODULE_EDGE( const EDGE_MODULE* aGraphic ) const;
-    void savePAD( const D_PAD* aPad ) const;
-    void saveNETINFO_ITEM( const NETINFO_ITEM* aNet ) const;
-    void saveNETCLASSES( const NETCLASSES* aNetClasses ) const;
-    void saveNETCLASS( const boost::shared_ptr<NETCLASS> aNetclass ) const;
-    void savePCB_TEXT( const TEXTE_PCB* aText ) const;
-    void savePCB_TARGET( const PCB_TARGET* aTarget ) const;
-    void savePCB_LINE( const DRAWSEGMENT* aStroke ) const;
-    void saveDIMENSION( const DIMENSION* aDimension ) const;
-    void saveTRACK( const TRACK* aTrack ) const;
-    void saveBOARD( const BOARD* aBoard ) const;
-    /**
-     * Function saveZONE_CONTAINER
-     * saves the new polygon zones.
-     */
-    void saveZONE_CONTAINER( const ZONE_CONTAINER* aZone ) const;
-    //-----</save functions>----------------------------------------------------
     /// we only cache one footprint library for now, this determines which one.
     void cacheLib( const wxString& aLibraryPath );

Follow ups