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Re: Is there a way to design PCB's cooperatively with a 3D Cad program?


Hi Cem,

I'm the developer of kicad StepUp

as Mario Pointed out you can have a real 3D ECAD MCAD collaboration between kicad and a MCAD sw (open source can be FreeCAD, but SolidWorks can be fine too)
kicad StepUp tools have also a collision detect option, so you can check 
any enclosure constrains

Please have a look at the forum

and here you can find a lot of info and a lot of MCAD 3D libraries compatible with Kicad

and here some more tips

Please feel free to contact me if you may need further information

I would be glad to get a feedback on the use of my kicad StepUp MCAD exporter :)
PS kicad StepUp uses only open source tools like Kicad and FreeCAD, so 
everything is fine both for personal and business  purposes
keep in touch

On 12/02/2016 01.35, Mário Luzeiro wrote:
Hi Cerem

you may would like to have a look in the KiCad StepUp script (for FreeCad) developed by Maurice:


From: Kicad-developers [kicad-developers-bounces+mrluzeiro=ua.pt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] on behalf of Cerem Cem ASLAN [ceremcem@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 12 February 2016 00:23
To: KiCad Developers
Subject: [Kicad-developers] Is there a way to design PCB's cooperatively        with a 3D Cad program?


We are designing our prototypes first in a 3D design software, like Sketchup. This is mandatory since we have to know there is a conflict with our circuit (connectors, IC's, etc) and the physical environment.

We thought that if we have an option to import footprints' 3D models into SketchUp, we may use them while designing our products, like in the attachment. So we don't have to find them from web or draw them manually.

After we satisfy with the 3D design, we have to draw exactly same pcb as in the 3D design in PcbNew.

Is there a way to achieve these automatically?

1. Import 3D models of footprints from Kicad to Sketchup
2. Export edge cuts and these imported connectors' placements from Sketchup to PcbNew

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