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Merging 3d_initial_merge branch.


Hi, Cirilo.

We (Wayne and me) are willing to merge your 3d_initial_merge branch.

It looks good for now, and adds very good features.

Could you run cppcheck on you code (the 3d-viewer and others new folders)?
(see http://cppcheck.sourceforge.net)
cppcheck is fast, very easy to install and use (just run cppcheck on a given folder).

It is no as powerful as Coverity, but it is very helpful especially for a first basic analysis
before Coverity is run.

Especially, not initialized members and 3 errors (I am thinking related to "delete" versus
"delete[]") must be fixed (but some others could be fixed).
not initialized members create a lot of warning with Coverity, and are potential issues, so I am
thinking initializing them is good, even when it is not really needed.

Also there are some not used variables detected by the compiler.

Thanks for your work.

Jean-Pierre CHARRAS

Follow ups
