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Re: Possibly broken RS274X import?


Le 08/08/2016 à 18:16, Chris Pavlina a écrit :
> This morning I noticed a compiler warning complaining about this line:
> rs274x.cpp:179:                value += digit && 0xFF;
> I'm pretty sure that's supposed to say "digit & 0xFF", not "digit &&
> 0xFF". Thing is, I don't want to just silently change it myself, because
> from what I can see things should have been Very Broken Indeed and yet
> nobody has complained, so I'm curious what duct tape may be holding this
> together...
> Perhaps someone who knows the Gerber code could make sure I'm right and
> fix it.

This is a bug.
Yes, should be "digit & 0xFF". Please, fix it.

Jean-Pierre CHARRAS
