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Re: eeschema I/O plugin


> On Nov 7, 2016, at 8:17 AM, Wayne Stambaugh <stambaughw@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 11/2/2016 9:25 PM, Ian Roth wrote:
>> I am working on an I/O plugin for eeschema and I would like to save
>> wires in order of netlist, for example:
>> netlist1
>>  -wire1
>>  -wire2
>> netlist2
>>  -wire3
>>  -wire4
> What is your reasoning for doing this?  I could be wrong but I don't
> think this would be a good idea for users who use a VCS to track their
> designs.  When the netlist gets rebuilt, there is no guarantee that the
> wires assigned to a net will not get reordered by netlist generator.
> This would create a large delta when saving the schematic.  To make this
> VCS friendly, you would have to ensure consistent net naming when
> generating the netlist which could be pretty complicated.

Speaking as a user who uses a VCS to track designs: I never keep netlists in the repository. The netlist is emphemeral.

Also (and I realize that this is anal), I give every net in the design a name, which means that the netlister doesn’t create one which might change.


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