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Re: Torrents for KiCad distribution


https helps but isn't full proof. I have to deal with a stupid Cisco
system called "ScanSafe" that companies use to MITM SSL connections,
causing some of my users to generate tons of client error logs from
the garbage that stuff injects into my web application pages. It goes
as far to rewrite the CSP headers my server generates but they do it
wrong so the browser still generates a CSP violation report for me.
There's also those antivirus aka scareware programs that now MITM
user's SSL connections en masse while being utter security hole filled
garbage. And now the Cloudflare SSL leak that is also lol.

One problem with torrents is for people on networks where they are
either blocked or throttled to death (a problem for American
university students at the very least). But that's why if you offer
downloads you don't want to be just torrent only.

Follow ups
