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Re: KiCad Libraries (again)



Am 15.09.2017 um 00:27 schrieb Oliver Walters:
    A minor nitpick from personal preference: An always visible table of
    contents for easy jumping between pages and/or breadcrumb navigation
    would be great.

Can you provide an example of what you mean?
From the screenshots, I derive the following basic website structure 
(caution: ASCII art)

KiCad Libraries
+- Contribute
+- KLC front matter
!  !
!  +- KLC requirements - General
!  !
!  +- KLC requirements - Symbols
!  !
!  +- ...
+- Libraries information page
   +- Symbol libraries
   +- Footprint libraries
   +- ...

I'll take the last two of your screenshots as an example:

Following the link for "Symbols" on the "Library information page" takes you down one level to the "Symbol libraries".
On that page there's no reference how I got there and no navigation aid. 
To get back one level to the "Library information page" you'd have to 
use the "Back" function of your browser. Or you could follow the 
"Library" link in the upper right corner.
ATM this is no big deal, but if the content should some day be expanded 
to library/symbol previews, etc., this will propably add a third layer 
of content below the "Symbol libraries".
The KiCad website already has breadcrumb navigation (the grey horizontal 
bar below the header images) at and a TOC on the right side as 
navigation aids (except on the "Blog" subsection).
This makes arbitrary jumps between subcontent much easier than going 
back and following another link.


