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Re: pcbnew Append Board functionality not always available


On 11/11/2017 03:28 AM, jp charras wrote:
> Le 11/11/2017 à 03:01, David Godfrey a écrit :
>> Hi Wayne,
>> Replying to this particular response as your email didn't arrive on the list for me, Simon's did though.
>> I completely understand about not wanting to rush into enabling it, I just wanted to raise it to the
>> surface of the teams attention again as it's probably the 3rd or 4th time it's come up recently that
>> I've seen and I don't see everything ;-)
>> Regards
>> David Godfrey
> AFAIK, the reason this option is enabled only in stand alone mode is the fact when Pcbnew is run
> from a project, there is a close link between Eeschema, Cvpcb and Pcbnew.
> For instance:
> - Cross probing
> - Export/import a netlist from Eeschema to Pcbnew
> - And obviously, the board is expected to be closely related to the schematic
> Once a board is append to the current board, this link has no meaning, and even break the new board.
> In stand alone mode you do not have this link.

I forgot about the cross-probing issue.  We could enable the append
board feature and add a warning with the obligatory "Never show this
message again" checkbox saying that appending a board when pcbnew is in
the project mode may break your boards and if it does you get to keep
both pieces.
