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Message #31650
Re: [PATCH] LIB_TABLE tweaks
Hi there,
yep I tried that but it does not really work. I have the 'sym-lib-table'
file from a previous git submit, I delete it but Remap does not really
The problem seems to be that the Remap option does not seem to be able to
find even the standard li componentes and therefore the lib field below
does not get populated with the appropriate libirary name.
[image: Inline image 1]
Can somebody suggest the steps to recover a schematic like this?
On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 12:27 PM, Michael Geselbracht <
mgeselbracht3@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> is there a file 'sym-lib-table' in your project directory? I had the same
> problem when I tried to remap the symbols for some projects. I restored the
> project (I am using git), deleted the file sym-lib-table and then the
> remapping worked.
> - Michael
> On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 11:20 AM, Fabrizio Tappero <
> fabrizio.tappero@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> hi Guys,
>> I can confirm that the recent lib table commits have made my working
>> version of kicad totally unable to open recent schematics
>> [image: Inline image 1]
>> [image: Inline image 3]
>> all components seem visible and usable (if a new schematic is created)
>> but kicad is unable to load ALL symbols
>> from a schematic that was done one month ago.
>> [image: Inline image 2]
>> I do not know how to fix this.... any idea?
>> cheers
>> Fabrizio
>> On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 11:00 AM, Fabrizio Tappero <
>> fabrizio.tappero@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hi Guys,
>>> hum... my version of kicad is a nightly buid that I heavily use at work
>>> and that keep update every now and then. Probably all this started a two
>>> years ago or so.
>>> I have deleted the lib table and let kicad propose the new one so now
>>> all is fine.
>>> The only problem I experienced is that the "RESCUE" rename action has
>>> screwed up all my schematics. Thank god git was made.
>>> I noticed some lib issues with the cache lib file that trigger a rescue
>>> menu too. I am sorry I cant really ping point the problem. I just wanted to
>>> get this email out there for future reference. I realise however that I am
>>> not really providing good info
>>> cheers
>>> Fabrizio
>>> On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 10:42 PM, Oliver Walters <
>>> oliver.henry.walters@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 1:42 AM, Wayne Stambaugh <stambaughw@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Gentlemen,
>>>>> I'm not sure about breaking the library table file format for the
>>>>> version 5 release. If we do, the footprint library table will not be
>>>>> compatible with older versions. I would prefer that we push this
>>>>> change
>>>>> into version 6.
>>>> I'm not sure I understand why it would be ok to break it in v6 but not
>>>> v5? We are already introducing the sym-lib-table. If we waited until v6 to
>>>> make this change, then we would break *both* tables (instead of just one).
>>>>> I'm OK with the progress dialog. If you split that out as separate
>>>>> patch, I will merge it.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Wayne
>>>>> On 11/15/2017 9:38 AM, Tomasz Wlostowski wrote:
>>>>> > On 15/11/17 15:30, Maciej Suminski wrote:
>>>>> >> Hi Oliver,
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Thank you for restoring the progress bar dialog. While the library
>>>>> load
>>>>> >> time has recently decreased a lot, the UI freeze still happens with
>>>>> long
>>>>> >> library lists.
>>>>> >> Disclaimer: I have not looked at the code yet, I am just praising
>>>>> the idea.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> As you are looking on the Symbol Library Table dialog, I suppose you
>>>>> >> might be also tempted to add a file browser to add new libraries. If
>>>>> >> that is the case, please refrain from doing so - it is done in the
>>>>> >> library editor refactor branch. If you had no such intention, then
>>>>> >> simply ignore this message.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Hi Olivier & Orson,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I partially implemented the simplified dialog I proposed on the dev
>>>>> list
>>>>> > a few days ago. Would anyone be interested in helping me finish it?
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Tom
>>>>> >
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Cheers,
>>>>> >> Orson
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> On 15/11/2017 12:41 PM, Oliver Walters wrote:
>>>>> >>> Wayne, et al,
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> I am really liking the way that the new symbol table works! Thanks
>>>>> for
>>>>> >>> the huge effort that has gone into this.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> One thing that I have noticed is that when opening (for e.g.) the
>>>>> >>> component chooser, the UI hangs while all the libraries load.
>>>>> Previously
>>>>> >>> there was a progress dialog which at least informed the user what
>>>>> was
>>>>> >>> going on.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> I have re-implemented this dialog in the attached patch set.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Further, I have also implemented a way to individually enable /
>>>>> disable
>>>>> >>> each row in the library tables (this works for SYMBOL_LIB and
>>>>> FP_LIB).
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> This is based on the idea by Tomasz. Example screenshot below:
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Inline image 1
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> I have tweaked the base LIB_TABLE_GRID code such that disabled
>>>>> entries
>>>>> >>> are greyed out and made italic. The enabled / disabled status is
>>>>> >>> persistent in the sym/fp_lib_table files. Older version of
>>>>> xxx_lib_table
>>>>> >>> files are read with all rows enabled by default.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Please find patch set attached.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>> Regards,
>>>>> >>> Oliver
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
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