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Message #31651
Fwd: [PATCH] LIB_TABLE tweaks
Yes, it was the same for me, 'C', 'R', ... could not be found by the
remapping tool. But only if there was a local sym-lib-table. I could assign
the symbols manually though, there were all there.
But I just noticed that you have a path with a trailing '/' for
'KICAD_SYMBOL_DIR'. I think that is the problem in your case.
- Michael
On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 12:42 PM, Fabrizio Tappero <
fabrizio.tappero@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi there,
> yep I tried that but it does not really work. I have the 'sym-lib-table'
> file from a previous git submit, I delete it but Remap does not really
> Remap.
> The problem seems to be that the Remap option does not seem to be able to
> find even the standard li componentes and therefore the lib field below
> does not get populated with the appropriate libirary name.
> [image: Inline image 1]
> Can somebody suggest the steps to recover a schematic like this?
> cheers
> Fabrizio
> On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 12:27 PM, Michael Geselbracht <
> mgeselbracht3@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> is there a file 'sym-lib-table' in your project directory? I had the same
>> problem when I tried to remap the symbols for some projects. I restored the
>> project (I am using git), deleted the file sym-lib-table and then the
>> remapping worked.
>> - Michael
>> On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 11:20 AM, Fabrizio Tappero <
>> fabrizio.tappero@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> hi Guys,
>>> I can confirm that the recent lib table commits have made my working
>>> version of kicad totally unable to open recent schematics
>>> [image: Inline image 1]
>>> [image: Inline image 3]
>>> all components seem visible and usable (if a new schematic is created)
>>> but kicad is unable to load ALL symbols
>>> from a schematic that was done one month ago.
>>> [image: Inline image 2]
>>> I do not know how to fix this.... any idea?
>>> cheers
>>> Fabrizio
>>> On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 11:00 AM, Fabrizio Tappero <
>>> fabrizio.tappero@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Hi Guys,
>>>> hum... my version of kicad is a nightly buid that I heavily use at work
>>>> and that keep update every now and then. Probably all this started a two
>>>> years ago or so.
>>>> I have deleted the lib table and let kicad propose the new one so now
>>>> all is fine.
>>>> The only problem I experienced is that the "RESCUE" rename action has
>>>> screwed up all my schematics. Thank god git was made.
>>>> I noticed some lib issues with the cache lib file that trigger a rescue
>>>> menu too. I am sorry I cant really ping point the problem. I just wanted to
>>>> get this email out there for future reference. I realise however that I am
>>>> not really providing good info
>>>> cheers
>>>> Fabrizio
>>>> On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 10:42 PM, Oliver Walters <
>>>> oliver.henry.walters@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 1:42 AM, Wayne Stambaugh <stambaughw@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> Gentlemen,
>>>>>> I'm not sure about breaking the library table file format for the
>>>>>> version 5 release. If we do, the footprint library table will not be
>>>>>> compatible with older versions. I would prefer that we push this
>>>>>> change
>>>>>> into version 6.
>>>>> I'm not sure I understand why it would be ok to break it in v6 but not
>>>>> v5? We are already introducing the sym-lib-table. If we waited until v6 to
>>>>> make this change, then we would break *both* tables (instead of just one).
>>>>>> I'm OK with the progress dialog. If you split that out as separate
>>>>>> patch, I will merge it.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Wayne
>>>>>> On 11/15/2017 9:38 AM, Tomasz Wlostowski wrote:
>>>>>> > On 15/11/17 15:30, Maciej Suminski wrote:
>>>>>> >> Hi Oliver,
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> Thank you for restoring the progress bar dialog. While the library
>>>>>> load
>>>>>> >> time has recently decreased a lot, the UI freeze still happens
>>>>>> with long
>>>>>> >> library lists.
>>>>>> >> Disclaimer: I have not looked at the code yet, I am just praising
>>>>>> the idea.
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> As you are looking on the Symbol Library Table dialog, I suppose
>>>>>> you
>>>>>> >> might be also tempted to add a file browser to add new libraries.
>>>>>> If
>>>>>> >> that is the case, please refrain from doing so - it is done in the
>>>>>> >> library editor refactor branch. If you had no such intention, then
>>>>>> >> simply ignore this message.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Hi Olivier & Orson,
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I partially implemented the simplified dialog I proposed on the dev
>>>>>> list
>>>>>> > a few days ago. Would anyone be interested in helping me finish it?
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Tom
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> Cheers,
>>>>>> >> Orson
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> On 15/11/2017 12:41 PM, Oliver Walters wrote:
>>>>>> >>> Wayne, et al,
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> I am really liking the way that the new symbol table works!
>>>>>> Thanks for
>>>>>> >>> the huge effort that has gone into this.
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> One thing that I have noticed is that when opening (for e.g.) the
>>>>>> >>> component chooser, the UI hangs while all the libraries load.
>>>>>> Previously
>>>>>> >>> there was a progress dialog which at least informed the user what
>>>>>> was
>>>>>> >>> going on.
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> I have re-implemented this dialog in the attached patch set.
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> Further, I have also implemented a way to individually enable /
>>>>>> disable
>>>>>> >>> each row in the library tables (this works for SYMBOL_LIB and
>>>>>> FP_LIB).
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> This is based on the idea by Tomasz. Example screenshot below:
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> Inline image 1
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> I have tweaked the base LIB_TABLE_GRID code such that disabled
>>>>>> entries
>>>>>> >>> are greyed out and made italic. The enabled / disabled status is
>>>>>> >>> persistent in the sym/fp_lib_table files. Older version of
>>>>>> xxx_lib_table
>>>>>> >>> files are read with all rows enabled by default.
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> Please find patch set attached.
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>> Regards,
>>>>>> >>> Oliver
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>>
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