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Re: Getting kicad to work with wxPython Phoenix


On 23/11/17 16:17, miles mccoo wrote:
> PS - AFAIK, the patch that triggered mention of dumping python due to
> wxPython still hasn't been denied or merged. :-)
> https://lists.launchpad.net/kicad-developers/msg31700.html
Hi Miles,

I just committed your patch. Thanks for your contribution to Kicad.

Now, if you want to improve Kicad scripting support (and I guess you do
;-), there's a bunch of tasks to do right away:

- glue between wxPoint and VECTOR2I and swigging out SHAPE_POLY_SET, SEG
and VECTOR2<> classes (see
https://bugs.launchpad.net/kicad/+bug/1728611). In the longer term, we
plan to use
VECTOR2Is in non-GUI related code, but until the legacy canvas is
factored out we must live with both types mixed.

- expose GAL SELECTION/SELECTION_TOOL through a simple python interface,

pcbnew.SelectItems( [ item/list of items ] )
pcbnew.UnselectItems( [ item/list of items ] )

- expose COMMIT/BOARD_COMMIT classes to enable undo & view updates (as
requested by other Python devs on the Kicad Forum):

# modification of a via diameter and adding a track. "via" comes from
the existing BOARD object, track is a new item created by the script
commit = pcbnew.COMMIT()
# inform PCBnew that we're going to modify the via object
track = TRACK()
# add a new item (track) to the commit
# push the commit - this will update the board view, connectivity
(ratsnest), commit changes to the BOARD object and create an entry in
the undo buffer
commit.Push("Change a via and add a new track")

- add simple calls to enable/disable visible layers/items

