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Patch for Libedit component tree


The Libedit component tree currently shows modified symbols in bold, and the symbol-on-edit-canvas in the highlight colour.  Unfortunately, this has a couple of issues:

1) The standard way to show modified is with an asterisk
2) The highlight colour on OSX (and perhaps other platforms) isn’t meant to be used as a foreground colour, and is nearly invisible when used for text

I tried to change the symbol-on-edit-canvas flag to the standard inactive list highlight, but wxWidgets conspires against us and doesn’t allow that when the list is active.

I also tried using a pointing finger icon, bit it wastes a lot of screen real-estate as the list allocates room for the icon in all items.

And I tried appending the text with “  —>”, which works quite well but looks like something from the 1980’s.

So I went with the Eclipse, JetBrains, QT Creator paradigm of not showing the symbol-on-edit-canvas when you’re working in the tree window, but then updating the tree window selection to the symbol-on-edit-canvas whenever you do anything in the edit canvas.  This works quite well.

The patch also adds an asterisk to modified items.

It’s been languishing a bit in the patches-available list, so I thought I’d give it a bit more explanation.


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