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Re: [RFC] Dynamic text in schematic and board.


Le 12/03/2018 à 01:03, Jon Evans a écrit :
> I think there are perhaps two different features here:
> 1) an easy way to create a text item that displays an object property (in schematic or layout).  In
> the eventual properties editor, I'm imagining some kind of "show/hide" checkbox that when checked
> creates the text.
> 2) a text substitution system a la Altium Designer, that lets you reference various properties in
> the value of a text field (so escaped macros, not a dropdown).  This one seems less critical if #1
> is implemented, but it still lets you do some cool stuff.
> For #1, here's a screenshot of the Altium component properties dialog:
> http://wiki.altium.com/download/attachments/3080263/Component+Properties+Dialog.png
> (I'm not saying we should necessarily clone Altium, but it's an easy way to refer to this feature)
> You can see in the upper right there is a grid of parameters, which can come in from the library and
> can also be added / edited by the user.
> For each of them, there is a "visible" checkbox on the left, and if you check it, that parameter
> value will show up on the schematic (and it works in a similar way for layout)

These parameters look to me like very similar to our symbol fields.
Apart the dialog, what is different?

> Here's another example, from Mentor Graphics PADS:
> https://mgc-images.imgix.net/pads_com/pads-c0d37eb2-36c2-44d8-b394-a7fd07861718.png
> The item properties are accessed through a dockable window that in this screenshot is on the right side.
> The properties are a key/value system, and you can see that there are checkboxes for both the keys
> and the values.
> If you have a property named "TOLERANCE" with value "10%", you can check the value box and get a
> label saying "10%",
> or check both boxes to get a label saying "TOLERANCE=10%"
> -Jon
> On Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 7:50 PM, Russell Oliver <roliver8143@xxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:roliver8143@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>     Jon, 
>     Any thoughts on how you envisage this working? Text substitution through using escaped macros or
>     a direct reference that can be picked via say a dropdown box in the dialog? 
>     On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 5:34 AM Jon Evans <jon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:jon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>         Display net name of pad automatically:  You can use this to auto-label test points with the
>         net name they are connected to, for example
>         Other places where text substitution is useful to me:
>         - Set project-level properties, like schematic title, part number, revision, etc.  Have it
>         automatically show up on every sheet title block and stay in sync on the board silkscreen layer.
>         - Add lots of properties to parts (i.e. resistors get voltage, tolerance, tempco, etc) and
>         automatically show these as labels on the schematic next to refdes and value
>         -Jon
>         On Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 11:56 AM, Nick Østergaard <oe.nick@xxxxxxxxx
>         <mailto:oe.nick@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>             Den 8. mar. 2018 22.39 skrev "Russell Oliver" <roliver8143@xxxxxxxxx
>             <mailto:roliver8143@xxxxxxxxx>>:
>                 As a follow up to the road map discussion I saw a forum post asking if it was
>                 possible to display the net name of a pad on the silkscreen or other layers much
>                 like the value or reference fields. 
>             Why is this useful? Could you explain the exact use case?
>                 While a simple implementation would be to create a text item directly linked to each
>                 pad that could be enabled, and shows the link to the relevant pad,  I think a more
>                 generic approach would be great to have.
>                 I propose that either or both of these options for version 7. 
>                 a) standalone text items are processed as a template.  A domain specific language
>                 would be designed to allow for references to items as direct text substitutions. The
>                 implementation, scope and style of this DSL will need to be workshopped and would
>                 like your comments on. 
>                 b) linked text (annotations) showing a graphical link (like the blue line of values
>                 and reference ) A text item is created as a link to another item, for which the text
>                 is derived from a list of properties of that item. This would include such things as
>                 values, references, custom symbol and footprint fields, sizes, positions, net names,
>                 net codes. 
>                 I'm almost certain this would require the updated Schematic object in eeschema, but
>                 might already be achievable in pcbnew given its current architecture, but that's
>                 more of a guess than anything.
>                 Any thoughts, guidance or critiques would be appreciated. 
>                 Kind Regards 
>                 Russell 

Jean-Pierre CHARRAS

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