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[PATCH 5/5] Revert "Switched coroutine library from Boost libcotext to custom libcontext."


This reverts commit eedf7cb243cf15ab0e7e0da4ae5331473f3df4c5.
 CMakeLists.txt               |   7 +-
 common/CMakeLists.txt        |   2 -
 common/system/libcontext.cpp | 712 -------------------------------------------
 include/system/libcontext.h  |  95 ------
 include/tool/coroutine.h     | 127 +++++++-
 5 files changed, 125 insertions(+), 818 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 common/system/libcontext.cpp
 delete mode 100644 include/system/libcontext.h

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index fbc438c78..ca75b7362 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -611,8 +611,11 @@ find_package( Cairo 1.8.8 REQUIRED )
 find_package( Pixman 0.30 REQUIRED )
-# Find Boost headers, required.
-find_package( Boost 1.54.0 REQUIRED )
+# Find Boost library, required.
+# Note: Prior to Boost 1.59, the Boost context library is not built when compiling on windows
+#       with GCC.  You must patch the Boost sources.
+find_package( Boost 1.54.0 REQUIRED COMPONENTS context system )
 # Include MinGW resource compiler.
 include( MinGWResourceCompiler )
diff --git a/common/CMakeLists.txt b/common/CMakeLists.txt
index 34aefa774..c178cc93b 100644
--- a/common/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/common/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -334,8 +334,6 @@ endif()
-    system/libcontext.cpp
diff --git a/common/system/libcontext.cpp b/common/system/libcontext.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f1285370..000000000
--- a/common/system/libcontext.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,712 +0,0 @@
-    auto-generated file, do not modify!
-    libcontext - a slightly more portable version of boost::context
-    Copyright Martin Husemann 2013.
-    Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2009.
-    Copyright Sergue E. Leontiev 2013
-    Copyright Thomas Sailer 2013.
-    Minor modifications by Tomasz Wlostowski 2016.
- Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-      (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-            http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-#include <system/libcontext.h>
-#if defined(LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_windows_i386) && defined(LIBCONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc)
-__asm (
-".p2align 4,,15\n"
-".globl	_jump_fcontext\n"
-".def	_jump_fcontext;	.scl	2;	.type	32;	.endef\n"
-"    mov    0x10(%esp),%ecx\n"
-"    push   %ebp\n"
-"    push   %ebx\n"
-"    push   %esi\n"
-"    push   %edi\n"
-"    mov    %fs:0x18,%edx\n"
-"    mov    (%edx),%eax\n"
-"    push   %eax\n"
-"    mov    0x4(%edx),%eax\n"
-"    push   %eax\n"
-"    mov    0x8(%edx),%eax\n"
-"    push   %eax\n"
-"    mov    0xe0c(%edx),%eax\n"
-"    push   %eax\n"
-"    mov    0x10(%edx),%eax\n"
-"    push   %eax\n"
-"    lea    -0x8(%esp),%esp\n"
-"    test   %ecx,%ecx\n"
-"    je     nxt1\n"
-"    stmxcsr (%esp)\n"
-"    fnstcw 0x4(%esp)\n"
-"    mov    0x30(%esp),%eax\n"
-"    mov    %esp,(%eax)\n"
-"    mov    0x34(%esp),%edx\n"
-"    mov    0x38(%esp),%eax\n"
-"    mov    %edx,%esp\n"
-"    test   %ecx,%ecx\n"
-"    je     nxt2\n"
-"    ldmxcsr (%esp)\n"
-"    fldcw  0x4(%esp)\n"
-"    lea    0x8(%esp),%esp\n"
-"    mov    %fs:0x18,%edx\n"
-"    pop    %ecx\n"
-"    mov    %ecx,0x10(%edx)\n"
-"    pop    %ecx\n"
-"    mov    %ecx,0xe0c(%edx)\n"
-"    pop    %ecx\n"
-"    mov    %ecx,0x8(%edx)\n"
-"    pop    %ecx\n"
-"    mov    %ecx,0x4(%edx)\n"
-"    pop    %ecx\n"
-"    mov    %ecx,(%edx)\n"
-"    pop    %edi\n"
-"    pop    %esi\n"
-"    pop    %ebx\n"
-"    pop    %ebp\n"
-"    pop    %edx\n"
-"    mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)\n"
-"    jmp    *%edx\n"
-#if defined(LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_windows_i386) && defined(LIBCONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc)
-__asm (
-".p2align 4,,15\n"
-".globl	_make_fcontext\n"
-".def	_make_fcontext;	.scl	2;	.type	32;	.endef\n"
-"mov    0x4(%esp),%eax\n"
-"lea    -0x8(%eax),%eax\n"
-"and    $0xfffffff0,%eax\n"
-"lea    -0x3c(%eax),%eax\n"
-"mov    0x4(%esp),%ecx\n"
-"mov    %ecx,0x14(%eax)\n"
-"mov    0x8(%esp),%edx\n"
-"neg    %edx\n"
-"lea    (%ecx,%edx,1),%ecx\n"
-"mov    %ecx,0x10(%eax)\n"
-"mov    %ecx,0xc(%eax)\n"
-"mov    0xc(%esp),%ecx\n"
-"mov    %ecx,0x2c(%eax)\n"
-"stmxcsr (%eax)\n"
-"fnstcw 0x4(%eax)\n"
-"mov    $finish,%ecx\n"
-"mov    %ecx,0x30(%eax)\n"
-"mov    %fs:0x0,%ecx\n"
-"mov    (%ecx),%edx\n"
-"inc    %edx\n"
-"je     found\n"
-"dec    %edx\n"
-"xchg   %edx,%ecx\n"
-"jmp    walk\n"
-"mov    0x4(%ecx),%ecx\n"
-"mov    %ecx,0x3c(%eax)\n"
-"mov    $0xffffffff,%ecx\n"
-"mov    %ecx,0x38(%eax)\n"
-"lea    0x38(%eax),%ecx\n"
-"mov    %ecx,0x18(%eax)\n"
-"xor    %eax,%eax\n"
-"mov    %eax,(%esp)\n"
-"call   _exit\n"
-".def	__exit;	.scl	2;	.type	32;	.endef  \n"
-#if defined(LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_windows_x86_64) && defined(LIBCONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc)
-__asm (
-".p2align 4,,15\n"
-".globl	jump_fcontext\n"
-".def	jump_fcontext;	.scl	2;	.type	32;	.endef\n"
-".seh_proc	jump_fcontext\n"
-"	push   %rbp\n"
-"	push   %rbx\n"
-"	push   %rsi\n"
-"	push   %rdi\n"
-"	push   %r15\n"
-"	push   %r14\n"
-"	push   %r13\n"
-"	push   %r12\n"
-"	mov    %gs:0x30,%r10\n"
-"	mov    0x8(%r10),%rax\n"
-"	push   %rax\n"
-"	mov    0x10(%r10),%rax\n"
-"	push   %rax\n"
-"	mov    0x1478(%r10),%rax\n"
-"	push   %rax\n"
-"	mov    0x18(%r10),%rax\n"
-"	push   %rax\n"
-"	lea    -0xa8(%rsp),%rsp\n"
-"	test   %r9,%r9\n"
-"	je     nxt1\n"
-"	stmxcsr 0xa0(%rsp)\n"
-"	fnstcw 0xa4(%rsp)\n"
-"	movaps %xmm6,(%rsp)\n"
-"	movaps %xmm7,0x10(%rsp)\n"
-"	movaps %xmm8,0x20(%rsp)\n"
-"	movaps %xmm9,0x30(%rsp)\n"
-"	movaps %xmm10,0x40(%rsp)\n"
-"	movaps %xmm11,0x50(%rsp)\n"
-"	movaps %xmm12,0x60(%rsp)\n"
-"	movaps %xmm13,0x70(%rsp)\n"
-"	movaps %xmm14,0x80(%rsp)\n"
-"	movaps %xmm15,0x90(%rsp)\n"
-"	xor    %r10,%r10\n"
-"	push   %r10\n"
-"	mov    %rsp,(%rcx)\n"
-"	mov    %rdx,%rsp\n"
-"	pop    %r10\n"
-"	test   %r9,%r9\n"
-"	je     nxt2\n"
-"	ldmxcsr 0xa0(%rsp)\n"
-"	fldcw  0xa4(%rsp)\n"
-"	movaps (%rsp),%xmm6\n"
-"	movaps 0x10(%rsp),%xmm7\n"
-"	movaps 0x20(%rsp),%xmm8\n"
-"	movaps 0x30(%rsp),%xmm9\n"
-"	movaps 0x40(%rsp),%xmm10\n"
-"	movaps 0x50(%rsp),%xmm11\n"
-"	movaps 0x60(%rsp),%xmm12\n"
-"	movaps 0x70(%rsp),%xmm13\n"
-"	movaps 0x80(%rsp),%xmm14\n"
-"	movaps 0x90(%rsp),%xmm15\n"
-"	mov    $0xa8,%rcx\n"
-"    test   %r10,%r10\n"
-"    je     nxt3\n"
-"    add    $0x8,%rcx\n"
-"	lea    (%rsp,%rcx,1),%rsp\n"
-"	mov    %gs:0x30,%r10\n"
-"	pop    %rax\n"
-"	mov    %rax,0x18(%r10)\n"
-"	pop    %rax\n"
-"	mov    %rax,0x1478(%r10)\n"
-"	pop    %rax\n"
-"	mov    %rax,0x10(%r10)\n"
-"	pop    %rax\n"
-"	mov    %rax,0x8(%r10)\n"
-"	pop    %r12\n"
-"	pop    %r13\n"
-"	pop    %r14\n"
-"	pop    %r15\n"
-"	pop    %rdi\n"
-"	pop    %rsi\n"
-"	pop    %rbx\n"
-"	pop    %rbp\n"
-"	pop    %r10\n"
-"	mov    %r8,%rax\n"
-"	mov    %r8,%rcx\n"
-"	jmpq   *%r10\n"
-#if defined(LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_windows_x86_64) && defined(LIBCONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc)
-__asm (
-".p2align 4,,15\n"
-".globl	make_fcontext\n"
-".def	make_fcontext;	.scl	2;	.type	32;	.endef\n"
-".seh_proc	make_fcontext\n"
-"mov    %rcx,%rax\n"
-"sub    $0x28,%rax\n"
-"and    $0xfffffffffffffff0,%rax\n"
-"sub    $0x128,%rax\n"
-"mov    %r8,0x118(%rax)\n"
-"mov    %rcx,0xd0(%rax)\n"
-"neg    %rdx\n"
-"lea    (%rcx,%rdx,1),%rcx\n"
-"mov    %rcx,0xc8(%rax)\n"
-"mov    %rcx,0xc0(%rax)\n"
-"stmxcsr 0xa8(%rax)\n"
-"fnstcw 0xac(%rax)\n"
-"leaq  finish(%rip), %rcx\n"
-"mov    %rcx,0x120(%rax)\n"
-"mov    $0x1,%rcx\n"
-"mov    %rcx,(%rax)\n"
-"xor    %rcx,%rcx\n"
-"callq  0x63\n"
-"   .seh_endproc\n"
-".def	_exit;	.scl	2;	.type	32;	.endef  \n"
-#if defined(LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_linux_i386) && defined(LIBCONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc)
-__asm (
-".globl jump_fcontext\n"
-".align 2\n"
-".type jump_fcontext,@function\n"
-"    movl  0x10(%esp), %ecx\n"
-"    pushl  %ebp  \n"
-"    pushl  %ebx  \n"
-"    pushl  %esi  \n"
-"    pushl  %edi  \n"
-"    leal  -0x8(%esp), %esp\n"
-"    test  %ecx, %ecx\n"
-"    je  1f\n"
-"    stmxcsr  (%esp)\n"
-"    fnstcw  0x4(%esp)\n"
-"    movl  0x1c(%esp), %eax\n"
-"    movl  %esp, (%eax)\n"
-"    movl  0x20(%esp), %edx\n"
-"    movl  0x24(%esp), %eax\n"
-"    movl  %edx, %esp\n"
-"    test  %ecx, %ecx\n"
-"    je  2f\n"
-"    ldmxcsr  (%esp)\n"
-"    fldcw  0x4(%esp)\n"
-"    leal  0x8(%esp), %esp\n"
-"    popl  %edi  \n"
-"    popl  %esi  \n"
-"    popl  %ebx  \n"
-"    popl  %ebp  \n"
-"    popl  %edx\n"
-"    movl  %eax, 0x4(%esp)\n"
-"    jmp  *%edx\n"
-".size jump_fcontext,.-jump_fcontext\n"
-".section .note.GNU-stack,\"\",%progbits\n"
-#if defined(LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_linux_i386) && defined(LIBCONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc)
-__asm (
-".globl make_fcontext\n"
-".align 2\n"
-".type make_fcontext,@function\n"
-"    movl  0x4(%esp), %eax\n"
-"    leal  -0x8(%eax), %eax\n"
-"    andl  $-16, %eax\n"
-"    leal  -0x20(%eax), %eax\n"
-"    movl  0xc(%esp), %edx\n"
-"    movl  %edx, 0x18(%eax)\n"
-"    stmxcsr  (%eax)\n"
-"    fnstcw  0x4(%eax)\n"
-"    call  1f\n"
-"1:  popl  %ecx\n"
-"    addl  $finish-1b, %ecx\n"
-"    movl  %ecx, 0x1c(%eax)\n"
-"    ret \n"
-"    call  2f\n"
-"2:  popl  %ebx\n"
-"    addl  $_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+[.-2b], %ebx\n"
-"    xorl  %eax, %eax\n"
-"    movl  %eax, (%esp)\n"
-"    call  _exit@PLT\n"
-"    hlt\n"
-".size make_fcontext,.-make_fcontext\n"
-".section .note.GNU-stack,\"\",%progbits\n"
-#if defined(LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_linux_x86_64) && defined(LIBCONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc)
-__asm (
-".globl jump_fcontext\n"
-".type jump_fcontext,@function\n"
-".align 16\n"
-"    pushq  %rbp  \n"
-"    pushq  %rbx  \n"
-"    pushq  %r15  \n"
-"    pushq  %r14  \n"
-"    pushq  %r13  \n"
-"    pushq  %r12  \n"
-"    leaq  -0x8(%rsp), %rsp\n"
-"    cmp  $0, %rcx\n"
-"    je  1f\n"
-"    stmxcsr  (%rsp)\n"
-"    fnstcw   0x4(%rsp)\n"
-"    movq  %rsp, (%rdi)\n"
-"    movq  %rsi, %rsp\n"
-"    cmp  $0, %rcx\n"
-"    je  2f\n"
-"    ldmxcsr  (%rsp)\n"
-"    fldcw  0x4(%rsp)\n"
-"    leaq  0x8(%rsp), %rsp\n"
-"    popq  %r12  \n"
-"    popq  %r13  \n"
-"    popq  %r14  \n"
-"    popq  %r15  \n"
-"    popq  %rbx  \n"
-"    popq  %rbp  \n"
-"    popq  %r8\n"
-"    movq  %rdx, %rax\n"
-"    movq  %rdx, %rdi\n"
-"    jmp  *%r8\n"
-".size jump_fcontext,.-jump_fcontext\n"
-".section .note.GNU-stack,\"\",%progbits\n"
-#if defined(LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_linux_x86_64) && defined(LIBCONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc)
-__asm (
-".globl make_fcontext\n"
-".type make_fcontext,@function\n"
-".align 16\n"
-"    movq  %rdi, %rax\n"
-"    andq  $-16, %rax\n"
-"    leaq  -0x48(%rax), %rax\n"
-"    movq  %rdx, 0x38(%rax)\n"
-"    stmxcsr  (%rax)\n"
-"    fnstcw   0x4(%rax)\n"
-"    leaq  finish(%rip), %rcx\n"
-"    movq  %rcx, 0x40(%rax)\n"
-"    ret \n"
-"    xorq  %rdi, %rdi\n"
-"    call  _exit@PLT\n"
-"    hlt\n"
-".size make_fcontext,.-make_fcontext\n"
-".section .note.GNU-stack,\"\",%progbits\n"
-#if defined(LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_apple_x86_64) && defined(LIBCONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc)
-__asm (
-".globl _jump_fcontext\n"
-".align 8\n"
-"    pushq  %rbp  \n"
-"    pushq  %rbx  \n"
-"    pushq  %r15  \n"
-"    pushq  %r14  \n"
-"    pushq  %r13  \n"
-"    pushq  %r12  \n"
-"    leaq  -0x8(%rsp), %rsp\n"
-"    cmp  $0, %rcx\n"
-"    je  1f\n"
-"    stmxcsr  (%rsp)\n"
-"    fnstcw   0x4(%rsp)\n"
-"    movq  %rsp, (%rdi)\n"
-"    movq  %rsi, %rsp\n"
-"    cmp  $0, %rcx\n"
-"    je  2f\n"
-"    ldmxcsr  (%rsp)\n"
-"    fldcw  0x4(%rsp)\n"
-"    leaq  0x8(%rsp), %rsp\n"
-"    popq  %r12  \n"
-"    popq  %r13  \n"
-"    popq  %r14  \n"
-"    popq  %r15  \n"
-"    popq  %rbx  \n"
-"    popq  %rbp  \n"
-"    popq  %r8\n"
-"    movq  %rdx, %rax\n"
-"    movq  %rdx, %rdi\n"
-"    jmp  *%r8\n"
-#if defined(LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_apple_x86_64) && defined(LIBCONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc)
-__asm (
-".globl _make_fcontext\n"
-".align 8\n"
-"    movq  %rdi, %rax\n"
-"    movabs  $-16,           %r8\n"
-"    andq    %r8,            %rax\n"
-"    leaq  -0x48(%rax), %rax\n"
-"    movq  %rdx, 0x38(%rax)\n"
-"    stmxcsr  (%rax)\n"
-"    fnstcw   0x4(%rax)\n"
-"    leaq  finish(%rip), %rcx\n"
-"    movq  %rcx, 0x40(%rax)\n"
-"    ret \n"
-"    xorq  %rdi, %rdi\n"
-"    call  __exit\n"
-"    hlt\n"
-#if defined(LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_apple_i386) && defined(LIBCONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc)
-__asm (
-".globl _jump_fcontext\n"
-".align 2\n"
-"    movl  0x10(%esp), %ecx\n"
-"    pushl  %ebp  \n"
-"    pushl  %ebx  \n"
-"    pushl  %esi  \n"
-"    pushl  %edi  \n"
-"    leal  -0x8(%esp), %esp\n"
-"    test  %ecx, %ecx\n"
-"    je  1f\n"
-"    stmxcsr  (%esp)\n"
-"    fnstcw  0x4(%esp)\n"
-"    movl  0x1c(%esp), %eax\n"
-"    movl  %esp, (%eax)\n"
-"    movl  0x20(%esp), %edx\n"
-"    movl  0x24(%esp), %eax\n"
-"    movl  %edx, %esp\n"
-"    test  %ecx, %ecx\n"
-"    je  2f\n"
-"    ldmxcsr  (%esp)\n"
-"    fldcw  0x4(%esp)\n"
-"    leal  0x8(%esp), %esp\n"
-"    popl  %edi  \n"
-"    popl  %esi  \n"
-"    popl  %ebx  \n"
-"    popl  %ebp  \n"
-"    popl  %edx\n"
-"    movl  %eax, 0x4(%esp)\n"
-"    jmp  *%edx\n"
-#if defined(LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_apple_i386) && defined(LIBCONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc)
-__asm (
-".globl _make_fcontext\n"
-".align 2\n"
-"    movl  0x4(%esp), %eax\n"
-"    leal  -0x8(%eax), %eax\n"
-"    andl  $-16, %eax\n"
-"    leal  -0x20(%eax), %eax\n"
-"    movl  0xc(%esp), %edx\n"
-"    movl  %edx, 0x18(%eax)\n"
-"    stmxcsr  (%eax)\n"
-"    fnstcw  0x4(%eax)\n"
-"    call  1f\n"
-"1:  popl  %ecx\n"
-"    addl  $finish-1b, %ecx\n"
-"    movl  %ecx, 0x1c(%eax)\n"
-"    ret \n"
-"    xorl  %eax, %eax\n"
-"    movl  %eax, (%esp)\n"
-"    call  __exit\n"
-"    hlt\n"
-#if defined(LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_linux_arm32) && defined(LIBCONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc)
-__asm (
-".globl jump_fcontext\n"
-".align 2\n"
-".type jump_fcontext,%function\n"
-"    @ save LR as PC\n"
-"    push {lr}\n"
-"    @ save V1-V8,LR\n"
-"    push {v1-v8,lr}\n"
-"    @ prepare stack for FPU\n"
-"    sub  sp, sp, #64\n"
-"    @ test if fpu env should be preserved\n"
-"    cmp  a4, #0\n"
-"    beq  1f\n"
-"    @ save S16-S31\n"
-"    vstmia  sp, {d8-d15}\n"
-"    @ store RSP (pointing to context-data) in A1\n"
-"    str  sp, [a1]\n"
-"    @ restore RSP (pointing to context-data) from A2\n"
-"    mov  sp, a2\n"
-"    @ test if fpu env should be preserved\n"
-"    cmp  a4, #0\n"
-"    beq  2f\n"
-"    @ restore S16-S31\n"
-"    vldmia  sp, {d8-d15}\n"
-"    @ prepare stack for FPU\n"
-"    add  sp, sp, #64\n"
-"    @ use third arg as return value after jump\n"
-"    @ and as first arg in context function\n"
-"    mov  a1, a3\n"
-"    @ restore v1-V8,LR,PC\n"
-"    pop {v1-v8,lr}\n"
-"    pop {pc}\n"
-".size jump_fcontext,.-jump_fcontext\n"
-"@ Mark that we don't need executable stack.\n"
-".section .note.GNU-stack,\"\",%progbits\n"
-#if defined(LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_linux_arm32) && defined(LIBCONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc)
-__asm (
-".globl make_fcontext\n"
-".align 2\n"
-".type make_fcontext,%function\n"
-"    @ shift address in A1 to lower 16 byte boundary\n"
-"    bic  a1, a1, #15\n"
-"    @ reserve space for context-data on context-stack\n"
-"    sub  a1, a1, #104\n"
-"    @ third arg of make_fcontext() == address of context-function\n"
-"    str  a3, [a1,#100]\n"
-"    @ compute abs address of label finish\n"
-"    adr  a2, finish\n"
-"    @ save address of finish as return-address for context-function\n"
-"    @ will be entered after context-function returns\n"
-"    str  a2, [a1,#96]\n"
-"    bx  lr @ return pointer to context-data\n"
-"    @ exit code is zero\n"
-"    mov  a1, #0\n"
-"    @ exit application\n"
-"    bl  _exit@PLT\n"
-".size make_fcontext,.-make_fcontext\n"
-"@ Mark that we don't need executable stack.\n"
-".section .note.GNU-stack,\"\",%progbits\n"
-#if defined(LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_linux_arm64) && defined(LIBCONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc)
-__asm (
-".cpu    generic+fp+simd\n"
-".align  2\n"
-".global jump_fcontext\n"
-".type   jump_fcontext, %function\n"
-"    # prepare stack for GP + FPU\n"
-"    sub  sp, sp, #0xb0\n"
-"# Because gcc may save integer registers in fp registers across a\n"
-"# function call we cannot skip saving the fp registers.\n"
-"# Do not reinstate this test unless you fully understand what you\n"
-"# are doing.\n"
-"#    # test if fpu env should be preserved\n"
-"#    cmp  w3, #0\n"
-"#    b.eq  1f\n"
-"    # save d8 - d15\n"
-"    stp  d8,  d9,  [sp, #0x00]\n"
-"    stp  d10, d11, [sp, #0x10]\n"
-"    stp  d12, d13, [sp, #0x20]\n"
-"    stp  d14, d15, [sp, #0x30]\n"
-"    # save x19-x30\n"
-"    stp  x19, x20, [sp, #0x40]\n"
-"    stp  x21, x22, [sp, #0x50]\n"
-"    stp  x23, x24, [sp, #0x60]\n"
-"    stp  x25, x26, [sp, #0x70]\n"
-"    stp  x27, x28, [sp, #0x80]\n"
-"    stp  x29, x30, [sp, #0x90]\n"
-"    # save LR as PC\n"
-"    str  x30, [sp, #0xa0]\n"
-"    # store RSP (pointing to context-data) in first argument (x0).\n"
-"    # STR cannot have sp as a target register\n"
-"    mov  x4, sp\n"
-"    str  x4, [x0]\n"
-"    # restore RSP (pointing to context-data) from A2 (x1)\n"
-"    mov  sp, x1\n"
-"#    # test if fpu env should be preserved\n"
-"#    cmp  w3, #0\n"
-"#    b.eq  2f\n"
-"    # load d8 - d15\n"
-"    ldp  d8,  d9,  [sp, #0x00]\n"
-"    ldp  d10, d11, [sp, #0x10]\n"
-"    ldp  d12, d13, [sp, #0x20]\n"
-"    ldp  d14, d15, [sp, #0x30]\n"
-"    # load x19-x30\n"
-"    ldp  x19, x20, [sp, #0x40]\n"
-"    ldp  x21, x22, [sp, #0x50]\n"
-"    ldp  x23, x24, [sp, #0x60]\n"
-"    ldp  x25, x26, [sp, #0x70]\n"
-"    ldp  x27, x28, [sp, #0x80]\n"
-"    ldp  x29, x30, [sp, #0x90]\n"
-"    # use third arg as return value after jump\n"
-"    # and as first arg in context function\n"
-"    mov  x0, x2\n"
-"    # load pc\n"
-"    ldr  x4, [sp, #0xa0]\n"
-"    # restore stack from GP + FPU\n"
-"    add  sp, sp, #0xb0\n"
-"    ret x4\n"
-".size   jump_fcontext,.-jump_fcontext\n"
-"# Mark that we don't need executable stack.\n"
-".section .note.GNU-stack,\"\",%progbits\n"
-#if defined(LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_linux_arm64) && defined(LIBCONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc)
-__asm (
-".cpu    generic+fp+simd\n"
-".align  2\n"
-".global make_fcontext\n"
-".type   make_fcontext, %function\n"
-"    # shift address in x0 (allocated stack) to lower 16 byte boundary\n"
-"    and x0, x0, ~0xF\n"
-"    # reserve space for context-data on context-stack\n"
-"    sub  x0, x0, #0xb0\n"
-"    # third arg of make_fcontext() == address of context-function\n"
-"    # store address as a PC to jump in\n"
-"    str  x2, [x0, #0xa0]\n"
-"    # save address of finish as return-address for context-function\n"
-"    # will be entered after context-function returns (LR register)\n"
-"    adr  x1, finish\n"
-"    str  x1, [x0, #0x98]\n"
-"    ret  x30 \n"
-"    # exit code is zero\n"
-"    mov  x0, #0\n"
-"    # exit application\n"
-"    bl  _exit\n"
-".size   make_fcontext,.-make_fcontext\n"
-"# Mark that we don't need executable stack.\n"
-".section .note.GNU-stack,\"\",%progbits\n"
diff --git a/include/system/libcontext.h b/include/system/libcontext.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b45540fe2..000000000
--- a/include/system/libcontext.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-    libcontext - a slightly more portable version of boost::context
-    Copyright Martin Husemann 2013.
-    Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2009.
-    Copyright Sergue E. Leontiev 2013.
-    Copyright Thomas Sailer 2013.
-    Minor modifications by Tomasz Wlostowski 2016.
- Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-      (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-            http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-#ifndef __LIBCONTEXT_H
-#define __LIBCONTEXT_H
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__APPLE__)
-    #define LIBCONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc
-    #if defined(__linux__)
-	#ifdef __x86_64__
-	    #define LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_linux_x86_64
-	#elif __i386__
-	    #define LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_linux_i386
-	#elif __arm__
-	    #define LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_linux_arm32
-	#elif __aarch64__
-	    #define LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_linux_arm64
-	#endif
-    #elif defined(__MINGW32__) || defined (__MINGW64__)
-	#if defined(__x86_64__)
-	    #define LIBCONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc
-    	    #define LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_windows_x86_64
-	#endif
-	#if defined(__i386__)
-	    #define LIBCONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc
-	    #define LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_windows_i386
-	    #define LIBCONTEXT_CALL_CONVENTION __cdecl
-	#endif
-    #elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
-	#if defined (__i386__)
-	    #define LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_apple_i386
-	#elif defined (__x86_64__)
-	    #define LIBCONTEXT_PLATFORM_apple_x86_64
-	#endif
-    #endif
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-namespace libcontext {
-#if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
-typedef int intptr_t;
-typedef void*   fcontext_t;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"{
-intptr_t LIBCONTEXT_CALL_CONVENTION jump_fcontext( fcontext_t * ofc, fcontext_t nfc,
-                                               intptr_t vp, bool preserve_fpu = false);
-fcontext_t LIBCONTEXT_CALL_CONVENTION make_fcontext( void * sp, size_t size, void (* fn)( intptr_t) );
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-}    // namespace
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-}    // extern "C"
diff --git a/include/tool/coroutine.h b/include/tool/coroutine.h
index d55e9858f..364468611 100644
--- a/include/tool/coroutine.h
+++ b/include/tool/coroutine.h
@@ -28,10 +28,54 @@
 #include <cstdlib>
+#include <boost/version.hpp>
 #include <type_traits>
-#include <system/libcontext.h>
+#if BOOST_VERSION < 106100
+#include <boost/context/fcontext.hpp>
 #include <memory>
+#include <boost/context/execution_context.hpp>
+#include <boost/context/protected_fixedsize_stack.hpp>
+ * Note: in the history of boost, two changes to the context interface happened.
+ * [1.54, 1.56)
+ * http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/libs/context/doc/html/context/context/boost_fcontext.html
+ *       intptr_t    jump_fcontext(
+ *                       fcontext_t* ofc,
+ *                       fcontext_t const* nfc,
+ *                       intptr_t vp,
+ *                       bool preserve_fpu = true
+ *                   );
+ *
+ *       fcontext_t* make_fcontext(
+ *                       void* sp,
+ *                       std::size_t size,
+ *                       void (*fn)(intptr_t)
+ *                   );
+ *
+ * [1.56, 1.61)
+ * http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_56_0/libs/context/doc/html/context/context/boost_fcontext.html
+ *       intptr_t    jump_fcontext(
+ *                       fcontext_t* ofc,
+ *                       fcontext_t nfc,            <-----
+ *                       intptr_t vp,
+ *                       bool preserve_fpu = true
+ *                   );
+ *
+ *       fcontext_t  make_fcontext(                 <-----
+ *                       void* sp,
+ *                       std::size_t size,
+ *                       void(*fn)(intptr_t)
+ *                   );
+ *
+ * [1.61, oo)
+ * http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_61_0/libs/context/doc/html/context/ecv2.html
+ *       fcontext_t is hidden away behind the boost::execution_context(_v2) and the stack is created on behalf of
+ *       the user.
+ */
  *  Class COROUNTINE.
@@ -46,7 +90,7 @@
  *  preempted only when it deliberately yields the control to the caller. This way,
  *  we avoid concurrency problems such as locking / race conditions.
- *  Uses libcontext library to do the actual context switching.
+ *  Uses boost::context library to do the actual context switching.
  *  This particular version takes a DELEGATE as an entry point, so it can invoke
  *  methods within a given object as separate coroutines.
@@ -76,8 +120,17 @@ private:
                                     // call context holds a reference to the main stack context
-    using CONTEXT_T = libcontext::fcontext_t;
+#if BOOST_VERSION < 106100
+    using CONTEXT_T = boost::context::fcontext_t;
+    using CONTEXT_T = boost::context::execution_context<INVOCATION_ARGS*>;
+#if BOOST_VERSION < 105600
     class CALL_CONTEXT
@@ -92,8 +145,15 @@ private:
             m_mainStackFunction = std::move( aFunc );
-            libcontext::jump_fcontext( &aCor->m_callee, *m_mainStackContext,
+#if BOOST_VERSION < 105600
+            boost::context::jump_fcontext( aCor->m_callee, m_mainStackContext,
+                reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>( &args ) );
+#elif BOOST_VERSION < 106100
+            boost::context::jump_fcontext( &aCor->m_callee, *m_mainStackContext,
                 reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>( &args ) );
+            *m_mainStackContext = std::get<0>( ( *m_mainStackContext )( &args ) );
         void Continue( INVOCATION_ARGS* args )
@@ -135,7 +195,9 @@ public:
         m_func( std::move( aEntry ) ),
         m_running( false ),
         m_args( 0 ),
+#if BOOST_VERSION < 106100 // -> m_callee = void* or void**
         m_callee( nullptr ),
         m_retVal( 0 ),
         m_callContext( nullptr )
@@ -290,6 +352,7 @@ private:
         m_args = &aArgs;
+#if BOOST_VERSION < 106100
         assert( m_stack == nullptr );
         // fixme: Clean up stack stuff. Add a guard
@@ -302,7 +365,15 @@ private:
         // correct the stack size
         stackSize -= size_t( ( (ptrdiff_t) m_stack.get() + stackSize ) - (ptrdiff_t) sp );
-        m_callee = libcontext::make_fcontext( sp, stackSize, callerStub );
+        m_callee = boost::context::make_fcontext( sp, stackSize, callerStub );
+        m_callee = CONTEXT_T(
+            std::allocator_arg_t(),
+            boost::context::protected_fixedsize_stack( c_defaultStackSize ),
+            &COROUTINE::callerStub
+        );
         m_running = true;
         // off we go!
@@ -315,6 +386,7 @@ private:
     /* real entry point of the coroutine */
+#if BOOST_VERSION < 106100
     static void callerStub( intptr_t aData )
         INVOCATION_ARGS& args = *reinterpret_cast<INVOCATION_ARGS*>( aData );
@@ -332,13 +404,43 @@ private:
         // go back to wherever we came from.
+    /* real entry point of the coroutine */
+    static CONTEXT_T callerStub( CONTEXT_T caller, INVOCATION_ARGS* aArgsPtr )
+    {
+        const auto& args = *aArgsPtr;
+        auto* cor = args.destination;
+        cor->m_caller      = std::move( caller );
+        cor->m_callContext = args.context;
+        if( args.type == INVOCATION_ARGS::FROM_ROOT )
+            cor->m_callContext->SetMainStack( &cor->m_caller );
+        // call the coroutine method
+        cor->m_retVal = cor->m_func( *(cor->m_args) );
+        cor->m_running = false;
+        // go back to wherever we came from.
+        return std::move( cor->m_caller );
+    }
+#if BOOST_VERSION < 105600
         args = reinterpret_cast<INVOCATION_ARGS*>(
-            libcontext::jump_fcontext( &m_caller, m_callee,
+            boost::context::jump_fcontext( &m_caller, m_callee,
                                            reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>( args ) )
+#elif BOOST_VERSION < 106100
+        args = reinterpret_cast<INVOCATION_ARGS*>(
+            boost::context::jump_fcontext( &m_caller, m_callee,
+                                           reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>( args ) )
+            );
+        std::tie( m_callee, args ) = m_callee( args );
         return args;
@@ -347,10 +449,19 @@ private:
         INVOCATION_ARGS args{ INVOCATION_ARGS::FROM_ROUTINE, nullptr, nullptr };
         INVOCATION_ARGS* ret;
+#if BOOST_VERSION < 105600
         ret = reinterpret_cast<INVOCATION_ARGS*>(
-            libcontext::jump_fcontext( &m_callee, m_caller,
+            boost::context::jump_fcontext( m_callee, &m_caller,
                                            reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>( &args ) )
+#elif BOOST_VERSION < 106100
+        ret = reinterpret_cast<INVOCATION_ARGS*>(
+            boost::context::jump_fcontext( &m_callee, m_caller,
+                                           reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>( &args ) )
+            );
+        std::tie( m_caller, ret ) = m_caller( &args );
         m_callContext = ret->context;
@@ -362,8 +473,10 @@ private:
     static constexpr int c_defaultStackSize = 2000000;    // fixme: make configurable
+#if BOOST_VERSION < 106100
     ///< coroutine stack
     std::unique_ptr<char[]> m_stack;
     std::function<ReturnType( ArgType )> m_func;

Follow ups
