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Re: [PATCH] PCBnew: Fixes crosshair issue with "Place Text" and "Add Dimension".


Am 2019-05-11 06:22, schrieb Martin McNamara:

I've been a user and fan of Kicad for the last two years, I enjoyed
the presentations from Kicon on the Contextual Electronics YouTube
channel and particularly the talk from Jon Evans has spurred me on to
try help.

The attached patch address a low priority bug for the 5.1.3 release,
it would be great if someone could review it and give me feedback it's
literally only 2 lines of code!.
Looks good Martin.  Thank you for your contribution to KiCad.  And 
In your next patch, it will be easier if you could attach the patch as a 
file (especially as they get longer).

Follow ups
