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kicad-developers team mailing list archive

Re: no broken default fp-lib-table, removed footprint library


The kicad library team does not have the resources to properly handle even our main tasks (see the number of open pull requests awaiting review, hint it is >300 with >600 open over all) let alone handling additional docu. Plus we are not working with sourcecode. The skills of the librarieans are in checking electrical constrains not git, not packaging, ...

Also consider that 90% of changes are additions of new assets which can only be documented in a graphical way (screenshots of the asset, dimensioned drawings, ...) so really the documentation is in the pull requests not in git (git links to the pull requests) again completely different to software!

See the kicad library more akin to optional binary assets instead of sourcecode (similar example would be the clipart library of a word processor)


I did not fully read your previous message so i do not quote it either ;) (Another thing that is strange to at least me is a mailing list. I would be much more conferrable on a forum or even the issue tracker.)

lg Rene

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