kicad-developers team mailing list archive
kicad-developers team
Mailing list archive
Message #44293
ngspice vcpkg port
Hot off the press, a ngspice port for vcpkg.
I will try and upstream this port package to vcpkg but there's a good
chance they will reject it for being too niche but who knows, I haven't
tried before.
But that doesn't stop us from using it. You can simply dump in the ngspice
folder into your vcpkg/ports folder locally and tell it to
vcpkg install ngspice
This means you can turn on KICAD_SPICE with msvc.
KiCad cmake's itself however needs newer logic to copy over ngspice.dll.
[image: image.png]
I'm going to work on wxPython next. SWIG is already done as it has a
precompiled binary and is a compile time tool only.

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