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Message #44755
Re: MSVC compile: missing s3d_plugin_oce.dll
Just one thing to check: Are you running the "install" target through
visual studio? Note that for each executable you can either install it and
debug or debug standalone
[image: image.png]
[image: image.png]
I've fallen under the mistake before of debugging without installing and
then wondering why I am getting error messages of dlls missing.
On Wed, 2 Dec 2020 at 08:11, <develop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I copied over ALL of the dlls, just in case, and it did not help. If it is
> about dependencies, maybe I missed to install something in vcpkg. I
> installed the recommended libraries as per the web documentation:
> boost cairo curl glew gettext glm icu ngspice opencascade opengl openssl
> python3 wxwidgets zlib.
> Anything missing?
> *Von:* Mark Roszko <mark.roszko@xxxxxxxxx>
> *Gesendet:* 21 November 2020 14:01
> *An:* develop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> *Cc:* KiCad Developers <kicad-developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> *Betreff:* Re: [Kicad-developers] MSVC compile: missing s3d_plugin_oce.dll
> If the kiface file exists in that path, the failure to load is because you
> are missing more dependencies in the install\bin folder that need to be
> copied from vcpkg debug\bin or bin.
> On Sat, Nov 21, 2020 at 3:00 AM <develop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I got it sorted out, partially. After copying the right jpeg62.dll and
> lzmad.dll to the install directory for debug, KiCad started all right.
> When starting eeschema or pcbnew or anything loaded by kiway.cpp, I get an
> error about failing *.kiface to load.
> Debugging showed that in wxDynamicLibrary::Load, RawLoad is called with
> the correct path (in my case
> <L"E:\\Github_Repositories\\kicad\\build\\install\\x64-Debug\\bin\\_eeschema.kiface">
> but that returns NULL, as it fails to load the library. Unfortunately,
> RawLoad does not provide any error codes.
> Is this the bug you mentioned? But then, the path passed to RawLoad is
> correct, so I do not see what can be wrong here. Other modules like ntdll,
> comctrl32 e.a. are loaded ok.
> Only thing I can image is that – out of the blue - there’s a problem with
> the path string. Is it a MSVC specific thing (the nightlies obviously are
> built all right)? Ok, the nightlies are built with wxwidgets 3.0.5
> and I'm on wxwidgets 3.1.4. But one week or so ago, everything was ok.
> Trouble started after upgrading vcpkg.
> -Martin
> *Von:* Mark Roszko <mark.roszko@xxxxxxxxx>
> *Gesendet:* 16 November 2020 20:56
> *An:* develop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> *Betreff:* Re: [Kicad-developers] MSVC compile: missing s3d_plugin_oce.dll
> Probably a few weeks wait....I have it on my queue to revisit vcpkg at
> some point and upstream also takes time to merge fixes.
> It's just easier to copy the DLLs like I noted.
> On Mon, Nov 16, 2020 at 2:45 PM <develop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Ok. Can you notify me when it’s fixed? Thanks a lot!
> -Martin
> *Von:* Mark Roszko <mark.roszko@xxxxxxxxx>
> *Gesendet:* Montag, 16. November 2020 20:14
> *An:* develop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> *Cc:* KiCad Developers <kicad-developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> *Betreff:* Re: [Kicad-developers] MSVC compile: missing s3d_plugin_oce.dll
> Ah it's a bug in vcpkg I need to fix upstream.
> For now you'll need to include in your kicad install folder for debug, the
> non-debug versions of freetype, zlib, bz2 and libpng
> On Mon, Nov 16, 2020 at 1:44 PM Mark Roszko <mark.roszko@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Ah I've been meaning to fix that. There's something wrong with the
> compilation settings and/or wxdynamiclibrary loader that's causing it not
> to load DLLs from the application's executable directory, very specifically
> for the OCE plugin.
> On Mon, Nov 16, 2020 at 6:22 AM <develop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Compiling the current source (7043) with MSVC and the proposed
> CMakeSettings.json I get a missing s3d_plugin_oce.dll error when starting
> the 3D viewer.
> What is wrong here?
> -Martin.
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