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Problems regarding Weblate checks


Recently I've found some annoying checks that are preventing some
proper translation being done (translations that don't pass the checks
won't be compiled into .mo file) when working on Simplified Chinese

1. There must be same "lines" of text in original text and translated
text. This one is preventing the custom DRC rule syntax helps being
compiled. There's many manual line breaks in the text, probably to
manually control the dialog width, however the translated Chinese text
can be a bit shorter than English text, and there'll be a few lines
less than English text. Weblate noticed this issue and prevented the
text from being compiled. This check doesn't seem to make any sense
for me. Could you guys provide a good explanation?

2. Words in English sentences can be different order from Chinese, for
example, "Pad 1 of J3" is actually "J3 的焊盘 1" when translated, so I
need to use order marks or whatever it is called in the translation
text, so "Through hole pad %s of %s" is translated as "%2$s 的通孔焊盘 %1$"
[1]. But this kind of order marking isn't in standard ISO C99 (it's an
POSIX standard instead), and C-format check of Weblate fails. I
checked GNU gettext docs and it said translators can rely on this
feature [2]. How do we solve this problem?


[1] https://hosted.weblate.org/translate/kicad/master-source/zh_Hans/?checksum=65ad27d657ff921f
[2] https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/c_002dformat.html

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