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Message #45611
Re: Build flags/options for the nightly builds.
Adam Wolf <adamwolf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Markus Bonk <markus_bonk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Wed, 16 Mar 2022 05:37:29 +0000
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KiCad Developers <kicad-developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
[Kicad-developers] Build flags/options for the nightly builds.
HI Adam,
Thanks, the SpaceMouse integration is indeed compiled in. Unfortunately, there is an issue with the driver on the mac so that it doesn’t do anything at the moment
From: Adam Wolf <adamwolf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 7:05 PM
To: Markus Bonk <markus_bonk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: KiCad Developers <kicad-developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Kicad-developers] Build flags/options for the nightly builds.
I double checked that this build was built with KICAD_USE_3DCONNEXION=ON: I also uploaded the build log. The build log includes building Wx and a lot of dependencies, but it shows
-- Including 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse navigation support in pcbcommon
-- Including 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse navigation support in 3d-viewer
I do not know if it is expected to work 100% yet or if there are settings I would need to change, but I opened it up on my Mac and tried to navigate in the 3D viewer with my SpaceMouse Pro, but the model didn't seem to respond.
Thanks for your patience. :) I should be more available--right after the last release, I had a client deliverable that significantly changed scope, but that's covered now.
This build is about two weeks old, so I poked the server to build another one off the current master.
Adam Wolf
On Mon, Feb 28, 2022 at 2:02 AM Markus Bonk <markus_bonk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:markus_bonk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hi Adam,
Our macOS team have tried the following builds:
And two other builds (testing & nightly).
None of the builds respond to 3D Mouse input.
Also, they say their check for symbols/ library dependencies fails or is invalid with KiCad. The binaries lack any symbol or dependency from the navlib.
Can you please let us know what we are doing wrong or what the issue is.
From: Adam Wolf <adamwolf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:adamwolf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2022 5:46 PM
To: Markus Bonk <markus_bonk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:markus_bonk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
Cc: KiCad Developers <kicad-developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:kicad-developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
Subject: Re: [Kicad-developers] Build flags/options for the nightly builds.
Hi Markus,
Could you try this build? It's a few days old, actually, but I just got it uploaded today. It *should* have the flag set--could you verify? I'll start an updated build, too.
Thanks for your patience :)
On Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 12:01 AM Markus Bonk <markus_bonk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:markus_bonk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hi Adam,
Hope you have been able to progress with the 6.02 issues. Will you be able to do this this week?
From: Adam Wolf <adamwolf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:adamwolf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 9:06 AM
To: Markus Bonk <markus_bonk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:markus_bonk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
Cc: KiCad Developers <kicad-developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:kicad-developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
Subject: Re: [Kicad-developers] Build flags/options for the nightly builds.
Hi Markus,
I will be sending a link out shortly, hopefully tomorrow. Last week I ended up hitting some snags with the 6.0.2 release.
On Thu, Feb 10, 2022 at 11:52 PM Markus Bonk <markus_bonk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:markus_bonk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hi Adam,
Thanks. Where can I download the macOS build from?
Markus Bonk
Senior Software Engineer
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Follow ups
Build flags/options for the nightly builds.
From: Markus Bonk, 2022-02-07
Re: Build flags/options for the nightly builds.
From: Adam Wolf, 2022-02-07
Re: Build flags/options for the nightly builds.
From: Markus Bonk, 2022-02-07
Re: Build flags/options for the nightly builds.
From: Adam Wolf, 2022-02-09
Re: Build flags/options for the nightly builds.
From: Markus Bonk, 2022-02-11
Re: Build flags/options for the nightly builds.
From: Adam Wolf, 2022-02-14
Re: Build flags/options for the nightly builds.
From: Markus Bonk, 2022-02-22
Re: Build flags/options for the nightly builds.
From: Adam Wolf, 2022-02-22
Re: Build flags/options for the nightly builds.
From: Markus Bonk, 2022-02-28
Re: Build flags/options for the nightly builds.
From: Adam Wolf, 2022-03-09