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kicad-doc-devs team mailing list archive

welcome to newcomers


Welcome to the new subscribed!
If you have something to ask, please do it!
I am here, for what I can do, to help (with my very limited English,
please be patient!)

First things first:

Usually nationalization of out beloved KiCad comes in two stages:

1) first the KiCad program translation

2) after having completed that, then starts the process of translation of
   the documents

This order is due to the fact that docs contain many nationalized
screenshots. And obviously you have to have the program translated to
have the screenshots for the docs translated.

You can choose to not translate the program and translate the program
documentation keeping the screenshots of the English version of the
program. This is up to you but usually people that do not understand
English prefer to use also the nationalized version of the program.

I also suggest to:

- use poedit to translate the program
- send only the .po file (uncompiled translations) not the .mo (compiled)
- translate the git master version (future v5 version of KiCad) as 
  it is almost ready to become the next stable version (to avoid 
  to do the same translationo twice in a few days...)

Best regards and good work!


Marco Ciampa

I know a joke about UDP, but you might not get it.


 GNU/Linux User #78271
 FSFE fellow #364
