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Re: Kicad 5.0.1 almost ready to go



Am 11.10.18 um 10:13 schrieb Nick Østergaard:
> I don't see an advantage of creating a 5.0 branch before more issues are fixed
> https://github.com/KiCad/kicad-doc/issues
> We don't gain anything by having a 5.0 branch other than wasting
> valuable time. IMHO.

well, currently I see just more time wasting on my side because of
confusion for me (and I'm probably not the only person here). And it
will not getting better in the future by staying on the bridge in the

All the time we have talked about this is right now is more if it would
have been done in the past. :-(
kicad-doc is the same as the libraries, kicad-i18n, kicad-footprints ...

Why not have a plan for this all and some straightforward way? Why do
often FOSS projects do make not needed work like this here.

Yes, KiCad 5.0.1 will be probably the last 5.0 release, but I also
wouldn't bet on this. And the next goal will be 5.1.0 release. It's
quite not logical fore me to do some argumentation like above given for
the 4.0 release circle a branch was created anyway. Branches and Tags
are cheap.

Maintaining all the KiCad packages for Debian is already taking a lot of
time, please don't make this more power consuming than necessary.

Carsten Schoenert

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