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Re: Kicad Documentation generally



Am 26.06.19 um 19:56 schrieb Alfrede:
> 2) When I translate the file can i make new Screenshots for the German 
> Doku or must i fetch the Images from the English Documentation as 
> explained here:
> https://github.com/KiCad/kicad-doc/blob/master/docs-versioning.adoc ?

it depends (of course :-) ).
Some graphics or screenshots can and should simply be taken from the
original English one. E.g. detailed screenshots from the UI like buttons
or icons, or screenshots from a working sheet of an schematic or PCB design.

Screenshots that are showing some localized elements OTOH need to be
taken from the corresponding localized UI. And these screenshot should
really be homogeneously from the same DE within the document.

> 3) On my Version 5.1.2 i have only an emty Template Folder. My Folder 
> Path to the Templates are:  /usr/share/kicad/template but it is emty, so 
> i can't make a screenshot like there is one in the english 
> Documentation, am i the only one with this Problem or other Linux Users 
> have the same Problem?

You are on an Linux distribution, right?
I guess you just need to install the package kicad-templates.

Carsten Schoenert
