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Re: new rules - required changes in libraries and question about 3d models


Thanks. Can I move value to fab layer as Jean-Pierre CHARRAS suggested or it should stay on silkscreen? I will make the changes after some of bigger pull requests be merged to avoid conflicts (I'll wait for my pull requests and electrolytic capacitors).

W dniu 23.02.2015 o 00:53, Carl Poirier pisze:
Hi Michal,

- I fixed the permissions
- I deleted two repos that weren't in the fp-lib-tables (Pin_Arrays superseded by Pin_Headers and Housings_SOT-669_LFPAK.pretty created by mistake by Bernd Wiebus), let me know if this was wrong - I initialized Buttons_Switches_SMD.pretty with a first footprint, the PTS645 from C&K Components
- I added the Buttons_Switches_*.pretty to the fp-lib-tables.

This should do it.

I'll be back with your second question.

On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 8:13 AM, nnn <nnn4000@xxxxx <mailto:nnn4000@xxxxx>> wrote:

    According to recent discussions on mailing list the following
    changes should be applied:
    - add .3dshapes in paths
    - change reference
    - change value and its layer
    I can make the changes but I can see that I haven't
    Buttons_Switches... and they are absent on fp-lib-table.
    Could you check if all repositories that should be converted are
    on fp-lib-table and change permissions if needed?

    My second quesion is about libraries from
    There are some of them in official kicad libraries. Was the author
    of these libraries involved in official kicad libraries? Is it ok
    to use his libraries in official libraries (gplv3)? I'm asking
    because he improved his 3d models and I wonder if they can be
    pushed into official librairies.

    Michał Stec
