kicad-lib-committers team mailing list archive
kicad-lib-committers team
Mailing list archive
Message #00438
Hello & Question
Dear all,
Carl Porier recruited me for the Library maintainers ;-) ... so Hi to
Maybe a bit of background about me (so you know roughly who I am and
what to expect):
I'm a physicist with a PhD and a strong side in computer science, worked
relatively long in biophysics (building microscopes, writing data eval
software etc.) and now switched over to industry: I'm now a (senior)
software developer in a large German company that build offset and
digital printing machines in Heidelberg (southern Germany) ... so maybe
you can guess the name ;-) On the side IÄm designing electronics on and
off (for private use, or on the job) and have experience in several
ECADs: (Ultimate, Eagle: both very early, during the last years:
And BTW: I live in Heidelberg/Germany, no kids 1 wife ;-)
I'm going to try and contribute a few hours (say 0.5-3) per week ...
let's see how that goes.
Now for my question: When reviewing a PR: Is thre a quick way to get the
changed files to my computer (maybe except the "View in GitHub desktop"
| Jan Krieger
| jan@xxxxxxxxxxx
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