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Re: RFC: Launchpad team index page redesign


On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 7:23 PM, Martin Pool<martin.pool@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> 2009/8/6 Edwin Grubbs <edwin.grubbs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> Hello,
>> I have been tasked with creating mockups of the redesign of the team
>> index page. Here is the wiki page containing the mockups.
>>  https://dev.launchpad.net/TeamIndexPage
>> I am interested in any feedback. My main questions are:
>>  * Is any information missing?
>>  * Should anything be removed or reorganized?
> This layout now has three columns and may be too wide for easy use on
> a netbook.  In some ways the vertical layout of the current page is
> cleaner and easier to scan for the section of interest.

I wonder if it would make sense to have the portlets wrap, so there
would be two columns plus the sidebar if your window was wide enough,
but it would become one column if you made your window narrower. I
think it is important to have as much information as possible above
the fold on screens that are capable of showing it.

> The choice to put PPAs and polls into the portlet seems a bit
> arbitrary; it's almost like the bad old days where (from the user's
> point of view) Launchpad pages had portlets and the developers chose
> some random stuff to fill them up.  Why do polls go in the portlet but
> not questions?  So I'd probably drop the portlet and just put them
> into sections.

Apparently, the PPA needs to be removed from the sidebar since it does
not convey an action, subscription or event, but the polls in the
sidebar make sense from that standpoint.

> I have a bug open that the style of the black small underlined "> All
> open questions" is inconsistent with the rest of Launchpad and I would
> say not very good flow.  I'd rather see it in blue at the end of the
> list.

I'll defer to the other Martin on that.

> The list of members is one of the most interesting parts, and I'd
> speculate that many teams will have a fairly small number though some
> of course will be huge.  So I'd look at putting that list, or part of
> that list, inline in the page.  For say ~bzr with 22 people it would
> be quite reasonable - you could also in that listing show the actual
> local time for each person, which would be useful, whereas
> https://edge.launchpad.net/~bzr/+map is not useful.  I would think
> about even showing the photos there would be good - it's a cool
> feature but not really shown off.

That's a good idea to put the timezone next to each member. I should
probably also do that on the +members page. I already have to move the
Related Projects portlet higher up in the page, so do you think it
would work to put the members at the very bottom or should it go above
the subteam info and questions? In either position, if I make it take
the full width of the page, I could use three columns, and that would
allow around 45 members to be shown in a small amount of space.

