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Re: warning: we will soon have much noise in the test results...


On Wed, 2010-08-04 at 16:47 -0400, James Westby wrote:
> 3. While adding tests to avoid regressions for the ones I was fixing I
> found 5 classes which did not correctly implement the interfaces they
> claimed to. I assumed it was standard practice to verifyObject() an
> instance of each new class you wrote, but there seems to be a hole
> here. The cases I found were minor, and I'm not sure how a major bug
> would squeeze in here, but it still seems like a hole. 


The only reason the results look better is because we move most of the
model that utilities/check-content-interfaces.py

> Soyuz also has the SoyuzTestPublisher which was creating some objects
> that weren't proxied. Fixing that is proving to be more time consuming
> than any I have fixed in the factory. 

I know jcsackett's branch fixes two of these. May the fasted code land

__Curtis C. Hovey_________

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