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Re: Help wanted describing the rules of team membership


I propose we use the terms "exclusive" and "inclusive" to describe the
binary classification of team membership policies. Those terms seem
obvious right now. I do not know why they escaped me when I sent out my
request for help.

     Restricted     Moderated     Delegated    Open
     Exclusive <--------------|---------> Inclusive

Inclusive teams do not evaluate their membership. Anyone can be a
member. Members choose to join the team; team leaders cannot prevent
prevent someone from being a member. Inclusive teams emphasise community
and communication. These teams cannot own or maintain things that can
require security or privacy, such as projects and archives. The Open and
Delegated membership policies are Inclusive.

Exclusive teams evaluate their membership. The team leaders choose who
is a member and they can remove any person who they believe should not
be a member. Exclusive teams emphasise control and security. These are
ideal for managing projects and archives which have security and privacy
concerns. The Restricted and Moderated membership policies are Exclusive.

We will revise code and documentation to use "membership" instead of
"subscription" since the latter implies notification:
    TeamSubscriptionPolicy => TeamMembershipPolicy
    team subscription policy => team membership policy

I think this clarification will help Lp users manage their projects and
their communities. The discussion of team agreements happening in
another thread at this time adds another axis of consideration to team
membership policies. Membership in an exclusive or inclusive team will
depend on a signed agreement. Users, sign agreements, so these teams
cannot contain other teams; the Delegated membership policy would be
nonsensical be for this case.


__C U R T I S  C.  H O V E Y___________
No matter where you go...there you are.

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