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Re: Can we get rid of +specworkload?


On 02/10/2012 03:51 PM, Guilherme Salgado wrote:
> Hi there,
> As part of our work to teach Launchpad about work items we need to find
> some way to offset the maintenance costs introduced with our changes.
> While looking at some bugs (before the LOC policy was put in place) that
> we could fix to offset that, we came across
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/735970 and realized that +specworkload,
> for a person, shows exactly the same things you see on
> blueprints.lp.net/~person. The only difference is for teams, as
> +specworkload shows (with an awful layout[1]) all specs that have any
> member of the team as assignee/drafter/approver, whereas
> blueprints.lp.net/~team only shows the specs that have the team itself
> as drafter/assignee/approver.

I discovered this recently. There was a broken call to to a model
method...(if thing.fob instead of if thing.()) so the test always
passed. When I fixed the call user specworkload pages broke. The pages
were hacked to work with the bad condition. So I removed the check and
left the user views in place.

I am confident in saying team or user is not doing the right thing and
maybe should be removed. I do not know which is wrong, but if we remove
both, the issue is resolved.

Curtis Hovey

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