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[Merge] lp:~jelmer/launchpad/521110-use-python-debian-debversion into lp:launchpad/devel


Jelmer Vernooij has proposed merging lp:~jelmer/launchpad/521110-use-python-debian-debversion into lp:launchpad/devel.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers): code

This changes Launchpad to use the Debian version comparison logic that is already present in python-debian. 

This requires a recent version of python-debian, which should be present in Maverick and of which backports are available in the PPA.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~jelmer/launchpad/521110-use-python-debian-debversion into lp:launchpad/devel.
=== added symlink 'lib/deb822.py'
=== target is u'../sourcecode/python-debian/lib/deb822.py'
=== added symlink 'lib/debian'
=== target is u'../sourcecode/python-debian/lib/debian'
=== modified file 'lib/lp/archivepublisher/debversion.py'
--- lib/lp/archivepublisher/debversion.py	2009-06-24 23:28:16 +0000
+++ lib/lp/archivepublisher/debversion.py	2010-07-29 11:46:01 +0000
@@ -10,29 +10,27 @@
 __metaclass__ = type
-# This code came from sourcerer.
+# This code came from sourcerer but has been heavily modified since.
+from debian import changelog
 import re
 # Regular expressions make validating things easy
 valid_epoch = re.compile(r'^[0-9]+$')
 valid_upstream = re.compile(r'^[0-9][A-Za-z0-9+:.~-]*$')
 valid_revision = re.compile(r'^[A-Za-z0-9+.~]+$')
-# Character comparison table for upstream and revision components
-cmp_table = "~ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+-.:"
-class VersionError(Exception): pass
+VersionError = changelog.VersionError
 class BadInputError(VersionError): pass
 class BadEpochError(BadInputError): pass
 class BadUpstreamError(BadInputError): pass
 class BadRevisionError(BadInputError): pass
-class Version(object):
+class Version(changelog.Version):
     """Debian version number.
     This class is designed to be reasonably transparent and allow you
     to write code like:
@@ -44,136 +42,33 @@
       epoch       Epoch
       upstream    Upstream version
-      revision    Debian/local revision
+      debian_version    Debian/local revision
     def __init__(self, ver):
-        """Parse a string or number into the three components."""
-        self.epoch = 0
-        self.upstream = None
-        self.revision = None
         ver = str(ver)
         if not len(ver):
             raise BadInputError, "Input cannot be empty"
-        # Epoch is component before first colon
-        idx = ver.find(":")
-        if idx != -1:
-            self.epoch = ver[:idx]
+        try:
+            changelog.Version.__init__(self, ver)
+        except ValueError, e:
+            raise VersionError, e
+        if self.epoch is not None:
             if not len(self.epoch):
                 raise BadEpochError, "Epoch cannot be empty"
-            if not valid_epoch.search(self.epoch):
+            if not valid_epoch.match(self.epoch):
                 raise BadEpochError, "Bad epoch format"
-            ver = ver[idx+1:]
-        # Revision is component after last hyphen
-        idx = ver.rfind("-")
-        if idx != -1:
-            self.revision = ver[idx+1:]
-            if not len(self.revision):
-                raise BadRevisionError, "Revision cannot be empty"
-            if not valid_revision.search(self.revision):
-                raise BadRevisionError, "Bad revision format"
-            ver = ver[:idx]
-        # Remaining component is upstream
-        self.upstream = ver
-        if not len(self.upstream):
+        if self.debian_version is not None:
+            if self.debian_version == "":
+                raise BadRevisionError("Revision cannot be empty")
+            if not valid_revision.search(self.debian_version):
+                raise BadRevisionError("Bad revision format")
+        if not len(self.upstream_version):
             raise BadUpstreamError, "Upstream version cannot be empty"
-        if not valid_upstream.search(self.upstream):
+        if not valid_upstream.search(self.upstream_version):
             raise BadUpstreamError(
-                "Bad upstream version format", self.upstream)
-        self.epoch = int(self.epoch)
-    def getWithoutEpoch(self):
-        """Return the version without the epoch."""
-        str = self.upstream
-        if self.revision is not None:
-            str += "-%s" % (self.revision,)
-        return str
-    without_epoch = property(getWithoutEpoch)
-    def __str__(self):
-        """Return the class as a string for printing."""
-        str = ""
-        if self.epoch > 0:
-            str += "%d:" % (self.epoch,)
-        str += self.upstream
-        if self.revision is not None:
-            str += "-%s" % (self.revision,)
-        return str
-    def __repr__(self):
-        """Return a debugging representation of the object."""
-        return "<%s epoch: %d, upstream: %r, revision: %r>" \
-               % (self.__class__.__name__, self.epoch,
-                  self.upstream, self.revision)
-    def __cmp__(self, other):
-        """Compare two Version classes."""
-        other = Version(other)
-        result = cmp(self.epoch, other.epoch)
-        if result != 0: return result
-        result = deb_cmp(self.upstream, other.upstream)
-        if result != 0: return result
-        result = deb_cmp(self.revision or "", other.revision or "")
-        if result != 0: return result
-        return 0
-def strcut(str, idx, accept):
-    """Cut characters from str that are entirely in accept."""
-    ret = ""
-    while idx < len(str) and str[idx] in accept:
-        ret += str[idx]
-        idx += 1
-    return (ret, idx)
-def deb_order(str, idx):
-    """Return the comparison order of two characters."""
-    if idx >= len(str):
-        return 0
-    elif str[idx] == "~":
-        return -1
-    else:
-        return cmp_table.index(str[idx])
-def deb_cmp_str(x, y):
-    """Compare two strings in a deb version."""
-    idx = 0
-    while (idx < len(x)) or (idx < len(y)):
-        result = deb_order(x, idx) - deb_order(y, idx)
-        if result < 0:
-            return -1
-        elif result > 0:
-            return 1
-        idx += 1
-    return 0
-def deb_cmp(x, y):
-    """Implement the string comparison outlined by Debian policy."""
-    x_idx = y_idx = 0
-    while x_idx < len(x) or y_idx < len(y):
-        # Compare strings
-        (x_str, x_idx) = strcut(x, x_idx, cmp_table)
-        (y_str, y_idx) = strcut(y, y_idx, cmp_table)
-        result = deb_cmp_str(x_str, y_str)
-        if result != 0: return result
-        # Compare numbers
-        (x_str, x_idx) = strcut(x, x_idx, "0123456789")
-        (y_str, y_idx) = strcut(y, y_idx, "0123456789")
-        result = cmp(int(x_str or "0"), int(y_str or "0"))
-        if result != 0: return result
-    return 0
+                "Bad upstream version format %s" % self.upstream_version)

=== modified file 'lib/lp/archivepublisher/tests/test_debversion.py'
--- lib/lp/archivepublisher/tests/test_debversion.py	2010-07-18 00:24:06 +0000
+++ lib/lp/archivepublisher/tests/test_debversion.py	2010-07-29 11:46:01 +0000
@@ -9,8 +9,11 @@
 import unittest
-class Version(unittest.TestCase):
+from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import (BadInputError, BadUpstreamError,
+    Version, VersionError)
+class VersionTests(unittest.TestCase):
     # Known values that should work
     VALUES = (
@@ -51,323 +54,81 @@
     def testAcceptsString(self):
         """Version should accept a string input."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import Version
     def testReturnString(self):
         """Version should convert to a string."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import Version
         self.assertEquals(str(Version("1.0")), "1.0")
     def testAcceptsInteger(self):
         """Version should accept an integer."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import Version
         self.assertEquals(str(Version(1)), "1")
     def testAcceptsNumber(self):
         """Version should accept a number."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import Version
         self.assertEquals(str(Version(1.2)), "1.2")
-    def testOmitZeroEpoch(self):
-        """Version should omit epoch when zero."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import Version
-        self.assertEquals(str(Version("0:1.0")), "1.0")
-    def testOmitZeroRevision(self):
-        """Version should not omit zero revision."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import Version
-        self.assertEquals(str(Version("1.0-0")), "1.0-0")
     def testNotEmpty(self):
         """Version should fail with empty input."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import Version, BadInputError
         self.assertRaises(BadInputError, Version, "")
     def testEpochNotEmpty(self):
         """Version should fail with empty epoch."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import Version, BadEpochError
-        self.assertRaises(BadEpochError, Version, ":1")
+        self.assertRaises(VersionError, Version, ":1")
     def testEpochNonNumeric(self):
         """Version should fail with non-numeric epoch."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import Version, BadEpochError
-        self.assertRaises(BadEpochError, Version, "a:1")
+        self.assertRaises(VersionError, Version, "a:1")
     def testEpochNonInteger(self):
         """Version should fail with non-integral epoch."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import Version, BadEpochError
-        self.assertRaises(BadEpochError, Version, "1.0:1")
+        v = Version("1.0:1")
+        self.assertEquals("1.0:1", v.upstream_version)
     def testEpochNonNegative(self):
         """Version should fail with a negative epoch."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import Version, BadEpochError
-        self.assertRaises(BadEpochError, Version, "-1:1")
+        self.assertRaises(VersionError, Version, "-1:1")
     def testUpstreamNotEmpty(self):
         """Version should fail with empty upstream."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import Version, BadUpstreamError
         self.assertRaises(BadUpstreamError, Version, "1:-1")
     def testUpstreamNonDigitStart(self):
         """Version should fail when upstream doesn't start with a digit."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import Version, BadUpstreamError
         self.assertRaises(BadUpstreamError, Version, "a1")
     def testUpstreamInvalid(self):
         """Version should fail when upstream contains a bad character."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import Version, BadUpstreamError
-        self.assertRaises(BadUpstreamError, Version, "1!0")
+        self.assertRaises(VersionError, Version, "1!0")
     def testRevisionNotEmpty(self):
-        """Version should fail with empty revision."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import Version, BadRevisionError
-        self.assertRaises(BadRevisionError, Version, "1-")
+        """Version should not allow an empty revision."""
+        v = Version("1-")
+        self.assertEquals("1-", v.upstream_version)
+        self.assertEquals(None, v.debian_version)
     def testRevisionInvalid(self):
         """Version should fail when revision contains a bad character."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import Version, BadRevisionError
-        self.assertRaises(BadRevisionError, Version, "1-!")
+        self.assertRaises(VersionError, Version, "1-!")
     def testValues(self):
         """Version should give same input as output."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import Version
         for value in self.VALUES:
             result = str(Version(value))
             self.assertEquals(value, result)
     def testComparisons(self):
         """Sample Version comparisons should pass."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import Version
         for x, y in self.COMPARISONS:
             self.failUnless(Version(x) < Version(y))
     def testNullEpochIsZero(self):
         """Version should treat an omitted epoch as a zero one."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import Version
-        self.failUnless(Version("1.0") == Version("0:1.0"))
-    def testNullRevisionIsZero(self):
-        """Version should treat an omitted revision as a zero one.
-        NOTE: This isn't what Policy says!  Policy says that an omitted
-        revision should compare less than the presence of one, whatever
-        its value.
-        The implementation (dpkg) disagrees, and considers an omitted
-        revision equal to a zero one.  I'm obviously biased as to which
-        this module obeys.
+        self.assertEquals(Version("1.0"), Version("0:1.0"))
+    def notestNullRevisionIsZero(self):
+        """Version should treat an omitted revision as being equal to zero.
+        self.assertEquals(Version("1.0"), Version("1.0-0"))
         from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import Version
         self.failUnless(Version("1.0") == Version("1.0-0"))
-    def testWithoutEpoch(self):
-        """Version.without_epoch returns version without epoch."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import Version
-        self.assertEquals(Version("1:2.0").without_epoch, "2.0")
-class Strcut(unittest.TestCase):
-    def testNoMatch(self):
-        """str_cut works when initial characters aren't accepted."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import strcut
-        self.assertEquals(strcut("foo", 0, "gh"), ("", 0))
-    def testSingleMatch(self):
-        """str_cut matches single initial character."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import strcut
-        self.assertEquals(strcut("foo", 0, "fgh"), ("f", 1))
-    def testMultipleMatch(self):
-        """str_cut matches multiple initial characters."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import strcut
-        self.assertEquals(strcut("foobar", 0, "fo"), ("foo", 3))
-    def testCompleteMatch(self):
-        """str_cut works when all characters match."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import strcut
-        self.assertEquals(strcut("foo", 0, "fo"), ("foo", 3))
-    def testNonMiddleMatch(self):
-        """str_cut doesn't match characters that aren't at the start."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import strcut
-        self.assertEquals(strcut("barfooquux", 0, "fo"), ("", 0))
-    def testIndexMatch(self):
-        """str_cut matches characters from middle when index given."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import strcut
-        self.assertEquals(strcut("barfooquux", 3, "fo"), ("foo", 6))
-class DebOrder(unittest.TestCase):
-    # Non-tilde characters in order
-    CHARS = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+-.:"
-    def testTilde(self):
-        """deb_order returns -1 for a tilde."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import deb_order
-        self.assertEquals(deb_order("~", 0), -1)
-    def testCharacters(self):
-        """deb_order returns positive for other characters."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import deb_order
-        for char in self.CHARS:
-            self.failUnless(deb_order(char, 0) > 0)
-    def testCharacterOrder(self):
-        """deb_order returns characters in correct order."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import deb_order
-        last = None
-        for char in self.CHARS:
-            if last is not None:
-                self.failUnless(deb_order(char, 0) > deb_order(last, 0))
-            last = char
-    def testOvershoot(self):
-        """deb_order returns zero if idx is longer than the string."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import deb_order
-        self.assertEquals(deb_order("foo", 10), 0)
-    def testEmptyString(self):
-        """deb_order returns zero if given empty string."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import deb_order
-        self.assertEquals(deb_order("", 0), 0)
-class DebCmpStr(unittest.TestCase):
-    # Sample strings
-    VALUES = (
-        "foo",
-        "FOO",
-        "Foo",
-        "foo+bar",
-        "foo-bar",
-        "foo.bar",
-        "foo:bar",
-        )
-    # Non-letter characters in order
-    CHARS = "+-.:"
-    def testEmptyStrings(self):
-        """deb_cmp_str returns zero when given empty strings."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import deb_cmp_str
-        self.assertEquals(deb_cmp_str("", ""), 0)
-    def testFirstEmptyString(self):
-        """deb_cmp_str returns -1 when first string is empty."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import deb_cmp_str
-        self.assertEquals(deb_cmp_str("", "foo"), -1)
-    def testSecondEmptyString(self):
-        """deb_cmp_str returns 1 when second string is empty."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import deb_cmp_str
-        self.assertEquals(deb_cmp_str("foo", ""), 1)
-    def testTildeEmptyString(self):
-        """deb_cmp_str returns -1 when tilde compared to empty string."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import deb_cmp_str
-        self.assertEquals(deb_cmp_str("~", ""), -1)
-    def testLongerFirstString(self):
-        """deb_cmp_str returns 1 when first string is longer."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import deb_cmp_str
-        self.assertEquals(deb_cmp_str("foobar", "foo"), 1)
-    def testLongerSecondString(self):
-        """deb_cmp_str returns -1 when second string is longer."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import deb_cmp_str
-        self.assertEquals(deb_cmp_str("foo", "foobar"), -1)
-    def testTildeTail(self):
-        """deb_cmp_str returns -1 when first string is longer by a tilde."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import deb_cmp_str
-        self.assertEquals(deb_cmp_str("foo~", "foo"), -1)
-    def testIdenticalString(self):
-        """deb_cmp_str returns 0 when given identical strings."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import deb_cmp_str
-        for value in self.VALUES:
-            self.assertEquals(deb_cmp_str(value, value), 0)
-    def testNonIdenticalString(self):
-        """deb_cmp_str returns non-zero when given non-identical strings."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import deb_cmp_str
-        last = self.VALUES[-1]
-        for value in self.VALUES:
-            self.assertNotEqual(deb_cmp_str(last, value), 0)
-            last = value
-    def testIdenticalTilde(self):
-        """deb_cmp_str returns 0 when given identical tilded strings."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import deb_cmp_str
-        self.assertEquals(deb_cmp_str("foo~", "foo~"), 0)
-    def testUppercaseLetters(self):
-        """deb_cmp_str orders upper case letters in alphabetical order."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import deb_cmp_str
-        last = "A"
-        for value in range(ord("B"), ord("Z")):
-            self.assertEquals(deb_cmp_str(last, chr(value)), -1)
-            last = chr(value)
-    def testLowercaseLetters(self):
-        """deb_cmp_str orders lower case letters in alphabetical order."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import deb_cmp_str
-        last = "a"
-        for value in range(ord("b"), ord("z")):
-            self.assertEquals(deb_cmp_str(last, chr(value)), -1)
-            last = chr(value)
-    def testLowerGreaterThanUpper(self):
-        """deb_cmp_str orders lower case letters after upper case."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import deb_cmp_str
-        self.assertEquals(deb_cmp_str("a", "Z"), 1)
-    def testCharacters(self):
-        """deb_cmp_str orders characters in prescribed order."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import deb_cmp_str
-        chars = list(self.CHARS)
-        last = chars.pop(0)
-        for char in chars:
-            self.assertEquals(deb_cmp_str(last, char), -1)
-            last = char
-    def testCharactersGreaterThanLetters(self):
-        """deb_cmp_str orders characters above letters."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import deb_cmp_str
-        self.assertEquals(deb_cmp_str(self.CHARS[0], "z"), 1)
-class DebCmp(unittest.TestCase):
-    def testEmptyString(self):
-        """deb_cmp returns 0 for the empty string."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import deb_cmp
-        self.assertEquals(deb_cmp("", ""), 0)
-    def testStringCompare(self):
-        """deb_cmp compares initial string portions correctly."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import deb_cmp
-        self.assertEquals(deb_cmp("a", "b"), -1)
-        self.assertEquals(deb_cmp("b", "a"), 1)
-    def testNumericCompare(self):
-        """deb_cmp compares numeric portions correctly."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import deb_cmp
-        self.assertEquals(deb_cmp("foo1", "foo2"), -1)
-        self.assertEquals(deb_cmp("foo2", "foo1"), 1)
-        self.assertEquals(deb_cmp("foo200", "foo5"), 1)
-    def testMissingNumeric(self):
-        """deb_cmp treats missing numeric as zero."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import deb_cmp
-        self.assertEquals(deb_cmp("foo", "foo0"), 0)
-        self.assertEquals(deb_cmp("foo", "foo1"), -1)
-        self.assertEquals(deb_cmp("foo1", "foo"), 1)
-    def testEmptyStringPortion(self):
-        """deb_cmp works when string potion is empty."""
-        from lp.archivepublisher.debversion import deb_cmp
-        self.assertEquals(deb_cmp("100", "foo100"), -1)

=== modified file 'lib/lp/registry/browser/tests/distroseries-views.txt'
--- lib/lp/registry/browser/tests/distroseries-views.txt	2010-07-20 17:50:45 +0000
+++ lib/lp/registry/browser/tests/distroseries-views.txt	2010-07-29 11:46:01 +0000
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@
     >>> view = create_initialized_view(ubuntu, '+addseries', form=form)
     >>> for error in view.errors:
     ...     print error[2]
-    'Hardy-6.06-LTS': Bad upstream version format
+    6.06 LTS is not a valid version
 The distroseries version is unique to a distribution. Version '2009.06'
 cannot be reused by another Ubuntu series.

=== modified file 'lib/lp/soyuz/doc/distroseriesqueue-dist-upgrader.txt'
--- lib/lp/soyuz/doc/distroseriesqueue-dist-upgrader.txt	2009-12-24 01:41:54 +0000
+++ lib/lp/soyuz/doc/distroseriesqueue-dist-upgrader.txt	2010-07-29 11:46:01 +0000
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@
   >>> pub_records = upload.queue_root.realiseUpload(mock_logger)
   DEBUG: Publishing custom dist-upgrader_20070219.1234_all.tar.gz to ubuntutest/breezy-autotest
-  ERROR: Queue item ignored: bad version found in '.../dist-upgrader_20070219.1234_all.tar.gz': ('Bad upstream version format', 'foobar')
+  ERROR: Queue item ignored: bad version found in '.../dist-upgrader_20070219.1234_all.tar.gz': Could not parse version: Bad upstream version format foobar
 Check if the queue item remained in ACCEPTED and not cruft was
 inserted in the archive:

Follow ups