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[Merge] lp:~stevenk/launchpad/move-ifp-from-idistroseries into lp:launchpad/devel


Steve Kowalik has proposed merging lp:~stevenk/launchpad/move-ifp-from-idistroseries into lp:launchpad/devel.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

This branch moves IDistroSeries.initialiseFromParent out.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~stevenk/launchpad/move-ifp-from-idistroseries into lp:launchpad/devel.
=== modified file 'lib/lp/archiveuploader/tests/test_uploadprocessor.py'
--- lib/lp/archiveuploader/tests/test_uploadprocessor.py	2010-07-21 14:14:54 +0000
+++ lib/lp/archiveuploader/tests/test_uploadprocessor.py	2010-08-02 08:56:03 +0000
@@ -192,6 +192,7 @@
         self.breezy.changeslist = 'breezy-changes@xxxxxxxxxx'
+        # XXX StevenK Use of initialiseFromParent
         if permitted_formats is None:

=== modified file 'lib/lp/registry/doc/distroseries.txt'
--- lib/lp/registry/doc/distroseries.txt	2010-07-28 02:02:25 +0000
+++ lib/lp/registry/doc/distroseries.txt	2010-08-02 08:56:03 +0000
@@ -309,6 +309,8 @@
 publishing records etc. Essentially this is a "Do not push this button
 again" type set of assertions.
+XXX StevenK Use of initialiseFromParent
     >>> login("foo.bar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx")
     >>> humpy = ubuntu.newSeries('humpy', 'Humpy Hippo',
     ...                          'The Humpy Hippo', 'Fat', 'Yo Momma',

=== modified file 'lib/lp/registry/interfaces/distroseries.py'
--- lib/lp/registry/interfaces/distroseries.py	2010-07-28 02:02:25 +0000
+++ lib/lp/registry/interfaces/distroseries.py	2010-08-02 08:56:03 +0000
@@ -727,35 +727,6 @@
         """Create a new port or DistroArchSeries for this DistroSeries."""
-    def initialiseFromParent():
-        """Copy in all of the parent distroseries's configuration. This
-        includes all configuration for distroseries and distroarchseries
-        publishing and all publishing records for sources and binaries.
-        Preconditions:
-          The distroseries must have been set up with its distroarchseriess
-          as needed. It should have its nominated arch-indep set up along
-          with all other basic requirements for the structure of the
-          distroseries. This distroseries and all its distroarchseriess
-          must have empty publishing sets. Section and component selections
-          must be empty.
-        Outcome:
-          The publishing structure will be copied from the parent. All
-          PUBLISHED and PENDING packages in the parent will be created in
-          this distroseries and its distroarchseriess. The lucille config
-          will be copied in, all component and section selections will be
-          duplicated as will any permission-related structures.
-        Note:
-          This method will assert all of its preconditions where possible.
-          After this is run, you still need to construct chroots for building,
-          you need to add anything missing wrt. ports etc. This method is
-          only meant to give you a basic copy of a parent series in order
-          to assist you in preparing a new series of a distribution or
-          in the initialisation of a derivative.
-        """
     def copyTranslationsFromParent(ztm):
         """Copy any translation done in parent that we lack.

=== modified file 'lib/lp/registry/model/distroseries.py'
--- lib/lp/registry/model/distroseries.py	2010-07-29 15:16:43 +0000
+++ lib/lp/registry/model/distroseries.py	2010-08-02 08:56:03 +0000
@@ -1590,175 +1590,6 @@
         """See BugTargetBase."""
         return 'BugTask.distroseries = %s' % sqlvalues(self)
-    def initialiseFromParent(self):
-        """See `IDistroSeries`."""
-        archives = self.distribution.all_distro_archive_ids
-        assert self.parent_series is not None, "Parent series must be present"
-        assert SourcePackagePublishingHistory.select("""
-            Distroseries = %s AND
-            Archive IN %s""" % sqlvalues(self.id, archives)).count() == 0, (
-            "Source Publishing must be empty")
-        for arch in self.architectures:
-            assert BinaryPackagePublishingHistory.select("""
-            DistroArchSeries = %s AND
-            Archive IN %s""" % sqlvalues(arch, archives)).count() == 0, (
-                "Binary Publishing must be empty")
-            try:
-                parent_arch = self.parent_series[arch.architecturetag]
-                assert parent_arch.processorfamily == arch.processorfamily, (
-                       "The arch tags must match the processor families.")
-            except KeyError:
-                raise AssertionError("Parent series lacks %s" % (
-                    arch.architecturetag))
-        assert self.nominatedarchindep is not None, (
-               "Must have a nominated archindep architecture.")
-        assert self.components.count() == 0, (
-               "Component selections must be empty.")
-        assert self.sections.count() == 0, (
-               "Section selections must be empty.")
-        # MAINTAINER: dsilvers: 20051031
-        # Here we go underneath the SQLObject caching layers in order to
-        # generate what will potentially be tens of thousands of rows
-        # in various tables. Thus we flush pending updates from the SQLObject
-        # layer, perform our work directly in the transaction and then throw
-        # the rest of the SQLObject cache away to make sure it hasn't cached
-        # anything that is no longer true.
-        # Prepare for everything by flushing updates to the database.
-        flush_database_updates()
-        cur = cursor()
-        # Perform the copies
-        self._copy_component_section_and_format_selections(cur)
-        # Prepare the list of distroarchseries for which binary packages
-        # shall be copied.
-        distroarchseries_list = []
-        for arch in self.architectures:
-            parent_arch = self.parent_series[arch.architecturetag]
-            distroarchseries_list.append((parent_arch, arch))
-        # Now copy source and binary packages.
-        self._copy_publishing_records(distroarchseries_list)
-        self._copy_lucille_config(cur)
-        self._copy_packaging_links(cur)
-        # Finally, flush the caches because we've altered stuff behind the
-        # back of sqlobject.
-        flush_database_caches()
-    def _copy_lucille_config(self, cur):
-        """Copy all lucille related configuration from our parent series."""
-        cur.execute('''
-            UPDATE DistroSeries SET lucilleconfig=(
-                SELECT pdr.lucilleconfig FROM DistroSeries AS pdr
-                WHERE pdr.id = %s)
-            WHERE id = %s
-            ''' % sqlvalues(self.parent_series.id, self.id))
-    def _copy_publishing_records(self, distroarchseries_list):
-        """Copy the publishing records from the parent arch series
-        to the given arch series in ourselves.
-        We copy all PENDING and PUBLISHED records as PENDING into our own
-        publishing records.
-        We copy only the RELEASE pocket in the PRIMARY and PARTNER
-        archives.
-        """
-        archive_set = getUtility(IArchiveSet)
-        for archive in self.parent_series.distribution.all_distro_archives:
-            # We only want to copy PRIMARY and PARTNER archives.
-            if archive.purpose not in MAIN_ARCHIVE_PURPOSES:
-                continue
-            # XXX cprov 20080612: Implicitly creating a PARTNER archive for
-            # the destination distroseries is bad. Why are we copying
-            # partner to a series in another distribution anyway ?
-            # See bug #239807 for further information.
-            target_archive = archive_set.getByDistroPurpose(
-                self.distribution, archive.purpose)
-            if target_archive is None:
-                target_archive = archive_set.new(
-                    distribution=self.distribution, purpose=archive.purpose,
-                    owner=self.distribution.owner)
-            origin = PackageLocation(
-                archive, self.parent_series.distribution, self.parent_series,
-                PackagePublishingPocket.RELEASE)
-            destination = PackageLocation(
-                target_archive, self.distribution, self,
-                PackagePublishingPocket.RELEASE)
-            clone_packages(origin, destination, distroarchseries_list)
-    def _copy_component_section_and_format_selections(self, cur):
-        """Copy the section, component and format selections from the parent
-        distro series into this one.
-        """
-        # Copy the component selections
-        cur.execute('''
-            INSERT INTO ComponentSelection (distroseries, component)
-            SELECT %s AS distroseries, cs.component AS component
-            FROM ComponentSelection AS cs WHERE cs.distroseries = %s
-            ''' % sqlvalues(self.id, self.parent_series.id))
-        # Copy the section selections
-        cur.execute('''
-            INSERT INTO SectionSelection (distroseries, section)
-            SELECT %s as distroseries, ss.section AS section
-            FROM SectionSelection AS ss WHERE ss.distroseries = %s
-            ''' % sqlvalues(self.id, self.parent_series.id))
-        # Copy the source format selections
-        cur.execute('''
-            INSERT INTO SourcePackageFormatSelection (distroseries, format)
-            SELECT %s as distroseries, spfs.format AS format
-            FROM SourcePackageFormatSelection AS spfs
-            WHERE spfs.distroseries = %s
-            ''' % sqlvalues(self.id, self.parent_series.id))
-    def _copy_packaging_links(self, cur):
-        """Copy the packaging links from the parent series to this one."""
-        cur.execute("""
-            INSERT INTO
-                Packaging(
-                    distroseries, sourcepackagename, productseries,
-                    packaging, owner)
-            SELECT
-                ChildSeries.id,
-                Packaging.sourcepackagename,
-                Packaging.productseries,
-                Packaging.packaging,
-                Packaging.owner
-            FROM
-                Packaging
-                -- Joining the parent distroseries permits the query to build
-                -- the data set for the series being updated, yet results are
-                -- in fact the data from the original series.
-                JOIN Distroseries ChildSeries
-                    ON Packaging.distroseries = ChildSeries.parent_series
-            WHERE
-                -- Select only the packaging links that are in the parent
-                -- that are not in the child.
-                ChildSeries.id = %s
-                AND Packaging.sourcepackagename in (
-                    SELECT sourcepackagename
-                    FROM Packaging
-                    WHERE distroseries in (
-                        SELECT id
-                        FROM Distroseries
-                        WHERE id = ChildSeries.parent_series
-                        )
-                    EXCEPT
-                    SELECT sourcepackagename
-                    FROM Packaging
-                    WHERE distroseries in (
-                        SELECT id
-                        FROM Distroseries
-                        WHERE id = ChildSeries.id
-                        )
-                    )
-            """ % self.id)
     def copyTranslationsFromParent(self, transaction, logger=None):
         """See `IDistroSeries`."""
         if logger is None:

=== removed file 'lib/lp/soyuz/doc/initialise-from-parent.txt'
--- lib/lp/soyuz/doc/initialise-from-parent.txt	2010-05-14 06:14:12 +0000
+++ lib/lp/soyuz/doc/initialise-from-parent.txt	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-Check the behaviour of the initialise_from_parent script. It basically
-calls IDistroSeries.initialiseFromParent method with experimental extra
-checks and tasks.
-We need to create an initialisable DistroSeries as a child of Ubuntu
-Hoary (we do it inside the ubuntutest distribution to avoid conflicts
-with other tests)
-  >>> from canonical.launchpad.interfaces import IDistributionSet
-  >>> from canonical.launchpad.ftests import login
-  >>> login("foo.bar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx")
-  >>> distribution_set = getUtility(IDistributionSet)
-  >>> ubuntutest = distribution_set['ubuntutest']
-  >>> ubuntu = distribution_set['ubuntu']
-  >>> hoary = ubuntu['hoary']
-  # XXX cprov 2006-05-29 bug=49133:
-  # New distroseries should be provided by IDistribution.
-  # This maybe affected by derivation design and is documented in bug.
-  >>> foobuntu = ubuntutest.newSeries('foobuntu', 'FooBuntu',
-  ...                                 'The Foobuntu', 'yeck', 'doom',
-  ...                                 '888', hoary, hoary.owner)
-The script will check that there are no NEEDSBUILD builds in the parent
-distroseries' release pocket, so we need to tweak the status of the NEEDSBUILD
-builds that exist in Ubuntu Hoary in the sampledata:
-  >>> from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.buildbase import BuildStatus
-  >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.pocket import PackagePublishingPocket
-  >>> pending_builds = hoary.getBuildRecords(BuildStatus.NEEDSBUILD,
-  ...     pocket=PackagePublishingPocket.RELEASE)
-  >>> for build in pending_builds:
-  ...     build.status = BuildStatus.FAILEDTOBUILD
-  >>> import transaction
-  >>> transaction.commit()
-  >>> import subprocess
-  >>> import os
-  >>> import sys
-  >>> from canonical.config import config
-Check if it fails for an already released distroseries:
-  >>> script = os.path.join(config.root, "scripts", "ftpmaster-tools",
-  ...                       "initialise-from-parent.py")
-  >>> process = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, script, "-vv",
-  ...                             "breezy-autotest"],
-  ...                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-  ...                            stderr=subprocess.PIPE,)
-  >>> stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
-  >>> process.returncode
-  1
-  >>> print stderr
-  DEBUG   Acquiring lock
-  DEBUG   Initialising connection.
-  DEBUG   Check empty mutable queues in parentseries
-  DEBUG   Check for no pending builds in parentseries
-  DEBUG   Copying distroarchseries from parent and setting nominatedarchindep.
-  Traceback (most recent call last):
-  ...
-  AssertionError: Can not copy distroarchseries from parent, there are already distroarchseries(s) initialised for this series.
-Let's initialise the just created distroseries:
-  >>> process = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, script, "-vv",
-  ...                             "-d", "ubuntutest", "foobuntu"],
-  ...                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-  ...                            stderr=subprocess.PIPE,)
-  >>> stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
-  >>> process.returncode
-  0
-  >>> print stderr
-  DEBUG   Acquiring lock
-  DEBUG   Initialising connection.
-  DEBUG   Check empty mutable queues in parentseries
-  DEBUG   Check for no pending builds in parentseries
-  DEBUG   Copying distroarchseries from parent and setting nominatedarchindep.
-  DEBUG   initialising from parent, copying publishing records.
-  DEBUG   Committing transaction.
-  DEBUG   Releasing lock
-Checking the published sources and binaries of ubuntutest/foobuntu
-against its parent, ubuntu/hoary:
-  >>> hoary_pmount_pubs = hoary.getPublishedReleases('pmount')
-  >>> foobuntu_pmount_pubs = foobuntu.getPublishedReleases('pmount')
-  >>> len(foobuntu_pmount_pubs) == len(hoary_pmount_pubs)
-  True
-  >>> hoary_i386_pmount_pubs = hoary['i386'].getReleasedPackages('pmount')
-  >>> foobuntu_i386_pmount_pubs = (
-  ...     foobuntu['i386'].getReleasedPackages('pmount'))
-  >>> len(foobuntu_i386_pmount_pubs) == len(hoary_i386_pmount_pubs)
-  True
-Check how the publication records behave in a just-initialise distroseries.
-First we get a binarypackagerelease published in foobuntu:
-  >>> pmount_binrel = (
-  ...     foobuntu['i386'].getReleasedPackages(
-  ...     'pmount')[0].binarypackagerelease)
-  >>> pmount_binrel.title
-  u'pmount-0.1-1'
-Follow BPR.build and discover it was built in the parent series:
-  >>> pmount_binrel.build.id
-  7
-  >>> pmount_binrel.build.title
-  u'i386 build of pmount 0.1-1 in ubuntu hoary RELEASE'
-Now we obtain the sourcepackagerelease from the build:
-  >>> pmount_srcrel = pmount_binrel.build.source_package_release
-  >>> pmount_srcrel.title
-  u'pmount - 0.1-1'
-and check it the ISPR.getBuildByArch() would find out the same build
-record for foobuntu and it's parent series (hoary):
-  >>> foobuntu_pmount = pmount_srcrel.getBuildByArch(
-  ...     foobuntu['i386'], foobuntu.main_archive)
-  >>> hoary_pmount = pmount_srcrel.getBuildByArch(
-  ...     hoary['i386'], hoary.main_archive)
-  >>> foobuntu_pmount.id == hoary_pmount.id
-  True
-It means that queuebuilder doesn't need to create a new build record
-in for pmount_0.1-1 in foobuntu.
-In the other hand there is a newer source for pmount published in
-hoary and consequently in foobuntu:
-Note: This is a very unlikely situation, since ubuntu/hoary was marked
-as RELEASED before build pmount_0.1-2 in the sampledata. So when we
-try initialise a distroseries in another distribution based on hoary,
-since they have independent archives (pool), pmount_0.1-1 binary
-becomes a NBS (not build from source) since the pmount_0.1-1 source
-was superseded in hoary and won't be inherited by the initialised
-  >>> pmount_source = hoary.getSourcePackage('pmount').currentrelease
-  >>> print pmount_source.title
-  "pmount" 0.1-2 source package in The Hoary Hedgehog Release
-  >>> pmount_source = foobuntu.getSourcePackage('pmount').currentrelease
-  >>> print pmount_source.title
-  "pmount" 0.1-2 source package in The Foobuntu
-Since pmount_0.1-2 source is published we can safely look up for the
-respective build record:
-  >>> pmount_source.sourcepackagerelease.getBuildByArch(
-  ...    foobuntu['i386'], ubuntu.main_archive) is None
-  True
-It's not present, Let's create it to check if getBuildByArch responds
-appropriately (we won't care about the source architecturehintlist in
-this test, see more details in buildd-queuebuilder)
-  >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.pocket import PackagePublishingPocket
-  >>> created_build = pmount_source.sourcepackagerelease.createBuild(
-  ...     foobuntu['i386'], PackagePublishingPocket.RELEASE,
-  ...     ubuntu.main_archive)
-  >>> retrieved_build = pmount_source.sourcepackagerelease.getBuildByArch(
-  ...    foobuntu['i386'], ubuntu.main_archive)
-  >>> retrieved_build.id == created_build.id
-  True
-  >>> pmount_source.sourcepackagerelease.getBuildByArch(
-  ...    foobuntu['hppa'], ubuntu.main_archive) is None
-  True
-initialiseFromParent also copies the permitted source formats from the
-parent series.
-  >>> from lp.soyuz.interfaces.sourcepackageformat import SourcePackageFormat
-  >>> foobuntu.isSourcePackageFormatPermitted(SourcePackageFormat.FORMAT_1_0)
-  True

=== modified file 'lib/lp/soyuz/doc/soyuz-set-of-uploads.txt'
--- lib/lp/soyuz/doc/soyuz-set-of-uploads.txt	2010-07-12 13:06:41 +0000
+++ lib/lp/soyuz/doc/soyuz-set-of-uploads.txt	2010-08-02 08:56:03 +0000
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@
 Having set up that infrastructure we need to prepare a breezy distroseries
 for the ubuntutest distribution.
+XXX StevenK Use of initialiseFromParent
   >>> from lp.registry.model.distribution import Distribution
   >>> from canonical.launchpad.database import LibraryFileAlias
   >>> ubuntu = Distribution.byName('ubuntu')

=== added file 'lib/lp/soyuz/scripts/initialise_distroseries.py'
--- lib/lp/soyuz/scripts/initialise_distroseries.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ lib/lp/soyuz/scripts/initialise_distroseries.py	2010-08-02 08:56:03 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+# Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
+# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
+"""Initialise a distroseries from its parent distroseries."""
+__metaclass__ = type
+__all__ = [
+    'InitialiseDistroSeries',
+    'ParentSeriesRequired',
+    'PendingBuilds',
+    'QueueNotEmpty',
+    'SeriesAlreadyInUse',
+    ]
+from canonical.database.sqlbase import (
+    cursor, flush_database_caches, flush_database_updates, quote_like,
+    quote, SQLBase, sqlvalues)
+from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.buildbase import BuildStatus
+from lp.registry.interfaces.pocket import PackagePublishingPocket
+from lp.soyuz.interfaces.queue import PackageUploadStatus
+from lp.soyuz.model.publishing import (
+    BinaryPackagePublishingHistory, SourcePackagePublishingHistory)
+class PendingBuilds(Exception):
+    """Raised when the parent distroseries has pending builds."""
+class QueueNotEmpty(Exception):
+    """Raised when the parent distroseries has items in its queues."""
+class ParentSeriesRequired(Exception):
+    """Raised when the distroseries does not have a parent series set."""
+class SeriesAlreadyInUse(Exception):
+    """Raised when the distroseries already contains things."""
+class InitialiseDistroSeries:
+    def __init__(self, distroseries):
+        self.distroseries = distroseries
+        self._check()
+    def _check(self):
+        if self.distroseries.parent_series is None:
+            raise ParentSeriesRequired
+        self._checkBuilds()
+        self._checkQueue()
+        self._checkSeries()
+    def _checkBuilds(self):
+        """Assert there are no pending builds for parent series.
+        Only cares about the RELEASE pocket, which is the only one inherited
+        via initialiseFromParent method.
+        """
+        parentseries = self.distroseries.parent_series
+        # only the RELEASE pocket is inherited, so we only check
+        # pending build records for it.
+        pending_builds = parentseries.getBuildRecords(
+            BuildStatus.NEEDSBUILD, pocket=PackagePublishingPocket.RELEASE)
+        if pending_builds.count():
+            raise PendingBuilds
+    def _checkQueue(self):
+        """Assert upload queue is empty on parent series.
+        Only cares about the RELEASE pocket, which is the only one inherited
+        via initialiseFromParent method.
+        """
+        parentseries = self.distroseries.parent_series
+        # only the RELEASE pocket is inherited, so we only check
+        # queue items for it.
+        for queue in (
+            PackageUploadStatus.NEW, PackageUploadStatus.ACCEPTED,
+            PackageUploadStatus.UNAPPROVED):
+            items = parentseries.getQueueItems(
+                queue, pocket=PackagePublishingPocket.RELEASE)
+            if items:
+                raise QueueNotEmpty
+    def _checkSeries(self):
+        sources = self.distroseries.getAllPublishedSources()
+        if sources.count():
+            raise SeriesAlreadyInUse
+        binaries = self.distroseries.getAllPublishedBinaries()
+        if binaries.count():
+            raise SeriesAlreadyInUse
+        if self.distroseries.architectures.count():
+            raise SeriesAlreadyInUse
+        if self.distroseries.components.count():
+            raise SeriesAlreadyInUse
+        if self.distroseries.sections.count():
+            raise SeriesAlreadyInUse
+    def initialise(self):
+        """See `IDistroSeries`."""
+        # MAINTAINER: dsilvers: 20051031
+        # Here we go underneath the SQLObject caching layers in order to
+        # generate what will potentially be tens of thousands of rows
+        # in various tables. Thus we flush pending updates from the SQLObject
+        # layer, perform our work directly in the transaction and then throw
+        # the rest of the SQLObject cache away to make sure it hasn't cached
+        # anything that is no longer true.
+        # Prepare for everything by flushing updates to the database.
+        flush_database_updates()
+        cur = cursor()
+        # Perform the copies
+        self._copy_component_section_and_format_selections(cur)
+        # Prepare the list of distroarchseries for which binary packages
+        # shall be copied.
+        distroarchseries_list = []
+        for arch in self.architectures:
+            parent_arch = self.parent_series[arch.architecturetag]
+            distroarchseries_list.append((parent_arch, arch))
+        # Now copy source and binary packages.
+        self._copy_publishing_records(distroarchseries_list)
+        self._copy_lucille_config(cur)
+        self._copy_packaging_links(cur)
+        # Finally, flush the caches because we've altered stuff behind the
+        # back of sqlobject.
+        flush_database_caches()
+    def _copy_lucille_config(self, cur):
+        """Copy all lucille related configuration from our parent series."""
+        cur.execute('''
+            UPDATE DistroSeries SET lucilleconfig=(
+                SELECT pdr.lucilleconfig FROM DistroSeries AS pdr
+                WHERE pdr.id = %s)
+            WHERE id = %s
+            ''' % sqlvalues(self.parent_series.id, self.id))
+    def _copy_publishing_records(self, distroarchseries_list):
+        """Copy the publishing records from the parent arch series
+        to the given arch series in ourselves.
+        We copy all PENDING and PUBLISHED records as PENDING into our own
+        publishing records.
+        We copy only the RELEASE pocket in the PRIMARY and PARTNER
+        archives.
+        """
+        archive_set = getUtility(IArchiveSet)
+        for archive in self.parent_series.distribution.all_distro_archives:
+            # We only want to copy PRIMARY and PARTNER archives.
+            if archive.purpose not in MAIN_ARCHIVE_PURPOSES:
+                continue
+            # XXX cprov 20080612: Implicitly creating a PARTNER archive for
+            # the destination distroseries is bad. Why are we copying
+            # partner to a series in another distribution anyway ?
+            # See bug #239807 for further information.
+            target_archive = archive_set.getByDistroPurpose(
+                self.distribution, archive.purpose)
+            if target_archive is None:
+                target_archive = archive_set.new(
+                    distribution=self.distribution, purpose=archive.purpose,
+                    owner=self.distribution.owner)
+            origin = PackageLocation(
+                archive, self.parent_series.distribution, self.parent_series,
+                PackagePublishingPocket.RELEASE)
+            destination = PackageLocation(
+                target_archive, self.distribution, self,
+                PackagePublishingPocket.RELEASE)
+            clone_packages(origin, destination, distroarchseries_list)
+    def _copy_component_section_and_format_selections(self, cur):
+        """Copy the section, component and format selections from the parent
+        distro series into this one.
+        """
+        # Copy the component selections
+        cur.execute('''
+            INSERT INTO ComponentSelection (distroseries, component)
+            SELECT %s AS distroseries, cs.component AS component
+            FROM ComponentSelection AS cs WHERE cs.distroseries = %s
+            ''' % sqlvalues(self.id, self.parent_series.id))
+        # Copy the section selections
+        cur.execute('''
+            INSERT INTO SectionSelection (distroseries, section)
+            SELECT %s as distroseries, ss.section AS section
+            FROM SectionSelection AS ss WHERE ss.distroseries = %s
+            ''' % sqlvalues(self.id, self.parent_series.id))
+        # Copy the source format selections
+        cur.execute('''
+            INSERT INTO SourcePackageFormatSelection (distroseries, format)
+            SELECT %s as distroseries, spfs.format AS format
+            FROM SourcePackageFormatSelection AS spfs
+            WHERE spfs.distroseries = %s
+            ''' % sqlvalues(self.id, self.parent_series.id))
+    def _copy_packaging_links(self, cur):
+        """Copy the packaging links from the parent series to this one."""
+        cur.execute("""
+            INSERT INTO
+                Packaging(
+                    distroseries, sourcepackagename, productseries,
+                    packaging, owner)
+            SELECT
+                ChildSeries.id,
+                Packaging.sourcepackagename,
+                Packaging.productseries,
+                Packaging.packaging,
+                Packaging.owner
+            FROM
+                Packaging
+                -- Joining the parent distroseries permits the query to build
+                -- the data set for the series being updated, yet results are
+                -- in fact the data from the original series.
+                JOIN Distroseries ChildSeries
+                    ON Packaging.distroseries = ChildSeries.parent_series
+            WHERE
+                -- Select only the packaging links that are in the parent
+                -- that are not in the child.
+                ChildSeries.id = %s
+                AND Packaging.sourcepackagename in (
+                    SELECT sourcepackagename
+                    FROM Packaging
+                    WHERE distroseries in (
+                        SELECT id
+                        FROM Distroseries
+                        WHERE id = ChildSeries.parent_series
+                        )
+                    EXCEPT
+                    SELECT sourcepackagename
+                    FROM Packaging
+                    WHERE distroseries in (
+                        SELECT id
+                        FROM Distroseries
+                        WHERE id = ChildSeries.id
+                        )
+                    )
+            """ % self.id)
+def copy_architectures(distroseries):
+    """Overlap SQLObject and copy architecture from the parent.
+    Also set the nominatedarchindep properly in target.
+    """
+    assert distroseries.architectures.count() is 0, (
+        "Can not copy distroarchseries from parent, there are already "
+        "distroarchseries(s) initialised for this series.")
+    flush_database_updates()
+    cur = cursor()
+    cur.execute("""
+    INSERT INTO DistroArchSeries
+          (distroseries, processorfamily, architecturetag, owner, official)
+    SELECT %s, processorfamily, architecturetag, %s, official
+    FROM DistroArchSeries WHERE distroseries = %s
+    """ % sqlvalues(distroseries, distroseries.owner,
+                    distroseries.parent_series))
+    flush_database_caches()
+    distroseries.nominatedarchindep = distroseries[
+        distroseries.parent_series.nominatedarchindep.architecturetag]

=== added file 'lib/lp/soyuz/scripts/tests/test_initialise_distroseries.py'
--- lib/lp/soyuz/scripts/tests/test_initialise_distroseries.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ lib/lp/soyuz/scripts/tests/test_initialise_distroseries.py	2010-08-02 08:56:03 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# Copyright 2010 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
+# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
+"""Test the initialise_distroseries script machinery."""
+__metaclass__ = type
+from zope.component import getUtility
+from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.buildbase import BuildStatus
+from lp.registry.interfaces.pocket import PackagePublishingPocket
+from lp.soyuz.scripts.initialise_distroseries import (
+    InitialiseDistroSeries, ParentSeriesRequired, SeriesAlreadyInUse)
+from lp.testing import TestCaseWithFactory
+from canonical.launchpad.interfaces import IDistributionSet
+from canonical.launchpad.ftests import login, logout
+from canonical.testing.layers import LaunchpadZopelessLayer
+class TestInitialiseDistroSeries(TestCaseWithFactory):
+    layer = LaunchpadZopelessLayer
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestInitialiseDistroSeries, self).setUp()
+        login("foo.bar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx")
+        distribution_set = getUtility(IDistributionSet)
+        self.ubuntutest = distribution_set['ubuntutest']
+        ubuntu = distribution_set['ubuntu']
+        self.hoary = ubuntu['hoary']
+        # XXX cprov 2006-05-29 bug=49133:
+        # New distroseries should be provided by IDistribution.
+        # This maybe affected by derivation design and is documented in bug.
+        self.foobuntu = self.ubuntutest.newSeries(
+            'foobuntu', 'FooBuntu', 'The Foobuntu', 'yeck', 'doom',
+            '888', None, self.hoary.owner)
+        logout()
+    def test_failure_with_no_parent_series(self):
+        self.assertRaises(
+            ParentSeriesRequired, InitialiseDistroSeries, self.foobuntu)
+    def test_failure_for_already_released_distroseries(self):
+        login("foo.bar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx")
+        breezy_autotest = self.ubuntutest['breezy-autotest']
+        self.assertRaises(
+            SeriesAlreadyInUse, InitialiseDistroSeries, breezy_autotest)
+        logout()
+    def test_failure_with_pending_builds(self):
+        pass
+    def test_failure_with_queue_items(self):
+        pass
+    def test_initialise(self):
+        pass

=== modified file 'scripts/ftpmaster-tools/initialise-from-parent.py'
--- scripts/ftpmaster-tools/initialise-from-parent.py	2010-04-27 19:48:39 +0000
+++ scripts/ftpmaster-tools/initialise-from-parent.py	2010-08-02 08:56:03 +0000
@@ -100,79 +100,6 @@
     return 0
-def check_builds(distroseries):
-    """Assert there are no pending builds for parent series.
-    Only cares about the RELEASE pocket, which is the only one inherited
-    via initialiseFromParent method.
-    """
-    # Avoid circular import.
-    from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.buildbase import BuildStatus
-    from lp.registry.interfaces.pocket import PackagePublishingPocket
-    parentseries = distroseries.parent_series
-    # only the RELEASE pocket is inherited, so we only check
-    # pending build records for it.
-    pending_builds = parentseries.getBuildRecords(
-        BuildStatus.NEEDSBUILD, pocket=PackagePublishingPocket.RELEASE)
-    assert pending_builds.count() == 0, (
-            'Parent must not have PENDING builds')
-def check_queue(distroseries):
-    """Assert upload queue is empty on parent series.
-    Only cares about the RELEASE pocket, which is the only one inherited
-    via initialiseFromParent method.
-    """
-    # Avoid circular import.
-    from lp.registry.interfaces.pocket import PackagePublishingPocket
-    parentseries = distroseries.parent_series
-    # only the RELEASE pocket is inherited, so we only check
-    # queue items for it.
-    new_items = parentseries.getQueueItems(
-        PackageUploadStatus.NEW,
-        pocket=PackagePublishingPocket.RELEASE)
-    accepted_items = parentseries.getQueueItems(
-        PackageUploadStatus.ACCEPTED,
-        pocket=PackagePublishingPocket.RELEASE)
-    unapproved_items = parentseries.getQueueItems(
-        PackageUploadStatus.UNAPPROVED,
-        pocket=PackagePublishingPocket.RELEASE)
-    assert new_items.count() == 0, (
-            'Parent NEW queue must be empty')
-    assert accepted_items.count() == 0, (
-            'Parent ACCEPTED queue must be empty')
-    assert unapproved_items.count() == 0, (
-            'Parent UNAPPROVED queue must be empty')
-def copy_architectures(distroseries):
-    """Overlap SQLObject and copy architecture from the parent.
-    Also set the nominatedarchindep properly in target.
-    """
-    assert distroseries.architectures.count() is 0, (
-        "Can not copy distroarchseries from parent, there are already "
-        "distroarchseries(s) initialised for this series.")
-    flush_database_updates()
-    cur = cursor()
-    cur.execute("""
-    INSERT INTO DistroArchSeries
-          (distroseries, processorfamily, architecturetag, owner, official)
-    SELECT %s, processorfamily, architecturetag, %s, official
-    FROM DistroArchSeries WHERE distroseries = %s
-    """ % sqlvalues(distroseries, distroseries.owner,
-                    distroseries.parent_series))
-    flush_database_caches()
-    distroseries.nominatedarchindep = distroseries[
-        distroseries.parent_series.nominatedarchindep.architecturetag]
 if __name__ == '__main__':

Follow ups