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[Merge] lp:~adeuring/launchpad/translation-fixing2 into lp:launchpad


Abel Deuring has proposed merging lp:~adeuring/launchpad/translation-fixing2 into lp:launchpad with lp:~abentley/launchpad/translation-fixing as a prerequisite.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:

This branch removes tests of the deprecated method POTMsgSet.updateTranslations() and it replaces calls of this method in some tests by calls of makeCurrentTranslation()


bin/test -t potmsgset.txt -t test_pofile  -t test_potmsgset -t import-flags.txt

no lint

Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~adeuring/launchpad/translation-fixing2 into lp:launchpad.
=== modified file 'lib/lp/translations/doc/potmsgset.txt'
--- lib/lp/translations/doc/potmsgset.txt	2010-12-14 16:57:36 +0000
+++ lib/lp/translations/doc/potmsgset.txt	2011-01-20 21:20:32 +0000
@@ -211,248 +211,6 @@
     u'\nTranslation\nto test\n'
-This method is the core piece of Translations infrastructure: it
-updates a single language translation for a POTMsgSet, and modifies a
-lot of metadata depending on many different conditions.  It is used
-from both web UI and from import code.
-We are going to work with Evolution.
-    >>> evolution = getUtility(IProductSet).getByName('evolution')
-    >>> evolution_trunk = evolution.getSeries('trunk')
-    >>> evolution_potemplate = evolution_trunk.getPOTemplate('evolution-2.2')
-Carlos is a privileged translator that will do the updates.
-    >>> carlos = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName('carlos')
-    >>> login('carlos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx')
-We will be working with Catalan (ca) translations, with the new PO file.
-    >>> upstream_pofile = evolution_potemplate.newPOFile('ca')
-    >>> catalan = upstream_pofile.language
-And, any changes we'd do will be in 'evolution addressbook' message.
-    >>> upstream_potmsgset = evolution_potemplate.getPOTMsgSetByMsgIDText(
-    ...     u'evolution addressbook')
-At this time, there is no current or imported translation and no suggestions.
-    >>> print upstream_potmsgset.getCurrentTranslationMessage(
-    ...     evolution_potemplate, catalan)
-    None
-    >>> print upstream_potmsgset.getOtherTranslation(
-    ...     catalan, evolution_potemplate.translation_side)
-    None
-    >>> list(upstream_potmsgset.getLocalTranslationMessages(
-    ...          evolution_potemplate, catalan))
-    []
-To add a suggestion, we set the force_suggestion parameter.
-    >>> new_translation = upstream_potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-    ...     upstream_pofile, carlos, {0: u'foo'}, is_current_upstream=False,
-    ...     force_suggestion=True, lock_timestamp=datetime.now(pytz.UTC))
-Since this message is just a suggestion, it doesn't have a reviewer, but
-it does note a person which last changed it.
-    >>> print new_translation.reviewer
-    None
-    >>> print new_translation.date_reviewed
-    None
-    >>> new_translation.submitter.displayname
-    u'Carlos Perell\xf3 Mar\xedn'
-    >>> new_translation.date_created is None
-    False
-Since this is a suggestion, it is not counted as a translation.
-The updateStatistics method returns four values:
- - The number of translations 'imported' that are being used.
- - The number of translations 'imported' that were updated in Launchpad.
- - The number of new translations added in Launchpad.
- - The number of messages that have suggestions to be reviewed.
-    >>> upstream_pofile.updateStatistics()
-    (0, 0, 0, 1)
-We are adding a translation from the import.
-    >>> upstream_potmsgset = evolution_potemplate.getPOTMsgSetByMsgIDText(
-    ...     u'%d contact', u'%d contacts')
-At this time, there is no current or imported translation and no suggestions.
-    >>> print upstream_potmsgset.getCurrentTranslationMessage(
-    ...     evolution_potemplate, catalan)
-    None
-    >>> print upstream_potmsgset.getOtherTranslation(
-    ...     catalan, evolution_potemplate.translation_side)
-    None
-    >>> list(upstream_potmsgset.getLocalTranslationMessages(
-    ...     evolution_potemplate, catalan))
-    []
-To add an imported translation, we need to set is_current_upstream parameter.
-    >>> new_translation = upstream_potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-    ...     upstream_pofile, carlos, {0: u'foo %d', 1: u'foos %d'},
-    ...     is_current_upstream=True, lock_timestamp=datetime.now(pytz.UTC))
-The new translation is reflected in the POFile statistics.
-    >>> upstream_pofile.updateStatistics()
-    (1, 0, 0, 1)
-Since this message came from the import, it doesn't have a reviewer, but
-it does note a person which last changed it.
-    >>> current = upstream_potmsgset.getCurrentTranslationMessage(
-    ...     evolution_potemplate, catalan)
-    >>> print current.reviewer
-    None
-    >>> print current.date_reviewed
-    None
-    >>> current.submitter.displayname
-    u'Carlos Perell\xf3 Mar\xedn'
-    >>> current.date_created is None
-    False
-Unsetting a translation from the import
-A translation can be removed from the import by being set to an empty string.
-    >>> upstream_potmsgset = evolution_potemplate.getPOTMsgSetByMsgIDText(
-    ...     u'have ')
-    >>> new_translation = upstream_potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-    ...     upstream_pofile, carlos, {0: u''},
-    ...     is_current_upstream=True, lock_timestamp=datetime.now(pytz.UTC))
-Current translation is now unset, as is imported.
-    >>> current = upstream_potmsgset.getCurrentTranslationMessage(
-    ...     evolution_potemplate, catalan)
-    >>> print current
-    None
-    >>> imported = upstream_potmsgset.getOtherTranslation(
-    ...     catalan, evolution_potemplate.translation_side)
-    >>> print imported
-    None
-Given that we unset an imported translation, statistics remain unchanged.
-    >>> upstream_pofile.updateStatistics()
-    (1, 0, 0, 1)
-To unset an imported plural translation, we can add an empty translation.
-    >>> upstream_potmsgset = evolution_potemplate.getPOTMsgSetByMsgIDText(
-    ...     u'%d contact', u'%d contacts')
-    >>> new_translation = upstream_potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-    ...     upstream_pofile, carlos, {0: u'', 1: u''},
-    ...     is_current_upstream=True, lock_timestamp=datetime.now(pytz.UTC))
-The statistics change to reflect that the message is not available
-in upstream anymore, so it's now noted as newly translated in Launchpad.
-    >>> upstream_pofile.updateStatistics()
-    (0, 0, 0, 2)
-Activating an existing suggestion
-Foo Bar is a privileged translator who can do reviews and submit translations
-directly, while No Privileges user can only submit suggestions.
-    >>> foobar = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName('name16')
-    >>> no_priv = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName('no-priv')
-We'll be working with Spanish PO file for Evolution, again handling
-'evolution addressbook' message.
-    >>> pofile_es = evolution_potemplate.getPOFileByLang('es')
-    >>> spanish = pofile_es.language
-    >>> potmsgset = evolution_potemplate.getPOTMsgSetByMsgIDText(
-    ...     u'evolution addressbook')
-At the moment, there are no suggestions for this message.
-    >>> suggested = potmsgset.getLocalTranslationMessages(
-    ...     evolution_potemplate, spanish)
-    >>> len(list(suggested))
-    0
-A No Privileges user updates a translation.
-    >>> new_message = potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-    ...     pofile_es, no_priv, {0: u'test string'},
-    ...     is_current_upstream=False, lock_timestamp=datetime.now(pytz.UTC))
-This message is not made current or marked as imported.
-    >>> new_message.is_current_ubuntu
-    False
-    >>> new_message.is_current_upstream
-    False
-Now, we should have one extra suggestion.
-    >>> suggested = potmsgset.getLocalTranslationMessages(
-    ...     evolution_potemplate, spanish)
-    >>> len(list(suggested))
-    1
-That is the one that no_priv submitted.
-    >>> suggested[0].translations
-    [u'test string']
-And the active translation is not the one we suggested.
-    >>> current = potmsgset.getCurrentTranslationMessage(
-    ...     evolution_potemplate, spanish)
-    >>> current.translations
-    [u'libreta de direcciones de Evolution']
-And the reviewer for that message was Carlos:
-    >>> current.reviewer.name
-    u'carlos'
-Now, Foo Bar, a translator with permissions, is going to approve that
-new suggestion.
-    >>> new_message = potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-    ...     pofile_es, foobar, {0: u'test string'},
-    ...     is_current_upstream=False, lock_timestamp=datetime.now(pytz.UTC))
-We don't have any suggestion newer than the new active translation
-    >>> suggested = potmsgset.getLocalTranslationMessages(
-    ...     evolution_potemplate, spanish)
-    >>> len(list(suggested))
-    0
-And the active translation is now the one from no-priv user.
-    >>> current = potmsgset.getCurrentTranslationMessage(
-    ...     evolution_potemplate, spanish)
-    >>> current.submitter.name
-    u'no-priv'
-    >>> current.translations
-    [u'test string']
-Also, we should have Foo Bar as the reviewer of that translation.
-    >>> current.reviewer.displayname
-    u'Foo Bar'
 Plural forms
@@ -461,6 +219,9 @@
 An empty translation does not need to exist in the database.  If not,
 a DummyPOFile is used instead.
+    >>> evolution = getUtility(IProductSet).getByName('evolution')
+    >>> evolution_trunk = evolution.getSeries('trunk')
+    >>> evolution_potemplate = evolution_trunk.getPOTemplate('evolution-2.2')
     >>> language_pt_BR = getUtility(
     ...     ILanguageSet).getLanguageByCode('pt_BR')
     >>> pt_BR_dummypofile = evolution_potemplate.getDummyPOFile(
@@ -538,10 +299,12 @@
 We call such a message incomplete, and undesirable as it is, it is still
 gracefully accepted.
+    >>> pofile_es = evolution_potemplate.getPOFileByLang('es')
     >>> plural_potmsgset = pofile_es.potemplate.getPOTMsgSetByMsgIDText(
     ...     u'%d contact', u'%d contacts')
     >>> pofile_es.plural_forms
+    >>> foobar = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName('name16')
     >>> message = factory.makeCurrentTranslationMessage(
     ...     pofile_es, plural_potmsgset, foobar,
     ...     translations={0: u'foo %d', 1: None})
@@ -598,6 +361,10 @@
 plural forms.  This time, uploading a three-form translation produces a
 new translation message.
+Carlos is a privileged translator that will do the updates.
+    >>> carlos = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName('carlos')
+    >>> login('carlos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx')
     >>> zap.pluralforms = 3
     >>> zap.pluralexpression = 'n % 3'
@@ -732,6 +499,7 @@
 We have the same message in both templates but with different
 translations in Spanish:
+    >>> spanish = pofile_es.language
     >>> evo_product_message = evo_product_template.getPOTMsgSetByMsgIDText(
     ...     ' cards')
     >>> evo_product_translation = (

=== removed file 'lib/lp/translations/tests/potmsgset-update-translation.txt'
--- lib/lp/translations/tests/potmsgset-update-translation.txt	2010-12-16 13:25:54 +0000
+++ lib/lp/translations/tests/potmsgset-update-translation.txt	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-    >>> import datetime
-    >>> import pytz
-    >>> from zope.component import getUtility
-    >>> from canonical.database.sqlbase import flush_database_updates
-    >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.person import IPersonSet
-    >>> from lp.translations.model.pomsgid import POMsgID
-    >>> from lp.translations.model.potemplate import POTemplate
-    >>> UTC = pytz.timezone('UTC')
-Get the PO msgid we will be working with.
-    >>> pomsgid = POMsgID.byMsgid('evolution addressbook')
-Carlos is the one that will do the uploads.
-    >>> carlos = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName('carlos')
-Now find the po template.
-    >>> upstream_evo = POTemplate.get(1)
-    >>> upstream_evo.productseries is not None
-    True
-    >>> upstream_evo.productseries.product.name
-    u'evolution'
-And the Spanish translation.
-    >>> pofile_es = upstream_evo.getPOFileByLang('es')
-This method will only overwrite translations in Launchpad with upstream
-ones if the previous upstream translation matches the translation used
-in Launchpad or there is no complete translation.
-    >>> potmsgset = pofile_es.potemplate.getPOTMsgSetByMsgIDText(
-    ...     u'EncFS Password: ')
-We can see that this is actually the case:
-    >>> from lp.services.worlddata.model.language import LanguageSet
-    >>> spanish = LanguageSet().getLanguageByCode('es')
-    >>> message = potmsgset.getCurrentTranslationMessage(
-    ...     upstream_evo, spanish)
-    >>> message.msgstr0.translation
-    u'Contrase\xf1a de EncFS: '
-    >>> message.is_complete
-    True
-    >>> message.is_current_upstream
-    True
-We change the upstream one, and thus, the one in Launchpad will be changed
-too at the same time.
-    >>> message = potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-    ...     pofile_es, carlos, {0: u'foo '}, is_current_upstream=True,
-    ...     lock_timestamp=datetime.datetime.now(UTC))
-    >>> message.msgstr0.translation
-    u'foo '
-    >>> message.is_complete
-    True
-    >>> message.is_current_upstream
-    True
-Even more, if there is no translation at all in Launchpad, we still get
-the update from upstream.
-    >>> message = potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-    ...     pofile_es, carlos, {}, is_current_upstream=False,
-    ...     lock_timestamp=datetime.datetime.now(UTC))
-    >>> message.msgstr0 is None
-    True
-    >>> message.is_complete
-    False
-    >>> flush_database_updates()
-    >>> message = potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-    ...     pofile_es, carlos, {0: u'foobar '},
-    ...     is_current_upstream=True,
-    ...     lock_timestamp=datetime.datetime.now(UTC))
-    >>> flush_database_updates()
-    >>> message.msgstr0.translation
-    u'foobar '
-    >>> message.is_complete
-    True
-    >>> message.is_current_upstream
-    True
-So far, the current translation has been the imported one.  If Carlos
-now submits another translation for the same message through the web
-form, it is marked as current, but the last-imported translation remains
-    >>> dummy = potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-    ...     pofile_es, carlos, {0: 'boing '}, is_current_upstream=False,
-    ...     lock_timestamp=datetime.datetime.now(UTC))
-    >>> flush_database_updates()
-    >>> message = potmsgset.getCurrentTranslationMessage(
-    ...     upstream_evo, spanish)
-    >>> message == dummy
-    True
-    >>> message.msgstr0.translation
-    u'boing '
-    >>> message.is_complete
-    True
-    >>> message.is_current_upstream
-    False
-Since upstream and active translations diverged, if we get a new
-upstream translation, the one in Launchpad will be kept untouched.
-    >>> dummy = potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-    ...     pofile_es, carlos, {0: u'bars '}, is_current_upstream=True,
-    ...     lock_timestamp=datetime.datetime.now(UTC))
-    >>> flush_database_updates()
-    >>> message = potmsgset.getCurrentTranslationMessage(
-    ...     upstream_evo, spanish)
-    >>> message != dummy
-    True
-    >>> message.translations
-    [u'boing ']
-    >>> message.is_complete
-    True
-    >>> message = potmsgset.getImportedTranslationMessage(
-    ...     upstream_evo, spanish)
-    >>> message.translations
-    [u'bars ']
-    >>> message.is_complete
-    True
-To force adding a new suggestion even if there are enough
-privileges to set it as current, we can use the force_suggestion
-    >>> dummy = potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-    ...     pofile_es, carlos, {0: u'suggestion! '},
-    ...     is_current_upstream=False,
-    ...     lock_timestamp=datetime.datetime.now(UTC), force_suggestion=True)
-    >>> flush_database_updates()
-    >>> message = potmsgset.getCurrentTranslationMessage(
-    ...     upstream_evo, spanish)
-    >>> message != dummy
-    True
-    >>> message.translations
-    [u'boing ']
-    >>> message.is_complete
-    True
-    >>> dummy.translations
-    [u'suggestion! ']
-    >>> dummy.is_complete
-    True

=== removed file 'lib/lp/translations/tests/test_empty_messages.py'
--- lib/lp/translations/tests/test_empty_messages.py	2010-12-16 13:16:58 +0000
+++ lib/lp/translations/tests/test_empty_messages.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009-2010 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-__metaclass__ = type
-from datetime import datetime
-from pytz import timezone
-from zope.component import getUtility
-from canonical.testing.layers import LaunchpadZopelessLayer
-from lp.app.enums import ServiceUsage
-from lp.services.worlddata.interfaces.language import ILanguageSet
-from lp.testing import TestCaseWithFactory
-class TestTranslationEmptyMessages(TestCaseWithFactory):
-    """Test behaviour of empty translation messages."""
-    layer = LaunchpadZopelessLayer
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Set up context to test in."""
-        # Pretend we have a product being translated to Serbian.
-        # This is where we are going to be importing translations to.
-        super(TestTranslationEmptyMessages, self).setUp()
-        product = self.factory.makeProduct(
-            translations_usage=ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD)
-        self.productseries = self.factory.makeProductSeries(product=product)
-        self.potemplate = self.factory.makePOTemplate(self.productseries)
-        self.serbian = getUtility(ILanguageSet).getLanguageByCode('sr')
-        self.pofile_sr = self.factory.makePOFile(
-            'sr',
-            potemplate=self.potemplate)
-        self.now = datetime.now(timezone('UTC'))
-    def test_NoEmptyImporedTranslation(self):
-        # When an empty translation comes from import, it is
-        # ignored when there's NO previous is_current_upstream translation.
-        potmsgset = self.factory.makePOTMsgSet(self.potemplate)
-        translation = potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile_sr, self.pofile_sr.owner, [""],
-            is_current_upstream=True, lock_timestamp=None)
-        # Importing an empty translation should not create a new record
-        # in the database.
-        self.assertEquals(translation, None)
-    def test_DeactivatingCurrentTranslation(self):
-        # Deactivating replace existing is_current_ubuntu translation,
-        # stores an empty translation in the database.
-        potmsgset = self.factory.makePOTMsgSet(self.potemplate)
-        translation = potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile_sr, self.pofile_sr.owner, ["active translation"],
-            is_current_upstream=False, lock_timestamp=None)
-        deactivation = potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile_sr, self.pofile_sr.owner, [u""],
-            is_current_upstream=False, lock_timestamp=self.now)
-        ubuntu_message = potmsgset.getCurrentTranslationMessage(
-            self.potemplate, self.serbian)
-        # Storing an empty translation should deactivate the current
-        # translation message.
-        self.assertEquals(deactivation, ubuntu_message)
-    def test_DeactivatingImportedTranslation(self):
-        # When an empty translation comes from import, it is
-        # ignored when there IS a previous is_current_upstream translation,
-        # and previous translation is marked as not being
-        # is_current_upstream anymore.
-        potmsgset = self.factory.makePOTMsgSet(self.potemplate)
-        translation = potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile_sr, self.pofile_sr.owner, ["upstream translation"],
-            is_current_upstream=True, lock_timestamp=None)
-        deactivation = potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile_sr, self.pofile_sr.owner, [""],
-            is_current_upstream=True, lock_timestamp=self.now)
-        upstream_message = potmsgset.getImportedTranslationMessage(
-            self.potemplate, self.serbian)
-        ubuntu_message = potmsgset.getCurrentTranslationMessage(
-            self.potemplate, self.serbian)
-        # Empty is_current_upstream message should not be imported.
-        self.assertEquals(deactivation, None)
-        # Existing is_current_upstream message should be unset.
-        self.assertEquals(upstream_message, None)
-        # Old is_current_upstream message is not is_current_ubuntu either.
-        self.assertEquals(ubuntu_message, None)
-    def test_DeactivatingImportedNotCurrentTranslation(self):
-        # When an empty translation comes from import, and there is a
-        # previous is_current_upstream translation and another
-        # is_current_ubuntu translation, only is_current_upstream
-        # translation is unset.
-        potmsgset = self.factory.makePOTMsgSet(self.potemplate)
-        upstream_message = potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile_sr, self.pofile_sr.owner, ["upstream translation"],
-            is_current_upstream=True, lock_timestamp=None)
-        launchpad_message = potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile_sr, self.pofile_sr.owner, ["launchpad translation"],
-            is_current_upstream=False, lock_timestamp=self.now)
-        deactivation = potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile_sr, self.pofile_sr.owner, [""],
-            is_current_upstream=True, lock_timestamp=self.now)
-        new_upstream_message = potmsgset.getImportedTranslationMessage(
-            self.potemplate, self.serbian)
-        ubuntu_message = potmsgset.getCurrentTranslationMessage(
-            self.potemplate, self.serbian)
-        # Current message should not be changed.
-        self.assertEquals(launchpad_message, ubuntu_message)
-        # Existing is_current_upstream message should be unset.
-        self.assertEquals(new_upstream_message, None)

=== modified file 'lib/lp/translations/tests/test_pofile.py'
--- lib/lp/translations/tests/test_pofile.py	2011-01-11 16:15:52 +0000
+++ lib/lp/translations/tests/test_pofile.py	2011-01-20 21:20:32 +0000
@@ -1855,12 +1855,11 @@
     def _createMessageSet(self, testmsg):
         # Create a message set from the test data.
-        pomsgset = self.factory.makePOTMsgSet(
+        potmsgset = self.factory.makePOTMsgSet(
             self.potemplate, testmsg['msgid'], sequence=testmsg['sequence'])
-        pomsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.pofile.owner,
-            {0: testmsg['string'], },
-            True, None, force_edition_rights=True)
+        translation = self.factory.makeCurrentTranslationMessage(
+            self.pofile, potmsgset=potmsgset, translator=self.pofile.owner,
+            translations={0: testmsg['string'], }, current_other=True)
     def test_getTranslationRows_sequence(self):
         # Test for correct sorting of obsolete messages (where sequence=0).

=== modified file 'lib/lp/translations/tests/test_potmsgset.py'
--- lib/lp/translations/tests/test_potmsgset.py	2011-01-19 21:02:46 +0000
+++ lib/lp/translations/tests/test_potmsgset.py	2011-01-20 21:20:32 +0000
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 from lp.app.enums import ServiceUsage
-from lp.registry.interfaces.person import IPersonSet
 from lp.services.propertycache import get_property_cache
 from lp.testing import TestCaseWithFactory
 from lp.translations.interfaces.potemplate import IPOTemplateSet
@@ -69,8 +68,8 @@
         # Create a single POTMsgSet that is used across all tests,
         # and add it to only one of the POTemplates.
-        self.potmsgset = self.factory.makePOTMsgSet(self.devel_potemplate)
-        self.potmsgset.setSequence(self.devel_potemplate, 1)
+        self.potmsgset = self.factory.makePOTMsgSet(
+            self.devel_potemplate, sequence=1)
     def _refreshSuggestiveTemplatesCache(self):
         """Refresh the `SuggestivePOTemplate` cache."""
@@ -183,9 +182,7 @@
-    # XXX henninge 2010-12-10 bug=688519: getCurrentTranslationMessage is not
-    # side-aware yet.
-    def test_getCurrentTranslationMessage(self):
+    def test_getCurrentTranslation(self):
         """Test how shared and diverged current translation messages
         # Share a POTMsgSet in two templates, and get a Serbian POFile.
@@ -194,21 +191,29 @@
         serbian = sr_pofile.language
         # A shared translation is current in both templates.
-        shared_translation = self.factory.makeSharedTranslationMessage(
+        shared_translation = self.factory.makeCurrentTranslationMessage(
             pofile=sr_pofile, potmsgset=self.potmsgset)
-        self.assertEquals(self.potmsgset.getCurrentTranslationMessage(
-            self.devel_potemplate, serbian), shared_translation)
-        self.assertEquals(self.potmsgset.getCurrentTranslationMessage(
-            self.stable_potemplate, serbian), shared_translation)
+        devel_translation = self.potmsgset.getCurrentTranslation(
+            self.devel_potemplate, serbian,
+            self.devel_potemplate.translation_side)
+        self.assertEquals(devel_translation, shared_translation)
+        stable_translation = self.potmsgset.getCurrentTranslation(
+            self.stable_potemplate, serbian,
+            self.stable_potemplate.translation_side)
+        self.assertEquals(stable_translation, shared_translation)
         # Adding a diverged translation in one template makes that one
         # current in it.
-        diverged_translation = self.factory.makeTranslationMessage(
-            pofile=sr_pofile, potmsgset=self.potmsgset, force_diverged=True)
-        self.assertEquals(self.potmsgset.getCurrentTranslationMessage(
-            self.devel_potemplate, serbian), diverged_translation)
-        self.assertEquals(self.potmsgset.getCurrentTranslationMessage(
-            self.stable_potemplate, serbian), shared_translation)
+        diverged_translation = self.factory.makeDivergedTranslationMessage(
+            pofile=sr_pofile, potmsgset=self.potmsgset)
+        devel_translation = self.potmsgset.getCurrentTranslation(
+            self.devel_potemplate, serbian,
+            self.devel_potemplate.translation_side)
+        self.assertEquals(devel_translation, diverged_translation)
+        stable_translation = self.potmsgset.getCurrentTranslation(
+            self.stable_potemplate, serbian,
+            self.stable_potemplate.translation_side)
+        self.assertEquals(stable_translation, shared_translation)
     def test_getOtherTranslation(self):
         # Get the translation on the other side.
@@ -494,182 +499,6 @@
                 self.devel_potemplate, serbian),
-    def test_updateTranslation_divergence(self):
-        """Test that diverging translations works as expected."""
-        sr_pofile = self.factory.makePOFile('sr', self.devel_potemplate)
-        serbian = sr_pofile.language
-        # We can't use factory methods here because they depend on
-        # updateTranslation itself.  So, a bit more boiler-plate than
-        # usual.
-        # Let's create a shared, current translation.
-        shared_translation = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            pofile=sr_pofile, submitter=sr_pofile.owner,
-            new_translations=[u'Shared'], is_current_upstream=False,
-            lock_timestamp=datetime.now(pytz.UTC))
-        self.assertEquals(shared_translation.potemplate, None)
-        self.assertTrue(shared_translation.is_current_ubuntu)
-        # And let's create a diverged translation by passing `force_diverged`
-        # parameter to updateTranslation call.
-        diverged_translation = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            pofile=sr_pofile, submitter=sr_pofile.owner,
-            new_translations=[u'Diverged'], is_current_upstream=False,
-            lock_timestamp=datetime.now(pytz.UTC), force_diverged=True)
-        self.assertEquals(diverged_translation.potemplate,
-                          self.devel_potemplate)
-        # Both shared and diverged translations are marked as current,
-        # since shared might be used in other templates which have no
-        # divergences.
-        self.assertTrue(shared_translation.is_current_ubuntu)
-        self.assertTrue(diverged_translation.is_current_ubuntu)
-        # But only diverged one is returned as current.
-        current_translation = self.potmsgset.getCurrentTranslationMessage(
-            self.devel_potemplate, serbian)
-        self.assertEquals(current_translation, diverged_translation)
-        # Trying to set a new, completely different translation when
-        # there is a diverged translation keeps the divergence.
-        new_translation = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            pofile=sr_pofile, submitter=sr_pofile.owner,
-            new_translations=[u'New diverged'], is_current_upstream=False,
-            lock_timestamp=datetime.now(pytz.UTC))
-        self.assertEquals(new_translation.potemplate,
-                          self.devel_potemplate)
-        self.assertTrue(shared_translation.is_current_ubuntu)
-        self.assertTrue(new_translation.is_current_ubuntu)
-    def test_updateTranslation_divergence_identical_translation(self):
-        """Test that identical diverging translations works as expected."""
-        # Create the POFile in *all* sharing potemplates.
-        sr_pofile_devel = self.factory.makePOFile('sr',
-                                                  self.devel_potemplate,
-                                                  create_sharing=True)
-        serbian = sr_pofile_devel.language
-        sr_pofile_stable = (
-            self.stable_potemplate.getPOFileByLang(serbian.code))
-        # We can't use factory methods here because they depend on
-        # updateTranslation itself.  So, a bit more boiler-plate than
-        # usual.
-        # Let's create a shared, current translation.
-        shared_translation = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            pofile=sr_pofile_devel, submitter=sr_pofile_devel.owner,
-            new_translations=[u'Shared'], is_current_upstream=False,
-            lock_timestamp=datetime.now(pytz.UTC))
-        # And let's create a diverged translation on the devel series by
-        # passing `force_diverged` parameter to updateTranslation call.
-        diverged_translation_devel = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            pofile=sr_pofile_devel, submitter=sr_pofile_devel.owner,
-            new_translations=[u'Diverged'], is_current_upstream=False,
-            lock_timestamp=datetime.now(pytz.UTC), force_diverged=True)
-        # Now we create a diverged translation in the stable series that
-        # is identical to the diverged message in the devel series.
-        diverged_translation_stable = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            pofile=sr_pofile_stable, submitter=sr_pofile_stable.owner,
-            new_translations=[u'Diverged'], is_current_upstream=False,
-            lock_timestamp=datetime.now(pytz.UTC), force_diverged=True)
-        # This will create a new, diverged message with the same translation
-        # but linked to the other potemplate.
-        devel_translation = self.potmsgset.getCurrentTranslationMessage(
-            self.devel_potemplate, serbian)
-        self.assertEquals(diverged_translation_devel, devel_translation)
-        self.assertEquals(self.devel_potemplate,
-                          devel_translation.potemplate)
-        stable_translation = self.potmsgset.getCurrentTranslationMessage(
-            self.stable_potemplate, serbian)
-        self.assertEquals(diverged_translation_stable, stable_translation)
-        self.assertEquals(self.stable_potemplate,
-                          stable_translation.potemplate)
-    def test_updateTranslation_divergence_shared_identical_translation(self):
-        """Test that identical diverging translations works as expected."""
-        # Create the POFile in *all* sharing potemplates.
-        sr_pofile_devel = self.factory.makePOFile('sr',
-                                                  self.devel_potemplate,
-                                                  create_sharing=True)
-        serbian = sr_pofile_devel.language
-        sr_pofile_stable = (
-            self.stable_potemplate.getPOFileByLang(serbian.code))
-        # We can't use factory methods here because they depend on
-        # updateTranslation itself.  So, a bit more boiler-plate than
-        # usual.
-        # Let's create a shared, current translation.
-        shared_translation = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            pofile=sr_pofile_devel, submitter=sr_pofile_devel.owner,
-            new_translations=[u'Shared'], is_current_upstream=False,
-            lock_timestamp=datetime.now(pytz.UTC))
-        # And let's create a diverged translation on the devel series by
-        # passing `force_diverged` parameter to updateTranslation call.
-        diverged_translation_devel = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            pofile=sr_pofile_devel, submitter=sr_pofile_devel.owner,
-            new_translations=[u'Diverged'], is_current_upstream=False,
-            lock_timestamp=datetime.now(pytz.UTC), force_diverged=True)
-        # Now we create a new shared translation in the stable series that
-        # is identical to the diverged message in the devel series.
-        new_translation_stable = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            pofile=sr_pofile_stable, submitter=sr_pofile_stable.owner,
-            new_translations=[u'Diverged'], is_current_upstream=False,
-            lock_timestamp=datetime.now(pytz.UTC))
-        # This will create a new shared message with the same translation as
-        # the diverged one.
-        devel_translation = self.potmsgset.getCurrentTranslationMessage(
-            self.devel_potemplate, serbian)
-        self.assertEquals(diverged_translation_devel, devel_translation)
-        self.assertEquals(self.devel_potemplate,
-                          devel_translation.potemplate)
-        stable_translation = self.potmsgset.getCurrentTranslationMessage(
-            self.stable_potemplate, serbian)
-        self.assertEquals(new_translation_stable, stable_translation)
-        self.assertEquals(None, stable_translation.potemplate)
-        # The old shared translation is not current anymore.
-        self.assertFalse(shared_translation.is_current_ubuntu)
-    def test_updateTranslation_convergence(self):
-        """Test that converging translations works as expected."""
-        sr_pofile = self.factory.makePOFile('sr', self.devel_potemplate)
-        serbian = sr_pofile.language
-        # Let's create a shared, current translation, and diverge from it
-        # in this POTemplate.
-        shared_translation = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            pofile=sr_pofile, submitter=sr_pofile.owner,
-            new_translations=[u'Shared'], is_current_upstream=False,
-            lock_timestamp=datetime.now(pytz.UTC))
-        diverged_translation = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            pofile=sr_pofile, submitter=sr_pofile.owner,
-            new_translations=[u'Diverged'], is_current_upstream=False,
-            lock_timestamp=datetime.now(pytz.UTC), force_diverged=True)
-        # Setting a diverged translation to exactly match shared one
-        # will "converge" it back to the shared one.
-        new_translation = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            pofile=sr_pofile, submitter=sr_pofile.owner,
-            new_translations=[u'Shared'], is_current_upstream=False,
-            lock_timestamp=datetime.now(pytz.UTC))
-        self.assertEquals(new_translation, shared_translation)
-        self.assertFalse(diverged_translation.is_current_ubuntu)
-        self.assertTrue(new_translation.is_current_ubuntu)
-        # Current translation is the shared one.
-        current_translation = self.potmsgset.getCurrentTranslationMessage(
-            self.devel_potemplate, serbian)
-        self.assertEquals(current_translation, shared_translation)
     def test_setTranslationCreditsToTranslated(self):
         """Test that translation credits are correctly set as translated."""
         sr_pofile = self.factory.makePOFile('sr', self.devel_potemplate)
@@ -1242,257 +1071,6 @@
         self.assertEquals(ubuntu_msgid, self.potmsgset.singular_text)
-class TestPOTMsgSetCornerCases(TestCaseWithFactory):
-    """Test corner cases and constraints."""
-    layer = DatabaseFunctionalLayer
-    def gen_now(self):
-        now = datetime.now(pytz.UTC)
-        while True:
-            yield now
-            now += timedelta(milliseconds=1)
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Set up context to test in."""
-        # Create a product with two series and a shared POTemplate
-        # in different series ('devel' and 'stable').
-        super(TestPOTMsgSetCornerCases, self).setUp('carlos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx')
-        self.pofile = self.factory.makePOFile('sr')
-        self.potemplate = self.pofile.potemplate
-        self.uploader = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName('carlos')
-        self.now = self.gen_now().next
-        # Create a single POTMsgSet that is used across all tests,
-        # and add it to only one of the POTemplates.
-        self.potmsgset = self.factory.makePOTMsgSet(self.potemplate,
-                                                    sequence=1)
-    def test_updateTranslation_SharedCurrentConstraint(self):
-        # Corner case for bug #373139:
-        # Adding a diverged, non-imported translation "tm1",
-        # then a shared imported translation "tm2",
-        # and finally, a shared imported translation "tm1" (matching original
-        # diverged, non-imported translation) marks "tm2" as not current,
-        # and makes "tm1" shared.
-        tm1 = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.uploader, [u"tm1"], lock_timestamp=self.now(),
-            is_current_upstream=False, force_diverged=True)
-        tm2 = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.uploader, [u"tm2"], lock_timestamp=self.now(),
-            is_current_upstream=True, force_shared=True)
-        self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.uploader, [u"tm1"], lock_timestamp=self.now(),
-            is_current_upstream=True)
-        self.assertTrue(tm1.is_current_ubuntu)
-        self.assertFalse(tm2.is_current_ubuntu)
-        self.assertTrue(tm1.potemplate is None)
-        self.assertTrue(tm2.potemplate is None)
-    def test_updateTranslation_SharedImportedConstraint(self):
-        # Corner case for bug #373139:
-        # Adding a diverged imported translation "tm1",
-        # then a shared imported translation "tm2",
-        # and re-uploading "tm1" as just imported
-        # makes "tm2" not is_current_upstream, and both are shared.
-        tm1 = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.uploader, [u"tm1"], lock_timestamp=self.now(),
-            is_current_upstream=True, force_diverged=True)
-        tm2 = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.uploader, [u"tm2"], lock_timestamp=self.now(),
-            is_current_upstream=True, force_shared=True)
-        self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.uploader, [u"tm1"], lock_timestamp=self.now(),
-            is_current_upstream=True)
-        self.assertTrue(tm1.is_current_upstream)
-        self.assertFalse(tm2.is_current_upstream)
-        self.assertTrue(tm1.potemplate is None)
-        self.assertTrue(tm2.potemplate is None)
-    def test_updateTranslation_DivergedImportedConstraint(self):
-        # Corner case for bug #373139:
-        # Adding a shared imported translation "tm1",
-        # then a diverged imported translation "tm2",
-        # and re-uploading "tm1" as imported translation
-        # makes "tm2" not is_current_upstream, and both are shared.
-        tm1 = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.uploader, [u"tm1"], lock_timestamp=self.now(),
-            is_current_upstream=True, force_shared=True)
-        tm2 = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.uploader, [u"tm2"], lock_timestamp=self.now(),
-            is_current_upstream=True, force_diverged=True)
-        self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.uploader, [u"tm1"], lock_timestamp=self.now(),
-            is_current_upstream=True)
-        self.assertTrue(tm1.is_current_upstream)
-        self.assertFalse(tm2.is_current_upstream)
-        self.assertTrue(tm1.potemplate is None)
-        self.assertTrue(tm2.potemplate is None)
-    def test_updateTranslation_DivergedCurrentConstraint(self):
-        # Corner case for bug #373139:
-        # Adding a shared non-imported translation "tm0",
-        # then a diverged non-imported translation "tm1"
-        # (both are still current), then a diverged imported
-        # translation (common pre-message-sharing-migration),
-        # and we try to activate "tm0" as a forced diverged translation.
-        # This makes "tm0" current and diverged, "tm1" non-current
-        # and shared (basically, just a regular suggestion), and
-        # "tm2" a diverged, non-current but imported translation.
-        tm0 = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.uploader, [u"tm0"], lock_timestamp=self.now(),
-            is_current_upstream=False, force_shared=True)
-        tm1 = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.uploader, [u"tm1"], lock_timestamp=self.now(),
-            is_current_upstream=False, force_diverged=True)
-        tm2 = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.uploader, [u"tm2"], lock_timestamp=self.now(),
-            is_current_upstream=True, force_diverged=True)
-        self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.uploader, [u"tm0"], lock_timestamp=self.now(),
-            is_current_upstream=False, force_diverged=True)
-        self.assertTrue(tm0.is_current_ubuntu)
-        self.assertFalse(tm1.is_current_ubuntu)
-        self.assertFalse(tm2.is_current_ubuntu)
-        self.assertTrue(tm2.is_current_upstream)
-        self.assertEquals(tm0.potemplate, self.potemplate)
-        self.assertTrue(tm1.potemplate is None)
-        self.assertEquals(tm2.potemplate, self.potemplate)
-    def test_updateTranslation_DivergedImportedToSharedImported(self):
-        # Corner case for bug #381645:
-        # Adding a shared imported translation "tm1",
-        # then a diverged imported translation "tm2",
-        # making a shared one current.
-        # On importing "tm1" again, we need to remove
-        # is_current_upstream flag from diverged message.
-        tm1 = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.uploader, [u"tm1"], lock_timestamp=self.now(),
-            is_current_upstream=True, force_shared=True)
-        self.assertTrue(tm1.is_current_ubuntu)
-        tm2 = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.uploader, [u"tm2"], lock_timestamp=self.now(),
-            is_current_upstream=True, force_diverged=True)
-        tm2.makeCurrentUbuntu(False)
-        self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.uploader, [u"tm1"], lock_timestamp=self.now(),
-            is_current_upstream=True)
-        self.assertTrue(tm1.is_current_ubuntu)
-        self.assertTrue(tm1.is_current_upstream)
-        self.assertFalse(tm2.is_current_ubuntu)
-        self.assertFalse(tm2.is_current_upstream)
-        self.assertTrue(tm1.potemplate is None)
-    def test_updateTranslation_DivergedCurrentToSharedImported(self):
-        # Corner case for bug #381645:
-        # Adding a shared imported translation "tm1",
-        # then a diverged, non-imported current translation "tm2".
-        # On importing "tm2" again, we need to make it
-        # shared, and unmark existing imported message as
-        # being current.
-        tm1 = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.uploader, [u"tm1"], lock_timestamp=self.now(),
-            is_current_upstream=True, force_shared=True)
-        tm2 = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.uploader, [u"tm2"], lock_timestamp=self.now(),
-            is_current_upstream=False, force_diverged=True)
-        self.assertTrue(tm1.is_current_ubuntu)
-        self.assertTrue(tm2.is_current_ubuntu)
-        self.assertTrue(tm1.is_current_upstream)
-        self.assertFalse(tm2.is_current_upstream)
-        self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.uploader, [u"tm2"], lock_timestamp=self.now(),
-            is_current_upstream=True)
-        self.assertTrue(tm2.is_current_ubuntu)
-        self.assertTrue(tm2.is_current_upstream)
-        self.assertTrue(tm2.potemplate is None)
-        self.assertFalse(tm1.is_current_ubuntu)
-        self.assertFalse(tm1.is_current_upstream)
-    def test_updateTranslation_SharedImportedToSharedImported(self):
-        # Corner case for bug #394224:
-        # Adding two imported messages, a shared "tm1" and a diverged "tm2".
-        # "tm1" is the current message.
-        # On importing "tm2" again, we need to make it shared while marking
-        # "tm1" to be not imported because two imported shared translations
-        # at the same time would trigger a database constraint.
-        tm1 = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.uploader, [u"tm1"], lock_timestamp=self.now(),
-            is_current_upstream=True, force_shared=True)
-        tm2 = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.uploader, [u"tm2"], lock_timestamp=self.now(),
-            is_current_upstream=True, force_diverged=True)
-        tm2.makeCurrentUbuntu(False)
-        self.assertEquals(None, tm1.potemplate)
-        self.assertEquals(self.pofile.potemplate, tm2.potemplate)
-        self.assertTrue(tm1.is_current_ubuntu)
-        self.assertFalse(tm2.is_current_ubuntu)
-        self.assertTrue(tm1.is_current_upstream)
-        self.assertTrue(tm2.is_current_upstream)
-        self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.uploader, [u"tm2"], lock_timestamp=self.now(),
-            is_current_upstream=False)
-        self.assertEquals(None, tm1.potemplate)
-        self.assertEquals(None, tm2.potemplate)
-        self.assertFalse(tm1.is_current_ubuntu)
-        self.assertTrue(tm2.is_current_ubuntu)
-        self.assertFalse(tm1.is_current_upstream)
-        self.assertTrue(tm2.is_current_upstream)
-    def test_updateTranslation_DivergedCurrentToDivergedImported(self):
-        # Corner case that came up when fixing bug #394224:
-        # Two diverged messages, one current-upstream "tm1", the other "tm2"
-        # (current-Ubuntu) is not.
-        # Updating the first one through the web ui
-        # (is_current_upstream=False) allows the current-upstream one to
-        # replace the one that's not current-upstream. The former diverged
-        # ubuntu message is converged.
-        tm1 = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.uploader, [u"tm1"], lock_timestamp=self.now(),
-            is_current_upstream=True, force_diverged=True)
-        tm2 = self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.uploader, [u"tm2"], lock_timestamp=self.now(),
-            is_current_upstream=False, force_diverged=True)
-        self.assertEquals(self.pofile.potemplate, tm1.potemplate)
-        self.assertEquals(self.pofile.potemplate, tm2.potemplate)
-        self.assertFalse(tm1.is_current_ubuntu)
-        self.assertTrue(tm2.is_current_ubuntu)
-        self.assertTrue(tm1.is_current_upstream)
-        self.assertFalse(tm2.is_current_upstream)
-        self.potmsgset.updateTranslation(
-            self.pofile, self.uploader, [u"tm1"], lock_timestamp=self.now(),
-            is_current_upstream=False)
-        self.assertEquals(self.pofile.potemplate, tm1.potemplate)
-        self.assertEquals(None, tm2.potemplate)
-        self.assertTrue(tm1.is_current_ubuntu)
-        self.assertFalse(tm2.is_current_ubuntu)
-        self.assertTrue(tm1.is_current_upstream)
-        self.assertFalse(tm2.is_current_upstream)
 class TestPOTMsgSetTranslationCredits(TestCaseWithFactory):
     """Test methods related to TranslationCredits."""