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[Merge] lp:~mbp/launchpad/701545-oauth into lp:launchpad


Martin Pool has proposed merging lp:~mbp/launchpad/701545-oauth into lp:launchpad.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)
Related bugs:
  #701545 contrib/oauth.py should be removed

For more details, see:

Remove redundant copy of oauth.py.

Launchpad contains a copy of oauth.py, which is a bit out of date.  It also has a proper copy of the python-oauth module in lp-sourcedeps.

This doesn't specifically fix any user-visible bugs that I know of, but it removes some cruft, and if the duplication hadn't been there in the first place we would have avoided at least one oauth bug that existed for years.

This branch just deletes the shipped copy, and updates import statements to fetch from the real copy.  It passes a smoketest of './bin/test -m oauth' and I'm running a full test.

If this is acceptable would someone please sponsor landing of it?
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~mbp/launchpad/701545-oauth into lp:launchpad.
=== modified file 'lib/canonical/launchpad/testing/pages.py'
--- lib/canonical/launchpad/testing/pages.py	2010-11-30 08:11:30 +0000
+++ lib/canonical/launchpad/testing/pages.py	2011-02-03 05:29:56 +0000
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
-from contrib.oauth import (
+from oauth.oauth import (

=== modified file 'lib/canonical/launchpad/webapp/authentication.py'
--- lib/canonical/launchpad/webapp/authentication.py	2010-09-20 16:45:03 +0000
+++ lib/canonical/launchpad/webapp/authentication.py	2011-02-03 05:29:56 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
+# Copyright 2009, 2011 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
 # GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
 __metaclass__ = type
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
 import random
 from UserDict import UserDict
-from contrib.oauth import OAuthRequest
+from oauth.oauth import OAuthRequest
 from zope.annotation.interfaces import IAnnotations
 from zope.app.security.interfaces import ILoginPassword
 from zope.app.security.principalregistry import UnauthenticatedPrincipal

=== modified file 'lib/canonical/launchpad/webapp/tests/test_authentication.py'
--- lib/canonical/launchpad/webapp/tests/test_authentication.py	2010-12-20 03:28:21 +0000
+++ lib/canonical/launchpad/webapp/tests/test_authentication.py	2011-02-03 05:29:56 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
+# Copyright 2009, 2011 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
 # GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
 """Tests authentication.py"""
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 from zope.app.security.principalregistry import UnauthenticatedPrincipal
-from contrib.oauth import OAuthRequest
+from oauth.oauth import OAuthRequest
 from canonical.config import config
 from canonical.launchpad.ftests import login
@@ -65,6 +65,9 @@
         # This was really a bug in the underlying contrib/oauth.py module, but
         # it has no standalone test case.
+        # Now we use the separate oauth module (bug 701545), and this has been
+        # fixed upstream, but we might as well keep the test.
+        #
         # Note that the 'realm' parameter is not returned, because it's not
         # included in the OAuth calculations.
         headers = OAuthRequest._split_header(

=== modified file 'lib/canonical/launchpad/webapp/tests/test_publication.py'
--- lib/canonical/launchpad/webapp/tests/test_publication.py	2010-10-04 19:50:45 +0000
+++ lib/canonical/launchpad/webapp/tests/test_publication.py	2011-02-03 05:29:56 +0000
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 import sys
 import unittest
-from contrib.oauth import (
+from oauth.oauth import (

=== removed file 'lib/contrib/oauth.py'
--- lib/contrib/oauth.py	2010-12-20 03:53:24 +0000
+++ lib/contrib/oauth.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,529 +0,0 @@
-# pylint: disable-msg=C0301,E0602,E0211,E0213,W0105,W0231,W0702
-import cgi
-import urllib
-import time
-import random
-import urlparse
-import hmac
-import base64
-VERSION = '1.0' # Hi Blaine!
-# Generic exception class
-class OAuthError(RuntimeError):
-    def __init__(self, message='OAuth error occured'):
-        self.message = message
-# optional WWW-Authenticate header (401 error)
-def build_authenticate_header(realm=''):
-    return {'WWW-Authenticate': 'OAuth realm="%s"' % realm}
-# url escape
-def escape(s):
-    # escape '/' too
-    return urllib.quote(s, safe='~')
-# util function: current timestamp
-# seconds since epoch (UTC)
-def generate_timestamp():
-    return int(time.time())
-# util function: nonce
-# pseudorandom number
-def generate_nonce(length=8):
-    return ''.join(str(random.randint(0, 9)) for i in range(length))
-# OAuthConsumer is a data type that represents the identity of the Consumer
-# via its shared secret with the Service Provider.
-class OAuthConsumer(object):
-    key = None
-    secret = None
-    def __init__(self, key, secret):
-        self.key = key
-        self.secret = secret
-# OAuthToken is a data type that represents an End User via either an access
-# or request token.     
-class OAuthToken(object):
-    # access tokens and request tokens
-    key = None
-    secret = None
-    '''
-    key = the token
-    secret = the token secret
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, key, secret):
-        self.key = key
-        self.secret = secret
-    def to_string(self):
-        return urllib.urlencode({'oauth_token': self.key, 'oauth_token_secret': self.secret})
-    # return a token from something like:
-    # oauth_token_secret=digg&oauth_token=digg
-    @staticmethod   
-    def from_string(s):
-        params = cgi.parse_qs(s, keep_blank_values=False)
-        key = params['oauth_token'][0]
-        secret = params['oauth_token_secret'][0]
-        return OAuthToken(key, secret)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self.to_string()
-# OAuthRequest represents the request and can be serialized
-class OAuthRequest(object):
-    '''
-    OAuth parameters:
-        - oauth_consumer_key 
-        - oauth_token
-        - oauth_signature_method
-        - oauth_signature 
-        - oauth_timestamp 
-        - oauth_nonce
-        - oauth_version
-        ... any additional parameters, as defined by the Service Provider.
-    '''
-    parameters = None # oauth parameters
-    http_method = HTTP_METHOD
-    http_url = None
-    version = VERSION
-    def __init__(self, http_method=HTTP_METHOD, http_url=None, parameters=None):
-        self.http_method = http_method
-        self.http_url = http_url
-        self.parameters = parameters or {}
-    def set_parameter(self, parameter, value):
-        self.parameters[parameter] = value
-    def get_parameter(self, parameter):
-        try:
-            return self.parameters[parameter]
-        except:
-            raise OAuthError('Parameter not found: %s' % parameter)
-    def _get_timestamp_nonce(self):
-        return self.get_parameter('oauth_timestamp'), self.get_parameter('oauth_nonce')
-    # get any non-oauth parameters
-    def get_nonoauth_parameters(self):
-        parameters = {}
-        for k, v in self.parameters.iteritems():
-            # ignore oauth parameters
-            if k.find('oauth_') < 0:
-                parameters[k] = v
-        return parameters
-    # serialize as a header for an HTTPAuth request
-    def to_header(self, realm=''):
-        auth_header = 'OAuth realm="%s"' % realm
-        # add the oauth parameters
-        if self.parameters:
-            for k, v in self.parameters.iteritems():
-                auth_header += ', %s="%s"' % (k, v)
-        return {'Authorization': auth_header}
-    # serialize as post data for a POST request
-    def to_postdata(self):
-        return '&'.join('%s=%s' % (escape(str(k)), escape(str(v))) for k, v in self.parameters.iteritems())
-    # serialize as a url for a GET request
-    def to_url(self):
-        return '%s?%s' % (self.get_normalized_http_url(), self.to_postdata())
-    # return a string that consists of all the parameters that need to be signed
-    def get_normalized_parameters(self):
-        params = self.parameters
-        try:
-            # exclude the signature if it exists
-            del params['oauth_signature']
-        except:
-            pass
-        key_values = params.items()
-        # sort lexicographically, first after key, then after value
-        key_values.sort()
-        # combine key value pairs in string and escape
-        return '&'.join('%s=%s' % (escape(str(k)), escape(str(v))) for k, v in key_values)
-    # just uppercases the http method
-    def get_normalized_http_method(self):
-        return self.http_method.upper()
-    # parses the url and rebuilds it to be scheme://host/path
-    def get_normalized_http_url(self):
-        parts = urlparse.urlparse(self.http_url)
-        url_string = '%s://%s%s' % (parts[0], parts[1], parts[2]) # scheme, netloc, path
-        return url_string
-    # set the signature parameter to the result of build_signature
-    def sign_request(self, signature_method, consumer, token):
-        # set the signature method
-        self.set_parameter('oauth_signature_method', signature_method.get_name())
-        # set the signature
-        self.set_parameter('oauth_signature', self.build_signature(signature_method, consumer, token))
-    def build_signature(self, signature_method, consumer, token):
-        # call the build signature method within the signature method
-        return signature_method.build_signature(self, consumer, token)
-    @staticmethod
-    def from_request(http_method, http_url, headers=None, postdata=None, parameters=None):
-        # let the library user override things however they'd like, if they know
-        # which parameters to use then go for it, for example XMLRPC might want to
-        # do this
-        if parameters is not None:
-            return OAuthRequest(http_method, http_url, parameters)
-        # from the headers
-        if headers is not None:
-            try:
-                auth_header = headers['Authorization']
-                # check that the authorization header is OAuth
-                auth_header.index('OAuth')
-                # get the parameters from the header
-                parameters = OAuthRequest._split_header(auth_header)
-                return OAuthRequest(http_method, http_url, parameters)
-            except:
-                raise OAuthError('Unable to parse OAuth parameters from Authorization header.')
-        # from the parameter string (post body)
-        if http_method == 'POST' and postdata is not None:
-            parameters = OAuthRequest._split_url_string(postdata)
-        # from the url string
-        elif http_method == 'GET':
-            param_str = urlparse.urlparse(http_url).query
-            parameters = OAuthRequest._split_url_string(param_str)
-        if parameters:
-            return OAuthRequest(http_method, http_url, parameters)
-        raise OAuthError('Missing all OAuth parameters. OAuth parameters must be in the headers, post body, or url.')
-    @staticmethod
-    def from_consumer_and_token(oauth_consumer, token=None, http_method=HTTP_METHOD, http_url=None, parameters=None):
-        if not parameters:
-            parameters = {}
-        defaults = {
-            'oauth_consumer_key': oauth_consumer.key,
-            'oauth_timestamp': generate_timestamp(),
-            'oauth_nonce': generate_nonce(),
-            'oauth_version': OAuthRequest.version,
-        }
-        defaults.update(parameters)
-        parameters = defaults
-        if token:
-            parameters['oauth_token'] = token.key
-        return OAuthRequest(http_method, http_url, parameters)
-    @staticmethod
-    def from_token_and_callback(token, callback=None, http_method=HTTP_METHOD, http_url=None, parameters=None):
-        if not parameters:
-            parameters = {}
-        parameters['oauth_token'] = token.key
-        if callback:
-            parameters['oauth_callback'] = escape(callback)
-        return OAuthRequest(http_method, http_url, parameters)
-    # util function: turn Authorization: header into parameters, has to do some unescaping
-    @staticmethod
-    def _split_header(header):
-        params = {}
-        header = header.lstrip()
-        if not header.startswith('OAuth '):
-            raise ValueError("not an OAuth header: %r" % header)
-        header = header[6:]
-        parts = header.split(',')
-        for param in parts:
-            # remove whitespace
-            param = param.strip()
-            # split key-value
-            param_parts = param.split('=', 1)
-            if param_parts[0] == 'realm':
-                # Realm header is not an OAuth parameter according to rfc5849
-                # section
-                continue
-            # remove quotes and unescape the value
-            params[param_parts[0]] = urllib.unquote(param_parts[1].strip('\"'))
-        return params
-    # util function: turn url string into parameters, has to do some unescaping
-    @staticmethod
-    def _split_url_string(param_str):
-        parameters = cgi.parse_qs(param_str, keep_blank_values=False)
-        for k, v in parameters.iteritems():
-            parameters[k] = urllib.unquote(v[0])
-        return parameters
-# OAuthServer is a worker to check a requests validity against a data store
-class OAuthServer(object):
-    timestamp_threshold = 300 # in seconds, five minutes
-    version = VERSION
-    signature_methods = None
-    data_store = None
-    def __init__(self, data_store=None, signature_methods=None):
-        self.data_store = data_store
-        self.signature_methods = signature_methods or {}
-    def set_data_store(self, oauth_data_store):
-        self.data_store = oauth_data_store
-    def get_data_store(self):
-        return self.data_store
-    def add_signature_method(self, signature_method):
-        self.signature_methods[signature_method.get_name()] = signature_method
-        return self.signature_methods
-    # process a request_token request
-    # returns the request token on success
-    def fetch_request_token(self, oauth_request):
-        try:
-            # get the request token for authorization
-            token = self._get_token(oauth_request, 'request')
-        except:
-            # no token required for the initial token request
-            version = self._get_version(oauth_request)
-            consumer = self._get_consumer(oauth_request)
-            self._check_signature(oauth_request, consumer, None)
-            # fetch a new token
-            token = self.data_store.fetch_request_token(consumer)
-        return token
-    # process an access_token request
-    # returns the access token on success
-    def fetch_access_token(self, oauth_request):
-        version = self._get_version(oauth_request)
-        consumer = self._get_consumer(oauth_request)
-        # get the request token
-        token = self._get_token(oauth_request, 'request')
-        self._check_signature(oauth_request, consumer, token)
-        new_token = self.data_store.fetch_access_token(consumer, token)
-        return new_token
-    # verify an api call, checks all the parameters
-    def verify_request(self, oauth_request):
-        # -> consumer and token
-        version = self._get_version(oauth_request)
-        consumer = self._get_consumer(oauth_request)
-        # get the access token
-        token = self._get_token(oauth_request, 'access')
-        self._check_signature(oauth_request, consumer, token)
-        parameters = oauth_request.get_nonoauth_parameters()
-        return consumer, token, parameters
-    # authorize a request token
-    def authorize_token(self, token, user):
-        return self.data_store.authorize_request_token(token, user)
-    # get the callback url
-    def get_callback(self, oauth_request):
-        return oauth_request.get_parameter('oauth_callback')
-    # optional support for the authenticate header   
-    def build_authenticate_header(self, realm=''):
-        return {'WWW-Authenticate': 'OAuth realm="%s"' % realm}
-    # verify the correct version request for this server
-    def _get_version(self, oauth_request):
-        try:
-            version = oauth_request.get_parameter('oauth_version')
-        except:
-            version = VERSION
-        if version and version != self.version:
-            raise OAuthError('OAuth version %s not supported' % str(version))
-        return version
-    # figure out the signature with some defaults
-    def _get_signature_method(self, oauth_request):
-        try:
-            signature_method = oauth_request.get_parameter('oauth_signature_method')
-        except:
-            signature_method = SIGNATURE_METHOD
-        try:
-            # get the signature method object
-            signature_method = self.signature_methods[signature_method]
-        except:
-            signature_method_names = ', '.join(self.signature_methods.keys())
-            raise OAuthError('Signature method %s not supported try one of the following: %s' % (signature_method, signature_method_names))
-        return signature_method
-    def _get_consumer(self, oauth_request):
-        consumer_key = oauth_request.get_parameter('oauth_consumer_key')
-        if not consumer_key:
-            raise OAuthError('Invalid consumer key')
-        consumer = self.data_store.lookup_consumer(consumer_key)
-        if not consumer:
-            raise OAuthError('Invalid consumer')
-        return consumer
-    # try to find the token for the provided request token key
-    def _get_token(self, oauth_request, token_type='access'):
-        token_field = oauth_request.get_parameter('oauth_token')
-        token = self.data_store.lookup_token(token_type, token_field)
-        if not token:
-            raise OAuthError('Invalid %s token: %s' % (token_type, token_field))
-        return token
-    def _check_signature(self, oauth_request, consumer, token):
-        timestamp, nonce = oauth_request._get_timestamp_nonce()
-        self._check_timestamp(timestamp)
-        self._check_nonce(consumer, token, nonce)
-        signature_method = self._get_signature_method(oauth_request)
-        try:
-            signature = oauth_request.get_parameter('oauth_signature')
-        except:
-            raise OAuthError('Missing signature')
-        # attempt to construct the same signature
-        built = signature_method.build_signature(oauth_request, consumer, token)
-        if signature != built:
-            key, base = signature_method.build_signature_base_string(oauth_request, consumer, token)
-            raise OAuthError('Signature does not match. Expected: %s Got: %s Expected signature base string: %s' % (built, signature, base))
-    def _check_timestamp(self, timestamp):
-        # verify that timestamp is recentish
-        timestamp = int(timestamp)
-        now = int(time.time())
-        lapsed = now - timestamp
-        if lapsed > self.timestamp_threshold:
-            raise OAuthError('Expired timestamp: given %d and now %s has a greater difference than threshold %d' % (timestamp, now, self.timestamp_threshold))
-    def _check_nonce(self, consumer, token, nonce):
-        # verify that the nonce is uniqueish
-        try:
-            self.data_store.lookup_nonce(consumer, token, nonce)
-            raise OAuthError('Nonce already used: %s' % str(nonce))
-        except:
-            pass
-# OAuthClient is a worker to attempt to execute a request
-class OAuthClient(object):
-    consumer = None
-    token = None
-    def __init__(self, oauth_consumer, oauth_token):
-        self.consumer = oauth_consumer
-        self.token = oauth_token
-    def get_consumer(self):
-        return self.consumer
-    def get_token(self):
-        return self.token
-    def fetch_request_token(self, oauth_request):
-        # -> OAuthToken
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def fetch_access_token(self, oauth_request):
-        # -> OAuthToken
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def access_resource(self, oauth_request):
-        # -> some protected resource
-        raise NotImplementedError
-# OAuthDataStore is a database abstraction used to lookup consumers and tokens
-class OAuthDataStore(object):
-    def lookup_consumer(self, key):
-        # -> OAuthConsumer
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def lookup_token(self, oauth_consumer, token_type, token_token):
-        # -> OAuthToken
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def lookup_nonce(self, oauth_consumer, oauth_token, nonce, timestamp):
-        # -> OAuthToken
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def fetch_request_token(self, oauth_consumer):
-        # -> OAuthToken
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def fetch_access_token(self, oauth_consumer, oauth_token):
-        # -> OAuthToken
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def authorize_request_token(self, oauth_token, user):
-        # -> OAuthToken
-        raise NotImplementedError
-# OAuthSignatureMethod is a strategy class that implements a signature method
-class OAuthSignatureMethod(object):
-    def get_name():
-        # -> str
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def build_signature_base_string(oauth_request, oauth_consumer, oauth_token):
-        # -> str key, str raw
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def build_signature(oauth_request, oauth_consumer, oauth_token):
-        # -> str
-        raise NotImplementedError
-class OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1(OAuthSignatureMethod):
-    def get_name(self):
-        return 'HMAC-SHA1'
-    def build_signature_base_string(self, oauth_request, consumer, token):
-        sig = (
-            escape(oauth_request.get_normalized_http_method()),
-            escape(oauth_request.get_normalized_http_url()),
-            escape(oauth_request.get_normalized_parameters()),
-        )
-        key = '%s&' % escape(consumer.secret)
-        if token:
-            key += escape(token.secret)
-        raw = '&'.join(sig)
-        return key, raw
-    def build_signature(self, oauth_request, consumer, token):
-        # build the base signature string
-        key, raw = self.build_signature_base_string(oauth_request, consumer, token)
-        # hmac object
-        try:
-            import hashlib # 2.5
-            hashed = hmac.new(key, raw, hashlib.sha1)
-        except:
-            import sha # deprecated
-            hashed = hmac.new(key, raw, sha)
-        # calculate the digest base 64
-        return base64.b64encode(hashed.digest())
-class OAuthSignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT(OAuthSignatureMethod):
-    def get_name(self):
-        return 'PLAINTEXT'
-    def build_signature_base_string(self, oauth_request, consumer, token):
-        # concatenate the consumer key and secret
-        sig = escape(consumer.secret)
-        if token:
-            sig = '&'.join((sig, escape(token.secret)))
-        return sig
-    def build_signature(self, oauth_request, consumer, token):
-        return self.build_signature_base_string(oauth_request, consumer, token)