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[Merge] lp:~lifeless/launchpad/bug-830789 into lp:launchpad


Robert Collins has proposed merging lp:~lifeless/launchpad/bug-830789 into lp:launchpad.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)
Related bugs:
  Bug #830789 in Launchpad itself: "keyringtrustanalyzer unused"

For more details, see:

Unused code can go to code heaven.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~lifeless/launchpad/bug-830789 into lp:launchpad.
=== modified file 'lib/canonical/launchpad/interfaces/gpghandler.py'
--- lib/canonical/launchpad/interfaces/gpghandler.py	2011-05-30 12:45:29 +0000
+++ lib/canonical/launchpad/interfaces/gpghandler.py	2011-08-22 01:00:28 +0000
@@ -199,14 +199,6 @@
         :return: a `PymeKey` object for the just-generated secret key.
-    def importKeyringFile(filepath):
-        """Import the keyring filepath into the local key database.
-        :param filepath: the path to a keyring to import.
-        :returns: a list of the imported keys.
-        """
     def encryptContent(content, fingerprint):
         """Encrypt the given content for the given fingerprint.
@@ -271,15 +263,6 @@
         :raise AssertionError: if the POST request doesn't succeed.
-    def checkTrustDb():
-        """Check whether the OpenPGP trust database is up to date.
-        The method automatically rebuild the trust values if necessary.
-        The results will be visible in any new retrieved key objects.
-        Existing key objects will not reflect the new trust value.
-        """
     def localKeys(filter=None, secret=False):
         """Return an iterator of all keys locally known about.
@@ -340,9 +323,6 @@
     can_authenticate = Attribute(
         "Whether the key can be used for authentication")
-    def setOwnerTrust(value):
-        """Set the owner_trust value for this key."""
     def export():
         """Export the context key in ASCII-armored mode.

=== removed file 'lib/canonical/launchpad/scripts/ftests/test_keyringtrustanalyser.py'
--- lib/canonical/launchpad/scripts/ftests/test_keyringtrustanalyser.py	2011-08-12 11:19:40 +0000
+++ lib/canonical/launchpad/scripts/ftests/test_keyringtrustanalyser.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-import logging
-import unittest
-import gpgme
-from zope.component import getUtility
-from canonical.launchpad.ftests import keys_for_tests
-from canonical.launchpad.interfaces.emailaddress import (
-    EmailAddressStatus,
-    IEmailAddressSet,
-    )
-from canonical.launchpad.interfaces.gpghandler import IGPGHandler
-from canonical.testing.layers import LaunchpadZopelessLayer
-from lp.registry.interfaces.person import IPersonSet
-from lp.registry.scripts.keyringtrustanalyser import (
-    addOtherKeyring,
-    addTrustedKeyring,
-    findEmailClusters,
-    getValidUids,
-    mergeClusters,
-    )
-test_fpr = 'A419AE861E88BC9E04B9C26FBA2B9389DFD20543'
-foobar_fpr = '340CA3BB270E2716C9EE0B768E7EB7086C64A8C5'
-class LogCollector(logging.Handler):
-    def __init__(self):
-        logging.Handler.__init__(self)
-        self.records = []
-    def emit(self, record):
-        self.records.append(self.format(record))
-def setupLogger(name='test_keyringtrustanalyser'):
-    """Set up the named logger to collect log messages.
-    Returns (logger, handler)
-    """
-    logger = logging.getLogger(name)
-    for handler in logger.handlers[:]:
-        logger.removeHandler(handler)
-        handler.flush()
-        handler.close()
-    handler = LogCollector()
-    handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s:%(message)s"))
-    logger.addHandler(handler)
-    return logger, handler
-class TestKeyringTrustAnalyser(unittest.TestCase):
-    layer = LaunchpadZopelessLayer
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.gpg_handler = getUtility(IGPGHandler)
-    def tearDown(self):
-        # XXX stub 2005-10-27: this should be a zope test cleanup
-        # thing per SteveA.
-        self.gpg_handler.resetLocalState()
-    def _addTrustedKeys(self):
-        # Add trusted key with ULTIMATE validity.  This will mark UIDs as
-        # valid with a single signature, which is appropriate with the
-        # small amount of test data.
-        filename = keys_for_tests.test_pubkey_file_from_email(
-            'test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx')
-        addTrustedKeyring(filename, gpgme.VALIDITY_ULTIMATE)
-    def _addUntrustedKeys(self):
-        for ring in keys_for_tests.test_keyrings():
-            addOtherKeyring(ring)
-    def testAddTrustedKeyring(self):
-        """Test addTrustedKeyring"""
-        self._addTrustedKeys()
-        # get key from keyring
-        keys = [key for key in self.gpg_handler.localKeys()
-               if key.fingerprint == test_fpr]
-        self.assertEqual(len(keys), 1)
-        key = keys[0]
-        self.assertTrue('test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx' in key.emails)
-        self.assertEqual(key.owner_trust, gpgme.VALIDITY_ULTIMATE)
-    def testAddOtherKeyring(self):
-        """Test addOtherKeyring"""
-        self._addUntrustedKeys()
-        fingerprints = set(key.fingerprint
-                           for key in self.gpg_handler.localKeys())
-        self.assertTrue(test_fpr in fingerprints)
-        self.assertTrue(foobar_fpr in fingerprints)
-    def testGetValidUids(self):
-        """Test getValidUids"""
-        self._addTrustedKeys()
-        self._addUntrustedKeys()
-        # calculate valid UIDs
-        validuids = list(getValidUids())
-        # test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx's non-revoked UIDs are valid
-        self.assertTrue((test_fpr, 'test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx') in validuids)
-        self.assertTrue((test_fpr,
-                         'sample.person@xxxxxxxxxxxxx') in validuids)
-        self.assertTrue((test_fpr, 'sample.revoked@xxxxxxxxxxxxx')
-                        not in validuids)
-        # foo.bar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx's non-revoked signed UIDs are valid
-        self.assertTrue((foobar_fpr, 'foo.bar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx') in validuids)
-        self.assertTrue((foobar_fpr,
-                         'revoked@xxxxxxxxxxxxx') not in validuids)
-        self.assertTrue((foobar_fpr, 'untrusted@xxxxxxxxxxxxx')
-                        not in validuids)
-    def testFindEmailClusters(self):
-        """Test findEmailClusters"""
-        self._addTrustedKeys()
-        self._addUntrustedKeys()
-        clusters = list(findEmailClusters())
-        # test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx is ultimately trusted, so its non-revoked keys
-        # form a cluster
-        self.assertTrue(set(['test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx',
-                             'sample.person@xxxxxxxxxxxxx']) in clusters)
-        # foobar has only one signed, non-revoked key
-        self.assertTrue(set(['foo.bar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx']) in clusters)
-class TestMergeClusters(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests of the mergeClusters() routine."""
-    layer = LaunchpadZopelessLayer
-    def _getEmails(self, person):
-        emailset = getUtility(IEmailAddressSet)
-        return set(address.email for address in emailset.getByPerson(person))
-    def testNullMerge(self):
-        """Test that a merge with an empty sequence of clusters works"""
-        mergeClusters([])
-    def testMergeOneAccountNoNewEmails(self):
-        """Test that merging a single email address does not affect an
-        account.
-        """
-        person = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByEmail('test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx')
-        emails = self._getEmails(person)
-        self.assertTrue('test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx' in emails)
-        self.assertEqual(person.merged, None)
-        mergeClusters([set(['test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'])])
-        self.assertEqual(person.merged, None)
-        self.assertEqual(self._getEmails(person), emails)
-    def testMergeOneAccountAddEmails(self):
-        """Test that merging a cluster containing new email addresses adds
-        those emails.
-        """
-        personset = getUtility(IPersonSet)
-        emailset = getUtility(IEmailAddressSet)
-        person = personset.getByEmail('test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx')
-        self.assertEqual(person.merged, None)
-        # make sure newemail doesn't exist
-        self.assertEqual(personset.getByEmail('newemail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'), None)
-        mergeClusters([set(['test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'newemail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'])])
-        self.assertEqual(person.merged, None)
-        emails = self._getEmails(person)
-        # both email addresses associated with account ...
-        self.assertTrue('test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx' in emails)
-        self.assertTrue('newemail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx' in emails)
-        address = emailset.getByEmail('newemail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx')
-        self.assertEqual(address.email, 'newemail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx')
-        self.assertEqual(address.personID, person.id)
-        self.assertEqual(address.status, EmailAddressStatus.NEW)
-    def testMergeUnvalidatedAccountWithValidated(self):
-        """Test merging an unvalidated account with a validated account."""
-        personset = getUtility(IPersonSet)
-        validated_person = personset.getByEmail('test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx')
-        unvalidated_person = personset.getByEmail(
-            'matsubara@xxxxxxxxxxxx')
-        allemails = self._getEmails(validated_person)
-        allemails.update(self._getEmails(unvalidated_person))
-        self.assertNotEqual(validated_person, unvalidated_person)
-        self.assertNotEqual(validated_person.preferredemail, None)
-        self.assertEqual(unvalidated_person.preferredemail, None)
-        self.assertEqual(validated_person.merged, None)
-        self.assertEqual(unvalidated_person.merged, None)
-        mergeClusters([set(['test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx',
-                            'matsubara@xxxxxxxxxxxx'])])
-        # unvalidated person has been merged into the validated person
-        self.assertEqual(validated_person.merged, None)
-        self.assertEqual(unvalidated_person.merged, validated_person)
-        # all email addresses are now associated with the valid person
-        self.assertEqual(self._getEmails(validated_person), allemails)
-        self.assertEqual(self._getEmails(unvalidated_person), set())
-    def testMergeTwoValidatedAccounts(self):
-        """Test merging of two validated accounts.  This should do
-        nothing, since both accounts are in use.
-        """
-        personset = getUtility(IPersonSet)
-        person1 = personset.getByEmail('test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx')
-        person2 = personset.getByEmail('foo.bar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx')
-        self.assertNotEqual(person1, person2)
-        self.assertNotEqual(person1.preferredemail, None)
-        self.assertNotEqual(person2.preferredemail, None)
-        self.assertEqual(person1.merged, None)
-        self.assertEqual(person2.merged, None)
-        logger, collector = setupLogger()
-        mergeClusters([set(['test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'foo.bar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'])],
-                      logger=logger)
-        self.assertEqual(person1.merged, None)
-        self.assertEqual(person2.merged, None)
-        messages = collector.records
-        self.assertNotEqual(messages, [])
-        self.assertTrue(messages[0].startswith('WARNING:Multiple validated '
-                                               'user accounts'))
-    def testMergeTwoUnvalidatedAccounts(self):
-        """Test merging of two unvalidated accounts.  This will pick
-        one account and merge the others into it (since none of the
-        accounts have been used, there is no need to favour one over
-        the other).
-        """
-        personset = getUtility(IPersonSet)
-        person1 = personset.getByEmail('matsubara@xxxxxxxxxxxx')
-        person2 = personset.getByEmail('martin.pitt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx')
-        allemails = self._getEmails(person1)
-        allemails.update(self._getEmails(person2))
-        self.assertEqual(person1.preferredemail, None)
-        self.assertEqual(person2.preferredemail, None)
-        self.assertEqual(person1.merged, None)
-        self.assertEqual(person2.merged, None)
-        mergeClusters([set(['matsubara@xxxxxxxxxxxx',
-                            'martin.pitt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'])])
-        # since we don't know which account will be merged, swap
-        # person1 and person2 if person1 was merged into person2.
-        if person1.merged is not None:
-            person1, person2 = person2, person1
-        # one account is merged into the other
-        self.assertEqual(person1.merged, None)
-        self.assertEqual(person2.merged, person1)
-        self.assertEqual(self._getEmails(person1), allemails)
-        self.assertEqual(self._getEmails(person2), set())
-    def testMergeUnknownEmail(self):
-        """Merging a cluster of unknown emails creates an account."""
-        personset = getUtility(IPersonSet)
-        self.assertEqual(personset.getByEmail('newemail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'), None)
-        mergeClusters([set(['newemail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'])])
-        person = personset.getByEmail('newemail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx')
-        self.assertNotEqual(person, None)
-        self.assertEqual(person.preferredemail, None)
-        self.assertTrue('newemail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx' in self._getEmails(person))

=== modified file 'lib/canonical/launchpad/utilities/ftests/test_gpghandler.py'
--- lib/canonical/launchpad/utilities/ftests/test_gpghandler.py	2011-08-16 20:35:11 +0000
+++ lib/canonical/launchpad/utilities/ftests/test_gpghandler.py	2011-08-22 01:00:28 +0000
@@ -149,54 +149,6 @@
         """Do we have the expected test keyring files"""
         self.assertEqual(len(list(keys_for_tests.test_keyrings())), 1)
-    def testImportKeyRing(self):
-        """Import a sample keyring and check its contents are available."""
-        self.testEmptyGetKeys()
-        importedkeys = set()
-        for ring in keys_for_tests.test_keyrings():
-            keys = self.gpg_handler.importKeyringFile(ring)
-            importedkeys.update(key.fingerprint for key in keys)
-        # check that expected keys are in importedkeys set
-        self.assertTrue("340CA3BB270E2716C9EE0B768E7EB7086C64A8C5"
-                        in importedkeys)
-        self.assertTrue("A419AE861E88BC9E04B9C26FBA2B9389DFD20543"
-                        in importedkeys)
-        # check that importedkeys are in key ring
-        keyring = set(key.fingerprint
-                      for key in self.gpg_handler.localKeys())
-        self.assertNotEqual(len(keyring), 0)
-        self.assertTrue(importedkeys.issubset(keyring))
-    def testSetOwnerTrust(self):
-        """Import a key and set the ownertrust."""
-        self.testEmptyGetKeys()
-        for email in keys_for_tests.iter_test_key_emails():
-            pubkey = keys_for_tests.test_pubkey_from_email(email)
-            self.gpg_handler.importPublicKey(pubkey)
-        iterator = self.gpg_handler.localKeys()
-        key = iterator.next()
-        self.assertEqual(key.owner_trust, gpgme.VALIDITY_UNKNOWN)
-        key.setOwnerTrust(gpgme.VALIDITY_FULL)
-        self.assertEqual(key.owner_trust, gpgme.VALIDITY_FULL)
-        other_iterator = self.gpg_handler.localKeys()
-        other_key_instance = other_iterator.next()
-        self.assertEqual(key.owner_trust, other_key_instance.owner_trust)
-    def testCheckTrustDb(self):
-        """Test IGPGHandler.checkTrustDb()"""
-        self.testEmptyGetKeys()
-        # check trust DB with no keys succeeds
-        self.assertEqual(self.gpg_handler.checkTrustDb(), 0)
-        # add some keys and check trust DB again
-        for ring in keys_for_tests.test_keyrings():
-            self.gpg_handler.importKeyringFile(ring)
-        self.assertEqual(self.gpg_handler.checkTrustDb(), 0)
     def testHomeDirectoryJob(self):
         """Does the job to touch the home work."""
         gpghandler = getUtility(IGPGHandler)

=== modified file 'lib/canonical/launchpad/utilities/gpghandler.py'
--- lib/canonical/launchpad/utilities/gpghandler.py	2011-06-01 13:32:02 +0000
+++ lib/canonical/launchpad/utilities/gpghandler.py	2011-08-22 01:00:28 +0000
@@ -344,18 +344,6 @@
         return key
-    def importKeyringFile(self, filepath):
-        """See IGPGHandler.importKeyringFile."""
-        ctx = gpgme.Context()
-        data = open(filepath, 'r')
-        result = ctx.import_(data)
-        # if not considered -> format wasn't recognized
-        # no key was imported
-        if result.considered == 0:
-            raise ValueError('Empty or invalid keyring')
-        return [PymeKey(fingerprint)
-                for (fingerprint, result, status) in result.imports]
     def encryptContent(self, content, fingerprint):
         """See IGPGHandler."""
         if isinstance(content, unicode):
@@ -541,16 +529,6 @@
         url = self.getURLForKeyInServer(fingerprint, action)
         return urlfetch(url)
-    def checkTrustDb(self):
-        """See IGPGHandler"""
-        p = subprocess.Popen(['gpg', '--check-trustdb', '--batch', '--yes'],
-                             close_fds=True,
-                             stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
-                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                             stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-        p.communicate()
-        return p.returncode
 class PymeSignature(object):
     """See IPymeSignature."""
@@ -617,19 +595,6 @@
         self.emails = [uid.email for uid in self.uids
                        if valid_email(uid.email) and not uid.revoked]
-    def setOwnerTrust(self, value):
-        """Set the ownertrust on the actual gpg key"""
-        if value not in (gpgme.VALIDITY_UNDEFINED, gpgme.VALIDITY_NEVER,
-                         gpgme.VALIDITY_MARGINAL, gpgme.VALIDITY_FULL,
-                         gpgme.VALIDITY_ULTIMATE):
-            raise ValueError("invalid owner trust level")
-        # edit the owner trust value on the key
-        ctx = gpgme.Context()
-        key = ctx.get_key(self.fingerprint.encode('ascii'), False)
-        gpgme_editutil.edit_trust(ctx, key, value)
-        # set the cached copy of owner_trust
-        self.owner_trust = value
     def displayname(self):
         return '%s%s/%s' % (self.keysize, self.algorithm, self.keyid)

=== removed file 'lib/lp/registry/scripts/keyringtrustanalyser.py'
--- lib/lp/registry/scripts/keyringtrustanalyser.py	2011-02-23 20:26:53 +0000
+++ lib/lp/registry/scripts/keyringtrustanalyser.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-import gpgme
-from zope.component import getUtility
-from canonical.database.sqlbase import flush_database_updates
-from canonical.launchpad.interfaces.emailaddress import IEmailAddressSet
-from canonical.launchpad.interfaces.gpghandler import IGPGHandler
-from lp.app.validators.email import valid_email
-from lp.registry.interfaces.person import (
-    IPersonSet,
-    PersonCreationRationale,
-    )
-__metaclass__ = type
-__all__ = [
-    'addTrustedKeyring',
-    'addOtherKeyring',
-    'getValidUids',
-    'findEmailClusters',
-    'mergeClusters',
-    ]
-def addTrustedKeyring(filename, ownertrust=gpgme.VALIDITY_MARGINAL):
-    """Add a keyring of keys owned by people trusted to make good signatues.
-    """
-    gpg = getUtility(IGPGHandler)
-    keys = gpg.importKeyringFile(filename)
-    for key in keys:
-        key.setOwnerTrust(ownertrust)
-def addOtherKeyring(filename):
-    """Add a keyring of possibly suspect keys"""
-    gpg = getUtility(IGPGHandler)
-    gpg.importKeyringFile(filename)
-def getValidUids(minvalid=gpgme.VALIDITY_MARGINAL):
-    """Returns an iterator yielding (fingerprint, email) pairs.
-    Only UIDs assigned a validity of at least 'minvalid' are returned.
-    """
-    gpg = getUtility(IGPGHandler)
-    gpg.checkTrustDb()
-    for key in gpg.localKeys():
-        for uid in key.uids:
-            if (not uid.revoked and valid_email(uid.email) and
-                uid.validity >= minvalid):
-                yield key.fingerprint, uid.email
-def findEmailClusters(minvalid=gpgme.VALIDITY_MARGINAL):
-    """Returns an iterator yielding sets of related email addresses.
-    Two email addresses are considered to be related if they appear as
-    valid user IDs on a PGP key in the keyring.
-    """
-    emails = {}       # fingerprint -> set(emails)
-    fingerprints = {} # email -> set(fingerprints)
-    # get the valid UIDs
-    for fpr, email in getValidUids(minvalid):
-        fingerprints.setdefault(email, set()).add(fpr)
-        emails.setdefault(fpr, set()).add(email)
-    # find clusters of keys based on the presence of shared valid UIDs
-    clusters = {} # fingerprint -> set(fingerprints)
-    for fprs in fingerprints.itervalues():
-        cluster = fprs.copy()
-        for fpr in fprs:
-            x = clusters.get(fpr)
-            if x is not None:
-                cluster.update(x)
-        for fpr in cluster:
-            clusters[fpr] = cluster
-    # return email addresses belonging to each key cluster
-    for cluster in clusters.itervalues():
-        email_cluster = set()
-        for fpr in cluster:
-            email_cluster.update(emails[fpr])
-        yield email_cluster
-def _mergeOrAddEmails(personset, emailset, cluster, logger):
-    """Helper function for mergeClusters()
-    The strategy for merging clusters is as follows:
-     1. Find all Person objects attached to the given email addresses.
-     2. If there is more than one Person object associated with the cluster,
-        merge them into one (merge into Person with preferred email).
-     3. If there are no Person objects associated with the cluster, create
-        a new person.
-     4. For each email address not associated with the person or awaiting
-        validation, add it to the person in state NEW (unvalidated).
-    This algorithm does not handle the case where two accounts have a
-    preferred email.  This situation would indicate that users have
-    logged in as both identities, and we don't want to kill accounts
-    for no reason.
-    """
-    # get a list of Person objects associated with this address cluster
-    people = set()
-    for email in cluster:
-        person = personset.getByEmail(email)
-        if person:
-            people.add(person)
-    if len(people) > 1:
-        # more than one Person object => account merge.
-        # Check if any of the accounts have been used.
-        # If one account has been used, we want to merge the others
-        # into that one.
-        # If more than one account has been used, bail.
-        validpeople = set(person for person in people
-                          if person.preferredemail is not None)
-        if len(validpeople) > 1:
-            if logger:
-                logger.warning('Multiple validated user accounts found for cluster %r: %s',
-                               cluster,
-                               ', '.join(['%s (%d)' % (person.name, person.id)
-                                          for person in validpeople]))
-            return None
-        elif len(validpeople) == 1:
-            person = validpeople.pop()
-            people.remove(person)
-        else:
-            # no validated accounts -- pick one at random
-            person = people.pop()
-        # assign email addresses
-        from zope.security.proxy import removeSecurityProxy
-        for otherperson in people:
-            for email in emailset.getByPerson(otherperson):
-                # EmailAddress.person is a readonly field, so we need to
-                # remove the security proxy here.
-                removeSecurityProxy(email).personID = person.id
-        # merge people
-        for otherperson in people:
-            if logger:
-                logger.info('Merging %s (%d) into %s (%d)',
-                            otherperson.name, otherperson.id,
-                            person.name, person.id)
-            personset.merge(otherperson, person)
-    elif len(people) == 1:
-        # one person: use that
-        person = people.pop()
-    else:
-        # no person? create it.
-        # We should have the display name from a key here ...
-        person, email = personset.createPersonAndEmail(
-            cluster.pop(), PersonCreationRationale.KEYRINGTRUSTANALYZER)
-    # We now have one person.  Now add the missing addresses:
-    existing = set(email.email for email in emailset.getByPerson(person))
-    existing.update(person.unvalidatedemails)
-    for newemail in cluster.difference(existing):
-        if logger:
-            logger.info('Adding email %s to %s (%d)',
-                        newemail, person.name, person.id)
-        emailset.new(email=newemail, person=person, account=person.account)
-    flush_database_updates()
-    return person
-def mergeClusters(clusters, ztm=None, logger=None):
-    """Merge accounts for clusters of addresses.
-    The first argument is an iterator returning sets of email addresses.
-    """
-    personset = getUtility(IPersonSet)
-    emailset = getUtility(IEmailAddressSet)
-    for cluster in clusters:
-        if not cluster: continue
-        if ztm: ztm.begin()
-        _mergeOrAddEmails(personset, emailset, cluster, logger)
-        if ztm: ztm.commit()

=== removed file 'scripts/find-email-clusters.py'
--- scripts/find-email-clusters.py	2010-04-27 19:48:39 +0000
+++ scripts/find-email-clusters.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/python -S
-# Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-# pylint: disable-msg=W0403
-import _pythonpath
-import sys
-import logging
-import optparse
-import gpgme
-from canonical.launchpad.scripts import (
-    execute_zcml_for_scripts, logger_options, logger as logger_from_options)
-from lp.registry.scripts.keyringtrustanalyser import (
-    addOtherKeyring, addTrustedKeyring, findEmailClusters)
-validity_map = {
-    'NEVER':     gpgme.VALIDITY_NEVER,
-    'FULL':      gpgme.VALIDITY_FULL,
-    }
-def main(argv):
-    parser = optparse.OptionParser(
-        usage="usage: %prog [options] keyrings ...",
-        description="This script inferrs clusters of "
-        "email addresses belonging to a single user "
-        "from the user IDs attached to PGP keys.")
-    parser.add_option('-o', '--output', metavar='FILE', action='store',
-                      help='Output clusters to given file',
-                      type='string', dest='output', default=None)
-    parser.add_option('--trust', metavar='KEYRING', action='append',
-                      help='Trust the owners of keys on this keyring',
-                      type='string', dest='trust', default=[])
-    parser.add_option('--owner-trust', metavar='TRUST', action='store',
-                      help='What level of trust to assign to trusted keys',
-                      type='string', dest='owner_trust', default='ULTIMATE')
-    parser.add_option('--min-valid', metavar='TRUST', action='store',
-                      help='Minimum trust necessary for a user ID to '
-                      'be considered valid',
-                      type='string', dest='minvalid', default='MARGINAL')
-    logger_options(parser, logging.WARNING)
-    options, args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
-    # map validity options
-    if options.owner_trust.upper() not in validity_map:
-        sys.stderr.write('%s: unknown owner trust value %s'
-                         % (argv[0], options.owner_trust))
-        return 1
-    options.owner_trust = validity_map[options.owner_trust.upper()]
-    if options.minvalid.upper() not in validity_map:
-        sys.stderr.write('%s: unknown min valid value %s'
-                         % (argv[0], options.minvalid))
-        return 1
-    options.minvalid = validity_map[options.minvalid.upper()]
-    # get logger
-    logger = logger_from_options(options)
-    if options.output is not None:
-        logger.debug('openning %s', options.output)
-        fp = open(options.output, 'w')
-    else:
-        fp = sys.stdout
-    logger.info('Setting up utilities')
-    execute_zcml_for_scripts()
-    logger.info('Loading trusted keyrings')
-    for keyring in options.trust:
-        logger.info('Loading %s', keyring)
-        addTrustedKeyring(keyring, options.owner_trust)
-    logger.info('Loading other keyrings')
-    for keyring in args:
-        logger.info('Loading %s', keyring)
-        addOtherKeyring(keyring)
-    logger.info('Computing address clusters')
-    for cluster in findEmailClusters(options.minvalid):
-        for email in cluster:
-            fp.write('%s\n' % email)
-        fp.write('\n')
-    logger.info('Done')
-    return 0
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    sys.exit(main(sys.argv))

=== removed file 'scripts/merge-email-clusters.py'
--- scripts/merge-email-clusters.py	2010-04-27 19:48:39 +0000
+++ scripts/merge-email-clusters.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/python -S
-# Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-# pylint: disable-msg=W0403
-import _pythonpath
-import sys
-import logging
-import optparse
-from canonical.lp import initZopeless
-from canonical.launchpad.scripts import (
-    execute_zcml_for_scripts, logger_options, logger as logger_from_options)
-from lp.registry.scripts.keyringtrustanalyser import mergeClusters
-def readClusters(fp):
-    """Read clusters of email addresses from the file (separated by blank
-    lines), and yield them as sets."""
-    cluster = set()
-    for line in fp:
-        line = line.strip()
-        if line:
-            cluster.add(line)
-        elif cluster:
-            yield cluster
-            cluster = set()
-    if cluster:
-        yield cluster
-def main(argv):
-    parser = optparse.OptionParser(
-        description="This script reads a list of email address clusters. "
-        "and updates the Launchpad database to match by adding email "
-        "addresses to existing accounts, merging accounts and "
-        "creating new accounts")
-    parser.add_option('-i', '--input', metavar='FILE', action='store',
-                      help='Read clusters from the given file',
-                      type='string', dest='input', default=None)
-    logger_options(parser, logging.WARNING)
-    options, args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
-    # get logger
-    logger = logger_from_options(options)
-    if options.input is not None:
-        logger.debug('openning %s', options.input)
-        fp = open(options.input, 'r')
-    else:
-        fp = sys.stdin
-    logger.info('Setting up utilities')
-    execute_zcml_for_scripts()
-    logger.info('Connecting to database')
-    ztm = initZopeless()
-    mergeClusters(readClusters(fp), ztm, logger)
-    logger.info('Done')
-    return 0
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    sys.exit(main(sys.argv))