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Re: [Merge] lp:~bkerensa/launchpad/fix-for-1044457 into lp:launchpad


Benjamin, You didn't need to delete the first merge proposal. You only needed to make the changes I suggested, and push and as for a new review. Per my first review:

Open lib/lp/registry/browser/tests/test_team.py and paste this test at the end of TestTeamEditView

    def test_expiration_and_renewal(self):
        # The team's membership expiration and renewal rules can be set.
        owner = self.factory.makePerson()
        team = self.factory.makeTeam(name="team", owner=owner)
        form = {
            'field.name': team.name,
            'field.displayname': team.displayname,
            'field.defaultmembershipperiod': '180',
            'field.defaultrenewalperiod': '365',
            'field.membership_policy': 'RESTRICTED',
            'field.renewal_policy': 'ONDEMAND',
            'field.actions.save': 'Save',
        view = create_initialized_view(team, '+edit', form=form)
        self.assertEqual(0, len(view.errors))
            TeamMembershipPolicy.RESTRICTED, team.membership_policy)
        self.assertEqual(180, team.defaultmembershipperiod)
        self.assertEqual(365, team.defaultrenewalperiod)
            TeamMembershipRenewalPolicy.ONDEMAND, team.renewal_policy)

^ This test failed like the screenshot. Your widget fix should permit this test to pass.
After your commit, run

    make lint

To verify your changes are clean and maintainable.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is subscribed to branch lp:launchpad.
