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Re: [Merge] lp:~dpm/launchpad/translations-exporter into lp:launchpad


Al 14/09/12 13:38, En/na Abel Deuring ha escrit:
> Hi David,
> firstly, a few general remarks:
> - The big obstacle: "thou shalt not increase the LOC count for (the branch
>   you are landing code in) unless" (quoted from
>   https://dev.launchpad.net/PolicyAndProcess/MaintenanceCosts?highlight=%28loc%29
>   See the wiki page for more details -- you can either try to convice
>   somebody in charge that this is a good change, or you can "compess" the
>   existing LP code base first.
>   Personally, I think this script would be worth to add, but I am not the
>   project lead...

Thanks for the heads up. As per the conversation just now on
#launchpad-dev, a waiver has been granted to move this code into LP:

<lifeless> I'll grant a waiver
 this code already exists in the wrong place
 its not adding debt to move it into LP
<lifeless> its reducing debt by getting it into the right place.


I'll apply fixes for all the rest of points mentioned and will talk to
stub to double-check on the database changes you're describing, as



>> This is a result of the request on RT #55759 to move the Ubuntu translations
>> exporter script [1] into the Launchpad tree.
>> As it's my first ever Launchpad merge proposal, I'm submitting this as work
>> in progress to get some initial feedback if overall what I'm trying to do
>> and the code looks good. I'll start working on the tests once that's been
>> reviewed and I'm certain I'm doing the right thing :).
>> In short, this code is thought to be run daily to provide a tarball with an
>> export of Ubuntu translations stats. The data is fetched by querying the
>> Launchpad database. The data will then be used to produce the translations
>> coverage report at release time [2] and also to provide a list of of
>> priority templates to help the community focus on the most important
>> translations to complete, as well as producing graphs of their progress.
>> There are some TODO comments in the code for a couple of areas I was not
>> sure how to go about. The most important one is the fact that the tarballs
>> that are generated with the database dump are uploaded to Librarian, but as
>> they are not listed anywhere in Launchpad, I have no way of knowing their
>> URL in advance when I'll want to fetch them. I thought perhaps a URL alias
>> such as the ones we use for
>> https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+latest-full-language-pack
>> could be useful (e.g. .../+latest-stats-export). I could not really figure
>> out how to do it. Any pointers? Or other approaches?
> Such a URL would mean that the Librarian data would have to be fed through
> the app server in order to reach the client.
> But the core problem is that a Librarian file that is not referenced from
> anywhere will be deleted by a cron job. So we need a column in some LP
> DB table that points to the LibraryFileAlias. I think a new column
> DistroSeries.translation_statistics would do the job.
> Adding this column requires a separate branch and merge proposal,
> see https://dev.launchpad.net/PolicyAndProcess/DatabaseSchemaChangesProcess
> This may look a bit scary, but just adding a column is not difficult.
> But I suspect that the column will need an index so that the garbo job
> that deletes unreferenced LFA records can run efficiently. But stub
> ask stub if my suspicion is right. Anyway, the index should be added
> in a separate branch.
> database/schema/patch-2209-28-1.sql and database/schema/patch-2209-28-2.sql
> are an example for such a DB schema change.
> And once the DB column exists, you can add a new property to the Python
> class DistroSeries and export it to the API.
>> Thanks.
>> [1] https://launchpad.net/lp-get-ul10nstats/
>> [2] http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/stats/ubuntu-12.04-translation-stats.html
> [...]
>> === added file 'lib/lp/translations/scripts/export_stats.py'
>> --- lib/lp/translations/scripts/export_stats.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
>> +++ lib/lp/translations/scripts/export_stats.py	2012-09-14 09:49:44 +0000
>> @@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
>> +# Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
>> +# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
>> +
>> +"""Export Ubuntu translations statistics from the database for the use of
>> +external clients.
>> +
>> +These stats are used to produce the translations coverage report at
>> +release time [1] and also to produce a list of of priority templates
>> +to help the community focus on the most important translations to complete,
>> +as well as producing graphs of their progress.
>> +
>> +[1] http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/stats/ubuntu-12.04-translation-stats.html
>> +"""
>> +
>> +__metaclass__ = type
>> +
>> +__all__ = [
>> +    'TranslationsStatsExporter',
>> +    ]
>> +
>> +from lp.services.scripts.base import LaunchpadCronScript
>> +from lp.services.database.sqlbase import (
>> +    cursor,
>> +    sqlvalues,
>> +    )
>> +from lp.services.librarian.interfaces.client import (
>> +    ILibrarianClient,
>> +    UploadFailed,
>> +    )
>> +from lp.services.tarfile_helpers import LaunchpadWriteTarFile
>> +from zope.component import getUtility
>> +from optparse import (
>> +    Option,
>> +    OptionValueError,
>> +    )
>> +from shutil import copyfileobj
>> +import sys
>> +import logging
>> +import json
>> +from tempfile import TemporaryFile
>> +import datetime
>> +
>> +
>> +# PostgreSQL queries to run against the given database to produce the desired
>> +# output.
>> +# If you need to add a new query, remember to add it to the QUERIES dict
>> +# below
>> +select
>> +    sourcepackagename.name AS sourcepackage,
>> +    potemplate.translation_domain,
>> +    potemplate.name AS template_name,
>> +    potemplate.date_last_updated AS template_last_updated,
>> +    pofile.date_changed AS translation_last_updated,
>> +    language.code AS language,
>> +    (pofile.currentcount+pofile.rosettacount) AS translated,
>> +    pofile.unreviewed_count AS unreviewed,
>> +    pofile.updatescount AS changed,
>> +    potemplate.messagecount AS total
>> +  from potemplate
>> +  join sourcepackagename on sourcepackagename=sourcepackagename.id
>> +  join distroseries on distroseries=distroseries.id
>> +  join pofile on pofile.potemplate=potemplate.id
>> +  join language on pofile.language=language.id
>> +  where
>> +    (potemplate.iscurrent or sourcepackagename.name='openoffice.org') and
>> +    distroseries.name='{0}'
>> +  order by language.code,
>> +           sourcepackagename.name,
>> +           potemplate.translation_domain,
>> +           date_last_updated;"""
> We tend to SHOUT at the DB server, i.e., write all SQL keywords in
> capitals: SELECT ... FROM ...
>> +
>> +select
>> +    sourcepackagename.name AS sourcepackage,
>> +    potemplate.translation_domain,
>> +    potemplate.name AS template_name,sqlvalues
>> +    potemplate.messagecount AS total,
>> +    potemplate.iscurrent AS enabled,
>> +    potemplate.languagepack,
>> +    potemplate.priority,
>> +    potemplate.date_last_updated
>> +  from potemplate
>> +  join sourcepackagename on sourcepackagename=sourcepackagename.id
>> +  join distroseries on distroseries=distroseries.id
>> +  where
>> +    distroseries.name='{0}'
>> +  order by sourcepackagename.name,
>> +           potemplate.name;"""
>> +
>> +# This is a test query in order to obtain some results from
>> +# the database from a local Launchpad installation, which
>> +# otherwise returns empty results for the above queries
>> +select
>> +        potemplate.translation_domain,
>> +        potemplate.name AS template_name,
>> +        potemplate.messagecount AS total,
>> +        potemplate.iscurrent AS enabled,
>> +        potemplate.languagepack,
>> +        potemplate.priority,
>> +        potemplate.date_last_updated
>> +    from potemplate;
>> +"""
>> +
>> +# Add PostgreSQL queries here using the format
>> +# 'output-filename': SQL_QUERY_VARIABLE
>> +# Any query you add will be executed against the
>> +# given database
>> +QUERIES = {'package-stats': PACKAGES_QUERY,
>> +           'potemplate-stats': POTEMPLATES_QUERY,
>> +#           'all-potemplate-stats': ALL_POTEMPLATES_QUERY,
>> +           }
>> +
>> +
>> +class ExportQuery(object):
> Since you have "__metaclass = type" at the start of the file, you
> don't need to derice from object.
>> +    """Class to contain a database query to be used to export translations
>> +    data.
>> +
>> +    :param query: String that contains the database query to execute.
>> +    :param query_id: String that describes the query.
>> +    :param distro_codename: String to specify the distro series the query
>> +        applies to (e.g. 'precise')
>> +    :param output_file: String to optionally specify the output file path
>> +        (or stdout) to save the query results to. Usually the results will
>> +        be uploaded to the Librarian.
>> +
>> +    Supported storage formats for the results:
>> +     - 'json': .json file containing a JSON structure
>> +
>> +    """
>> +
>> +    def __init__(self, query, query_id, distro_codename, output_file=None):
>> +        self.query = query.format(sqlvalues(distro_codename))
>> +        self.query_id = query_id
>> +        self.distro_codename = distro_codename
>> +        self.output_file = output_file
>> +
>> +    def run(self):
>> +        """Run a database query and save the results to disk or stdout"""
>> +
>> +        cur = cursor()
>> +        self.logger.debug("Executing query: {0}...".format(self.query))
>> +        cur.execute(self.query)
>> +
>> +        # Fetch the descriptions to have them in the output
>> +        desc = [col[0] for col in cur.description]
>> +        logging.debug("Cursor description: {0}".format(desc))
>> +
>> +        results = cur.fetchall()
>> +        self.logger.debug("Query results: {0}".format(results))
>> +
>> +        self.__publish_result(results, desc)
>> +
>> +    def __publish_result(self, results, description):
> Class attributes names starting with '__' are treated a bit special:
> You can't do something like
>     q = ExportQuery(...)
>     q.__publish_result(...)
> but you'll need to do that in tests. I'd suggest to simpy remove the
> leading '__'.
>> +        """Publish the results of a database query to export translation data
>> +        and save them to disk to a given file or to the Librarian
>> +
>> +        :param results: List of tuples containing the results from a
>> +            translations export database query
>> +        :param description: String containing the description of the query.
>> +            It will be embedded in the filename of the file to save to.
>> +        """
>> +
>> +        # Save the results into a JSON file and compress it into a tarball
>> +        filehandle = TemporaryFile()
>> +        archive = LaunchpadWriteTarFile(filehandle)
>> +        output_string = self.__postprocess_result(results, description)
>> +        archive.add_file(
>> +            self.__get_output_filename('json'), output_string)
>> +
>> +        archive.close()
>> +        size = filehandle.tell()
>> +        filehandle.seek(0)
>> +
>> +        # Now save the tarball
>> +        if self.output_file is not None:
>> +            # Save the tarball to a file.
>> +            if self.output_file == '-':
>> +                output_filehandle = sys.stdout
>> +            else:
>> +                output_filehandle = file(self.output_file, 'wb')
>> +
>> +            copyfileobj(filehandle, output_filehandle)
>> +        else:
>> +            # Upload the tarball to the librarian.
>> +            try:
>> +                uploader = getUtility(ILibrarianClient)
>> +                # For tar.gz files, the standard content type is
>> +                # application/x-gtar. You can see more info on
>> +                # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_archive_formats
>> +                file_alias = uploader.addFile(
>> +                    name=self.__get_output_filename('.tar.gz'),
>> +                    size=size,
>> +                    file=filehandle,
>> +                    contentType='application/x-gtar')
>> +            except UploadFailed as e:
>> +                self.logger.error('Uploading to the Librarian failed: %s', e)
>> +                return None
>> +            except:
> Completely unconditional except clauses are bad: You don't get any clue
> what was causing the exception. Just remove it: LPCronScript has some
> machinery to log exceptions.
>> +                # Bare except statements are used in order to prevent premature
>> +                # termination of the script.
>> +                self.logger.exception(
>> +                    'Uncaught exception while uploading to the Librarian')
>> +                return None
>> +
>> +            # TODO: register upload as 'latest-translations-stats-export'
>> +            # TODO: delete old files
> As written above, you don't need to explicity delete unreferenced LFAs.
>> +            self.logger.debug('Upload complete, file alias: %d' % file_alias)
>> +
>> +    def __get_output_filename(self, extension):
>> +        """Builds and returns the full name of the output file to be saved to
>> +        disk.
>> +
>> +        :param extension: String to specify the filename extension
>> +        :return: String with the name of the output file
>> +        """
>> +        return(self.distro_codename + '-' + self.query_id + '.' + extension)
>> +
>> +    def __postprocess_result(self, results, description):
>> +        """Process the results of a translations database export query and
>> +        convert them to machine-readable formats.
>> +
>> +        Currently only JSON is supported.
>> +
>> +        :param results: List of tuples containing the results from a
>> +            translations export database query
>> +        :param description: String containing the description of the query.
>> +            It will be embedded in the filename of the file to save to.
>> +        :return: String with the converted results
>> +        """
>> +
>> +        dthandler = lambda obj: obj.isoformat() \
>> +            if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime) else None
>> +        data = [dict(zip(description, prop)) for prop in results]
>> +
>> +        output_string = json.dumps(data, default=dthandler)
>> +
>> +        return output_string
>> +
>> +
>> +class TranslationsStatsExporter(LaunchpadCronScript):
>> +    """Execute the required database queries to obtain a raw database dump
>> +    in text files of a given format (currently JSON), containing statistics
>> +    about translation coverage for all the languages and translatable
>> +    packages under the Ubuntu project in Launchpad.
>> +    """
>> +
>> +    description = "Export Ubuntu translations stats from the database."
>> +    loglevel = logging.INFO
>> +
>> +    my_options = [
>> +        Option(
>> +            '-d', '--distro-codename', dest='distro_codename',
>> +            default=None, action='store',
>> +            help="The distro to get stats for (e.g. 'precise')"),
>> +        Option(
>> +            '-o', '--output',
>> +            dest='output',
>> +            default=None,
>> +            action='store',
>> +            help='A file to send the generated tarball to, rather than the'
>> +                 ' Libraran.'
>> +            )
>> +        ]
>> +
>> +    def add_my_options(self):
>> +        """See `LaunchpadScript`."""
>> +        self.parser.add_options(self.my_options)
>> +
>> +    def main(self):
>> +        if not self.options.distro_codename:
>> +            raise OptionValueError("A distro codename needs to be specified")
>> +
>> +        # TODO: validate distro codename
> See lib/lp/registry/doc/distroseries.txt:
>     >>> distroseriesset = getUtility(IDistroSeriesSet)
>     [...]
>     >>> for distroseries in distroseriesset.findByName("warty"):
>     ...     print distroseries.name
>     warty
>> +
>> +        # Set up and run all specified queries
>> +        for (query_id, query) in QUERIES.items():
>> +            export_query = ExportQuery(query,
>> +                                       query_id,
>> +                                       self.options.distro_codename,
>> +                                       self.options.output_file,
>> +                                       )
>> +            export_query.run()

David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator
www.ubuntu.com / www.davidplanella.wordpress.com
www.identi.ca/dplanella / www.twitter.com/dplanella

Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~dpm/launchpad/translations-exporter into lp:launchpad.
