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[Merge] lp:~wgrant/launchpad-buildd/system-sbuild into lp:launchpad-buildd


William Grant has proposed merging lp:~wgrant/launchpad-buildd/system-sbuild into lp:launchpad-buildd with lp:~wgrant/launchpad-buildd/cut-down-config as a prerequisite.

Commit message:
Switch from an internal sbuild fork to the system package.

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:

Switch from an internal sbuild fork to the system package.

~buildd/.lp-sbuildrc is replaced by a symlink at ~buildd/.sbuildrc, as it no longer needs to be modified per host.

sbuild-package is simplified as stock sbuild doesn't leave a persistent build-progress file for us inspect. That's now done by exit code checks and log parsing in Python instead.

BinaryPackageBuildManager got a bit of a rework. It now writes out /CurrentlyBuilding itself, and the exit code and output handling are pretty much totally rewritten to cope with the new sbuild.

This needs at least sbuild 0.65.2-1ubuntu2 or equivalent. There are backports to precise and trusty in https://launchpad.net/~wgrant/+archive/ubuntu/lp-buildd-devel.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~wgrant/launchpad-buildd/system-sbuild into lp:launchpad-buildd.
=== modified file 'debian/changelog'
--- debian/changelog	2015-05-11 11:00:44 +0000
+++ debian/changelog	2015-05-11 11:00:44 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
 launchpad-buildd (127) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * Switch from an internal sbuild fork to the system package.
+    - Dropped copy of sbuild.
+    - Install ~buildd/.sbuildrc instead of ~buildd/.lp-sbuildrc.
+    - Clean and update sbuildrc.
+    - Write out /CurrentlyBuilding from Python.
+    - Rewrite failure stage and depwait detection to cope with modern sbuild.
   * Refactor lpbuildd.binarypackage tests to be readable.
   * Drop duplicated paths from the config file.
- -- William Grant <wgrant@xxxxxxxxxx>  Sat, 18 Apr 2015 06:41:52 +1000
+ -- William Grant <wgrant@xxxxxxxxxx>  Mon, 11 May 2015 20:55:37 +1000
 launchpad-buildd (126) trusty; urgency=medium

=== modified file 'debian/control'
--- debian/control	2014-06-25 01:50:28 +0000
+++ debian/control	2015-05-11 11:00:44 +0000
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 Architecture: all
 Depends: python-lpbuildd (=${source:Version}), python, debootstrap, dpkg-dev,
  linux32, file, bzip2, sudo, ntpdate, adduser, apt-transport-https, lsb-release,
- apache2, pristine-tar, python-apt, ${misc:Depends}
+ apache2, pristine-tar, python-apt, sbuild, ${misc:Depends}
 Recommends: qemu-user-static
 Description: Launchpad buildd slave
  This is the launchpad buildd slave package. It contains everything needed to

=== modified file 'debian/launchpad-buildd.install'
--- debian/launchpad-buildd.install	2014-06-25 01:50:28 +0000
+++ debian/launchpad-buildd.install	2015-05-11 11:00:44 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
 default/launchpad-buildd 			etc/default
-sbuild						usr/share/launchpad-buildd/slavebin
-sbuild.conf 					usr/share/launchpad-buildd
 buildd-genconfig				usr/share/launchpad-buildd

=== modified file 'debian/postinst'
--- debian/postinst	2014-07-10 10:20:31 +0000
+++ debian/postinst	2015-05-11 11:00:44 +0000
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 	getent passwd buildd >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
         adduser --ingroup buildd --disabled-login --gecos 'Buildd user' \
                 --uid $BUILDDUID ${USER}
+        adduser --quiet buildd sbuild
 	SUDO_VERSION=$(sudo -V | sed -n '/^Sudo version/s/.* //p')
 	if dpkg --compare-versions $SUDO_VERSION lt 1.7 ||
@@ -51,16 +52,21 @@
         install -d -o${USER} -m0755 /home/${USER}
-	# Create ~buildd/.lp-sbuildrc if needed
-	if [ ! -f /home/${USER}/.lp-sbuildrc ]; then
-	    cp  /usr/share/launchpad-buildd/sbuildrc \
-		/home/${USER}/.lp-sbuildrc.tmp
-	    cd /home/${USER}
-	    sed -e's/@ARCHTAG@/'$(dpkg --print-architecture)'/g' \
-		< .lp-sbuildrc.tmp > .lp-sbuildrc
-	    chown $USER:buildd .lp-sbuildrc
-	    chmod 0644 .lp-sbuildrc
-	    rm .lp-sbuildrc.tmp
+	if [ "x$2" != "x" ]; then
+		if dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt 127; then
+			# .lp-sbuildrc is no longer used.
+			rm -f /home/${USER}/.lp-sbuildrc
+			# .sbuildrc used to be a normal file, but nowadays it's a
+			# symlink.
+			rm -f /home/${USER}/.sbuildrc
+		fi
+	fi
+	# Create ~buildd/.sbuildrc if needed
+	if [ ! -f /home/${USER}/.sbuildrc ]; then
+		ln -s /usr/share/launchpad-buildd/sbuildrc /home/${USER}/.sbuildrc
+		chown $USER:buildd /home/${USER}/.sbuildrc
+		chmod 0644 /home/${USER}/.sbuildrc
 	# Prepare a default buildd...

=== modified file 'debian/upgrade-config'
--- debian/upgrade-config	2015-05-11 11:00:44 +0000
+++ debian/upgrade-config	2015-05-11 11:00:44 +0000
@@ -181,11 +181,10 @@
     # all inside slavebin.
     config.set('slave', 'sharepath', '/usr/share/launchpad-buildd')
     deprecated_sections = [
-        'allmanagers', 'debianmanager', 'sourcepackagerecipemanager',
-        'livefilesystemmanager']
+        'allmanagers', 'binarypackagemanager', 'debianmanager',
+        'sourcepackagerecipemanager', 'livefilesystemmanager']
     for section in deprecated_sections:
-    config.remove_option('binarypackagemanager', 'sbuildpath')
     config.remove_option('translationtemplatesmanager', 'generatepath')
     out_file = open(conf_file, "w")

=== modified file 'lpbuildd/binarypackage.py'
--- lpbuildd/binarypackage.py	2015-05-11 11:00:44 +0000
+++ lpbuildd/binarypackage.py	2015-05-11 11:00:44 +0000
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
 class SBuildExitCodes:
     """SBUILD process result codes."""
     OK = 0
-    DEPFAIL = 1
-    GIVENBACK = 2
+    FAILED = 1
+    ATTEMPTED = 2
+    GIVENBACK = 3
@@ -23,11 +23,8 @@
         ("^E: There are problems and -y was used without --force-yes"),
     DEPFAIL = {
-        "(?P<pk>[\-+.\w]+)\(inst [^ ]+ ! >> wanted (?P<v>[\-.+\w:~]+)\)": "\g<pk> (>> \g<v>)",
-        "(?P<pk>[\-+.\w]+)\(inst [^ ]+ ! >?= wanted (?P<v>[\-.+\w:~]+)\)": "\g<pk> (>= \g<v>)",
-        "(?s)^E: Couldn't find package (?P<pk>[\-+.\w]+)(?!.*^E: Couldn't find package)": "\g<pk>",
-        "(?s)^E: Package '?(?P<pk>[\-+.\w]+)'? has no installation candidate(?!.*^E: Package)": "\g<pk>",
-        "(?s)^E: Unable to locate package (?P<pk>[\-+.\w]+)(?!.*^E: Unable to locate package)": "\g<pk>",
+        'The following packages have unmet dependencies:\n'
+        '.*: Depends: (?P<p>[^ ]*( \([^)]*\))?)': "\g<p>",
@@ -43,8 +40,11 @@
     def __init__(self, slave, buildid, **kwargs):
         DebianBuildManager.__init__(self, slave, buildid, **kwargs)
         self._sbuildpath = os.path.join(self._slavebin, "sbuild-package")
-        self._sbuildargs = slave._config.get("binarypackagemanager",
-                                             "sbuildargs").split(" ")
+    @property
+    def chroot_path(self):
+        return os.path.join(
+            self.home, "build-" + self._buildid, 'chroot-autobuild')
     def initiate(self, files, chroot, extra_args):
         """Initiate a build with a given set of files and chroot."""
@@ -68,70 +68,36 @@
     def doRunBuild(self):
         """Run the sbuild process to build the package."""
+        currently_building_path = os.path.join(
+            self.chroot_path, 'CurrentlyBuilding')
+        currently_building_contents = (
+            'Package: %s\n'
+            'Component: %s\n'
+            'Suite: %s\n'
+            'Purpose: %s\n'
+            % (self._dscfile.split('_')[0], self.component, self.suite,
+               self.archive_purpose))
+        if self.build_debug_symbols:
+            currently_building_contents += 'Build-Debug-Symbols: yes\n'
+        currently_building = open(currently_building_path, 'w')
+        currently_building.write(currently_building_contents)
+        currently_building.close()
         args = ["sbuild-package", self._buildid, self.arch_tag]
-        args.extend(self._sbuildargs)
-        args.append("--archive=" + self.distribution)
+        args.extend(["-c", "chroot:autobuild"])
+        args.append("--arch=" + self.arch_tag)
         args.append("--dist=" + self.suite)
+        args.append("--purge=never")
+        args.append("--nolog")
         if self.arch_indep:
-        if self.archive_purpose:
-            args.append("--purpose=" + self.archive_purpose)
-        if self.build_debug_symbols:
-            args.append("--build-debug-symbols")
-        args.append("--architecture=" + self.arch_tag)
-        args.append("--comp=" + self.component)
-        self.runSubProcess( self._sbuildpath, args )
+        self.runSubProcess(self._sbuildpath, args)
     def iterate_SBUILD(self, success):
         """Finished the sbuild run."""
-        if success != SBuildExitCodes.OK:
-            log_patterns = []
-            stop_patterns = [["^Toolchain package versions:", re.M]]
-            if (success == SBuildExitCodes.DEPFAIL or
-                success == SBuildExitCodes.PACKAGEFAIL):
-                for rx in BuildLogRegexes.GIVENBACK:
-                    log_patterns.append([rx, re.M])
-            if success == SBuildExitCodes.DEPFAIL:
-                for rx in BuildLogRegexes.DEPFAIL:
-                    log_patterns.append([rx, re.M])
-            if log_patterns:
-                rx, mo = self.searchLogContents(log_patterns, stop_patterns)
-                if mo:
-                    if rx in BuildLogRegexes.GIVENBACK:
-                        success = SBuildExitCodes.GIVENBACK
-                    elif rx in BuildLogRegexes.DEPFAIL:
-                        if not self.alreadyfailed:
-                            dep = BuildLogRegexes.DEPFAIL[rx]
-                            print("Returning build status: DEPFAIL")
-                            print("Dependencies: " + mo.expand(dep))
-                            self._slave.depFail(mo.expand(dep))
-                            success = SBuildExitCodes.DEPFAIL
-                    else:
-                        success = SBuildExitCodes.PACKAGEFAIL
-                else:
-                    success = SBuildExitCodes.PACKAGEFAIL
-            if success == SBuildExitCodes.GIVENBACK:
-                if not self.alreadyfailed:
-                    print("Returning build status: GIVENBACK")
-                    self._slave.giveBack()
-            elif success == SBuildExitCodes.PACKAGEFAIL:
-                if not self.alreadyfailed:
-                    print("Returning build status: PACKAGEFAIL")
-                    self._slave.buildFail()
-            elif success >= SBuildExitCodes.BUILDERFAIL:
-                # anything else is assumed to be a buildd failure
-                if not self.alreadyfailed:
-                    print("Returning build status: BUILDERFAIL")
-                    self._slave.builderFail()
-            self.alreadyfailed = True
-            self.doReapProcesses(self._state)
-        else:
+        if success == SBuildExitCodes.OK:
             print("Returning build status: OK")
@@ -140,6 +106,64 @@
                 self.alreadyfailed = True
+            return
+        log_patterns = []
+        stop_patterns = [["^Toolchain package versions:", re.M]]
+        # We don't distinguish attempted and failed.
+        if success == SBuildExitCodes.ATTEMPTED:
+            success = SBuildExitCodes.FAILED
+        if success == SBuildExitCodes.GIVENBACK:
+            for rx in BuildLogRegexes.GIVENBACK:
+                log_patterns.append([rx, re.M])
+            # Check the last 4KiB for the Fail-Stage. If it failed
+            # during install-deps, search for the missing dependency
+            # string.
+            log = open(os.path.join(self._cachepath, "buildlog"))
+            try:
+                log.seek(-4096, os.SEEK_END)
+            except IOError:
+                pass
+            tail = log.read(4096)
+            log.close()
+            if re.search("^Fail-Stage: install-deps$", tail, re.M):
+                for rx in BuildLogRegexes.DEPFAIL:
+                    log_patterns.append([rx, re.M])
+        missing_dep = None
+        if log_patterns:
+            rx, mo = self.searchLogContents(log_patterns, stop_patterns)
+            if mo is None:
+                # It was givenback, but we can't see a valid reason.
+                # Assume it failed.
+                success = SBuildExitCodes.FAILED
+            elif rx in BuildLogRegexes.DEPFAIL:
+                # A depwait match forces depwait.
+                missing_dep = mo.expand(BuildLogRegexes.DEPFAIL[rx])
+            else:
+                # Otherwise it was a givenback pattern, so leave it
+                # in givenback.
+                pass
+        if not self.alreadyfailed:
+            if missing_dep is not None:
+                print("Returning build status: DEPFAIL")
+                print("Dependencies: " + missing_dep)
+                self._slave.depFail(missing_dep)
+            elif success == SBuildExitCodes.GIVENBACK:
+                print("Returning build status: GIVENBACK")
+                self._slave.giveBack()
+            elif success == SBuildExitCodes.FAILED:
+                print("Returning build status: PACKAGEFAIL")
+                self._slave.buildFail()
+            elif success >= SBuildExitCodes.BUILDERFAIL:
+                # anything else is assumed to be a buildd failure
+                print("Returning build status: BUILDERFAIL")
+                self._slave.builderFail()
+            self.alreadyfailed = True
+        self.doReapProcesses(self._state)
     def iterateReap_SBUILD(self, success):
         """Finished reaping after sbuild run."""

=== modified file 'lpbuildd/check_implicit_pointer_functions.py'
--- lpbuildd/check_implicit_pointer_functions.py	2011-11-09 09:28:06 +0000
+++ lpbuildd/check_implicit_pointer_functions.py	2015-05-11 11:00:44 +0000
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
                     errlist += err+"\n"
                     print err
                     if not warn_only:
-                        rv = 3
+                        rv = 2
     if len(errlist):
         if in_line:

=== modified file 'lpbuildd/tests/buildd-slave-test.conf'
--- lpbuildd/tests/buildd-slave-test.conf	2015-05-11 11:00:44 +0000
+++ lpbuildd/tests/buildd-slave-test.conf	2015-05-11 11:00:44 +0000
@@ -6,6 +6,3 @@
 bindhost = localhost
 bindport = 8221
 sharepath = /var/tmp/buildd
-sbuildargs = -dautobuild --nolog --batch

=== modified file 'lpbuildd/tests/test_binarypackage.py'
--- lpbuildd/tests/test_binarypackage.py	2015-05-11 11:00:44 +0000
+++ lpbuildd/tests/test_binarypackage.py	2015-05-11 11:00:44 +0000
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 from lpbuildd.binarypackage import (
+    SBuildExitCodes,
 from lpbuildd.tests.fakeslave import (
@@ -85,6 +86,8 @@
             {'distribution': 'ubuntu', 'suite': 'warty',
              'ogrecomponent': 'main'})
+        os.makedirs(self.chrootdir)
         # Skip DebianBuildManager states to the state directly before
         # SBUILD.
         self.buildmanager._state = BinaryPackageBuildState.UPDATE
@@ -95,8 +98,9 @@
             'sharepath/slavebin/sbuild-package', 'sbuild-package',
-            self.buildid, 'i386', 'warty', 'sbuildargs', '--archive=ubuntu',
-            '--dist=warty', '--architecture=i386', '--comp=main', 'foo_1.dsc',
+            self.buildid, 'i386', 'warty', '-c', 'chroot:autobuild',
+            '--arch=i386', '--dist=warty', '--purge=never', '--nolog',
+            'foo_1.dsc',
             ], True)
@@ -138,7 +142,7 @@
         write_file(changes_path, "I am a changes file.")
         # After building the package, reap processes.
-        self.assertScansSanely(0)
+        self.assertScansSanely(SBuildExitCodes.OK)
             [((changes_path,), {})], self.slave.addWaitingFile.calls)
@@ -236,7 +240,7 @@
             "I am a changes file.")
         # After building the package, reap processes.
-        self.assertScansSanely(0)
+        self.assertScansSanely(SBuildExitCodes.OK)
             [((os.path.join(build_dir, 'foo_1_i386.changes'),), {})],
@@ -251,12 +255,17 @@
             os.path.join(self.buildmanager._cachepath, 'buildlog'),
-            "E: Unable to locate package nonexistent\n")
+            "The following packages have unmet dependencies:\n"
+            + " sbuild-build-depends-hello-dummy : Depends: enoent but it is "
+            + "not installable\n"
+            + "E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.\n"
+            + ("a" * 4096) + "\n"
+            + "Fail-Stage: install-deps\n")
         # After building the package, reap processes.
-        self.assertScansSanely(1)
+        self.assertScansSanely(SBuildExitCodes.GIVENBACK)
-        self.assertEqual([(("nonexistent",), {})], self.slave.depFail.calls)
+        self.assertEqual([(("enoent",), {})], self.slave.depFail.calls)
         # Control returns to the DebianBuildManager in the UMOUNT state.
@@ -270,6 +279,6 @@
             os.path.join(self.buildmanager._cachepath, 'buildlog'),
             "E: Everything is broken.\n")
-        self.assertScansSanely(1)
+        self.assertScansSanely(SBuildExitCodes.GIVENBACK)

=== removed file 'sbuild'
--- sbuild	2014-06-25 01:50:28 +0000
+++ sbuild	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,3668 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/perl
-# sbuild: build packages, obeying source dependencies
-# Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Roman Hodek <Roman.Hodek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-# License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-# $Id: sbuild,v 1.170 2002/10/10 18:50:44 rnhodek Exp $
-# $Log: sbuild,v $
-# Revision 1.170  2002/10/10 18:50:44  rnhodek
-# Security/accepted autobuilding patch by Ryan.
-# Revision 1.169  2002/03/11 09:49:55  rnhodek
-# chroot_apt_options: don't just set Dir::Etc::sourcelist, but whole
-# Dir::Etc, to avoid new preferences.
-# Revision 1.168  2002/02/07 09:12:25  rnhodek
-# Fixed sudo call for running scripts.
-# Revision 1.167  2002/01/22 08:53:10  rnhodek
-# Use capitalized "Noninteractive" das DEBIAN_FRONTENT.
-# Revision 1.166  2001/11/08 09:32:10  rnhodek
-# fetch_source_file: in case of apt, need to pass up a $dscfile with
-# epoch stripped.
-# Revision 1.165  2001/11/07 18:04:31  rnhodek
-# Argl.. I should learn perl first :)
-# Revision 1.164  2001/11/07 09:25:59  rnhodek
-# fetch_source_files: after apt-get, fix $dscfile not to contain epoch.
-# Revision 1.163  2001/11/06 15:11:24  rnhodek
-# fetch_source_files: don't touch symlinks generated by apt-get.
-# Revision 1.162  2001/11/06 12:29:22  rnhodek
-# New config var $use_FetchFile (default 0).
-# Integrated patches for using apt-get to download sources; modified so
-#   that old code (using FetchFile.pm) still present.
-# run_apt: Fix parsing error of apt-output (\s matched ^M printed by
-#   pre-configuring).
-# Revision 1.161  2001/10/29 12:20:41  rnhodek
-# Added $fakeroot var.
-# Revision 1.160  2001/10/29 08:27:53  rnhodek
-# Fix typo in message.
-# Revision 1.159  2001/06/18 09:57:55  rnhodek
-# Use --database option when wanna_build_dbbase set in config.
-# Revision 1.158  2001/06/01 09:54:36  rnhodek
-# Fix two typos.
-# Revision 1.157  2001/05/31 08:08:08  rnhodek
-# Fixed thinko in conflicts checking (tnx James)
-# Revision 1.156  2001/05/30 08:20:05  rnhodek
-# Use /var/lib/apt as Dir::State if exists (newer apt versions use that)
-# (tnx to Ryan Murray).
-# Revision 1.155  2001/05/30 08:17:01  rnhodek
-# Print also architecture at start of log.
-# Revision 1.154  2001/05/29 07:33:54  rnhodek
-# Also handle versioned Build-Conflicts.
-#   (Tnx to David Schleef <ds@xxxxxxxxxxx>)
-# Revision 1.153  2001/03/13 08:45:17  rnhodek
-# Run chmod -R on source tree only after unpacking.
-# Revision 1.152  2001/02/19 09:23:24  rnhodek
-# Fix typo.
-# Revision 1.151  2001/02/19 08:43:22  rnhodek
-# Fix wrong arch logic.
-# Revision 1.150  2001/01/22 12:56:16  rnhodek
-# Fix handling of arch-restricted build-deps (tnx to Ryan Murray).
-# Revision 1.149  2001/01/15 11:17:36  rnhodek
-# Fixed typo.
-# Revision 1.148  2001/01/15 10:59:18  rnhodek
-# Shortcut when looking for non-dsc files: first try to fetch from same
-# dir as .dsc and FF_search only if that fails.
-# Revision 1.147  2001/01/10 16:16:48  rnhodek
-# Move all built files from chroot dir, not only *.deb.
-# Revision 1.146  2000/10/23 10:39:24  rnhodek
-# Before doing chmod on /etc/ld.so.conf, test if it exists at all.
-# Revision 1.145  2000/10/19 09:08:35  rnhodek
-# A couple of little fixes from Ben.
-# Checks and assures that /etc/ld.so.conf is readable.
-# Support for local overrides with $conf::srcdep_over.
-# Revision 1.144  2000/06/27 12:34:00  rnhodek
-# Implemented new 'prepre' and 'unpack' sections for special targets;
-# the first is a script run before package installation, and the latter
-# can list source packages that should be unpacked in the build dir.
-# Revision 1.143  2000/06/20 14:39:59  rnhodek
-# Call apt-get with some options for relocating various files instead of
-# chrooting it; this avoids that the archive must be available in chroot
-# environment; same is true for dpkg and apt-cache calls.
-# If chrooted, call dpkg with the chroot dir as cwd to avoid "cannot get
-# current directory" errors; same for apt option DPkg::Run-Directory.
-# Revision 1.142  2000/06/19 14:09:00  rnhodek
-# Fix syntax error.
-# Revision 1.141  2000/06/19 14:05:38  rnhodek
-# Call buildd-addpkg with --chroot=DIR options for each dist that is >=
-# the one building for (to run apt-get update in the chroot
-# environments).
-# Revision 1.140  2000/06/19 09:10:24  rnhodek
-# Obey new config var @ignore_watches_no_build_deps, i.e. don't flag
-# watches that are listed there if the package doesn't have build deps.
-# In check_watches(), strip $chroot_dir instead of $chroot_build_dir
-# from pathname.
-# Revision 1.139  2000/06/13 10:54:43  rnhodek
-# Also execute special dependency scripts in chroot environment.
-# Revision 1.138  2000/06/09 12:47:52  rnhodek
-# File .dsc filename for rbuilder (with URL).
-# Revision 1.137  2000/06/09 09:15:21  rnhodek
-# Always install built package (if already) when building chroot; i.e.
-# the $system_level test is not necessary when chrooted.
-# Revision 1.136  2000/06/09 08:20:52  rnhodek
-# Fixed su usage in sub build.
-# Revision 1.135  2000/06/08 14:02:11  rnhodek
-# After changing to chroot dir, change back to be the normal user again
-# and start dpkg-buildpackage with -rsudo again; some packages require
-# that the build target is executed as non-root.
-# Revision 1.134  2000/06/08 13:01:54  rnhodek
-# apt-cache calls need sudo, too, when using chroot.
-# Revision 1.133  2000/06/08 09:13:31  rnhodek
-# Implemented chroot builds; there are a few new global variables
-# $main::chroot_*; major changes are in build, where the source tree is
-# unpacked somewhere else, dpkg-buildpackage called under chroot and
-# built packages are moved back again; also all apt-get and dpkg calls
-# are chroot-ed and /var/lib/dpkg/status is accessed from the chroot
-# environment; also watches are checked under the new root dir.
-# Revision 1.132  2000/06/06 14:37:05  rnhodek
-# New option --source (-s): Also build source package, i.e. don't pass
-# -b or -B to dpkg-buildpackage.
-# Revision 1.131  2000/05/30 15:41:34  rnhodek
-# Call buildd-addpkg with --dist option.
-# Install freshly built packages only if $conf::system_level >= $dist.
-# Revision 1.130  2000/05/16 12:34:20  rnhodek
-# Insert a chmod -R go+rX on the build tree to make files readable; it
-# happens sometimes that files in a .orig.tar.gz have restrictive
-# permissions and this can be inconvenient.
-# Revision 1.129  2000/03/01 14:43:34  rnhodek
-# Also match error message "dpkg: status database area is locked" from
-# apt and retry call later.
-# Revision 1.128  2000/02/16 15:21:33  rnhodek
-# Fix a print message in merge_pkg_build_deps.
-# Revision 1.127  2000/02/16 15:20:38  rnhodek
-# Print version number of sbuild in package log.
-# Revision 1.126  2000/02/16 15:15:15  rnhodek
-# Fix regexp for finding !needs-no-XXX packages.
-# Move !needs-no-XXX from central deps to $main::additional_deps so that
-# they can be found by prepare_watches later.
-# Revision 1.125  2000/02/15 14:40:35  rnhodek
-# Remove forgotten debugging code.
-# Revision 1.124  2000/02/15 11:12:43  rnhodek
-# Expand virtual packages in package build dependencies for comparing
-# with central deps.
-# Revision 1.123  2000/02/11 11:17:07  rnhodek
-# Do not activate watches for packages XXX if a negative dependency
-# needs-no-XXX exists (used to be just a comment, now really processed
-# by sbuild.)
-# Also do not activate watches for dependencies of pkg build deps.
-# Revision 1.122  2000/02/09 15:57:25  rnhodek
-# In merge_pkg_build_deps, do not show warnings about missing
-# !this-package-does-not-exist or !needs-no-xxx dependencies.
-# Revision 1.121  2000/02/04 14:04:18  rnhodek
-# Use --no-down-propagation.
-# Revision 1.120  2000/02/01 12:05:56  rnhodek
-# In binNMU mode, a '_' was missing in the job name.
-# Revision 1.119  2000/01/28 14:54:43  rnhodek
-# Accept abbrevs for distribution options (-ds, -df, -du) here, too.
-# New option --make-binNMU=entry.
-# New binNMU hack to modify debian/changelog; it will add a new entry
-# for the NMU version.
-# New helper function binNMU_version to generate a new version number.
-# Revision 1.118  2000/01/13 14:32:30  rnhodek
-# For compiling on slink systems, pass the --force-confold option to
-# dpkg only for versions < (that don't understand it yet).
-# Revision 1.117  1999/12/17 13:49:50  rnhodek
-# Improved output about missing central deps: build-essential (act.
-# policy) and dependencies of pkg build deps are filtered out and
-# printed separately.
-# New functions cmp_dep_lists, read_build_essential,
-# expand_dependencies, and get_dependencies for the above.
-# Revision 1.116  1999/12/17 11:04:43  rnhodek
-# When pkg build-deps were read from debian/sbuild-build-deps, a wrong
-# package name was used.
-# Revision 1.115  1999/12/09 09:54:42  rnhodek
-# Again fixed a fatal typo...
-# Revision 1.114  1999/12/08 12:33:16  rnhodek
-# merge_pkg_build_deps: Fix printing of overrides.
-# Revision 1.113  1999/12/08 12:25:34  rnhodek
-# Special dependencies are implicitly overrides, i.e. are added to the
-# package-provided build deps.
-# Revision 1.112  1999/12/08 11:31:38  rnhodek
-# get_dpkg_status: don't reset $res{$pkg}->{Installed} to 0 if $pkg is
-# provided.
-# Revision 1.111  1999/12/08 10:37:33  rnhodek
-# Change parsing of .dsc file so that multi-line build dependencies are
-# allowed.
-# Make warning about missing central deps a bit bigger.
-# Revision 1.110  1999/12/06 15:00:33  rnhodek
-# Fix comparison with old deps (must copy them, not only the reference).
-# Revision 1.109  1999/12/06 08:35:53  rnhodek
-# Fixed typo.
-# Revision 1.108  1999/12/03 09:58:16  rnhodek
-# If a pkg has its own build deps, compare them with the central ones
-# and report missing ones.
-# Revision 1.107  1999/11/30 13:54:38  rnhodek
-# Print a message if build deps from the .dsc are used (to avoid confusion).
-# If a pkg has build deps, store them in debian/.sbuild-build-deps to
-# have them available when rebuilding later (no .dsc anymore); also
-# check for this file and read deps from it if building without a .dsc
-# in unpacked source.
-# Revision 1.106  1999/11/15 12:30:15  rnhodek
-# merge_pkg_build_deps: added missing if $main::debug.
-# Revision 1.105  1999/11/03 14:56:32  rnhodek
-# When running apt, set env var DEBIAN_FRONTEND to noninteractive to
-# stop debconf from asking questions or complaining that /dev/tty can't
-# be opened.
-# Revision 1.104  1999/11/02 16:43:51  rnhodek
-# check_inst_packages: also upgrade dependencies of src-deps (if they're
-# already installed); some -dev packages fail to correctly require an
-# identical versioned shlib pkg, so in some cases only the -dev pkg was
-# installed.
-# Revision 1.103  1999/11/02 15:45:43  rnhodek
-# build: Use epoch-stripped version number for the .changes file.
-# check_inst_packages: forgot a if $main::debug.
-# Revision 1.102  1999/10/29 13:07:49  rnhodek
-# New option --stats-dir=DIR; if used, a "1" is appended to
-# DIR/give-back each time a package is given back.
-# Revision 1.101  1999/10/29 12:32:24  rnhodek
-# If using an already unpacked source tree, check (with
-# dpkg-parsechangelog) if it's really the requested version.
-# Make apt-get run dpkg with --force-confold, as the </dev/null trick
-# doesn't work anymore with dpkg >=
-# Revision 1.100  1999/10/25 12:12:21  rnhodek
-# check_inst_packages: Add packages to @deps_inst only if they're not
-# already to be installed.
-# Revision 1.99  1999/10/22 09:01:36  rnhodek
-# Minor changes to output of check_inst_packages.
-# Revision 1.98  1999/10/21 14:21:57  rnhodek
-# Oops... call check_inst_packages only if build was successful.
-# Revision 1.97  1999/10/21 11:46:50  rnhodek
-# Deleted RCS logs for < 1.50.
-# New option --store-built-packages.
-# Fix package name parsing: \w also matches '_' which is unwanted;
-# replace by a-zA-Z.
-# Read reverse sourcedeps of $main::store_built_packages.
-# New sub check_inst_packages.
-# Revision 1.96  1999/09/27 11:18:10  rnhodek
-# Added a missing PLOG.
-# Revision 1.95  1999/09/15 09:10:25  rnhodek
-# Additionally print a warning if a special dep has a version relation.
-# Revision 1.94  1999/09/15 09:08:12  rnhodek
-# Changed parsing of dependencies a bit so that special deps can have
-# arch restrictions, too.
-# Revision 1.93  1999/08/30 09:44:35  rnhodek
-# get_dpkg_status: don't exit too early if a pkg isn't in the arg list,
-# as it might be provided only.
-# Revision 1.92  1999/08/27 13:32:04  rnhodek
-# --auto-give-back has a new optional argument, the user and hostname
-# where to call wanna-build (like $conf::sshcmd); this is needed that
-# sbuild can do give-backs when there's no local wanna-build.
-# Revision 1.91  1999/08/23 12:53:02  rnhodek
-# Support for alternatives.
-# Support for [ARCH1 !ARCH2] arch restriction on dependencies.
-# Parses only src-deps which are needed for packages to be built.
-# Reads Build-{Depends,Conflicts}{,-Indep}: fields from .dsc if present;
-# those override the central src-deps, except those marked as override
-# (& prefix).
-# Implemented abbrevs as kind of macros in src-deps.
-# New option --add-depends (-a).
-# New option --arch-all (-A).
-# Revision 1.90  1999/08/11 15:28:11  rnhodek
-# Insert missing wait call in run_script to get correct return value.
-# Revision 1.89  1999/08/10 14:01:49  rnhodek
-# Virtual packages as dependencies didn't work really yet -- the
-# consistency check didn't see them (dpkg --status doesn't know them)
-# and thus aborted the build; solution: get_dpkg_status now directly
-# reads the status file (which should be a bit faster, too) and extracts
-# Provides: fields of all installed packages and considers those virtual
-# packages installed, too.
-# Print "Source-dependencies not satisfied" message to package log, not
-# to sbuild log.
-# Same in run_apt for virtual package handling.
-# Fix stdout/stderr redirecting when running scripts.
-# Revision 1.88  1999/07/13 07:23:55  rnhodek
-# Use GDBM for time/space databases, as perl-5.004 seems not to contain
-# DB_File anymore.
-# Revision 1.87  1999/06/21 12:52:00  rnhodek
-# Seems apt has a new error message if a cached Packages file isn't
-# up-to-date anymore -- recognize this msg, too, and reun apt-get update.
-# Revision 1.86  1999/06/09 15:05:38  rnhodek
-# Fix loop in apply_patches.
-# Don't fail due to failed patch if a global patch.
-# Global patches are no syntax error when parsing src-deps...
-# Revision 1.85  1999/06/04 09:47:02  rnhodek
-# Add support for global patches, which will be tried on any package;
-# their names in source-dependencies start with "**".
-# Revision 1.84  1999/06/04 08:17:17  rnhodek
-# When calling wanna-build --give-back, don't forget the --dist argument!
-# Added support for virtual packages as source dependencies: apt-get tells us
-# which alternatives are possible, and one of these is selected either by
-# %conf::alternatives or by random.
-# Revision 1.83  1999/06/02 09:07:47  rnhodek
-# With --batch, write each finished job to SBUILD-FINISHED; buildd can pick up
-# this file if sbuild crashes and needs not rebuild already done stuff. The file
-# is removed on normal exit and if sbuild dumps to REDO during a shutdown.
-# Revision 1.82  1999/06/02 08:47:39  rnhodek
-# Remove as many die's as possible -- the bad exit status can cause
-# buildd to retry all packages of an sbuild run; better let this one
-# package fail.
-# Make sure that after build() we're in the correct directory: some
-# chdir()s were missing; also don't chdir("..") because this can be
-# wrong if we followed a symlink, use $main::cwd instead.
-# If the package directory already exists as a symlink, abort the build.
-# Revision 1.81  1999/05/31 12:59:41  rnhodek
-# Run du after build under sudo, to avoid error messages about
-# unreadable dirs.
-# Revision 1.80  1999/05/27 13:28:04  rnhodek
-# Oops, missed an epoch fix (when constructing the .changes file name).
-# Revision 1.79  1999/05/26 11:34:11  rnhodek
-# Ignore epochs for fetching files.
-# Revision 1.78  1999/05/26 09:48:23  rnhodek
-# If dpkg-source fails, remove .tmp-nest dir.
-# Revision 1.77  1999/05/05 07:56:51  rnhodek
-# Need to empty %main::this_watches before filling it for a new package;
-# otherwise we have some spurious reports :-)
-# Revision 1.76  1999/05/04 14:51:40  rnhodek
-# Some more minor stuff for avg-build-space: Reset global
-# $main::this_space to 0 before each build to avoid using the figure of
-# the previous package in case of errors; don't write a 0 value into the
-# database.
-# Revision 1.75  1999/05/04 14:43:01  rnhodek
-# Fix parsing of a single dependency: package name never should contain
-# a '('.
-# Revision 1.74  1999/05/04 14:29:51  rnhodek
-# Determine how much space is required for a build (final build dir +
-# generated .debs) after dpkg-buildpackage is finished; display figure
-# in package log and also store it in $conf::avg_space_db (analogous to
-# avg_time_db).
-# Revision 1.73  1999/05/03 12:53:25  rnhodek
-# After unpacking src dir, run "chmod -R g-s ." on it; some
-# .orig.tar.gz's are packed with the setgid bit, which causes the debian
-# dir and all subdirs to be created setgid, too, and later dpkg-deb
-# --build complains about this.
-# Revision 1.72  1999/04/22 14:16:25  rnhodek
-# Don't kill tee process if verbose but --nolog set -- $pkg_tee_pid
-# undefined then!
-# Revision 1.71  1999/04/21 14:54:10  rnhodek
-# Implemented watches if certain binaries have been used during a build
-# without a source dependency.
-# Revision 1.70  1999/03/12 10:29:32  rnhodek
-# New option --force-depends (-f) to override src-deps of a package.
-        ($main::HOME = $ENV{'HOME'})
-                or die "HOME not defined in environment!\n";
-        push( @INC, "$main::HOME/lib" );
-chomp( $main::HOSTNAME = `hostname` );
-package conf;
-$HOME = $main::HOME;
-# defaults:
-@dist_parts = qw(main contrib non-free);
-$source_dependencies = "/etc/source-dependencies";
-$mailprog = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";
-$dpkg = "/usr/bin/dpkg";
-$sudo = "/usr/bin/sudo";
-$su = "/bin/su";
-$fakeroot = "/usr/bin/fakeroot";
-$apt_get = "/usr/bin/apt-get";
-$apt_cache = "/usr/bin/apt-cache";
-$dpkg_source = "/usr/bin/dpkg-source";
-$build_env_cmnd = "";
-$pgp_options = "-us -uc";
-$log_dir = "$main::HOME/logs";
-$mailto = "";
-$purge_build_directory = "successful";
-@toolchain_regex = ( 'binutils$', 'gcc-[\d.]+$', 'g\+\+-[\d.]+$', 'libstdc\+\+', 'libc[\d.]+-dev$', 'linux-kernel-headers$', 'dpkg-dev$', 'make$' );
-$stalled_pkg_timeout = 90; # minutes
-$srcdep_lock_wait = 1; # minutes
-%individual_stalled_pkg_timeout = ();
-$path = "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/games";
-# read conf files
-require "/usr/share/launchpad-buildd/sbuild.conf" if -r "/usr/share/launchpad-buildd/sbuild.conf";
-require "$HOME/.lp-sbuildrc" if -r "$HOME/.lp-sbuildrc";
-# some checks
-#die "mailprog binary $conf::mailprog does not exist or isn't executable\n"
-#	if !-x $conf::mailprog;
-die "sudo binary $conf::sudo does not exist or isn't executable\n"
-	if !-x $conf::sudo;
-die "apt-get binary $conf::apt_get does not exist or isn't executable\n"
-	if !-x $conf::apt_get;
-die "apt-cache binary $conf::apt_cache does not exist or isn't executable\n"
-	if !-x $conf::apt_cache;
-die "dpkg-source binary $conf::dpkg_source does not exist or isn't executable\n"
-	if !-x $conf::dpkg_source;
-#die "$conf::log_dir is not a directory\n" if ! -d $conf::log_dir;
-die "$conf::srcdep_lock_dir is not a directory\n" if ! -d $conf::srcdep_lock_dir;
-die "conf::mailto not set\n" if !$conf::mailto;
-package main;
-use strict;
-use GDBM_File;
-use POSIX;
-use FileHandle;
-use Cwd;
-# avoid intermixing of stdout and stderr
-$| = 1;
-# We should not ignore HUP for our children - it breaks test suites.
-# in case the terminal disappears, the build should continue
-#$SIG{'HUP'} = 'IGNORE';
-$main::distribution = "";
-$main::distribution = $conf::default_distribution if $conf::default_distribution;
-chomp( $main::arch = `$conf::dpkg --print-architecture` );
-$main::username = (getpwuid($<))[0] || $ENV{'LOGNAME'} || $ENV{'USER'};
-$main::debug = 0;
-$main::verbose = 0;
-$main::batchmode = 0;
-$main::auto_giveback = 0;
-$main::nomail = 0;
-$main::build_arch_all = 0;
-$main::build_source = 0;
-$main::jobs_file = cwd() . "/build-progress";
-$main::max_lock_trys = 120;
-$main::lock_interval = 5;
-$main::cwd = cwd();
-$main::ilock_file = "$conf::srcdep_lock_dir/install";
-$main::srcdep_lock_cnt = 0;
-$main::chroot_dir = "";
-$main::chroot_build_dir = "";
-$main::chroot_apt_options = "";
-@main::toolchain_pkgs = ();
-$main::nr_processors = $ENV{'NR_PROCESSORS'} if $ENV{'NR_PROCESSORS'};
-$main::new_dpkg = 0;
-while( @ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/ ) {
-	$_ = shift @ARGV;
-	if (/^-v$/ || /^--verbose$/) {
-		$main::verbose++;
-	}
-	elsif (/^-D$/ || /^--debug$/) {
-		$main::debug++;
-	}
-	elsif (/^-b$/ || /^--batch$/) {
-		$main::batchmode = 1;
-	}
-	elsif (/^-n$/ || /^--nolog$/) {
-		$main::nolog = 1;
-	}
-	elsif (/^-A$/ || /^--arch-all$/) {
-		$main::build_arch_all++;
-	}
-	elsif (/^-s$/ || /^--source$/) {
-		$main::build_source++;
-		$conf::purge_build_directory = "never";
-	}
-        elsif (/^--architecture=(.)/) {
-                $conf::arch=$1.$';
-	}
-	elsif (/^--archive=(.)/) {
-		$main::archive=$1.$';
-	}
-	elsif (/^--comp=(.)/) {
-		$main::component=$1.$';
-	}
-        elsif (/^--purpose=(.)/) {
-                $main::purpose=$1.$';
-	}
-	elsif (/^--build-debug-symbols$/) {
-		$main::build_debug_symbols = 1;
-	}
-	elsif (/^-d/ || /^--dist/) {
-		if (/^-d(.)/ || /^--dist=(.)/) {
-			$main::distribution = $1.$';
-		}
-		elsif (!@ARGV) {
-			die "$_ option missing argument\n";
-		}
-		else {
-			$main::distribution = shift @ARGV;
-		}
-		$main::distribution = "stable"   if $main::distribution eq "s";
-		$main::distribution = "testing"  if $main::distribution eq "t";
-		$main::distribution = "unstable" if $main::distribution eq "u";
-	}
-	elsif (/^-p/ || /^--purge/) {
-		if (/^-p(.)/ || /^--purge=(.)/) {
-			$conf::purge_build_directory = $1.$';
-		}
-		elsif (!@ARGV) {
-			die "$_ option missing argument\n";
-		}
-		else {
-			$conf::purge_build_directory = shift @ARGV;
-		}
-		die "Bad purge mode\n"
-			if !isin($conf::purge_build_directory, qw(always successful never));
-	}
-	elsif (/^-m/ || /^--maintainer/) {
-		if (/^-m(.)/ || /^--maintainer=(.)/) {
-			$conf::maintainer_name = $1.$';
-		}
-		elsif (!@ARGV) {
-			die "$_ option missing argument\n";
-		}
-		else {
-			$conf::maintainer_name = shift @ARGV;
-		}
-	}
-	elsif (/^-f/ || /^--force-depends/) {
-		if (/^-f(.)/ || /^--force-depends=(.)/) {
-			push( @main::manual_srcdeps, "f".$1.$' );
-		}
-		elsif (!@ARGV) {
-			die "$_ option missing argument\n";
-		}
-		else {
-			push( @main::manual_srcdeps, "f".(shift @ARGV) );
-		}
-	}
-	elsif (/^-a/ || /^--add-depends/) {
-		if (/^-a(.)/ || /^--add-depends=(.)/) {
-			push( @main::manual_srcdeps, "a".$1.$' );
-		}
-		elsif (!@ARGV) {
-			die "$_ option missing argument\n";
-		}
-		else {
-			push( @main::manual_srcdeps, "a".(shift @ARGV) );
-		}
-	}
-	elsif (/^--auto-give-back(=(.*))?$/) {
-		$main::auto_giveback = 1;
-		if ($2) {
-			my @parts = split( '@', $2 );
-			$main::auto_giveback_socket  = "$main::HOME/build" if @parts > 3;
-			$main::auto_giveback_socket .= $parts[$#parts-3] if @parts > 3;
-			$main::auto_giveback_wb_user = $parts[$#parts-2] if @parts > 2;
-			$main::auto_giveback_user    = $parts[$#parts-1] if @parts > 1;
-			$main::auto_giveback_host    = $parts[$#parts];
-		}
-	}
-	elsif (/^--database=(.+)$/) {
-		$main::database = $1;
-	}
-	elsif (/^--stats-dir=(.+)$/) {
-		$main::stats_dir = $1;
-	}
-	elsif (/^--make-binNMU=(.+)$/) {
-		$main::binNMU = $1;
-		$main::binNMUver ||= 1;
-	}
-	elsif (/^--binNMU=(\d+)$/) {
-		$main::binNMUver = $1;
-	}
-	elsif (/^--use-snapshot$/) {
-		$main::useSNAP = 1;
-		$main::ld_library_path = "/usr/lib/gcc-snapshot/lib";
-		$conf::path = "/usr/lib/gcc-snapshot/bin:$conf::path";
-	}
-	else {
-		die "Unknown option: $_\n";
-	}
-die "Need distribution\n" if $main::distribution eq "";
-$conf::mailto = $conf::mailto{$main::distribution}
-	if $conf::mailto{$main::distribution};
-$main::arch = $conf::arch if $conf::arch;
-# variables for scripts:
-$SIG{'INT'} = \&shutdown;
-$SIG{'TERM'} = \&shutdown;
-$SIG{'ALRM'} = \&shutdown;
-$SIG{'PIPE'} = \&shutdown;
-read_deps( map { m,(?:.*/)?([^_/]+)[^/]*, } @ARGV );
-if (-d "chroot-autobuild") {
-	$main::chroot_dir = "chroot-autobuild";
-	$main::chroot_build_dir = "$main::chroot_dir/build/$main::username/";
-	$conf::srcdep_lock_dir = "$main::chroot_dir/var/debbuild/srcdep-lock";
-	$main::ilock_file = "$conf::srcdep_lock_dir/install";
-	my $absroot = "$main::cwd/$main::chroot_dir";
-	$main::chroot_apt_options =
-		"-o APT::Architecture=$main::arch ".
-		"-o Dir::State=$absroot/var/".
-			(-d "$absroot/var/lib/apt" ? "lib":"state")."/apt ".
-		"-o Dir::State::status=$absroot/var/lib/dpkg/status ".
-		"-o Dir::Cache=$absroot/var/cache/apt ".
-		"-o Dir::Etc=$absroot/etc/apt ".
-		"-o DPkg::Options::=--root=$absroot ".
-		"-o DPkg::Options::=--force-architecture ".
-		"-o DPkg::Run-Directory=$absroot";
-	$main::chroot_apt_op = '$CHROOT_OPTIONS';
-my( $pkgv, $pkg );
-foreach $pkgv (@ARGV) {
-	my $urlbase;
-	($urlbase, $pkgv) = ($1, $3) if $pkgv =~ m,^(\w+://(\S+/)?)([^/]+)$,;
-	$pkgv =~ s/\.dsc$//;
-	next if !open_pkg_log( $pkgv );
-	(my $pkg = $pkgv) =~ s/_.*$//;
-	$main::pkg_start_time = time;
-	$main::this_space = 0;
-	$main::pkg_status = "failed"; # assume for now
-	$main::current_job = $main::binNMU_name || $pkgv;
-	$main::additional_deps = [];
-	write_jobs_file( "currently building" );
-	if (should_skip( $pkgv )) {
-		$main::pkg_status = "skipped";
-		goto cleanup_close;
-	}
-	my $dscfile = $pkgv.".dsc";
-	$main::pkg_fail_stage = "fetch-src";
-	my @files_to_rm = fetch_source_files( \$dscfile );
-	if (@files_to_rm && $files_to_rm[0] eq "ERROR") {
-		shift @files_to_rm;
-		goto cleanup_symlinks;
-	}
-	$main::pkg_fail_stage = "install-deps";
-	if (!install_deps( $pkg )) {
-		print PLOG "Source-dependencies not satisfied; skipping $pkg\n";
-		goto cleanup_packages;
-	}
-	my $dscbase = basename( $dscfile );
-	$main::pkg_status = "successful" if build( $dscbase, $pkgv );
-	chdir( $main::cwd );
-	write_jobs_file( $main::pkg_status );
-	append_to_FINISHED( $main::current_job );
-  cleanup_packages:
-	undo_specials();
-	#uninstall_deps();
-	remove_srcdep_lock_file();
-  cleanup_symlinks:
-	remove_files( @files_to_rm );
-  cleanup_close:
-	analyze_fail_stage( $pkgv );
-	if( $main::pkg_status eq 'failed' ) {
-		$main::pkg_status = 'failed ' . $main::pkg_fail_stage;
-	}
-	write_jobs_file( $main::pkg_status );
-	close_pkg_log( $pkgv );
-	$main::current_job = "";
-	if ( $main::batchmode and (-f "$main::HOME/EXIT-DAEMON-PLEASE") ) {
-	    main::shutdown("NONE (flag file exit)");
-	}
-#unlink( $main::jobs_file ) if $main::batchmode;
-unlink( "SBUILD-FINISHED" ) if $main::batchmode;
-exit 0;
-sub fetch_source_files {
-	my $dscfile_ref = shift;
-	my $dscfile = $$dscfile_ref;
-	my ($dir, $dscbase, $files, @other_files, $dscarchs, @made);
-	my ($build_depends, $build_depends_indep, $build_conflicts,
-		$build_conflicts_indep);
-	local( *F );
-	$dscfile =~ m,^(.*)/([^/]+)$,;
-	($dir, $dscbase) = ($1, $2);
-	my $urlbase;
-	$urlbase = $1 if $dscfile =~ m,^(\w+://(\S+/)?)([^/]+)$,;
-	(my $pkgv = $dscfile) =~ s,^(.*/)?([^/]+)\.dsc$,$2,;
-	my ($pkg, $version) = split /_/, $pkgv;
-	@main::have_dsc_build_deps = ();
-	if (-d $dscfile) {
-		if (-f "$dscfile/debian/.sbuild-build-deps") {
-			open( F, "<$dscfile/debian/.sbuild-build-deps" );
-			my $pkg;
-			while( <F> ) {
-				/^Package:\s*(.*)\s*$/i and $pkg = $1;
-				/^Build-Depends:\s*(.*)\s*$/i and $build_depends = $1;
-				/^Build-Depends-Indep:\s*(.*)\s*$/i and $build_depends_indep = $1;
-				/^Build-Conflicts:\s*(.*)\s*$/i and $build_conflicts = $1;
-				/^Build-Conflicts-Indep:\s*(.*)\s*$/i and $build_conflicts_indep = $1;
-			}
-			close( F );
-			if ($build_depends || $build_depends_indep || $build_conflicts ||
-				$build_conflicts_indep) {
-				merge_pkg_build_deps( $pkg, $build_depends,
-									  $build_depends_indep, $build_conflicts,
-									  $build_conflicts_indep );
-			}
-		}
-		return;
-	}
-	if ($dir ne ".") {
-		{
-			if (-f "${pkgv}.dsc") {
-				print PLOG "${pkgv}.dsc exists in cwd\n";
-			}
-			else {
-				my %entries;
-				my $retried = 0;
-			  retry:
-				print PLOG "Checking available source versions...\n";
-				if (!open( PIPE, "$conf::sudo /usr/sbin/chroot ".
-						   "$main::chroot_dir $conf::apt_cache ".
-						   "-q showsrc $pkg 2>&1 </dev/null |" )) {
-					print PLOG "Can't open pipe to apt-cache: $!\n";
-					return ("ERROR");
-				}
-				{ local($/) = "";
-				  while( <PIPE> ) {
-					  my $ver = $1 if /^Version:\s+(\S+)\s*$/mi;
-					  my $tfile = $1 if /^Files:\s*\n((\s+.*\s*\n)+)/mi;
-					  @{$entries{$ver}} = map { (split( /\s+/, $_ ))[3] }
-						  split( "\n", $tfile );
-				  }
-			    }
-				close( PIPE );
-				if ($?) {
-					print PLOG "$conf::apt_cache failed\n";
-					return ("ERROR");
-				}
-				if (!defined($entries{$version})) {
-					if (!$retried) {
-						# try to update apt's cache if nothing found
-						system "$conf::sudo /usr/sbin/chroot ".
-							   "$main::chroot_dir $conf::apt_get ".
-							   "update >/dev/null";
-						$retried = 1;
-						goto retry;
-					}
-					print PLOG "Can't find source for $pkgv\n";
-					print PLOG "(only different version(s) ",
-							   join( ", ", sort keys %entries), " found)\n"
-						if %entries;
-					return( "ERROR" );
-				}
-				print PLOG "Fetching source files...\n";
-				@made = @{$entries{$version}};
-				if (!open( PIPE, "$conf::apt_get $main::chroot_apt_options ".
-						   "--only-source -q -d source $pkg=$version 2>&1 </dev/null |" )) {
-					print PLOG "Can't open pipe to $conf::apt_get: $!\n";
-					return ("ERROR", @made);
-				}
-				while( <PIPE> ) {
-					print PLOG $_;
-				}
-				close( PIPE );
-				if ($?) {
-					print PLOG "$conf::apt_get for sources failed\n";
-					return( "ERROR", @made );
-				}
-				# touch the downloaded files, otherwise buildd-watcher
-				# will complain that they're old :)
-				$$dscfile_ref = $dscfile = (grep { /\.dsc$/ } @made)[0];
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (!open( F, "<$dscfile" )) {
-		print PLOG "Can't open $dscfile: $!\n";
-		return( "ERROR", @made );
-	}
-	my $dsctext;
-	{ local($/); $dsctext = <F>; }
-	close( F );
-	$dsctext =~ /^Build-Depends:\s*((.|\n\s+)*)\s*$/mi
-		and $build_depends = $1;
-	$dsctext =~ /^Build-Depends-Indep:\s*((.|\n\s+)*)\s*$/mi
-		and $build_depends_indep = $1;
-	$dsctext =~ /^Build-Conflicts:\s*((.|\n\s+)*)\s*$/mi
-		and $build_conflicts = $1;
-	$dsctext =~ /^Build-Conflicts-Indep:\s*((.|\n\s+)*)\s*$/mi
-		and $build_conflicts_indep = $1;
-	$build_depends =~ s/\n\s+/ /g if defined $build_depends;
-	$build_depends_indep =~ s/\n\s+/ /g if defined $build_depends_indep;
-	$build_conflicts =~ s/\n\s+/ /g if defined $build_conflicts;
-	$build_conflicts_indep =~ s/\n\s+/ /g if defined $build_conflicts_indep;
-	$dsctext =~ /^Architecture:\s*(.*)$/mi and $dscarchs = $1;
-	$dsctext =~ /^Files:\s*\n((\s+.*\s*\n)+)/mi and $files = $1;
-	@other_files = map { (split( /\s+/, $_ ))[3] } split( "\n", $files );
-	if (!$dscarchs) {
-		print PLOG "$dscbase has no Architecture: field -- skipping arch check!\n";
-	}
-	else {
-		my $valid_arch;
-		for my $a (split(/\s+/, $dscarchs)) {
-			if (system("$conf::sudo", "/usr/sbin/chroot",
-			    "$main::cwd/$main::chroot_dir", 
-			    "dpkg-architecture", "-a".$main::arch, "-i".$a) eq 0) {
-				$valid_arch = 1;
-				last;
-			}
-		}
-		if ($dscarchs ne "any" && !($valid_arch) &&
-		    !($dscarchs eq "all" && $main::build_arch_all) ) {
-			my $msg = "$dscbase: $main::arch not in arch list or does not match any arch ";
-			$msg .= "wildcards: $dscarchs -- skipping\n";
-			print PLOG $msg;
-			$main::pkg_fail_stage = "arch-check";
-			return( "ERROR", @made );
-		}
-	}
-	print "Arch check ok ($main::arch included in $dscarchs)\n"
-		if $main::debug;
-	if ($build_depends || $build_depends_indep || $build_conflicts ||
-		$build_conflicts_indep) {
-		@main::have_dsc_build_deps = ($build_depends, $build_depends_indep,
-									  $build_conflicts,$build_conflicts_indep);
-		merge_pkg_build_deps( $pkg, $build_depends, $build_depends_indep,
-							  $build_conflicts, $build_conflicts_indep );
-	}
-	return @made;
-sub build {
-	my $dsc = shift;
-	my $pkgv = shift;
-	my( $dir, $rv, $changes );
-	my $do_apply_patches = 1;
-	local( *PIPE, *F, *F2 );
-	fixup_pkgv( \$pkgv );
-	print PLOG "-"x78, "\n";
-	# count build time from now, ignoring the installation of source deps
-	$main::pkg_start_time = time;
-	$main::this_space = 0;
-	$pkgv =~ /^([a-zA-Z\d.+-]+)_([a-zA-Z\d:.+~-]+)/;
-	my ($pkg, $version) = ($1,$2);
-	(my $sversion = $version) =~ s/^\d+://;
-	my $tmpunpackdir = $dsc;
-	$tmpunpackdir =~ s/-.*$/.orig.tmp-nest/;
-	$tmpunpackdir =~ s/_/-/;
-	$tmpunpackdir = "$main::chroot_build_dir$tmpunpackdir";
-	if (-d "$main::chroot_build_dir$dsc" && -l "$main::chroot_build_dir$dsc") {
-		# if the package dir already exists but is a symlink, complain
-		print PLOG "Cannot unpack source: a symlink to a directory with the\n",
-				   "same name already exists.\n";
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (! -d "$main::chroot_build_dir$dsc") {
-		$main::pkg_fail_stage = "unpack";
-		# dpkg-source refuses to remove the remanants of an
-		# aborted dpkg-source extraction, so we will if necessary.
-		if (-d $tmpunpackdir) {
-		    system ("rm -fr $tmpunpackdir");
-		}
-		$main::sub_pid = open( PIPE, "-|" );
-		if (!defined $main::sub_pid) {
-			print PLOG "Can't spawn dpkg-source: $!\n";
-			return 0;
-		}
-		if ($main::sub_pid == 0) {
-			setpgrp( 0, $$ );
-			if ($main::chroot_build_dir && !chdir( $main::chroot_build_dir )) {
-				print PLOG "Couldn't cd to $main::chroot_build_dir: $!\n";
-				system ("rm -fr $tmpunpackdir") if -d $tmpunpackdir;
-				exit 1;
-			}
-			my @files;
-			push( @files, $dsc );
-			if (!open( F, "<$main::cwd/$dsc" )) {
-				print PLOG "Can't open $main::cwd/$dsc: $!\n";
-				return 0;
-			}
-			my $dsctext;
-			{ local($/); $dsctext = <F>; }
-			close( F );
-			my $files;
-			$dsctext =~ /^Files:\s*\n((\s+.*\s*\n)+)/mi and $files = $1;
-			push(@files, map { (split( /\s+/, $_ ))[3] } split( "\n", $files ));
-			my $file;
-			foreach $file (@files) {
-				system ("cp", "$main::cwd/$file", "$file");
-			}
-			exec "$conf::sudo", "/usr/sbin/chroot", "$main::cwd/$main::chroot_dir",
-				"$conf::su", $main::username, "-s", "/bin/sh", "-c",
-				"cd /build/$main::username && $conf::dpkg_source -sn -x $dsc 2>&1";
-			unlink @files;
-		}
-		$main::sub_task = "dpkg-source";
-		while( <PIPE> ) {
-			print PLOG $_;
-			$dir = $1 if /^dpkg-source: (?:info: )?extracting \S+ in (\S+)/;
-			$main::pkg_fail_stage = "unpack-check"
-				if /^dpkg-source: error: file.*instead of expected/;
-		}
-		close( PIPE );
-		undef $main::sub_pid;
-		if ($?) {
-			print PLOG "FAILED [dpkg-source died]\n";
-		    system ("rm -fr $tmpunpackdir") if -d $tmpunpackdir;
-			return 0;
-		}
-		if (!$dir) {
-			print PLOG "Couldn't find directory of $dsc in dpkg-source output\n";
-		    system ("rm -fr $tmpunpackdir") if -d $tmpunpackdir;
-			return 0;
-		}
-		$dir = "$main::chroot_build_dir$dir";
-		if (system( "chmod -R g-s,go+rX $dir" ) != 0) {
-			print PLOG "chmod -R g-s,go+rX $dir failed.\n";
-			return 0;
-		}
-		if (@main::have_dsc_build_deps && !defined $main::build_source) {
-			my ($d, $di, $c, $ci) = @main::have_dsc_build_deps;
-			open( F, ">$dir/debian/.sbuild-build-deps" );
-			print F "Package: $pkg\n";
-			print F "Build-Depends: $d\n" if $d;
-			print F "Build-Depends-Indep: $di\n" if $di;
-			print F "Build-Conflicts: $c\n" if $c;
-			print F "Build-Conflicts-Indep: $ci\n" if $ci;
-			close( F );
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		$dir = "$main::chroot_build_dir$dsc";
-		$do_apply_patches = 0;
-		$main::pkg_fail_stage = "check-unpacked-version";
-		# check if the unpacked tree is really the version we need
-		$main::sub_pid = open( PIPE, "-|" );
-		if (!defined $main::sub_pid) {
-			print PLOG "Can't spawn dpkg-parsechangelog: $!\n";
-			return 0;
-		}
-		if ($main::sub_pid == 0) {
-			setpgrp( 0, $$ );
-			chdir( $dir );
-			exec "dpkg-parsechangelog 2>&1";
-		}
-		$main::sub_task = "dpkg-parsechangelog";
-		my $clog = "";
-		while( <PIPE> ) {
-			$clog .= $_;
-		}
-		close( PIPE );
-		undef $main::sub_pid;
-		if ($?) {
-			print PLOG "FAILED [dpkg-parsechangelog died]\n";
-			return 0;
-		}
-		if ($clog !~ /^Version:\s*(.+)\s*$/mi) {
-			print PLOG "dpkg-parsechangelog didn't print Version:\n";
-			return 0;
-		}
-		my $tree_version = $1;
-		my $cmp_version = ($main::binNMU && -f "$dir/debian/.sbuild-binNMU-done") ?
-			binNMU_version($version) : $version;
-		if ($tree_version ne $cmp_version) {
-			print PLOG "The unpacked source tree $dir is version ".
-					   "$tree_version, not wanted $cmp_version!\n";
-			return 0;
-		}
-	}
-	if (!chdir( $dir )) {
-		print PLOG "Couldn't cd to $dir: $!\n";
-		system ("rm -fr $tmpunpackdir") if -d $tmpunpackdir;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	$main::pkg_fail_stage = "check-space";
-	my $current_usage = `/usr/bin/du -s .`;
-	$current_usage =~ /^(\d+)/;
-	$current_usage = $1;
-	if ($current_usage) {
-		my $free = df( "." );
-		if ($free < 2*$current_usage) {
-			print PLOG "Disk space is propably not enough for building.\n".
-					   "(Source needs $current_usage KB, free are $free KB.)\n";
-			print PLOG "Purging $dir\n";
-			chdir( $main::cwd );
-			system "$conf::sudo rm -rf $dir";
-			return 0;
-		}
-	}
-	$main::pkg_fail_stage = "hack-binNMU";
-	if ($main::binNMU && ! -f "debian/.sbuild-binNMU-done") {
-		if (open( F, "<debian/changelog" )) {
-			my($firstline, $text);
-			$firstline = <F> while $firstline =~ /^$/;
-			{ local($/); undef $/; $text = <F>; }
-			close( F );
-			$firstline =~ /^(\S+)\s+\((\S+)\)\s+([^;]+)\s*;\s*urgency=(\S+)\s*$/;
-			my ($name, $version, $dists, $urgent) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
-			my $NMUversion = binNMU_version($version);
-			chomp( my $date = `822-date` );
-			if (!open( F, ">debian/changelog" )) {
-				print PLOG "Can't open debian/changelog for binNMU hack: $!\n";
-				chdir( $main::cwd );
-				return 0;
-			}
-			$dists = $main::distribution;
-			print F "$name ($NMUversion) $dists; urgency=low\n\n";
-			print F "  * Binary-only non-maintainer upload for $main::arch; ",
-					"no source changes.\n";
-			print F "  * ", join( "    ", split( "\n", $main::binNMU )), "\n\n";
-			print F " -- $conf::maintainer_name  $date\n\n";
-			print F $firstline, $text;
-			close( F );
-			system "touch debian/.sbuild-binNMU-done";
-			print PLOG "*** Created changelog entry for bin-NMU version $NMUversion\n";
-		}
-		else {
-			print PLOG "Can't open debian/changelog -- no binNMU hack!\n";
-		}
-	}
-	if ($do_apply_patches) {
-		if (!apply_patches( $pkg )) {
-			chdir( $main::cwd );
-			return 0;
-		}
-	}
-	if (-f "debian/files") {
-		local( *FILES );
-		my @lines;
-		open( FILES, "<debian/files" );
-		chomp( @lines = <FILES> );
-		close( FILES );
-		@lines = map { my $ind = 68-length($_);
-					   $ind = 0 if $ind < 0;
-					   "| $_".(" " x $ind)." |\n"; } @lines;
-		print PLOG <<"EOF";
-| sbuild Warning:                                                      |
-| ---------------                                                      |
-| After unpacking, there exists a file debian/files with the contents: |
-|                                                                      |
-		print PLOG @lines;
-		print PLOG <<"EOF";
-|                                                                      |
-| This should be reported as a bug.                                    |
-| The file has been removed to avoid dpkg-genchanges errors.           |
-		unlink "debian/files";
-	}
-	open CURRENT, ">$main::cwd/$main::chroot_dir/CurrentlyBuilding" or die "$main::cwd/$main::chroot_dir/CurrentlyBuilding open failed";
-	# Package: must be first
-	print CURRENT "Package: $pkg\nComponent: $main::component\n";
-	print CURRENT "Suite: $main::distribution\n" if $main::distribution;
-	print CURRENT "Purpose: $main::purpose\n" if $main::purpose;
-	print CURRENT "Build-Debug-Symbols: yes\n" if $main::build_debug_symbols;
-	close CURRENT;
-	$main::build_start_time = time;
-	$main::pkg_fail_stage = "build";
-	$main::sub_pid = open( PIPE, "-|" );
-	if (!defined $main::sub_pid) {
-		print PLOG "Can't spawn dpkg-buildpackage: $!\n";
-		chdir( $main::cwd );
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if ($main::sub_pid == 0) {
-		setpgrp( 0, $$ );
-		my $binopt = $main::build_source ? "" :
-					 $main::build_arch_all ? "-b" : "-B";
-		my $env_cmnd = $conf::build_env_cmnd;
-		$env_cmnd = $conf::build_env_cmnd{$pkg} if $conf::build_env_cmnd{$pkg};
-		if ($main::chroot_dir) {
-			my $bdir = $dir;
-			$bdir =~ s/^\Q$main::chroot_dir\E//;
-			if (-f "$main::chroot_dir/etc/ld.so.conf" &&
-			    ! -r "$main::chroot_dir/etc/ld.so.conf") {
-				system "$conf::sudo chmod a+r $main::chroot_dir/etc/ld.so.conf";
-				print PLOG "ld.so.conf was not readable! Fixed.\n";
-			}
-			exec "$conf::sudo", "/usr/sbin/chroot", "$main::cwd/$main::chroot_dir",
-				"$conf::su", $main::username, "-s", "/bin/sh", "-c",
-				"cd $bdir && PATH=$conf::path ".
-				(defined($main::nr_processors) ?
-				"DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=\"parallel=".$main::nr_processors."\" " : "").
-				(defined($main::ld_library_path) ?
-				"LD_LIBRARY_PATH=".$main::ld_library_path." " : "").
-				"exec $env_cmnd dpkg-buildpackage $conf::pgp_options ".
-				"$binopt -m'$conf::maintainer_name' -r$conf::fakeroot 2>&1";
-		}
-		else {
-			if (-f "/etc/ld.so.conf" && ! -r "/etc/ld.so.conf") {
-				system "$conf::sudo chmod a+r /etc/ld.so.conf";
-				print PLOG "ld.so.conf was not readable! Fixed.\n";
-			}
-			exec "$env_cmnd dpkg-buildpackage $conf::pgp_options $binopt ".
-				"-m'$conf::maintainer_name' -r$conf::fakeroot 2>&1";
-		}
-	}
-	$main::sub_task = "dpkg-buildpackage";
-	# We must send the signal as root, because some subprocesses of
-	# dpkg-buildpackage could run as root. So we have to use a shell
-	# command to send the signal... but /bin/kill can't send to
-	# process groups :-( So start another Perl :-)
-	my $timeout = $conf::individual_stalled_pkg_timeout{$pkg} ||
-				  $conf::stalled_pkg_timeout;
-	$timeout *= 60;
-	my $timed_out = 0;
-	my(@timeout_times, @timeout_sigs, $last_time);
-	$SIG{'ALRM'} = sub {
-		my $signal = ($timed_out > 0) ? 9 : 15;
-		system "$conf::sudo perl -e 'kill( -$signal, $main::sub_pid )'";
-		$timeout_times[$timed_out] = time - $last_time;
-		$timeout_sigs[$timed_out] = $signal;
-		$timed_out++;
-		$timeout = 5*60; # only wait 5 minutes until next signal
-	};
-	alarm( $timeout );
-	while( <PIPE> ) {
-		alarm( $timeout );
-		$last_time = time;
-		print PLOG $_;
-	}
-	close( PIPE );
-	undef $main::sub_pid;
-	alarm( 0 );
-	$rv = $?;
-	my $i;
-	for( $i = 0; $i < $timed_out; ++$i ) {
-		print PLOG "Build killed with signal ", $timeout_sigs[$i],
-				   " after ", int($timeout_times[$i]/60),
-				   " minutes of inactivity\n";
-	}
-	$main::pkg_end_time = time;
-	my $date = `date +%Y%m%d-%H%M`;
-	print PLOG "*"x78, "\n";
-	print PLOG "Build finished at $date";
-	chdir( $main::cwd );
-	my @space_files = ("$dir");
-	if (!$main::nolog and defined $conf::exit_hook and open TMP, '-|', "$conf::exit_hook <$main::pkg_logfile") {
-		local $/ = undef;
-		my $log = <TMP>;
-		close TMP;
-		$rv |= $?;
-		print PLOG $log;
-	}
-	if ($rv) {
-		print PLOG "FAILED [dpkg-buildpackage died]\n";
-	}
-	else {
-		my $trans_oldfmt="$main::chroot_build_dir${pkg}_${version}_translations.tar.gz";
-		my $trans_newfmt="$main::chroot_build_dir${pkg}_${version}_${main::arch}_translations.tar.gz";
-		my $translations="";
-		if (-r $trans_newfmt) {
-			$translations = $trans_newfmt;
-		} elsif (-r $trans_oldfmt) {
-			$translations = $trans_oldfmt;
-		}
-		if ($translations) {
-			print PLOG "Publishing $translations for rosetta.\n";
-			my $date = strftime '%Y%m%d',gmtime;
-			my $target = "$main::HOME/public_html/translations/$date/";
-			system "mkdir -p $target";
-			if (system("cp",$translations,$target) != 0) {
-				print PLOG "ERROR: Could not move $translations to $target\n";
-			} else {
-				open TRANS, ">>$target/translations.txt";
-				print TRANS	"File: " . basename(${translations}) . "\n".
-						"Distribution: ${main::archive}\n".
-						"Release: ${main::distribution}\n".
-						"Component: ${main::component}\n".
-						"Source: ${pkg}\n".
-						"Version: ${version}\n\n";
-				close TRANS;
-				system("chmod -R go+rX $main::HOME/public_html/translations");
-			    }
-		    }
-		my $ddebtar = "";
-		my $ddebstring = "";
-		if (-r glob("$main::chroot_build_dir/*.ddeb")) {
-		    my @ddeblist = glob("$main::chroot_build_dir/*.ddeb");
-		    $ddebtar="${pkg}_${version}_${main::arch}_ddebs.tar";
-		    while (@ddeblist) {
-			$ddebstring .= basename(@ddeblist[0]) . " ";
-			shift @ddeblist;
-		    }
-		}
-		if ($ddebstring) {
-		    print PLOG "Publishing debug debs.\n";
-		    my $date = strftime '%Y%m%d',gmtime;
-		    my $target = "$main::HOME/public_html/ddebs/$date/";
-		    system "mkdir -p $target";
-		    if (system("tar -C $main::chroot_build_dir -chf $target/$ddebtar $ddebstring") != 0) {
-			print PLOG "ERROR: Could not create $ddebtar in $target\n";
-		    } else {
-			open TRANS, ">>$target/ddebs.txt";
-			print TRANS "File: " . basename(${ddebtar}) . "\n".
-                        "Distribution: ${main::archive}\n".
-                        "Release: ${main::distribution}\n".
-                        "Component: ${main::component}\n".
-                        "Source: ${pkg}\n".
-                        "Version: ${version}\n\n";
-		    close TRANS;
-			system("chmod -R go+rX $main::HOME/public_html/ddebs");
-		    }
-		}
-		if (-r "$dir/debian/files") {
-			my @debs;
-			my @files;
-			open( F, "<$dir/debian/files" );
-			while( <F> ) {
-				my $f = (split( /\s+/, $_ ))[0];
-				push( @files, "$main::chroot_build_dir$f" );
-				if ($main::build_arch_all) {
-					next if ($f !~ /$main::arch\.[\w\d.-]*$/ && $f !~ /all\.[\w\d.-]*$/);
-				} else {
-					next if ($f !~ /$main::arch\.[\w\d.-]*$/);
-				}
-				push( @debs, "$main::chroot_build_dir$f" );
-				push( @space_files, $f );
-			}
-			close( F );
-			my @debs2 = @debs;
-			foreach (@debs) {
-				print PLOG "\n$_:\n";
-				if (!open( PIPE, "dpkg --info $_ 2>&1 |" )) {
-					print PLOG "Can't spawn dpkg: $! -- can't dump infos\n";
-				}
-				else {
-					print PLOG $_ while( <PIPE> );
-					close( PIPE );
-				}
-			}
-			foreach (@debs2) {
-				print PLOG "\n$_:\n";
-				if (!open( PIPE, "dpkg --contents $_ 2>&1 |" )) {
-					print PLOG "Can't spawn dpkg: $! -- can't dump infos\n";
-				}
-				else {
-					print PLOG $_ while( <PIPE> );
-					close( PIPE );
-				}
-			}
-			if ($main::chroot_build_dir) {
-				foreach (@files) {
-					system "mv", $_, "."
-						and print PLOG "ERROR: Could not move $_ to .\n";
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (-r $translations) {
-		    system("rm",$translations);
-		}
-		$changes = "${pkg}_".
-			($main::binNMU ? binNMU_version($sversion) : $sversion).
-			"_$main::arch.changes";
-		if (-r "$main::chroot_build_dir$changes") {
-			my(@do_dists, @saved_dists);
-			print PLOG "\n$changes:\n";
-			open( F, "<$main::chroot_build_dir$changes" );
-			if (open( F2, ">$changes.new" )) {
-				while( <F> ) {
-					if (/^Distribution:\s*(.*)\s*$/) {
-						print PLOG "Distribution: $main::distribution\n";
-						print F2 "Distribution: $main::distribution\n";
-					}
-					else {
-						print F2 $_;
-						while (length $_ > 989)
-						{
-							my $index = rindex($_,' ',989);
-							print PLOG substr ($_,0,$index) . "\n";
-							$_ = '        ' . substr ($_,$index+1);
-						}
-						print PLOG $_;
-					}
-				}
-				close( F2 );
-				rename( "$changes.new", "$changes" )
-					or print PLOG "$changes.new could not be renamed ".
-								  "to $changes: $!\n";
-				unlink( "$main::chroot_build_dir$changes" )
-					if $main::chroot_build_dir;
-			}
-			else {
-				print PLOG "Cannot create $changes.new: $!\n";
-				print PLOG "Distribution field may be wrong!!!\n";
-				if ($main::chroot_build_dir) {
-					system "mv", "$main::chroot_build_dir$changes", "."
-						and print PLOG "ERROR: Could not move $_ to .\n";
-				}
-			}
-			close( F );
-			print PLOG "\n";
-		}
-		else {
-			print PLOG "Can't find $changes -- can't dump infos\n";
-		}
-		print PLOG "*"x78, "\n";
-		print PLOG "Built successfully\n";
-	}
-	check_watches();
-	check_space( @space_files );
-	#if ($conf::purge_build_directory eq "always" ||
-	#	($conf::purge_build_directory eq "successful" && $rv == 0)) {
-	#	print PLOG "Purging $dir\n";
-	#	system "$conf::sudo rm -rf $dir";
-	#}
-	#
-	#print PLOG "-"x78, "\n";
-	return $rv == 0 ? 1 : 0;
-sub apply_patches {
-	my $pkg = shift;
-	my $name;
-	$main::pkg_fail_stage = "apply-patch";
-	foreach $name ((map { $_->{'Package'} } @{$main::deps{$pkg}}),
-				   @main::global_patches) {
-		if ($name =~ /^\*/ && exists $main::specials{$name}->{'patch'}) {
-			if (exists $main::specials{$name}->{'patchcond'}) {
-				print "Testing condition for $name patch:\n"
-					if $main::debug;
-				if (run_script("+e",$main::specials{$name}->{'patchcond'})!=0){
-					print PLOG "Condition for $name patch not true -- ",
-								"not applying\n" if $name !~ /^\*\*/;
-					next;
-				}
-				print PLOG "Condition for $name patch ok\n";
-			}
-			print PLOG "Applying $name patch\n";
-			$main::sub_pid = open( PIPE, "|-" );
-			if (!defined $main::sub_pid) {
-				print PLOG "Can't spawn patch: $! -- can't patch\n";
-				return 0;
-			}
-			if ($main::sub_pid == 0) {
-				setpgrp( 0, $$ );
-				open( STDOUT, ">&PLOG" );
-				open( STDERR, ">&PLOG" );
-				exec "patch --batch --quiet -p1 -E -N --no-backup-if-mismatch";
-			}
-			$main::sub_task = "patch";
-			print PIPE $main::specials{$name}->{'patch'};
-			close( PIPE );
-			undef $main::sub_pid;
-			if ($name !~ /^\*\*/ && $?) {
-				print PLOG "FAILED [patch died]\n";
-				return 0;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return 1;
-sub analyze_fail_stage {
-	my $pkgv = shift;
-	return if $main::pkg_status ne "failed";
-	return if !$main::auto_giveback;
-	if (isin( $main::pkg_fail_stage,
-			  qw(find-dsc fetch-src unpack-check check-space install-deps-env))) {
-		$main::pkg_status = "given-back";
-		print PLOG "Giving back package $pkgv after failure in ".
-			       "$main::pkg_fail_stage stage.\n";
-		chdir( $main::cwd );
-		my $cmd = "";
-		$cmd = "ssh -l$main::auto_giveback_user $main::auto_giveback_host "
-			if $main::auto_giveback_host;
-		$cmd .= "-S $main::auto_giveback_socket "
-			if ($main::auto_giveback_socket and -S "$main::auto_giveback_socket");
-		$cmd .= "wanna-build --give-back --no-down-propagation ".
-			    "--dist=$main::distribution";
-		$cmd .= " --database=$main::database" if $main::database;
-		$cmd .= " --user=$main::auto_giveback_wb_user "
-			if $main::auto_giveback_wb_user;
-		$cmd .= " $pkgv";
-		system $cmd;
-		if ($?) {
-			print PLOG "wanna-build failed with status $?\n";
-		}
-		else {
-			add_givenback( $pkgv, time );
-			if ($main::stats_dir) {
-				local( *F );
-				lock_file( "$main::stats_dir" );
-				open( F, ">>$main::stats_dir/give-back" );
-				print F "1\n";
-				close( F );
-				unlock_file( "$main::stats_dir" );
-			}
-		}
-	}
-sub remove_files {
-	foreach (@_) {
-		unlink $_;
-		print "Removed $_\n" if $main::debug;
-	}
-sub install_deps {
-	my $pkg = shift;
-	my( @positive, @negative, @special, @instd, @rmvd );
-	if (!exists $main::deps{$pkg}) {
-		prepare_watches( [] );
-		return 1;
-	}
-	my $dep = $main::deps{$pkg};
-	if ($main::debug) {
-		print "Source dependencies of $pkg: ", format_deps(@$dep), "\n";
-	}
-  repeat:
-	lock_file( "$main::ilock_file", 1 );
-	print "Filtering dependencies\n" if $main::debug;
-	if (!filter_dependencies( $dep, \@positive, \@negative, \@special )) {
-		print PLOG "Package installation not possible\n";
-		unlock_file( "$main::ilock_file" );
-		return 0;
-	}
-	print PLOG "Checking for source dependency conflicts...\n";
-	if (!run_apt( "-s", \@instd, \@rmvd, @positive )) {
-		print PLOG "Test what should be installed failed.\n";
-		unlock_file( "$main::ilock_file" );
-		return 0;
-	}
-	# add negative deps as to be removed for checking srcdep conflicts
-	push( @rmvd, @negative );
-	my @confl;
-	if (@confl = check_srcdep_conflicts( \@instd, \@rmvd, \@special )) {
-		print PLOG "Waiting for job(s) @confl to finish\n";
-		unlock_file( "$main::ilock_file" );
-		wait_for_srcdep_conflicts( @confl );
-		goto repeat;
-	}
-	write_srcdep_lock_file( $dep, \@special );
-	foreach my $sp (@special) {
-		next if $sp !~ /^\*/ || !exists $main::specials{$sp}->{'prepre'};
-		print PLOG "Running prepre script for $sp\n";
-		if (run_script( "-e", $main::specials{$sp}->{'prepre'} ) != 0) {
-			print PLOG "prepre script of special dependency $sp failed\n";
-			unlock_file( "$main::ilock_file" );
-			return 0;
-		}
-	}
-	print "Installing positive dependencies: @positive\n" if $main::debug;
-	if (!run_apt( "-y", \@instd, \@rmvd, @positive )) {
-		print PLOG "Package installation failed\n";
-		# try to reinstall removed packages
-		print PLOG "Trying to reinstall removed packages:\n";
-		print "Reinstalling removed packages: @rmvd\n" if $main::debug;
-		my (@instd2, @rmvd2);
-		print PLOG "Failed to reinstall removed packages!\n"
-			if !run_apt( "-y", \@instd2, \@rmvd2, @rmvd );
-		print "Installed were: @instd2\n" if $main::debug;
-		print "Removed were: @rmvd2\n" if $main::debug;
-		# remove additional packages
-		print PLOG "Trying to uninstall newly installed packages:\n";
-		uninstall_debs( $main::chroot_dir ? "purge" : "remove", @instd );
-		unlock_file( "$main::ilock_file" );
-		return 0;
-	}
-	set_installed( @instd );
-	set_removed( @rmvd );
-	print "Removing negative dependencies: @negative\n" if $main::debug;
-	if (!uninstall_debs( $main::chroot_dir ? "purge" : "remove", @negative )) {
-		print PLOG "Removal of packages failed\n";
-		unlock_file( "$main::ilock_file" );
-		return 0;
-	}
-	set_removed( @negative );
-	my $fail = check_dependencies( $dep );
-	if ($fail) {
-		print PLOG "After installing, the following source dependencies are ".
-			 "still unsatisfied:\n$fail\n";
-		unlock_file( "$main::ilock_file" );
-		return 0;
-	}
-	foreach my $sp (@special) {
-		next if $sp !~ /^\*/ ||
-			    (!exists $main::specials{$sp}->{'pre'} &&
-			     !exists $main::specials{$sp}->{'post'} &&
-			     !exists $main::specials{$sp}->{'unpack'});
-		if (exists $main::specials{$sp}->{'unpack'}) {
-			my $s = $main::specials{$sp}->{'unpack'};
-			$s =~ s/^\s+//mg;
-			$s =~ s/\s+$//mg;
-			my @s = split( /\s+/, $s );
-			my @rem;
-			print PLOG "Unpacking special sources $sp: @s\n";
-			if (!(@rem = unpack_special_source( @s ))) {
-				print PLOG "unpacking of special dependency sources for $sp failed\n";
-				unlock_file( "$main::ilock_file" );
-				return 0;
-			}
-			$main::changes->{'unpacked'}->{$sp} = \@rem;
-		}
-		if (exists $main::specials{$sp}->{'pre'}) {
-			print PLOG "Running pre script for $sp\n";
-			$main::changes->{'specials'}->{$sp} = 1;
-			if (run_script( "-e", $main::specials{$sp}->{'pre'} ) != 0) {
-				print PLOG "pre script of special dependency $sp failed\n";
-				unlock_file( "$main::ilock_file" );
-				return 0;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	local (*F);
-	if (open( F, "| $conf::sudo /usr/sbin/chroot $main::chroot_dir $conf::dpkg --set-selections")) {
-		foreach my $tpkg (@instd) {
-			print F $tpkg . " purge\n";
-		}
-		close( F );
-		if ($?) {
-			print PLOG "$conf::dpkg --set-selections failed";
-		}
-	}
-	unlock_file( "$main::ilock_file" );
-	prepare_watches( $dep, @instd );
-	return 1;
-sub unpack_special_source {
-	my @s = @_;
-	my (@files, @dirs);
-	local (*PIPE);
-	foreach my $s (@s) {
-		my $dsc;
-		{
-			if (!open( PIPE, "$conf::apt_get $main::chroot_apt_options ".
-                       "--only-source -q -d source $s 2>&1 </dev/null |" )) {
-				print PLOG "Can't open pipe to apt-get: $!\n";
-				goto failed;
-			}
-			while( <PIPE> ) {
-				$dsc = "$1_$2.dsc" if /(\S+) (?:[^:]+:)?(\S+) \(dsc\)/;
-				print PLOG $_;
-			}
-			close( PIPE );
-			if ($?) {
-				print PLOG "Apt-get of special unpack sources failed\n";
-				goto failed;
-			}
-			push( @files, $dsc );
-			if (!open( F, "<$dsc" )) {
-				print PLOG "Can't open $dsc: $!\n";
-				goto failed;
-			}
-			my $dsctext;
-			{ local($/); $dsctext = <F>; }
-			close( F );
-			my $files;
-			$dsctext =~ /^Files:\s*\n((\s+.*\s*\n)+)/mi and $files = $1;
-			push(@files, map { (split( /\s+/, $_ ))[3] } split( "\n", $files ));
-		}
-		my $pid = open( PIPE, "-|" );
-		if (!defined $pid) {
-			print PLOG "Can't spawn dpkg-source: $! -- special unpack failed\n";
-			goto failed;
-		}
-		if ($pid == 0) {
-			setpgrp( 0, $$ );
-			if ($main::chroot_build_dir && !chdir( $main::chroot_build_dir )) {
-				print PLOG "Couldn't cd to $main::chroot_build_dir: $! -- special unpack failed\n";
-				exit 1;
-			}
-			exec "$conf::dpkg_source -sn -x $main::cwd/$dsc 2>&1";
-		}
-		my $dir;
-		while( <PIPE> ) {
-			print PLOG $_;
-			$dir = $1 if /^dpkg-source: (?:info: )?extracting \S+ in (\S+)/;
-		}
-		close( PIPE );
-		if ($?) {
-			print PLOG "dpkg-source failure -- special unpack failed\n";
-			goto failed;
-		}
-		push( @dirs, "$main::chroot_build_dir$dir" );
-		unlink( @files );
-	}
-	return @dirs;
-  failed:
-	unlink( @files );
-	system( "rm", "-rf", @dirs );
-	return ();
-sub wait_for_srcdep_conflicts {
-	my @confl = @_;
-	for(;;) {
-		sleep( $conf::srcdep_lock_wait*60 );
-		my $allgone = 1;
-		for (@confl) {
-			/^(\d+)-(\d+)$/;
-			my $pid = $1;
-			if (-f "$conf::srcdep_lock_dir/$_") {
-				if (kill( 0, $pid ) == 0 && $! == ESRCH) {
-					print PLOG "Ignoring stale src-dep lock $_\n";
-					unlink( "$conf::srcdep_lock_dir/$_" ) or
-						print PLOG "Cannot remove $conf::srcdep_lock_dir/$_: $!\n";
-				}
-				else {
-					$allgone = 0;
-					last;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		last if $allgone;
-	}
-sub uninstall_deps {
-	my( @pkgs, @instd, @rmvd );
-	lock_file( "$main::ilock_file", 1 );
-	@pkgs = keys %{$main::changes->{'removed'}};
-	print "Reinstalling removed packages: @pkgs\n" if $main::debug;
-	print PLOG "Failed to reinstall removed packages!\n"
-		if !run_apt( "-y", \@instd, \@rmvd, @pkgs );
-	print "Installed were: @instd\n" if $main::debug;
-	print "Removed were: @rmvd\n" if $main::debug;
-	unset_removed( @instd );
-	unset_installed( @rmvd );
-	@pkgs = keys %{$main::changes->{'installed'}};
-	print "Removing installed packages: @pkgs\n" if $main::debug;
-	print PLOG "Failed to remove installed packages!\n"
-		if !uninstall_debs( "purge", @pkgs );
-	unset_installed( @pkgs );
-	unlock_file( "$main::ilock_file" );
-sub uninstall_debs {
-	my $mode = shift;
-	local (*PIPE);
-	return 1 if !@_;
-	print "Uninstalling packages: @_\n" if $main::debug;
-	print PLOG "  $conf::sudo dpkg --$mode @_\n";
-  repeat:
-	my $output;
-	if (!open( PIPE, "$conf::sudo /usr/sbin/chroot $main::chroot_dir $conf::dpkg --$mode @_ 2>&1 </dev/null |")) {
-		print PLOG "Can't open pipe to dpkg: $!\n";
-		return 0;
-	}
-	while ( <PIPE> ) {
-		$output .= $_;
-		print PLOG $_;
-	}
-	close( PIPE );
-	if ($output =~ /status database area is locked/mi) {
-		print PLOG "Another dpkg is running -- retrying later\n";
-		$output = "";
-		sleep( 2*60 );
-		goto repeat;
-	}
-	print PLOG "dpkg run to remove packages (@_) failed!\n" if $?;
-	return $? == 0;
-sub undo_specials {
-	my $sp;
-	print "Running post scripts of special dependencies:\n" if $main::debug;
-	foreach $sp (keys %{$main::changes->{'specials'}}) {
-		print PLOG "Running post script for $sp\n";
-		if (run_script( "-e", $main::specials{$sp}->{'post'} ) != 0) {
-			print PLOG "post script of special dependency $sp failed\n";
-		}
-		delete $main::changes->{'specials'}->{$sp};
-	}
-	foreach $sp (keys %{$main::changes->{'unpacked'}}) {
-		my @dirs = @{$main::changes->{'unpacked'}->{$sp}};
-		print PLOG "Removing special unpacked sources for $sp: @dirs\n";
-		system "rm", "-rf", @dirs;
-		delete $main::changes->{'unpacked'}->{$sp};
-	}
-sub run_apt {
-	my $mode = shift;
-	my $inst_ret = shift;
-	my $rem_ret = shift;
-	my @to_install = @_;
-	my( $msgs, $status, $pkgs, $rpkgs );
-	local (*PIPE);
-	local (%ENV) = %ENV; # make local environment
-	# hardwire frontend for debconf to non-interactive
-	$ENV{'DEBIAN_FRONTEND'} = "noninteractive";
-	@$inst_ret = ();
-	@$rem_ret = ();
-	return 1 if !@to_install;
-  repeat:
-	print PLOG "  $conf::sudo $conf::apt_get --purge $main::chroot_apt_op -q $mode install @to_install\n"
-		if $mode ne "-s";
-	$msgs = "";
-	# redirection of stdin from /dev/null so that conffile question are
-	# treated as if RETURN was pressed.
-	# dpkg since issues an error on the conffile question if it reads
-	# EOF -- hardwire the new --force-confold option to avoid the questions.
-	if (!open( PIPE, "$conf::sudo /usr/sbin/chroot ".
-			   "$main::chroot_dir $conf::apt_get --purge ".
-			   ($main::new_dpkg ? "-o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold " : "").
-			   "-q $mode install @to_install 2>&1 </dev/null |" )) {
-		print PLOG "Can't open pipe to apt-get: $!\n";
-		return 0;
-	}
-	while( <PIPE> ) {
-		$msgs .= $_;
-		print PLOG $_ if $mode ne "-s" || $main::debug;
-	}
-	close( PIPE );
-	$status = $?;
-	if ($status != 0 && $msgs =~ /^E: Packages file \S+ (has changed|is out of sync)/mi) {
-		print PLOG "$conf::sudo $conf::apt_get $main::chroot_apt_op -q update\n";
-		if (!open( PIPE, "$conf::sudo /usr/sbin/chroot $main::chroot_dir $conf::apt_get -q update 2>&1 |" )) {
-			print PLOG "Can't open pipe to apt-get: $!\n";
-			return 0;
-		}
-		$msgs = "";
-		while( <PIPE> ) {
-			$msgs .= $_;
-			print PLOG $_;
-		}
-		close( PIPE );
-		print PLOG "apt-get update failed\n" if $?;
-		$msgs = "";
-		goto repeat;
-	}
-	if ($status != 0 && $msgs =~ /^Package (\S+) is a virtual package provided by:\n((^\s.*\n)*)/mi) {
-		my $to_replace = $1;
-		my @providers;
-		foreach (split( "\n", $2 )) {
-			s/^\s*//;
-			push( @providers, (split( /\s+/, $_ ))[0] );
-		}
-		print PLOG "$to_replace is a virtual package provided by: @providers\n";
-		my $selected;
-		if (@providers == 1) {
-			$selected = $providers[0];
-			print PLOG "Using $selected (only possibility)\n";
-		}
-		elsif (exists $conf::alternatives{$to_replace}) {
-			$selected = $conf::alternatives{$to_replace};
-			print PLOG "Using $selected (selected in sbuildrc)\n";
-		}
-		else {
-			$selected = $providers[0];
-			print PLOG "Using $selected (no default, using first one)\n";
-		}
-		@to_install = grep { $_ ne $to_replace } @to_install;
-		push( @to_install, $selected );
-		goto repeat;
-	}
-	if ($status != 0 && ($msgs =~ /^E: Could( not get lock|n.t lock)/mi ||
-						 $msgs =~ /^dpkg: status database area is locked/mi)) {
-		print PLOG "Another apt-get or dpkg is running -- retrying later\n";
-		sleep( 2*60 );
-		goto repeat;
-	}
-	# check for errors that are probably caused by something broken in
-	# the build environment, and give back the packages.
-	if ($status != 0 && $mode ne "-s" &&
-		(($msgs =~ /^E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem./mi) ||
-		($msgs =~ /^dpkg: parse error, in file `\/.+\/var\/lib\/dpkg\/(?:available|status)' near line/mi) ||
-		($msgs =~ /^E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages \(or specify a solution\)\./mi))) {
-		print PLOG "Build environment unusable, giving back\n";
-		$main::pkg_fail_stage = "install-deps-env";
-	}
-	if ($status != 0 && $mode ne "-s" &&
-		(($msgs =~ /^E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with/mi))) {
-		print PLOG "Unable to fetch build-depends\n";
-		$main::pkg_fail_stage = "install-deps-env";
-	}
-	$pkgs = $rpkgs = "";
-	if ($msgs =~ /NEW packages will be installed:\n((^[ 	].*\n)*)/mi) {
-		($pkgs = $1) =~ s/^[ 	]*((.|\n)*)\s*$/$1/m;
-		$pkgs =~ s/\*//g;
-	}
-	if ($msgs =~ /packages will be REMOVED:\n((^[ 	].*\n)*)/mi) {
-		($rpkgs = $1) =~ s/^[ 	]*((.|\n)*)\s*$/$1/m;
-		$rpkgs =~ s/\*//g;
-	}
-	@$inst_ret = split( /\s+/, $pkgs );
-	@$rem_ret = split( /\s+/, $rpkgs );
-	print PLOG "apt-get failed.\n" if $status && $mode ne "-s";
-	return $mode eq "-s" || $status == 0;
-sub filter_dependencies {
-	my $dependencies = shift;
-	my $pos_list = shift;
-	my $neg_list = shift;
-	my $special_list = shift;
-	my($dep, $d, $name, %names);
-	print PLOG "Checking for already installed source dependencies...\n";
-	@$pos_list = @$neg_list = @$special_list = ();
-	foreach $d (@$dependencies) {
-		my $name = $d->{'Package'};
-		$names{$name} = 1 if $name !~ /^\*/;
-		foreach (@{$d->{'Alternatives'}}) {
-			my $name = $_->{'Package'};
-			$names{$name} = 1 if $name !~ /^\*/;
-		}
-	}
-	my $status = get_dpkg_status( keys %names );
-	foreach $dep (@$dependencies) {
-		$name = $dep->{'Package'};
-		next if !$name;
-		if ($name =~ /^\*/) {
-			my $doit = 1;
-			if (exists $main::specials{$name}->{'condition'}) {
-				print "Testing condition for special dependency $name:\n"
-					if $main::debug;
-				if (run_script("+e",$main::specials{$name}->{'condition'})!=0){
-					print "Condition false -> not running scripts\n"
-						if $main::debug;
-					$doit = 0;
-				}
-			}
-			push( @$special_list, $name ) if $doit;
-			next;
-		}
-		my $stat = $status->{$name};
-		if ($dep->{'Neg'}) {
-			if ($stat->{'Installed'}) {
-				my ($rel, $vers) = ($dep->{'Rel'}, $dep->{'Version'});
-				my $ivers = $stat->{'Version'};
-				if (!$rel || version_cmp( $ivers, $rel, $vers )){
-					print "$name: neg dep, installed, not versioned or ",
-						  "version relation satisfied --> remove\n" if $main::debug;
-					print PLOG "$name: installed (negative dependency)";
-					print PLOG " (bad version $ivers $rel $vers)"
-						if $rel;
-					print PLOG "\n";
-					push( @$neg_list, $name );
-				}
-				else {
-					print PLOG "$name: installed (negative dependency)",
-							   "(but version ok $ivers $rel $vers)\n";
-				}
-			}
-			else {
-				print "$name: neg dep, not installed\n" if $main::debug;
-				print PLOG "$name: already deinstalled\n";
-			}
-			next;
-		}
-		my $is_satisfied = 0;
-		my $installable = "";
-		my $upgradeable = "";
-		my $downgradeable = "";
-		foreach $d ($dep, @{$dep->{'Alternatives'}}) {
-			my ($name, $rel, $vers) =
-				($d->{'Package'}, $d->{'Rel'}, $d->{'Version'});
-			my $stat = $status->{$name};
-			if (!$stat->{'Installed'}) {
-				print "$name: pos dep, not installed\n" if $main::debug;
-				print PLOG "$name: missing\n";
-				my $exists = package_exists($name);
-				print PLOG "$name: does not exist\n" if not $exists;
-				$installable = $name if !$installable and $exists;
-				next;
-			}
-			my $ivers = $stat->{'Version'};
-			if (!$rel || version_cmp( $ivers, $rel, $vers )) {
-				print "$name: pos dep, installed, no versioned dep or ",
-					  "version ok\n" if $main::debug;
-				print PLOG "$name: already installed ($ivers";
-				print PLOG " $rel $vers is satisfied"
-					if $rel;
-				print PLOG ")\n";
-				$is_satisfied = 1;
-				last;
-			}
-			print "$name: vers dep, installed $ivers ! $rel $vers\n"
-				if $main::debug;
-			print PLOG "$name: non-matching version installed ",
-				  "($ivers ! $rel $vers)\n";
-			if ($rel =~ /^</ ||
-				($rel eq '=' && version_cmp($ivers, '>>', $vers))) {
-				print "$name: would be a downgrade!\n" if $main::debug;
-				print PLOG "$name: would have to downgrade!\n";
-				$downgradeable = $name if !$downgradeable;
-			}
-			else {
-				$upgradeable = $name if !$upgradeable;
-			}
-		}
-		if (!$is_satisfied) {
-			if ($upgradeable) {
-				print "using $upgradeable for upgrade\n" if $main::debug;
-				push( @$pos_list, $upgradeable );
-			}
-			elsif ($installable) {
-				print "using $installable for install\n" if $main::debug;
-				push( @$pos_list, $installable );
-			}
-			elsif ($downgradeable) {
-				print PLOG "To satisfy this dependency the package(s) would ",
-						   "have\n",
-						   "to be downgraded; this is not implemented.\n";
-				return 0;
-			}
-			else {
-				# None of the build-deps exist. Return the
-				# first one so that we get a useful dep-wait.
-				$installable = $dep->{'Package'};
-				print "using $installable for install (does not exist)\n" if $main::debug;
-				push( @$pos_list, $installable );
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return 1;
-sub check_dependencies {
-	my $dependencies = shift;
-	my $fail = "";
-	my($dep, $d, $name, %names);
-	print PLOG "Checking correctness of source dependencies...\n";
-	foreach $d (@$dependencies) {
-		my $name = $d->{'Package'};
-		$names{$name} = 1 if $name !~ /^\*/;
-		foreach (@{$d->{'Alternatives'}}) {
-			my $name = $_->{'Package'};
-			$names{$name} = 1 if $name !~ /^\*/;
-		}
-	}
-	foreach $name (@main::toolchain_pkgs) {
-		$names{$name} = 1;
-	}
-	my $status = get_dpkg_status( keys %names );
-	foreach $dep (@$dependencies) {
-		$name = $dep->{'Package'};
-		next if $name =~ /^\*/;
-		my $stat = $status->{$name};
-		if ($dep->{'Neg'}) {
-		    if ($stat->{'Installed'}) {
-				if (!$dep->{'Rel'}) {
-					$fail .= "$name(still installed) ";
-				}
-				elsif (version_cmp($stat->{'Version'}, $dep->{'Rel'},
-								   $dep->{'Version'})) {
-					$fail .= "$name(inst $stat->{'Version'} $dep->{'Rel'} ".
-							 "conflicted $dep->{'Version'})\n";
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			my $is_satisfied = 0;
-			my $f = "";
-			foreach $d ($dep, @{$dep->{'Alternatives'}}) {
-				my $name = $d->{'Package'};
-				my $stat = $status->{$name};
-				if (!$stat->{'Installed'}) {
-					$f =~ s/ $/\|/ if $f;
-					$f .= "$name(missing) ";
-				}
-				elsif ($d->{'Rel'} &&
-					   !version_cmp( $stat->{'Version'}, $d->{'Rel'},
-									 $d->{'Version'} )) {
-					$f =~ s/ $/\|/ if $f;
-					$f .= "$name(inst $stat->{'Version'} ! $d->{'Rel'} ".
-						  "wanted $d->{'Version'}) ";
-				}
-				else {
-					$is_satisfied = 1;
-				}
-			}
-			if (!$is_satisfied) {
-				$fail .= $f;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	$fail =~ s/\s+$//;
-	if (!$fail && @main::toolchain_pkgs) {
-		print PLOG "Toolchain package versions:";
-		foreach $name (@main::toolchain_pkgs) {
-			print PLOG ' ' . $name . '_' . $status->{$name}->{'Version'};
-		}
-		print PLOG "\n";
-	}
-	return $fail;
-sub get_dpkg_status {
-	my @interest = @_;
-	my %result;
-	local( *STATUS );
-	return () if !@_;
-	print "Requesting dpkg status for packages: @interest\n"
-		if $main::debug;
-	if (!open( STATUS, "<$main::chroot_dir/var/lib/dpkg/status" )) {
-		print PLOG "Can't open $main::chroot_dir/var/lib/dpkg/status: $!\n";
-		return ();
-	}
-	local( $/ ) = "";
-	while( <STATUS> ) {
-		my( $pkg, $status, $version, $provides );
-		/^Package:\s*(.*)\s*$/mi and $pkg = $1;
-		/^Status:\s*(.*)\s*$/mi and $status = $1;
-		/^Version:\s*(.*)\s*$/mi and $version = $1;
-		/^Provides:\s*(.*)\s*$/mi and $provides = $1;
-		if (!$pkg) {
-			print PLOG "sbuild: parse error in $main::chroot_dir/var/lib/dpkg/status: ",
-					   "no Package: field\n";
-			next;
-		}
-		print "$pkg ($version) status: $status\n" if $main::debug >= 2;
-		if (!$status) {
-			print PLOG "sbuild: parse error in $main::chroot_dir/var/lib/dpkg/status: ",
-					   "no Status: field for package $pkg\n";
-			next;
-		}
-		if ($status !~ /\sinstalled$/) {
-			$result{$pkg}->{'Installed'} = 0
-				if !(exists($result{$pkg}) &&
-					 $result{$pkg}->{'Version'} eq '=*=PROVIDED=*=');
-			next;
-		}
-		if (!$version) {
-			print PLOG "sbuild: parse error in $main::chroot_dir/var/lib/dpkg/status: ",
-					   "no Version: field for package $pkg\n";
-			next;
-		}
-		$result{$pkg} = { Installed => 1, Version => $version }
-			if isin( $pkg, @interest );
-		if ($provides) {
-			foreach (split( /\s*,\s*/, $provides )) {
-				$result{$_} = { Installed => 1, Version => '=*=PROVIDED=*=' }
-					if (isin( $_, @interest ) &&
-						$result{$_}->{'Installed'} != 1);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	close( STATUS );
-	return \%result;
-sub version_cmp {
-	my $v1 = shift;
-	my $rel = shift;
-	my $v2 = shift;
-	if ($v1 eq "=*=PROVIDED=*=") {
-		return 0;
-	}
-	system "$conf::dpkg", "--compare-versions", $v1, $rel, $v2;
-	return $? == 0;
-sub run_script {
-	my $e_mode = shift;
-	my $x_mode = "";
-	my $script = shift;
-	if ($main::debug >= 2) {
-		$x_mode = "set -x -v\n";
-	}
-	elsif ($main::debug)  {
-		print "Running script:\n  ",
-		join( "\n  ", split( "\n", "set $e_mode\n$script" )), "\n";
-	}
-	my $pid = fork();
-	if (!defined $pid) {
-		print PLOG "Can't fork: $! -- can't execute script\n";
-		return 1;
-	}
-	if ($pid == 0) {
-		setpgrp( 0, $$ );
-		open( STDOUT, ">&PLOG" );
-		open( STDERR, ">&PLOG" );
-		if ($main::chroot_dir) {
-			exec "$conf::sudo", "/usr/sbin/chroot", "$main::cwd/$main::chroot_dir",
-				 "$conf::su", $main::username, "-s", "/bin/sh", "-c",
-				 "cd /build/$main::username\nset $e_mode\n$x_mode$script";
-		}
-		else {
-			exec "/bin/sh", "-c", "set $e_mode\n$x_mode$script";
-		}
-		die "Can't exec /bin/sh: $!\n";
-	}
-	wait;
-	print "Script return value: $?\n" if $main::debug;
-	return $?
-sub read_deps {
-	my @for_pkgs = @_;
-	my $fname;
-	local( *F );
-	open( F, $fname = "<$conf::source_dependencies-$main::distribution" )
-		or open( F, $fname = "<$conf::source_dependencies" )
-		or die "Cannot open $conf::source_dependencies: $!\n";
-	$fname = substr( $fname, 1 );
-	print "Reading source dependencies from $fname\n"
-		if $main::debug;
-	while( <F> ) {
-		chomp;
-		next if /^\s*$/ || /^\s*#/;
-		while( /\\$/ ) {
-			chop;
-			$_ .= <F>;
-			chomp;
-		}
-		if (/^(\*\*?[\w\d.+-]+):\s*$/) {
-			# is a special definition
-			my $sp = $1;
-			get_special( $fname, $sp, \*F );
-			next;
-		}
-		if (/^abbrev\s+([\w\d.+-]+)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$/) {
-			my ($abbrev, $def) = ($1, $2);
-			parse_one_srcdep( $abbrev, $def, \%main::abbrevs );
-			next;
-		}
-		if (!/^([a-zA-Z\d.+-]+):\s*(.*)\s*$/) {
-			warn "Syntax error in line $. in $fname\n";
-			next;
-		}
-		my( $pkg, $deps ) = ($1, $2);
-		if (exists $main::deps{$pkg}) {
-			warn "Ignoring double entry for package $pkg at line $. ".
-				 "in $fname\n";
-			next;
-		}
-		next if !isin( $pkg, @for_pkgs );
-		parse_one_srcdep( $pkg, $deps, \%main::deps );
-	}
-	close( F );
-	foreach (@main::manual_srcdeps) {
-		if (!/^([fa])([a-zA-Z\d.+-]+):\s*(.*)\s*$/) {
-			warn "Syntax error in manual source dependency: ",
-				 substr( $_, 1 ), "\n";
-			next;
-		}
-		my ($mode, $pkg, $deps) = ($1, $2, $3);
-		next if !isin( $pkg, @for_pkgs );
-		@{$main::deps{$pkg}} = () if $mode eq 'f';
-		parse_one_srcdep( $pkg, $deps, \%main::deps );
-	}
-	# substitute abbrevs and warn about undefined special deps
-	my( $pkg, $i, %warned );
-	foreach $pkg (keys %main::deps) {
-	  repeat:
-		my $dl = $main::deps{$pkg};
-		for( $i = 0; $i < @$dl; ++$i ) {
-			my $dep = $dl->[$i];
-			my $name = $dep->{'Package'};
-			if ($name =~ /^\*/) {
-				if (!$warned{$name} && !exists $main::specials{$name}) {
-					warn "Warning: $pkg: No definition for special ",
-						 "dependency $name!\n";
-					$warned{$name}++;
-				}
-			}
-			elsif (defined $main::abbrevs{$name}) {
-				my @l = @{$main::abbrevs{$name}};
-				if (defined $dep->{'Alternatives'}) {
-					warn "Warning: $pkg: abbrev $name not allowed ",
-						 "in alternative\n";
-					@l = ();
-				}
-				if ($dep->{'Neg'}) {
-					warn "Warning: $pkg: Negation of abbrev $name ",
-						 "not allowed\n";
-					@l = ();
-				}
-				if ($dep->{'Rel'}) {
-					warn "Warning: $pkg: No relation with abbrev $name ",
-						 "allowed\n";
-					@l = ();
-				}
-				if (my $ov = $dep->{'Override'}) {
-					@l = map { my $x = copy($_);
-							   $x->{'Override'} = $ov; $x } @l;
-				}
-				splice @$dl, $i, 1, @l;
-				goto repeat;
-			}
-			elsif (defined $dep->{'Alternatives'}) {
-				my $alt;
-				foreach $alt (@{$dep->{'Alternatives'}}) {
-					if (defined $main::abbrevs{$alt->{'Package'}}) {
-						warn "Warning: $pkg: abbrev $alt->{'Package'} not ",
-							 "allowed in alternative\n";
-						splice @$dl, $i, 1;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-sub copy {
-	my $r = shift;
-	my $new;
-	if (ref($r) eq "HASH") {
-		$new = { };
-		foreach (keys %$r) {
-			$new->{$_} = copy($r->{$_});
-		}
-	}
-	elsif (ref($r) eq "ARRAY") {
-		my $i;
-		$new = [ ];
-		for( $i = 0; $i < @$r; ++$i ) {
-			$new->[$i] = copy($r->[$i]);
-		}
-	}
-	elsif (!ref($r)) {
-		$new = $r;
-	}
-	else {
-		die "unknown ref type in copy\n";
-	}
-	return $new;
-sub merge_pkg_build_deps {
-	my $pkg = shift;
-	my $depends = shift;
-	my $dependsi = shift;
-	my $conflicts = shift;
-	my $conflictsi = shift;
-	my (@l, $dep);
-	print PLOG "** Using build dependencies supplied by package:\n";
-	print PLOG "Build-Depends: $depends\n" if $depends;
-	print PLOG "Build-Depends-Indep: $dependsi\n" if $dependsi;
-	print PLOG "Build-Conflicts: $conflicts\n" if $conflicts;
-	print PLOG "Build-Conflicts-Indep: $conflictsi\n" if $conflictsi;
-	my $old_deps = copy($main::deps{$pkg});
-	# keep deps from the central file marked as overrides (& prefix)
-	if ( $main::useSNAP ) {
-	    $dep->{'Package'} = "gcc-snapshot";
-	    $dep->{'Override'} = 1;
-	    push( @{$main::deps{$pkg}}, $dep );
-	}
-	foreach $dep (@{$main::deps{$pkg}}) {
-		if ($dep->{'Override'}) {
-			print PLOG "Added override: ",
-				  (map { ($_->{'Neg'} ? "!" : "") .
-					     $_->{'Package'} .
-						 ($_->{'Rel'} ? " ($_->{'Rel'} $_->{'Version'})":"") }
-				   	scalar($dep), @{$dep->{'Alternatives'}}), "\n";
-			push( @l, $dep );
-		}
-	}
-	$conflicts = join( ", ", map { "!$_" } split( /\s*,\s*/, $conflicts ));
-	$conflictsi = join( ", ", map { "!$_" } split( /\s*,\s*/, $conflictsi ));
-	my $deps = $depends . ", " . $conflicts;
-	$deps .= ", " . $dependsi . ", " . $conflictsi if $main::build_arch_all;
-	# For the moment, we treat multiarch-annotated build-dependencies as
-	# the same as any others because we're not implementing a
-	# cross-buildd.
-	$deps =~ s/:any//g;
-	$deps =~ s/:native//g;
-	@{$main::deps{$pkg}} = @l;
-	print "Merging pkg deps: $deps\n" if $main::debug;
-	parse_one_srcdep( $pkg, $deps, \%main::deps );
-	my $missing = (cmp_dep_lists( $old_deps, $main::deps{$pkg} ))[1];
-	# read list of build-essential packages (if not yet done) and expand their
-	# dependencies (those are implicitly essential)
-	if (!defined($main::deps{'ESSENTIAL'})) {
-		my $ess = read_build_essential();
-		parse_one_srcdep( 'ESSENTIAL', $ess, \%main::deps );
-	}
-	my ($exp_essential, $exp_pkgdeps, $filt_essential, $filt_pkgdeps);
-	$exp_essential = expand_dependencies( $main::deps{'ESSENTIAL'} );
-	print "Dependency-expanded build essential packages:\n",
-		  format_deps(@$exp_essential), "\n" if $main::debug;
-	# populate toolchain_pkgs from toolchain_regexes and essential packages.
-	@main::toolchain_pkgs = ();
-	foreach my $tpkg (@$exp_essential) {
-		foreach my $regex (@conf::toolchain_regex) {
-			push @main::toolchain_pkgs,$tpkg->{'Package'}
-				if $tpkg->{'Package'} =~ m,^$regex,;
-		}
-	}
-	return if !@$missing;
-	# remove missing central deps that are essential
-	($filt_essential, $missing) = cmp_dep_lists( $missing, $exp_essential );
-	print PLOG "** Filtered missing central deps that are build-essential:\n",
-			   format_deps(@$filt_essential), "\n"
-				   if @$filt_essential;
-	# if some build deps are virtual packages, replace them by an alternative
-	# over all providing packages
-	$exp_pkgdeps = expand_virtuals( $main::deps{$pkg} );
-	print "Provided-expanded build deps:\n",
-		  format_deps(@$exp_pkgdeps), "\n" if $main::debug;
-	# now expand dependencies of package build deps
-	$exp_pkgdeps = expand_dependencies( $exp_pkgdeps );
-	print "Dependency-expanded build deps:\n",
-		  format_deps(@$exp_pkgdeps), "\n" if $main::debug;
-	$main::additional_deps = $exp_pkgdeps;
-	# remove missing central deps that are dependencies of build deps
-	($filt_pkgdeps, $missing) = cmp_dep_lists( $missing, $exp_pkgdeps );
-	print PLOG "** Filtered missing central deps that are dependencies of ",
-			   "or provide build-deps:\n",
-			   format_deps(@$filt_pkgdeps), "\n"
-				   if @$filt_pkgdeps;
-	# remove comment package names
-	push( @$main::additional_deps,
-		  grep { $_->{'Neg'} && $_->{'Package'} =~ /^needs-no-/ } @$missing );
-	$missing = [ grep { !($_->{'Neg'} &&
-					      ($_->{'Package'} =~ /^this-package-does-not-exist/ ||
-						   $_->{'Package'} =~ /^needs-no-/)) } @$missing ];
-	print PLOG "**** Warning:\n",
-			   "**** The following central src deps are ",
-			   "(probably) missing:\n  ", format_deps(@$missing), "\n"
-				   if @$missing;
-sub cmp_dep_lists {
-	my $list1 = shift;
-	my $list2 = shift;
-	my ($dep, @common, @missing);
-	foreach $dep (@$list1) {
-		my $found = 0;
-		if ($dep->{'Neg'}) {
-			foreach (@$list2) {
-				if ($dep->{'Package'} eq $_->{'Package'} && $_->{'Neg'}) {
-					$found = 1;
-					last;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			my $al = get_altlist($dep);
-			foreach (@$list2) {
-				if (is_superset( get_altlist($_), $al )) {
-					$found = 1;
-					last;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if ($found) {
-			push( @common, $dep );
-		}
-		else {
-			push( @missing, $dep );
-		}
-	}
-	return (\@common, \@missing);
-sub get_altlist {
-	my $dep = shift;
-	my %l;
-	foreach (scalar($dep), @{$dep->{'Alternatives'}}) {
-		$l{$_->{'Package'}} = 1 if !$_->{'Neg'};
-	}
-	return \%l;
-sub is_superset {
-	my $l1 = shift;
-	my $l2 = shift;
-	foreach (keys %$l2) {
-		return 0 if !exists $l1->{$_};
-	}
-	return 1;
-sub read_build_essential {
-	my @essential;
-	local (*F);
-	if (open( F, "$main::chroot_dir/usr/share/doc/build-essential/essential-packages-list" )) {
-		while( <F> ) {
-			last if $_ eq "\n";
-		}
-		while( <F> ) {
-			chomp;
-			push( @essential, $_ ) if $_ !~ /^\s*$/;
-		}
-		close( F );
-	}
-	else {
-		warn "Cannot open $main::chroot_dir/usr/share/doc/build-essential/essential-packages-list: $!\n";
-	}
-	if (open( F, "$main::chroot_dir/usr/share/doc/build-essential/list" )) {
-		while( <F> ) {
-			last if $_ eq "BEGIN LIST OF PACKAGES\n";
-		}
-		while( <F> ) {
-			chomp;
-			last if $_ eq "END LIST OF PACKAGES";
-			next if /^\s/ || /^$/;
-			push( @essential, $_ );
-		}
-		close( F );
-	}
-	else {
-		warn "Cannot open $main::chroot_dir/usr/share/doc/build-essential/list: $!\n";
-	}
-	return join( ", ", @essential );
-sub expand_dependencies {
-	my $dlist = shift;
-	my (@to_check, @result, %seen, $check, $dep);
-	foreach $dep (@$dlist) {
-		next if $dep->{'Neg'} || $dep->{'Package'} =~ /^\*/;
-		foreach (scalar($dep), @{$dep->{'Alternatives'}}) {
-			my $name = $_->{'Package'};
-			push( @to_check, $name );
-			$seen{$name} = 1;
-		}
-		push( @result, copy($dep) );
-	}
-	while( @to_check ) {
-		my $deps = get_dependencies( @to_check );
-		my @check = @to_check;
-		@to_check = ();
-		foreach $check (@check) {
-			foreach (split( /\s*,\s*/, $deps->{$check} )) {
-				foreach (split( /\s*\|\s*/, $_ )) {
-					my $pkg = (/^([^\s([]+)/)[0];
-					if (!$seen{$pkg}) {
-						push( @to_check, $pkg );
-						push( @result, { Package => $pkg, Neg => 0 } );
-						$seen{$pkg} = 1;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return \@result;
-sub expand_virtuals {
-	my $dlist = shift;
-	my ($dep, %names, @new_dlist);
-	foreach $dep (@$dlist) {
-		foreach (scalar($dep), @{$dep->{'Alternatives'}}) {
-			$names{$_->{'Package'}} = 1;
-		}
-	}
-	my $provided_by = get_virtuals( keys %names );
-	foreach $dep (@$dlist) {
-		my %seen;
-		foreach (scalar($dep), @{$dep->{'Alternatives'}}) {
-			my $name = $_->{'Package'};
-			$seen{$name} = 1;
-			if (exists $provided_by->{$name}) {
-				foreach( keys %{$provided_by->{$name}} ) {
-					$seen{$_} = 1;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		my @l = map { { Package => $_, Neg => 0 } } keys %seen;
-		my $l = shift @l;
-		foreach (@l) {
-			push( @{$l->{'Alternatives'}}, $_ );
-		}
-		push( @new_dlist, $l );
-	}
-	return \@new_dlist;
-sub get_dependencies {
-	local(*PIPE);
-	my %deps;
-	open( PIPE, "$conf::sudo /usr/sbin/chroot $main::chroot_dir $conf::apt_cache show @_ 2>&1 |" )
-		or die "Cannot start $conf::apt_cache $main::chroot_apt_op: $!\n";
-	local($/) = "";
-	while( <PIPE> ) {
-		my ($name, $dep, $predep);
-		/^Package:\s*(.*)\s*$/mi and $name = $1;
-		next if !$name || $deps{$name};
-		/^Depends:\s*(.*)\s*$/mi and $dep = $1;
-		/^Pre-Depends:\s*(.*)\s*$/mi and $predep = $1;
-		$dep .= ", " if $dep && $predep;
-		$dep .= $predep;
-		$deps{$name} = $dep;
-	}
-	close( PIPE );
-	die "$conf::apt_cache exit status $?\n" if $?;
-	return \%deps;
-sub get_virtuals {
-	local(*PIPE);
-	open( PIPE, "$conf::sudo /usr/sbin/chroot $main::chroot_dir $conf::apt_cache showpkg @_ 2>&1 |" )
-		or die "Cannot start $conf::apt_cache $main::chroot_apt_op: $!\n";
-	my $name;
-	my $in_rprov = 0;
-	my %provided_by;
-	while( <PIPE> ) {
-		if (/^Package:\s*(\S+)\s*$/) {
-			$name = $1;
-		}
-		elsif (/^Reverse Provides: $/) {
-			$in_rprov = 1;
-		}
-		elsif ($in_rprov && /^(\w+):\s/) {
-			$in_rprov = 0;
-		}
-		elsif ($in_rprov && /^(\S+)\s*\S+\s*$/) {
-			$provided_by{$name}->{$1} = 1;
-		}
-	}
-	close( PIPE );
-	die "$conf::apt_cache exit status $?\n" if $?;
-	return \%provided_by;
-# Try to figure out if a package exists. We need to take account of virtual
-# packages, so showpkg is the best tool I can think of; but that shows
-# packages which only exist as (reverse) dependencies. As such, we make
-# sure that either Versions: or Reverse Provides: has some content.
-sub package_exists {
-	local(*PIPE);
-	open( PIPE, "$conf::sudo /usr/sbin/chroot $main::chroot_dir ".
-                    "$conf::apt_cache showpkg @_ 2>&1 |" )
-		or die "Cannot start $conf::apt_cache $main::chroot_apt_op: $!\n";
-	my $name;
-	my $in_versions = 0;
-	my $in_rprov = 0;
-	my $real = 0;
-	while( <PIPE> ) {
-		if (/^Package:\s*(\S+)\s*$/) {
-			$name = $1;
-		}
-		elsif (/^Versions: $/) {
-			$in_versions = 1;
-			$in_rprov = 0;
-		}
-		elsif (/^Reverse Provides: $/) {
-			$in_rprov = 1;
-			$in_versions = 0;
-		}
-		elsif (($in_versions || $in_rprov) && /^(\w.*):\s/) {
-			$in_versions = 0;
-			$in_rprov = 0;
-		}
-		elsif (($in_versions || $in_rprov) && /^\S/) {
-			$real = 1;
-		}
-	}
-	close( PIPE );
-	if (defined $name and $real) {
-		return 1;
-	} else {
-		return 0;
-	}
-sub parse_one_srcdep {
-	my $pkg = shift;
-	my $deps = shift;
-	my $hash = shift;
-	$deps =~ s/^\s*(.*)\s*$/$1/;
-	foreach (split( /\s*,\s*/, $deps )) {
-		my @l;
-		my $override;
-		if (/^\&/) {
-			$override = 1;
-			s/^\&\s+//;
-		}
-		my @alts = split( /\s*\|\s*/, $_ );
-		my $special_seen = 0;
-		my $neg_seen = 0;
-		foreach (@alts) {
-			if (!/^([^\s([]+)\s*(\(\s*([<=>]+)\s*(\S+)\s*\))?(\s*\[([^]]+)\])?/) {
-				warn "Warning: syntax error in dependency '$_' of $pkg\n";
-				next;
-			}
-			my( $dep, $rel, $relv, $archlist ) = ($1, $3, $4, $6);
-			if ($archlist) {
-				$archlist =~ s/^\s*(.*)\s*$/$1/;
-				my @archs = split( /\s+/, $archlist );
-				my ($use_it, $ignore_it, $include) = (0, 0, 0);
-				foreach (@archs) {
-					# Use 'dpkg-architecture' to support architecture
-					# wildcards.
-					if (/^!/) {
-						if (system("$conf::sudo", "/usr/sbin/chroot",
-						    "$main::cwd/$main::chroot_dir",
-						    "dpkg-architecture", "-a".$main::arch, "-i".substr($_, 1)) eq 0) {
-							$ignore_it = 1
-						}
-					}
-					else {
-						if (system("$conf::sudo", "/usr/sbin/chroot",    
-						    "$main::cwd/$main::chroot_dir",
-						    "dpkg-architecture", "-a".$main::arch, "-i".$_) eq 0) {
-							$use_it = 1
-						}
-						$include = 1;
-					}
-				}
-				warn "Warning: inconsistent arch restriction on ",
-					 "$pkg: $dep depedency\n"
-						 if $ignore_it && $use_it;
-				next if $ignore_it || ($include && !$use_it);
-			}
-			if ($dep =~ /^\*/) {
-				warn "Warning: $pkg: ignoring version relation on ".
-					 "special dependency $dep\n"
-						 if $rel || $relv;
-				push( @l, { Package => $dep, Override => 1 } );
-				$special_seen = 1;
-				next;
-			}
-			my $neg = 0;
-			if ($dep =~ /^!/) {
-				$dep =~ s/^!\s*//;
-				$neg = 1;
-				$neg_seen = 1;
-			}
-			if ($conf::srcdep_over{$dep}) {
-				if ($main::verbose) {
-					print PLOG "Replacing source dep $dep";
-					print PLOG " ($rel $relv)" if $relv;
-					print PLOG " with $conf::srcdep_over{$dep}[0]";
-					print PLOG " ($conf::srcdep_over{$dep}[1] $conf::srcdep_over{$dep}[2])"
-					  if $conf::srcdep_over{$dep}[1];
-					print PLOG ".\n";
-				}
-				$dep = $conf::srcdep_over{$dep}[0];
-				$rel = $conf::srcdep_over{$dep}[1];
-				$relv = $conf::srcdep_over{$dep}[2];
-			}
-			my $h = { Package => $dep, Neg => $neg };
-			if ($rel && $relv) {
-				$h->{'Rel'} = $rel;
-				$h->{'Version'} = $relv;
-			}
-			$h->{'Override'} = $override if $override;
-			push( @l, $h );
-		}
-		if (@alts > 1 && $special_seen) {
-			warn "Warning: $pkg: alternatives with special dependencies ",
-				 "forbidden -- skipped\n";
-		}
-		elsif (@alts > 1 && $neg_seen) {
-			warn "Warning: $pkg: alternatives with negative dependencies ",
-				 "forbidden -- skipped\n";
-		}
-		elsif (@l) {
-			my $l = shift @l;
-			foreach (@l) {
-				push( @{$l->{'Alternatives'}}, $_ );
-			}
-			push( @{$hash->{$pkg}}, $l );
-		}
-	}
-sub get_special {
-	my $fname = shift;
-	my $sp = shift;
-	my $sub = "";
-	while( <F> ) {
-		last if /^$/;
-		if (/^\s*(\w+)\s*\{\s*$/) {
-			if ($sub) {
-				warn "Syntax error in line $. in $fname:\n";
-				warn "  Start of special subsection inside ".
-					"another one.\n";
-			}
-			else {
-				$sub = $1;
-				$main::specials{$sp}->{$sub} = "";
-			}
-		}
-		elsif (/^\s*\}\s*$/) {
-			if (!$sub) {
-				warn "Syntax error in line $. in $fname:\n";
-				warn "  }  outside of special subsection\n";
-			}
-			else {
-				$sub = "";
-			}
-		}
-		elsif ($sub) {
-			$main::specials{$sp}->{$sub} .= $_;
-		}
-		else {
-			warn "Syntax error in line $. in $fname:\n";
-			warn "  Subsection start expected\n";
-		}
-	}
-	if ($sub) {
-		warn "Syntax error in line $. in $fname:\n";
-		warn "  Subsection not finished with }\n";
-	}
-	push( @main::global_patches, $sp ) if $sp =~ /^\*\*/;
-sub open_log {
-	my $date = `date +%Y%m%d-%H%M`;
-	chomp( $date );
-	if ($main::nolog) {
-		open( LOG, ">&STDOUT" );
-		open( PLOG, ">&LOG" ) or warn "Can't redirect PLOG\n";
-		select( LOG );
-		return;
-	}
-	$main::main_logfile = "build-$date.log";
-	if ($main::verbose) {
-		my $pid;
-		($pid = open( LOG, "|-")) || exec "tee $main::main_logfile";
-		if (!defined $pid) {
-			warn "Cannot open pipe to 'tee $main::main_logfile': $!\n";
-		}
-		else {
-			$main::tee_pid = $pid;
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		open( LOG, ">$main::main_logfile" )
-			or warn "Cannot open log file $main::main_logfile: $!\n";
-	}
-	select( (select( LOG ), $| = 1)[0] );
-	open( STDOUT, ">&LOG" ) or warn "Can't redirect stdout\n";
-	open( STDERR, ">&LOG" ) or warn "Can't redirect stderr\n";
-	open( PLOG, ">&LOG" ) or warn "Can't redirect PLOG\n";
-sub close_log {
-	my $date = `date +%Y%m%d-%H%M`;
-	chomp( $date );
-	kill( 15, $main::tee_pid ) if $main::verbose;
-	close( LOG );
-	if (!$main::nolog && !$main::verbose &&
-		-s $main::main_logfile && $conf::mailto) {
-		send_mail( $conf::mailto, "Log from sbuild $date",
-				   $main::main_logfile ) if $conf::mailto;
-	}
-	elsif (!$main::nolog && !$main::verbose && ! -s $main::main_logfile) {
-		unlink( $main::main_logfile );
-	}
-sub open_pkg_log {
-	my $date = `date +%Y%m%d-%H%M`;
-	my $pkg = shift;
-	if ($main::nolog) {
-		open( PLOG, ">&STDOUT" );
-	}
-	else {
-		$pkg = basename( $pkg );
-		if ($main::binNMU) {
-			$pkg =~ /^([^_]+)_([^_]+)(.*)$/;
-			$pkg = $1."_".binNMU_version($2);
-			$main::binNMU_name = $pkg;
-			$pkg .= $3;
-		}
-		$main::pkg_logfile = "$conf::log_dir/${pkg}_$date";
-		if ($main::verbose) {
-			my $pid;
-			($pid = open( PLOG, "|-")) || exec "tee $main::pkg_logfile";
-			if (!defined $pid) {
-				warn "Cannot open pipe to 'tee $main::pkg_logfile': $!\n";
-			}
-			else {
-				$main::pkg_tee_pid = $pid;
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			if (!open( PLOG, ">$main::pkg_logfile" )) {
-				warn "Can't open logfile $main::pkg_logfile: $!\n";
-				return 0;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	select( (select( PLOG ), $| = 1)[0] );
-	my $revision = '$Revision: 1.170.5 $';
-	$revision =~ /([\d.]+)/;
-	$revision = $1;
-	print PLOG "Automatic build of $pkg on $main::HOSTNAME by ".
-			   "sbuild/$main::arch $revision\n";
-	print PLOG "Build started at $date";
-	print PLOG "*"x78, "\n";
-	return 1;
-sub close_pkg_log {
-	my $date = `date +%Y%m%d-%H%M`;
-	my $pkg = shift;
-	my $t = $main::pkg_end_time - $main::pkg_start_time;
-	$pkg = basename( $pkg );
-	$t = 0 if $t < 0;
-	#if ($main::pkg_status eq "successful") {
-	#	add_time_entry( $pkg, $t );
-	#	add_space_entry( $pkg, $main::this_space );
-	#}
-	print PLOG "*"x78, "\n";
-	printf PLOG "Finished at ${date}Build needed %02d:%02d:%02d, %dk disk space\n",
-		   int($t/3600), int(($t%3600)/60), int($t%60), $main::this_space;
-	kill( 15, $main::pkg_tee_pid ) if $main::verbose && !$main::nolog;
-	close( PLOG );
-	open( PLOG, ">&LOG" ) or warn "Can't redirect PLOG\n";
-	send_mail( $conf::mailto,
-			   "Log for $main::pkg_status build of ".
-			   ($main::binNMU_name || $pkg)." (dist=$main::distribution)",
-			   $main::pkg_logfile ) if !$main::nolog && $conf::mailto;
-sub add_time_entry {
-	my $pkg = shift;
-	my $t = shift;
-	return if !$conf::avg_time_db;
-	my %db;
-	if (!tie %db, 'GDBM_File',$conf::avg_time_db,GDBM_WRCREAT,0664) {
-		print "Can't open average time db $conf::avg_time_db\n";
-		return;
-	}
-	$pkg =~ s/_.*//;
-	if (exists $db{$pkg}) {
-		my @times = split( /\s+/, $db{$pkg} );
-		push( @times, $t );
-		my $sum = 0;
-		foreach (@times[1..$#times]) { $sum += $_; }
-		$times[0] = $sum / (@times-1);
-		$db{$pkg} = join( ' ', @times );
-	}
-	else {
-		$db{$pkg} = "$t $t";
-	}
-	untie %db;
-sub check_space {
-	my @files = @_;
-	local( *PIPE );
-	if (!open( PIPE, "sudo /usr/bin/du -s @files 2>/dev/null |" )) {
-		print PLOG "Cannot determine space needed (du failed): $!\n";
-		return;
-	}
-	my $sum = 0;
-	while( <PIPE> ) {
-		next if !/^(\d+)/;
-		$sum += $1;
-	}
-	close( PIPE );
-	$main::this_space = $sum;
-sub add_space_entry {
-	my $pkg = shift;
-	my $t = shift;
-	my $keepvals = 4;
-	return if !$conf::avg_space_db || $main::this_space == 0;
-	my %db;
-	if (!tie %db, 'GDBM_File',$conf::avg_space_db,GDBM_WRCREAT,0664) {
-		print "Can't open average space db $conf::avg_space_db\n";
-		return;
-	}
-	$pkg =~ s/_.*//;
-	if (exists $db{$pkg}) {
-		my @values = split( /\s+/, $db{$pkg} );
-		shift @values;
-		unshift( @values, $t );
-		pop @values if @values > $keepvals;
-		my ($sum, $n, $weight, $i) = (0, 0, scalar(@values));
-		for( $i = 0; $i < @values; ++$i) {
-			$sum += $values[$i] * $weight;
-			$n += $weight;
-		}
-		unshift( @values, $sum/$n );
-		$db{$pkg} = join( ' ', @values );
-	}
-	else {
-		$db{$pkg} = "$t $t";
-	}
-	untie %db;
-sub file_for_name {
-	my $name = shift;
-	my @x = grep { /^\Q$name\E_/ } @_;
-	return $x[0];
-sub write_jobs_file {
-	my $news = shift;
-	my $job;
-	local( *F );
-	$main::job_state{$main::current_job} = $news
-		if $news && $main::current_job;
-	return if !$main::batchmode;
-	return if !open( F, ">$main::jobs_file" );
-	foreach $job (@ARGV) {
-		print F ($job eq $main::current_job) ? "" : "  ",
-				$job,
-				($main::job_state{$job} ? ": $main::job_state{$job}" : ""),
-				"\n";
-	}
-	close( F );
-sub append_to_FINISHED {
-	my $pkg = shift;
-	local( *F );
-	return if !$main::batchmode;
-	open( F, ">>SBUILD-FINISHED" );
-	print F "$pkg\n";
-	close( F );
-sub write_srcdep_lock_file {
-	my $deps = shift;
-	my $specials = shift;
-	local( *F );
-	++$main::srcdep_lock_cnt;
-	my $f = "$conf::srcdep_lock_dir/$$-$main::srcdep_lock_cnt";
-	if (!open( F, ">$f" )) {
-		print "Warning: cannot create srcdep lock file $f: $!";
-		return;
-	}
-	print "Writing srcdep lock file $f:\n" if $main::debug;
-	chomp( my $user = `/usr/bin/whoami` );
-	print F "$main::current_job $$ $user\n";
-	print "Job $main::current_job pid $$ user $user\n" if $main::debug;
-	foreach (@$deps) {
-		my $name = $_->{'Package'};
-		# add special deps only if they affect global state ("global" sub)
-		next if $name =~ /^\*/ &&
-			    (!isin( $name, @$specials ) ||
-				 $main::specials{$name}->{'global'} !~ /yes/m);
-		print F ($_->{'Neg'} ? "!" : ""), "$name\n";
-		print "  ", ($_->{'Neg'} ? "!" : ""), "$name\n" if $main::debug;
-	}
-	close( F );
-sub check_srcdep_conflicts {
-	my $to_inst = shift;
-	my $to_remove = shift;
-	my $special = shift;
-	local( *F, *DIR );
-	my $mypid = $$;
-	my %conflict_builds;
-	if (!opendir( DIR, $conf::srcdep_lock_dir )) {
-		print PLOG "Cannot opendir $conf::srcdep_lock_dir: $!\n";
-		return 1;
-	}
-	my @files = grep { !/^\.\.?$/ && !/^install\.lock/ && !/^$mypid-\d+$/ }
-					 readdir(DIR);
-	closedir(DIR);
-	my $file;
-	foreach $file (@files) {
-		if (!open( F, "<$conf::srcdep_lock_dir/$file" )) {
-			print PLOG "Cannot open $conf::srcdep_lock_dir/$file: $!\n";
-			next;
-		}
-		<F> =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/;
-		my ($job, $pid, $user) = ($1, $2, $3);
-		# ignore (and remove) a lock file if associated process doesn't exist
-		# anymore
-		if (kill( 0, $pid ) == 0 && $! == ESRCH) {
-			close( F );
-			print PLOG "Found stale srcdep lock file $file -- removing it\n";
-			print PLOG "Cannot remove: $!\n"
-				if !unlink( "$conf::srcdep_lock_dir/$file" );
-			next;
-		}
-		print "Reading srclock file $file by job $job user $user\n"
-			if $main::debug;
-		while( <F> ) {
-			my ($neg, $pkg) = /^(!?)(\S+)/;
-			print "Found ", ($neg ? "neg " : ""), "entry $pkg\n"
-				if $main::debug;
-			if ($pkg =~ /^\*/) {
-				print PLOG "Build of $job by $user (pid $pid) has ",
-						   "installed the global special dependency $pkg.\n";
-				$conflict_builds{$file} = 1;
-			}
-			else {
-				if (isin( $pkg, @$to_inst, @$to_remove )) {
-					print PLOG "Source dependency conflict with build of ",
-							   "$job by $user (pid $pid):\n";
-					print PLOG "  $job ", ($neg ? "conflicts with" : "needs"),
-							   " $pkg\n";
-					print PLOG "  $main::current_job wants to ",
-							   (isin( $pkg, @$to_inst ) ? "update" : "remove"),
-							   " $pkg\n";
-					$conflict_builds{$file} = 1;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		close( F );
-	}
-	foreach (@$special) {
-		if ($main::specials{$_}->{'global'} =~ /yes/m) {
-			print PLOG "$main::current_job wants to apply global ",
-					   "special dependency $_\n",
-					   "Must wait for other builds to finish\n";
-			foreach (@files) {
-				$conflict_builds{$_} = 1;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	my @conflict_builds = keys %conflict_builds;
-	if (@conflict_builds) {
-		print "Srcdep conflicts with: @conflict_builds\n" if $main::debug;
-	}
-	else {
-		print "No srcdep conflicts\n" if $main::debug;
-	}
-	return @conflict_builds;
-sub remove_srcdep_lock_file {
-	my $f = "$conf::srcdep_lock_dir/$$-$main::srcdep_lock_cnt";
-	print "Removing srcdep lock file $f\n" if $main::debug;
-	if (!unlink( $f )) {
-		print "Warning: cannot remove srcdep lock file $f: $!\n"
-			if $! != ENOENT;
-	}
-sub prepare_watches {
-	my $dependencies = shift;
-	my @instd = @_;
-	my(@dep_on, $dep, $pkg, $prg);
-	@dep_on = @instd;
-	foreach $dep (@$dependencies, @$main::additional_deps) {
-		if ($dep->{'Neg'} && $dep->{'Package'} =~ /^needs-no-(\S+)/) {
-			push( @dep_on, $1 );
-		}
-		elsif ($dep->{'Package'} !~ /^\*/ && !$dep->{'Neg'}) {
-			foreach (scalar($dep), @{$dep->{'Alternatives'}}) {
-				push( @dep_on, $_->{'Package'} );
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	# init %this_watches to names of packages which have not been installed as
-	# source dependencies
-	undef %main::this_watches;
-	foreach $pkg (keys %conf::watches) {
-		if (isin( $pkg, @dep_on )) {
-			print "Excluding from watch: $pkg\n" if $main::debug;
-			next;
-		}
-		foreach $prg (@{$conf::watches{$pkg}}) {
-			$prg = "/usr/bin/$prg" if $prg !~ m,^/,;
-			$main::this_watches{"$main::chroot_dir$prg"} = $pkg;
-			print "Will watch for $prg ($pkg)\n" if $main::debug;
-		}
-	}
-sub check_watches {
-	my($prg, @st, %used);
-	foreach $prg (keys %main::this_watches) {
-		if (!(@st = stat( $prg ))) {
-			print "Watch: $prg: stat failed\n" if $main::debug;
-			next;
-		}
-		if ($st[8] > $main::build_start_time) {
-			my $pkg = $main::this_watches{$prg};
-			my $prg2 = $prg;
-			$prg2 =~ s/^\Q$main::chroot_dir\E// if $main::chroot_dir;
-			push( @{$used{$pkg}}, $prg2 )
-				if @main::have_dsc_build_deps ||
-				   !isin( $pkg, @conf::ignore_watches_no_build_deps );
-		}
-		else {
-			print "Watch: $prg: untouched\n" if $main::debug;
-		}
-	}
-	return if !%used;
-	print PLOG <<EOF;
-NOTE: The package could have used binaries from the following packages
-(access time changed) without a source dependency:
-	foreach (keys %used) {
-		print PLOG "  $_: @{$used{$_}}\n";
-	}
-	print PLOG "\n";
-sub should_skip {
-	my $pkgv = shift;
-	fixup_pkgv( \$pkgv );
-	lock_file( "SKIP" );
-	goto unlock if !open( F, "SKIP" );
-	my @pkgs = <F>;
-	close( F );
-	if (!open( F, ">SKIP" )) {
-		print "Can't open SKIP for writing: $!\n",
-			  "Would write: @pkgs\nminus $pkgv\n";
-		goto unlock;
-	}
-	my $found = 0;
-	foreach (@pkgs) {
-		if (/^\Q$pkgv\E$/) {
-			++$found;
-			print PLOG "$pkgv found in SKIP file -- skipping building it\n";
-		}
-		else {
-			print F $_;
-		}
-	}
-	close( F );
-  unlock:
-	unlock_file( "SKIP" );
-	return $found;
-sub add_givenback {
-	my $pkgv = shift;
-	my $time = shift;
-	local( *F );
-	lock_file( "SBUILD-GIVEN-BACK" );
-	if (open( F, ">>SBUILD-GIVEN-BACK" )) {
-		print F "$pkgv $time\n";
-		close( F );
-	}
-	else {
-		print PLOG "Can't open SBUILD-GIVEN-BACK: $!\n";
-	}
-  unlock:
-	unlock_file( "SBUILD-GIVEN-BACK" );
-sub send_mail {
-	my $to = shift;
-	my $subject = shift;
-	my $file = shift;
-	local( *MAIL, *F );
-	if (!open( F, "<$file" )) {
-		warn "Cannot open $file for mailing: $!\n";
-		return 0;
-	}
-	local $SIG{'PIPE'} = 'IGNORE';
-	if (!open( MAIL, "|$conf::mailprog -oem $to" )) {
-		warn "Could not open pipe to $conf::mailprog: $!\n";
-		close( F );
-		return 0;
-	}
-	print MAIL "Subject: $subject\n\n";
-	while( <F> ) {
-		print MAIL "." if $_ eq ".\n";
-		print MAIL $_;
-	}
-	close( F );
-	if (!close( MAIL )) {
-		warn "$conf::mailprog failed (exit status $?)\n";
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return 1;
-sub set_installed {
-	foreach (@_) {
-		$main::changes->{'installed'}->{$_} = 1;
-	}
-	print "Added to installed list: @_\n" if $main::debug;
-sub set_removed {
-	foreach (@_) {
-		$main::changes->{'removed'}->{$_} = 1;
-		if (exists $main::changes->{'installed'}->{$_}) {
-			delete $main::changes->{'installed'}->{$_};
-			$main::changes->{'auto-removed'}->{$_} = 1;
-			print "Note: $_ was installed\n" if $main::debug;
-		}
-	}
-	print "Added to removed list: @_\n" if $main::debug;
-sub unset_installed {
-	foreach (@_) {
-		delete $main::changes->{'installed'}->{$_};
-	}
-	print "Removed from installed list: @_\n" if $main::debug;
-sub unset_removed {
-	foreach (@_) {
-		delete $main::changes->{'removed'}->{$_};
-		if (exists $main::changes->{'auto-removed'}->{$_}) {
-			delete $main::changes->{'auto-removed'}->{$_};
-			$main::changes->{'installed'}->{$_} = 1;
-			print "Note: revived $_ to installed list\n" if $main::debug;
-		}
-	}
-	print "Removed from removed list: @_\n" if $main::debug;
-sub basename {
-	my $b = $_[0];
-	$b =~ s,^.*/,,;
-	return $b;
-sub df {
-	my $dir = shift;
-	my $free = `/bin/df $dir | tail -1`;
-	my @free = split( /\s+/, $free );
-	return $free[3];
-sub isin {
-	my $val = shift;
-	return grep( $_ eq $val, @_ );
-sub fixup_pkgv {
-	my $pkgv = shift;
-	$$pkgv =~ s,^.*/,,; # strip path
-	$$pkgv =~ s/\.(dsc|diff\.gz|tar\.gz|deb)$//; # strip extension
-	$$pkgv =~ s/_[a-zA-Z\d+~-]+\.(changes|deb)$//; # strip extension
-sub format_deps {
-	return join( ", ",
-		   map { join( "|",
-				 map { ($_->{'Neg'} ? "!" : "") .
-					   $_->{'Package'} .
-					   ($_->{'Rel'} ? " ($_->{'Rel'} $_->{'Version'})":"")}
-				 scalar($_), @{$_->{'Alternatives'}}) } @_ );
-sub lock_file {
-	my $file = shift;
-	my $for_srcdep = shift;
-	my $lockfile = "$file.lock";
-	my $try = 0;
-  repeat:
-	if (!sysopen( F, $lockfile, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_EXCL, 0644 )){
-		if ($! == EEXIST) {
-			# lock file exists, wait
-			goto repeat if !open( F, "<$lockfile" );
-			my $line = <F>;
-			my ($pid, $user);
-			close( F );
-			if ($line !~ /^(\d+)\s+([\w\d.-]+)$/) {
-				warn "Bad lock file contents ($lockfile) -- still trying\n";
-			}
-			else {
-				($pid, $user) = ($1, $2);
-				if (kill( 0, $pid ) == 0 && $! == ESRCH) {
-					# process doesn't exist anymore, remove stale lock
-					warn "Removing stale lock file $lockfile ".
-						 " (pid $pid, user $user)\n";
-					unlink( $lockfile );
-					goto repeat;
-				}
-			}
-			++$try;
-			if (!$for_srcdep && $try > $main::max_lock_trys) {
-				warn "Lockfile $lockfile still present after ".
-				     $main::max_lock_trys*$main::lock_interval.
-					 " seconds -- giving up\n";
-				return;
-			}
-			print PLOG "Another sbuild process ($pid by $user) is currently ",
-					   "installing or\n",
-					   "removing packages -- waiting...\n"
-						   if $for_srcdep && $try == 1;
-			sleep $main::lock_interval;
-			goto repeat;
-		}
-		warn "Can't create lock file $lockfile: $!\n";
-	}
-	F->print("$$ $ENV{'LOGNAME'}\n");
-	F->close();
-sub unlock_file {
-	my $file = shift;
-	my $lockfile = "$file.lock";
-	unlink( $lockfile );
-sub check_dpkg_version {
-	my $t = `$conf::dpkg --version`;
-	my $version = ($t =~ /version\s+(\S+)/)[0];
-	$main::new_dpkg = 1
-		if 0 == system "$conf::dpkg --compare-versions '$version' ge";
-sub binNMU_version {
-	my $v = shift;
-	if ($v =~ /^(.*)-([^-]+)$/) {
-		my ($upstream, $debian) = ($1, $2);
-		my @parts = split( /\./, $debian );
-		if (@parts == 1) {
-			return "$upstream-$debian.0.$main::binNMUver";
-		}
-		elsif (@parts == 2) {
-			return "$upstream-$debian.$main::binNMUver";
-		}
-		else {
-			$parts[$#parts]+=$main::binNMUver;
-			return "$upstream-".join( ".", @parts );
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		return "$v.0.$main::binNMUver";
-	}
-sub shutdown {
-	my $signame = shift;
-	my($job,@npkgs,@pkgs);
-	local( *F );
-	$SIG{'INT'} = 'IGNORE';
-	$SIG{'QUIT'} = 'IGNORE';
-	$SIG{'TERM'} = 'IGNORE';
-	$SIG{'ALRM'} = 'IGNORE';
-	$SIG{'PIPE'} = 'IGNORE';
-	print PLOG "sbuild received SIG$signame -- shutting down\n";
-	chdir( $main::cwd );
-	goto not_ni_shutdown if !$main::batchmode;
-	# most important: dump out names of unfinished jobs to REDO
-	foreach $job (@ARGV) {
-		my $job2 = $job;
-		fixup_pkgv( \$job2 );
-		push( @npkgs, $job2 )
-			if !$main::job_state{$job} || $job eq $main::current_job;
-	}
-	print LOG "The following jobs were not finished: @npkgs\n";
-	my $f = "$main::HOME/build/REDO";
-	if (-f "$main::HOME/build/REDO.lock") {
-		# if lock file exists, write to a different file -- timing may
-		# be critical
-		$f = "$main::HOME/build/REDO2";
-	}
-	if (open( F, "<$f" )) {
-		@pkgs = <F>;
-		close( F );
-	}
-	if (open( F, ">>$f" )) {
-		foreach $job (@npkgs) {
-			next if grep( /^\Q$job\E\s/, @pkgs );
-			print F "$job $main::distribution $main::component\n";
-		}
-		close( F );
-	}
-	else {
-		print "Cannot open $f: $!\n";
-	}
-	open( F, ">SBUILD-REDO-DUMPED" );
-	close( F );
-	print LOG "SBUILD-REDO-DUMPED created\n";
-	unlink( "SBUILD-FINISHED" );
-	# next: say which packages should be uninstalled
-	@pkgs = keys %{$main::changes->{'installed'}};
-	if (@pkgs) {
-		if (open( F, ">>NEED-TO-UNINSTALL" )) {
-			print F "@pkgs\n";
-			close( F );
-		}
-		print "The following packages still need to be uninstalled ",
-			  "(--purge):\n@pkgs\n";
-	}
-  not_ni_shutdown:
-	# next: kill currently running command (if one)
-	if ($main::sub_pid) {
-		print "Killing $main::sub_task subprocess $main::sub_pid\n";
-		system "$conf::sudo perl -e 'kill( -15, $main::sub_pid )'";
-	}
-	remove_srcdep_lock_file();
-	# close logs and send mails
-	if ( $main::current_job ) {
-		fixup_pkgv( \$main::current_job );
-		close_pkg_log( $main::current_job );
-	}
-	close_log();
-	unlink( $main::jobs_file ) if $main::batchmode;
-	$? = 0; $! = 0;
-	exit 0;

=== modified file 'sbuild-package'
--- sbuild-package	2014-07-17 21:16:34 +0000
+++ sbuild-package	2015-05-11 11:00:44 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 # Copyright 2009 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
 # GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
@@ -13,6 +13,10 @@
 # Needs SBUILD to be set to a sbuild instance with passwordless sudo ability
+# We want a non-zero exit code from sbuild even if the implicit function
+# pointer check succeeds.
+set -o pipefail
 exec 2>&1
 # Keep this in sync with sbuild/lib/Buildd.pm.
@@ -43,15 +47,14 @@
 export V=1
 # On multi-guest PPA hosts, the per-guest overlay sometimes gets out of
-# sync, and we notice this by way of a corrupted .lp-sbuildrc.  We aren't going
+# sync, and we notice this by way of a corrupted .sbuildrc.  We aren't going
 # to be able to build anything in this situation, so immediately return
-if ! perl -c "$HOME/.lp-sbuildrc" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-    echo "$HOME/.lp-sbuildrc is corrupt; builder needs repair work" 2>&1
+if ! perl -c "$HOME/.sbuildrc" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    echo "$HOME/.sbuildrc is corrupt; builder needs repair work" 2>&1
     exit 4
@@ -59,16 +62,22 @@
 shift 3
 ACTUAL_NR_PROCESSORS=$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo | sed 's/^0$/1/')
 echo "Initiating build $BUILDID with $NR_PROCESSORS jobs across $ACTUAL_NR_PROCESSORS processor cores."
-if [ $NR_PROCESSORS -lt 2 ]; then
-        unset NR_PROCESSORS
+if [ $NR_PROCESSORS -gt 1 ]; then
 cd "$HOME/build-$BUILDID"
+# sbuild tries to do this itself, but can end up trying to mkdir in
+# /build too early.
+getent group sbuild | sudo tee -a chroot-autobuild/etc/group > /dev/null || exit 2
+getent passwd sbuild | sudo tee -a chroot-autobuild/etc/passwd > /dev/null || exit 2
+sudo chown sbuild:sbuild chroot-autobuild/build || exit 2
 hostarch=$(dpkg --print-architecture)
@@ -92,7 +101,7 @@
 echo "Kernel reported to sbuild: $($LINUX32 $UNAME26 uname -rvm)"
+SBUILD="$LINUX32 $UNAME26 sbuild"
 case $SUITE in
@@ -101,31 +110,4 @@
 $SBUILD "$@" | /usr/share/launchpad-buildd/slavebin/check-implicit-pointer-functions --inline $WARN
-# really successful returns
-[ $RET = 0 ] || exit $RET
-STATE=$(cat build-progress | awk '{print $2}')
-STEP=$(cat build-progress | awk '{print $3}')
-# If the build was successful; return 0
-[ "$STATE" = "successful" ] && exit 0
-# If we think it's a dep-wait problem, exit 1
-[ "$STEP" = "install-deps" ] && exit 1
-# Is this a state where auto-give-back should kick in; exit 2
-[ "$STEP" = "find-dsc" ] && exit 2
-[ "$STEP" = "fetch-src" ] && exit 2
-[ "$STEP" = "unpack-check" ] && exit 2
-[ "$STEP" = "check-space" ] && exit 2
-[ "$STEP" = "install-deps-env" ] && exit 2
-# Any other reason (which we'll treat as a build failure), exit 3
-exit 3
-# There is an exit code of "4" that means the builder itself is having
-# problems.  Currently, we don't use it at all, except for the .lp-sbuildrc
-# check above.
-# exit 4
+exit $?

=== removed file 'sbuild.conf'
--- sbuild.conf	2011-11-09 07:50:56 +0000
+++ sbuild.conf	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/sbuild.conf: global sbuild configurations that are
-# supposed to be changed only by the sbuild author, not by the user.
-# Of course you're free to override values here in /etc/sbuild.conf.local
-# commented out stuff are defaults
-# $Id: sbuild.conf,v 1.54 2002/10/10 18:50:45 rnhodek Exp $
-# File with the source dependencies
-#$source_dependencies = "/etc/source-dependencies";
-# Default distribution to build:
-# Environment variables to set/override:
-	'LC_ALL' => 'C',
-# Directory for writing build logs to
-#$log_dir = "$HOME/logs";
-# Name of a database for logging package build times (optional, no database
-# is written if empty)
-$avg_time_db = "/var/debbuild/avg-build-times";
-# Name of a database for logging package space requirement (optional)
-$avg_space_db = "/var/debbuild/avg-build-space";
-# Name for dir for source dependency lock files
-$srcdep_lock_dir = "/var/debbuild/srcdep-lock";
-# When to purge the build directory afterwards; possible values are "never",
-# "successful", and "always"
-# PGP-related option to pass to dpkg-buildpackage. Usually neither .dsc
-# nor .changes files shall be signed automatically.
-#$pgp_options = "-us -uc";
-# After that time (in minutes) of inactivity a build is terminated. Activity
-# is measured by output to the log file.
-$stalled_pkg_timeout = 150;
-# Some packages may exceed the general timeout (e.g. redirecting output to
-# a file) and need a different timeout. Below are some examples.
-#%individual_stalled_pkg_timeout = (
-#	smalleiffel => 300,
-#	jade => 300,
-#	atlas => 300,
-#	glibc => 1000,
-#	xfree86 => 1000,
-#	'gcc-3.3' => 300,
-#	kwave => 600
-# Binaries for which the access time is controlled if they're not listed as
-# source dependencies (note: /usr/bin is added if executable name doesn't
-# start with '/')
-%watches = (
-	# general utilities
-	sharutils		=> [qw(uuencode uudecode)],
-	emacs20			=> ["emacs"],
-	groff			=> ["groff"],
-	bzip2			=> [qw(bzip2 bunzip2 bzcat bz2cat)],
-#	unfortunately, too much stuff uses the following, so there are much
-#	false alarms :-(
-#	perl			=> ["perl"],
-#	diff			=> [qw(diff diff3 sdiff cmp)],
-#	gzip			=> [qw(gzip gunzip zcat)],
-	# development tools
-	debhelper		=> [qw(dh_clean dh_testdir dh_testversion dh_buildpackage)],
-	debmake			=> ["debstd"],
-	bison			=> ["bison"],
-	flex			=> ["flex"],
-	gettext			=> [qw(gettext msgfmt msgmerge xgettext gettextize)],
-	m4			=> ["m4"],
-	f2c			=> [qw(f2c fc)],
-	g77			=> ["g77"],
-	libtool			=> [qw(/usr/share/aclocal/libtool.m4
-						   /usr/share/libtool/ltmain.sh)],
-#	unfortunately, too much stuff uses the following in predefined autoconf
-#	macros, but doesn't really need it.
-#	automake		=> [qw(automake aclocal)],
-#	autoconf		=> [qw(autoconf autoheader)],
-	"python-dev"	=> [qw(python /usr/include/python/Python.h)],
-	gperf			=> ["gperf"],
-	rcs			=> [qw(ci co ident rcs rcsdiff rlog)],
-	"netkit-rpc"		=> ["rpcgen"],
-	# doc formatting stuff
-	"sgml-tools"		=> ["sgmltools.v1"],
-	"debiandoc-sgml"	=> [qw(debiandoc2html debiandoc2latex2e debiandoc2texinfo
-						  debiandoc2text debiandoc2dvi debiandoc2dvips
-						  debiandoc2info debiandoc2ps)],
-	"jade"			=> ["jade"],
-	"liburi-perl"		=> ["/usr/lib/perl5/URI/URL.pm"],
-	"tetex-bin"		=> [qw(tex latex dvips)],
-	texi2html		=> ["texi2html"],
-	latex2html		=> ["latex2html"],
-	# special stuff
-	"apache-dev"		=> ["apxs"],
-	# test for X libs
-	"xlibs-dev"		=> [qw(/usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.a /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.so /usr/X11R6/lib/libICE.a /usr/X11R6/lib/libICE.so /usr/X11R6/lib/libXp.a /usr/X11R6/lib/libXp.so)]
-# Ignore watches on the following packages if the package doesn't have its own
-# build dependencies in the .dsc
-@ignore_watches_no_build_deps = qw();
-# If a source dependency is an alternative that is provided by more than one
-# package, this list can select which one will be installed (if nothing is
-# defined, a random provider will be used)
-%alternatives = (
-	"automaken"			=> "automake1.9",
-	"info-browser"			=> "info",
-	"httpd"				=> "apache2-mpm-worker",
-	"postscript-viewer"		=> "gs-esp",
-	"postscript-preview"		=> "psutils",
-	"www-browser"			=> "lynx",
-	"awk"				=> "gawk",
-	"c-shell"			=> "tcsh",
-	"wordlist"			=> "wbritish",
-	"tclsh"				=> "tcl8.4",
-	"wish"				=> "tk8.4",
-	"c-compiler"			=> "gcc",
-	"fortran77-compiler"		=> "g77",
-	"java-compiler"			=> "gcj",
-	"libc-dev"			=> "libc6-dev",
-	"libgl-dev"			=> "libgl1-mesa-dev",
-	"libglu-dev"			=> "libglu1-mesa-dev",
-	"libncurses-dev"		=> "libncurses5-dev",
-	"libreadline-dev"		=> "libreadline5-dev",
-	"libz-dev"			=> "zlib1g-dev",
-	"emacsen"			=> "emacs21",
-	"mail-transport-agent"		=> "postfix",
-	"mail-reader"			=> "mailx",
-	"news-transport-system"		=> "inn",
-	"news-reader"			=> "nn",		# universe
-	"pgp"				=> "pgp-i",
-	"xserver"			=> "xserver-xorg",
-	"libpng-dev"			=> "libpng12-dev",
-	"mysql-dev"			=> "libmysqlclient-dev",
-	"giflib-dev"			=> "libungif4-dev",
-	"freetype2-dev"			=> "libttf-dev"
-# read local config file
-# require '/etc/sbuild.conf.local';
-# don't remove this, Perl needs it:

=== modified file 'sbuildrc'
--- sbuildrc	2014-07-10 10:20:31 +0000
+++ sbuildrc	2015-05-11 11:00:44 +0000
@@ -1,34 +1,20 @@
 # Mail address where logs are sent to (mandatory, no default!)
-$mailto = "buildd-maint@xxxxxxxxxxxxx";
-$srcdep_lock_dir = "/home/buildd/";
-%mailto = (
+$mailto = "buildd-maint\@canonical.com";
 # Maintainer name to use in .changes files (mandatory, no default!)
-$fqdn=`hostname --fqdn`;
+my $fqdn=`hostname --fqdn`;
 chomp $fqdn;
-$maintainer_name="Ubuntu Build Daemon <buildd\@$fqdn>";
-# When to purge the build directory afterwards; possible values are
-# "never", "successful", and "always"
- $purge_build_directory="always";
-# Hack a "frozen" into the Distribution: line if compiling for frozen
-#$hack_changes_for_frozen = 1;
+$maintainer_name="Launchpad Build Daemon <buildd\@$fqdn>";
+# launchpad-buildd does this before sbuild.
+$apt_update = 0;
+$apt_distupgrade = 0;
+$apt_allow_unauthenticated = 1;
 # After that time (in minutes) of inactivity a build is terminated.
 # Activity
 # is measured by output to the log file.
 $stalled_pkg_timeout = 150;
-# Some packages may exceed the general timeout (e.g. redirecting output to
-# a file) and need a different timeout. Below are some examples.
-#%individual_stalled_pkg_timeout = (
-#        ivtools => 600,
-#        smalleiffel => 600

=== modified file 'template-buildd-slave.conf'
--- template-buildd-slave.conf	2015-05-11 11:00:44 +0000
+++ template-buildd-slave.conf	2015-05-11 11:00:44 +0000
@@ -10,8 +10,5 @@
 ntphost = ntp.buildd
 sharepath = /usr/share/launchpad-buildd
-sbuildargs = --nolog --batch
 resultarchive = translation-templates.tar.gz

Follow ups