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Re: [Merge] ~cjwatson/launchpad:db-bugsummary-statement-triggers into launchpad:db-devel


During the review I wanted to see if a few changes in approach were viable, but ended up going further than expected and wound up with a solution that is structured a bit differently, and doesn't use any dynamic queries at all: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SQzFYMBBqZ/

Thoughts on that?

Diff comments:

> diff --git a/database/schema/patch-2210-06-0.sql b/database/schema/patch-2210-06-0.sql
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..b411d69
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/database/schema/patch-2210-06-0.sql
> @@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
> +-- Copyright 2019 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
> +-- GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
> +
> +SET client_min_messages=ERROR;
> +
> +-- Rewrite the BugSummaryJournal maintenance triggers to make use of the new
> +-- transition tables provided to AFTER ... FOR EACH STATEMENT triggers as of
> +-- PostgreSQL 10.  Instead of using row-level triggers which accumulate
> +-- changes in a temporary table and flush it into the journal, we now write
> +-- directly to the journal at the end of each statement.
> +
> +DROP TRIGGER bugtaskflat_maintain_bug_summary ON bugtaskflat;
> +DROP TRIGGER bugtag_maintain_bug_summary_before_trigger ON bugtag;
> +DROP TRIGGER bugtag_maintain_bug_summary_after_trigger ON bugtag;
> +
> +-- Similar to the previous bugsummary_tags, but returns an array of tags on
> +-- the given bug plus NULL; this can be passed to other functions, and is
> +-- suitable for constructing a set of rows to insert into BugSummaryJournal
> +-- when handling changes to BugTaskFlat.
> +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bugsummary_tag_names(bug integer)
> +    RETURNS text[]
> +    AS $_$
> +    SELECT array_agg(tag)
> +    FROM (
> +        SELECT BugTag.tag FROM BugTag WHERE BugTag.bug = $1
> +        UNION ALL
> +        SELECT NULL::text
> +    ) AS tag;
> +$_$;
> +
> +COMMENT ON FUNCTION bugsummary_tag_names IS

TIL that this is valid syntax as of PostgreSQL 10:

"Allow the specification of a function name without arguments in DDL commands, if it is unique (Peter Eisentraut)"

> +    'Return an array of the tag names on the given bug, plus NULL; this is suitable for constructing BugSummaryJournal rows when handling changes to BugTaskFlat.';
> +
> +-- Modify the existing bugsummary_locations to accept an array of tags
> +-- rather than looking them up for itself.
> +DROP FUNCTION bugsummary_locations;
> +CREATE FUNCTION bugsummary_locations(btf_row bugtaskflat, tags text[])
> +    RETURNS SETOF bugsummary
> +    LANGUAGE plpgsql
> +    AS $$
> +    IF btf_row.duplicateof IS NOT NULL THEN
> +        RETURN;
> +    END IF;
> +        SELECT
> +            CAST(NULL AS integer) AS id,
> +            CAST(1 AS integer) AS count,
> +            bug_targets.product, bug_targets.productseries,
> +            bug_targets.distribution, bug_targets.distroseries,
> +            bug_targets.sourcepackagename,
> +            bug_viewers.viewed_by, bug_tags.tag, btf_row.status,
> +            btf_row.milestone, btf_row.importance,
> +            btf_row.latest_patch_uploaded IS NOT NULL AS has_patch,
> +            bug_viewers.access_policy
> +        FROM
> +            bugsummary_targets(btf_row) AS bug_targets,
> +            unnest(tags) AS bug_tags (tag),
> +            bugsummary_viewers(btf_row) AS bug_viewers;
> +END;
> +$$;
> +
> +-- Modify the existing bugsummary_journal_bugtaskflat to accept an array of
> +-- tags, and to return a set of rows to the caller rather than inserting
> +-- them into a temporary table.  This can now be just SQL rather than
> +-- PL/pgSQL.
> +DROP FUNCTION bugsummary_journal_bugtaskflat;
> +CREATE FUNCTION bugsummary_journal_bugtaskflat(btf_row bugtaskflat, tags text[], _count integer)
> +    RETURNS SETOF bugsummaryjournal
> +    LANGUAGE sql
> +    AS $$
> +    SELECT
> +        CAST(NULL AS integer) as id,
> +        _count, product, productseries, distribution,
> +        distroseries, sourcepackagename, viewed_by, tag,
> +        status, milestone, importance, has_patch, access_policy
> +        FROM bugsummary_locations(btf_row, tags);
> +$$;
> +
> +-- Rewrite the existing bugtaskflat_maintain_bug_summary as a
> +-- statement-level trigger.
> +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bugtaskflat_maintain_bug_summary()
> +    RETURNS trigger
> +    SET search_path TO 'public'
> +    AS $$
> +    summary_queries text[] DEFAULT '{}';
> +    -- Work out the subqueries we need to compute the set of
> +    -- BugSummaryJournal rows that should be inserted.  (We have to use
> +    -- dynamic commands for this, because the transition tables are not
> +    -- visible in functions called by this trigger function.)
> +        summary_queries := array_append(summary_queries, $_$
> +            SELECT summary.*
> +            FROM
> +                old_bugtaskflat btf_row,
> +                LATERAL bugsummary_journal_bugtaskflat(
> +                    btf_row, bugsummary_tag_names(btf_row.bug), -1
> +                ) AS summary
> +        $_$);
> +    END IF;
> +        summary_queries := array_append(summary_queries, $_$
> +            SELECT summary.*
> +            FROM
> +                new_bugtaskflat btf_row,
> +                LATERAL bugsummary_journal_bugtaskflat(
> +                    btf_row, bugsummary_tag_names(btf_row.bug), 1
> +                ) AS summary
> +        $_$);
> +    END IF;
> +    -- We sum the rows here to minimise the number of inserts into the
> +    -- journal, as in the case of UPDATE statement we may have -1s and +1s
> +    -- cancelling each other out.
> +    EXECUTE ($_$
> +        INSERT INTO BugSummaryJournal(
> +            count, product, productseries, distribution,
> +            distroseries, sourcepackagename, viewed_by, tag,
> +            status, milestone, importance, has_patch, access_policy)
> +        SELECT
> +            SUM(count), product, productseries, distribution,
> +            distroseries, sourcepackagename, viewed_by, tag,
> +            status, milestone, importance, has_patch, access_policy
> +        FROM (
> +    $_$ || array_to_string(summary_queries, 'UNION ALL') || $_$
> +        ) AS summary
> +        GROUP BY
> +            product, productseries, distribution,
> +            distroseries, sourcepackagename, viewed_by, tag,
> +            status, milestone, importance, has_patch, access_policy
> +        HAVING SUM(count) != 0;
> +    $_$);
> +END;
> +$$;
> +
> +CREATE TRIGGER bugtaskflat_maintain_bug_summary_insert
> +    AFTER INSERT ON bugtaskflat
> +    REFERENCING NEW TABLE AS new_bugtaskflat
> +    FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE bugtaskflat_maintain_bug_summary();
> +
> +CREATE TRIGGER bugtaskflat_maintain_bug_summary_update
> +    AFTER UPDATE ON bugtaskflat
> +    REFERENCING OLD TABLE AS old_bugtaskflat NEW TABLE AS new_bugtaskflat
> +    FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE bugtaskflat_maintain_bug_summary();
> +
> +CREATE TRIGGER bugtaskflat_maintain_bug_summary_delete
> +    AFTER DELETE ON bugtaskflat
> +    REFERENCING OLD TABLE AS old_bugtaskflat
> +    FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE bugtaskflat_maintain_bug_summary();
> +
> +-- Modify the existing bugsummary_journal_bug to accept an array of tags,
> +-- and to return a set of rows to the caller rather than inserting them into
> +-- a temporary table.  Rephrasing the loop using LATERAL allows this to be
> +-- just SQL rather than PL/pgSQL.
> +DROP FUNCTION bugsummary_journal_bug;
> +CREATE FUNCTION bugsummary_journal_bug(bug_row bug, tags text[], _count integer)
> +    RETURNS SETOF bugsummaryjournal
> +    LANGUAGE sql
> +    AS $$
> +    SELECT summary.*
> +    FROM
> +        bugtaskflat btf_row,
> +        LATERAL bugsummary_journal_bugtaskflat(
> +            btf_row, tags, _count
> +        ) AS summary
> +    WHERE bug = bug_row.id;
> +$$;
> +
> +-- Rewrite the existing bugtag_maintain_bug_summary as a statement-level
> +-- trigger.
> +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bugtag_maintain_bug_summary()
> +    RETURNS trigger
> +    SET search_path TO 'public'
> +    AS $$
> +    summary_queries text[] DEFAULT '{}';
> +    -- Work out the subqueries we need to compute the set of
> +    -- BugSummaryJournal rows that should be inserted.  (We have to use
> +    -- dynamic commands for this, because the transition tables are not
> +    -- visible in functions called by this trigger function.)
> +        summary_queries := array_append(summary_queries, $_$
> +            SELECT summary.*
> +            FROM
> +                (SELECT bug, array_agg(tag) AS tags
> +                 FROM old_bugtag
> +                 GROUP BY bug) AS grouped_bugtags,
> +                LATERAL bugsummary_journal_bug(
> +                    bug_row(grouped_bugtags.bug), grouped_bugtags.tags, -1
> +                ) AS summary
> +        $_$);
> +    END IF;
> +        summary_queries := array_append(summary_queries, $_$
> +            SELECT summary.*
> +            FROM
> +                (SELECT bug, array_agg(tag) AS tags
> +                 FROM new_bugtag
> +                 GROUP BY bug) AS grouped_bugtags,
> +                LATERAL bugsummary_journal_bug(
> +                    bug_row(grouped_bugtags.bug), grouped_bugtags.tags, 1
> +                ) AS summary
> +        $_$);
> +    END IF;
> +    -- We sum the rows here to minimise the number of inserts into the
> +    -- journal, as in the case of UPDATE statement we may have -1s and +1s
> +    -- cancelling each other out.
> +    EXECUTE ($_$
> +        INSERT INTO BugSummaryJournal(
> +            count, product, productseries, distribution,
> +            distroseries, sourcepackagename, viewed_by, tag,
> +            status, milestone, importance, has_patch, access_policy)
> +        SELECT
> +            SUM(count), product, productseries, distribution,
> +            distroseries, sourcepackagename, viewed_by, tag,
> +            status, milestone, importance, has_patch, access_policy
> +        FROM (
> +    $_$ || array_to_string(summary_queries, 'UNION ALL') || $_$
> +        ) AS summary
> +        GROUP BY
> +            product, productseries, distribution,
> +            distroseries, sourcepackagename, viewed_by, tag,
> +            status, milestone, importance, has_patch, access_policy
> +        HAVING SUM(count) != 0;
> +    $_$);
> +END;
> +$$;
> +
> +CREATE TRIGGER bugtag_maintain_bug_summary_insert
> +    AFTER INSERT ON bugtag
> +    REFERENCING NEW TABLE AS new_bugtag
> +    FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE bugtag_maintain_bug_summary();
> +
> +CREATE TRIGGER bugtag_maintain_bug_summary_update
> +    AFTER UPDATE ON bugtag
> +    REFERENCING OLD TABLE AS old_bugtag NEW TABLE AS new_bugtag
> +    FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE bugtag_maintain_bug_summary();
> +
> +CREATE TRIGGER bugtag_maintain_bug_summary_delete
> +    AFTER DELETE ON bugtag
> +    REFERENCING OLD TABLE AS old_bugtag
> +    FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE bugtag_maintain_bug_summary();
> +
> +INSERT INTO LaunchpadDatabaseRevision VALUES (2210, 06, 0);

Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~cjwatson/launchpad:db-bugsummary-statement-triggers into launchpad:db-devel.