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[Merge] ~lgp171188/launchpad:split-global-security.py-registry into launchpad:master


Guruprasad has proposed merging ~lgp171188/launchpad:split-global-security.py-registry into launchpad:master.

Commit message:
Move the registry-related security adapters to lp.registry.security

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~lgp171188/launchpad:split-global-security.py-registry into launchpad:master.
diff --git a/lib/lp/app/tests/test_security.py b/lib/lp/app/tests/test_security.py
index 870a2f8..f66f75f 100644
--- a/lib/lp/app/tests/test_security.py
+++ b/lib/lp/app/tests/test_security.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from lp.registry.interfaces.teammembership import (
-from lp.security import PublicOrPrivateTeamsExistence
+from lp.registry.security import PublicOrPrivateTeamsExistence
 from lp.testing import (
diff --git a/lib/lp/registry/configure.zcml b/lib/lp/registry/configure.zcml
index eefe667..f2d0433 100644
--- a/lib/lp/registry/configure.zcml
+++ b/lib/lp/registry/configure.zcml
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
+    <authorizations module=".security" />
diff --git a/lib/lp/registry/security.py b/lib/lp/registry/security.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d732dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/lp/registry/security.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1244 @@
+# Copyright 2009-2022 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
+# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
+"""Security adapters for the registry module."""
+__all__ = [
+    'AdminDistributionTranslations',
+    'AdminProductTranslations',
+    'EditDistributionSourcePackage',
+from storm.expr import (
+    Select,
+    Union,
+    )
+from zope.component import (
+    getUtility,
+    queryAdapter,
+    )
+from lp.app.interfaces.security import IAuthorization
+from lp.app.security import (
+    AnonymousAuthorization,
+    AuthorizationBase,
+    DelegatedAuthorization,
+    )
+from lp.blueprints.model.specificationsubscription import (
+    SpecificationSubscription,
+    )
+from lp.bugs.model.bugsubscription import BugSubscription
+from lp.bugs.model.bugtaskflat import BugTaskFlat
+from lp.bugs.model.bugtasksearch import get_bug_privacy_filter
+from lp.code.interfaces.branchcollection import (
+    IAllBranches,
+    IBranchCollection,
+    )
+from lp.code.interfaces.gitcollection import IGitCollection
+from lp.registry.enums import PersonVisibility
+from lp.registry.interfaces.announcement import IAnnouncement
+from lp.registry.interfaces.distribution import IDistribution
+from lp.registry.interfaces.distributionmirror import IDistributionMirror
+from lp.registry.interfaces.distributionsourcepackage import (
+    IDistributionSourcePackage,
+    )
+from lp.registry.interfaces.distroseries import IDistroSeries
+from lp.registry.interfaces.distroseriesdifference import (
+    IDistroSeriesDifferenceAdmin,
+    IDistroSeriesDifferenceEdit,
+    )
+from lp.registry.interfaces.distroseriesparent import IDistroSeriesParent
+from lp.registry.interfaces.gpg import IGPGKey
+from lp.registry.interfaces.irc import IIrcID
+from lp.registry.interfaces.location import IPersonLocation
+from lp.registry.interfaces.milestone import (
+    IMilestone,
+    IProjectGroupMilestone,
+    )
+from lp.registry.interfaces.nameblacklist import (
+    INameBlacklist,
+    INameBlacklistSet,
+    )
+from lp.registry.interfaces.packaging import IPackaging
+from lp.registry.interfaces.person import (
+    IPerson,
+    IPersonLimitedView,
+    IPersonSet,
+    ITeam,
+    )
+from lp.registry.interfaces.pillar import (
+    IPillar,
+    IPillarPerson,
+    )
+from lp.registry.interfaces.poll import (
+    IPoll,
+    IPollOption,
+    IPollSubset,
+    )
+from lp.registry.interfaces.product import (
+    IProduct,
+    IProductSet,
+    )
+from lp.registry.interfaces.productrelease import (
+    IProductRelease,
+    IProductReleaseFile,
+    )
+from lp.registry.interfaces.productseries import (
+    IProductSeries,
+    IProductSeriesLimitedView,
+    IProductSeriesView,
+    ITimelineProductSeries,
+    )
+from lp.registry.interfaces.projectgroup import (
+    IProjectGroup,
+    IProjectGroupSet,
+    )
+from lp.registry.interfaces.role import IHasDrivers
+from lp.registry.interfaces.ssh import ISSHKey
+from lp.registry.interfaces.teammembership import (
+    ITeamMembership,
+    TeamMembershipStatus,
+    )
+from lp.registry.interfaces.wikiname import IWikiName
+from lp.registry.model.person import Person
+from lp.security import (
+    AdminByAdminsTeam,
+    AdminByCommercialTeamOrAdmins,
+    EditByOwnersOrAdmins,
+    EditByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins,
+    EditSourcePackage,
+    is_commercial_case,
+    ModerateByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins,
+    OnlyRosettaExpertsAndAdmins,
+    )
+from lp.services.auth.interfaces import IAccessToken
+from lp.services.database.interfaces import IStore
+from lp.services.identity.interfaces.account import IAccount
+from lp.services.oauth.interfaces import (
+    IOAuthAccessToken,
+    IOAuthRequestToken,
+    )
+from lp.services.openid.interfaces.openididentifier import IOpenIdIdentifier
+from lp.services.worlddata.interfaces.country import ICountry
+from lp.soyuz.interfaces.archivesubscriber import IArchiveSubscriberSet
+from lp.soyuz.interfaces.distroarchseries import IDistroArchSeries
+from lp.soyuz.interfaces.distroarchseriesfilter import IDistroArchSeriesFilter
+def can_edit_team(team, user):
+    """Return True if the given user has edit rights for the given team."""
+    if user.in_admin:
+        return True
+    else:
+        return team in user.person.getAdministratedTeams()
+class ModerateDistroSeries(ModerateByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
+    usedfor = IDistroSeries
+class ModerateProduct(ModerateByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
+    usedfor = IProduct
+class ModerateProductSet(ModerateByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
+    usedfor = IProductSet
+class ModerateProject(ModerateByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
+    usedfor = IProjectGroup
+class ModerateProjectGroupSet(ModerateByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
+    usedfor = IProjectGroupSet
+class ModeratePerson(ModerateByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Moderate'
+    usedfor = IPerson
+class ViewPillar(AuthorizationBase):
+    usedfor = IPillar
+    permission = 'launchpad.View'
+    def checkUnauthenticated(self):
+        return self.obj.active
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        """The Admins & Commercial Admins can see inactive pillars."""
+        if self.obj.active:
+            return True
+        else:
+            return (user.in_commercial_admin or
+                    user.in_admin or
+                    user.in_registry_experts)
+class PillarPersonSharingDriver(AuthorizationBase):
+    usedfor = IPillarPerson
+    permission = 'launchpad.Driver'
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        """Maintainers, drivers, and admins can drive projects."""
+        return (user.in_admin or
+                user.isOwner(self.obj.pillar) or
+                user.isDriver(self.obj.pillar))
+class EditAccountBySelfOrAdmin(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
+    usedfor = IAccount
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        return user.in_admin or user.person.accountID == self.obj.id
+class ViewAccount(EditAccountBySelfOrAdmin):
+    permission = 'launchpad.View'
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        """Extend permission to registry experts."""
+        return (
+            super().checkAuthenticated(user)
+            or user.in_registry_experts)
+class ModerateAccountByRegistryExpert(AuthorizationBase):
+    usedfor = IAccount
+    permission = 'launchpad.Moderate'
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        return user.in_admin or user.in_registry_experts
+class ViewOpenIdIdentifierBySelfOrAdmin(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.View'
+    usedfor = IOpenIdIdentifier
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        return user.in_admin or user.person.accountID == self.obj.accountID
+class EditOAuthAccessToken(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
+    usedfor = IOAuthAccessToken
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        return self.obj.person == user.person or user.in_admin
+class EditOAuthRequestToken(EditOAuthAccessToken):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
+    usedfor = IOAuthRequestToken
+class EditAccessToken(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
+    usedfor = IAccessToken
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        if user.inTeam(self.obj.owner):
+            return True
+        # Being able to edit the token doesn't allow extracting the secret,
+        # so it's OK to allow the owner of the target to do so too.  This
+        # allows target owners to exercise some control over access to their
+        # object.
+        adapter = queryAdapter(
+            self.obj.target, IAuthorization, 'launchpad.Edit')
+        if adapter is not None and adapter.checkAuthenticated(user):
+            return True
+        return False
+class ViewProduct(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.View'
+    usedfor = IProduct
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        return self.obj.userCanView(user)
+    def checkUnauthenticated(self):
+        return self.obj.userCanView(None)
+class LimitedViewProduct(ViewProduct):
+    permission = 'launchpad.LimitedView'
+    usedfor = IProduct
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        return (
+            super().checkAuthenticated(user) or
+            self.obj.userCanLimitedView(user))
+class EditProduct(EditByOwnersOrAdmins):
+    usedfor = IProduct
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        # Commercial admins may help setup commercial projects.
+        return (
+            super().checkAuthenticated(user)
+            or is_commercial_case(self.obj, user)
+            or False)
+class EditPackaging(EditByOwnersOrAdmins):
+    usedfor = IPackaging
+class EditProductRelease(EditByOwnersOrAdmins):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
+    usedfor = IProductRelease
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        if (user.isOwner(self.obj.productseries.product) or
+            user.isDriver(self.obj.productseries)):
+            # The user is an owner or a release manager.
+            return True
+        return EditByOwnersOrAdmins.checkAuthenticated(
+            self, user)
+class EditProductReleaseFile(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
+    usedfor = IProductReleaseFile
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        return EditProductRelease(self.obj.productrelease).checkAuthenticated(
+            user)
+class ViewTimelineProductSeries(DelegatedAuthorization):
+    """Anyone who can view the related product can also view an
+    ITimelineProductSeries.
+    """
+    permission = 'launchpad.View'
+    usedfor = ITimelineProductSeries
+    def __init__(self, obj):
+        super().__init__(obj, obj.product, 'launchpad.View')
+class ViewProductReleaseFile(AnonymousAuthorization):
+    """Anyone can view an IProductReleaseFile."""
+    usedfor = IProductReleaseFile
+class AdminDistributionMirrorByDistroOwnerOrMirrorAdminsOrAdmins(
+        AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Admin'
+    usedfor = IDistributionMirror
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        return (user.isOwner(self.obj.distribution) or
+                user.in_admin or
+                user.inTeam(self.obj.distribution.mirror_admin))
+class EditDistributionMirrorByOwnerOrDistroOwnerOrMirrorAdminsOrAdmins(
+        AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
+    usedfor = IDistributionMirror
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        return (user.isOwner(self.obj) or user.in_admin or
+                user.isOwner(self.obj.distribution) or
+                user.inTeam(self.obj.distribution.mirror_admin))
+class ViewDistributionMirror(AnonymousAuthorization):
+    """Anyone can view an IDistributionMirror."""
+    usedfor = IDistributionMirror
+class AdminProjectTranslations(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.TranslationsAdmin'
+    usedfor = IProjectGroup
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        """Is the user able to manage `IProjectGroup` translations settings?
+        Any Launchpad/Launchpad Translations administrator or owner is
+        able to change translation settings for a project group.
+        """
+        return (user.isOwner(self.obj) or
+                user.in_rosetta_experts or
+                user.in_admin)
+class AdminProductTranslations(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.TranslationsAdmin'
+    usedfor = IProduct
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        """Is the user able to manage `IProduct` translations settings?
+        Any Launchpad/Launchpad Translations administrator or owners are
+        able to change translation settings for a product.
+        """
+        return (user.isOwner(self.obj) or
+                user.isDriver(self.obj) or
+                user.in_rosetta_experts or
+                user.in_admin)
+class ViewProjectMilestone(DelegatedAuthorization):
+    permission = 'launchpad.View'
+    usedfor = IProjectGroupMilestone
+    def __init__(self, obj):
+        super().__init__(obj, obj.product, 'launchpad.View')
+class EditProjectMilestoneNever(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
+    usedfor = IProjectGroupMilestone
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        """IProjectGroupMilestone is a fake content object."""
+        return False
+class LimitedViewMilestone(DelegatedAuthorization):
+    permission = 'launchpad.LimitedView'
+    usedfor = IMilestone
+    def __init__(self, obj):
+        super().__init__(obj, obj.target, 'launchpad.LimitedView')
+class ViewMilestone(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.View'
+    usedfor = IMilestone
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        return self.obj.userCanView(user)
+    def checkUnauthenticated(self):
+        return self.obj.userCanView(user=None)
+class EditMilestoneByTargetOwnerOrAdmins(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
+    usedfor = IMilestone
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        """Authorize the product or distribution owner."""
+        if user.in_admin:
+            return True
+        if user.isDriver(self.obj.series_target):
+            return True
+        return user.isOwner(self.obj.target)
+class AdminMilestoneByLaunchpadAdmins(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Admin'
+    usedfor = IMilestone
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        """Only the Launchpad admins need this, we are only going to use
+        it for connecting up series and distroseries where we did not
+        have them.
+        """
+        return user.in_admin
+class ModeratePersonSetByExpertsOrAdmins(ModerateByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Moderate'
+    usedfor = IPersonSet
+class EditTeamByTeamOwnerOrLaunchpadAdmins(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Owner'
+    usedfor = ITeam
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        """Only the team owner and Launchpad admins need this.
+        """
+        return user.inTeam(self.obj.teamowner) or user.in_admin
+class EditTeamByTeamOwnerOrTeamAdminsOrAdmins(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
+    usedfor = ITeam
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        """The team owner and team admins have launchpad.Edit on that team.
+        The Launchpad admins also have launchpad.Edit on all teams.
+        """
+        return can_edit_team(self.obj, user)
+class ModerateTeam(ModerateByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Moderate'
+    usedfor = ITeam
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        """Is the user a privileged team member or Launchpad staff?
+        Return true when the user is a member of Launchpad admins,
+        registry experts, team admins, or the team owners.
+        """
+        return (
+            super().checkAuthenticated(user)
+            or can_edit_team(self.obj, user))
+class EditTeamMembershipByTeamOwnerOrTeamAdminsOrAdmins(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
+    usedfor = ITeamMembership
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        return can_edit_team(self.obj.team, user)
+class ViewTeamMembership(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.View'
+    usedfor = ITeamMembership
+    def checkUnauthenticated(self):
+        """Unauthenticated users can only view public memberships."""
+        return self.obj.team.visibility == PersonVisibility.PUBLIC
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        """Verify that the user can view the team's membership.
+        Anyone can see a public team's membership. Only a team member or
+        commercial admin or a Launchpad admin can view a private team.
+        """
+        if self.obj.team.visibility == PersonVisibility.PUBLIC:
+            return True
+        if (user.in_admin or user.in_commercial_admin
+            or user.inTeam(self.obj.team)):
+            return True
+        return False
+class AdminByCommercialTeamOrAdminsOrPerson(AdminByCommercialTeamOrAdmins):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Commercial'
+    usedfor = IPerson
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        """Users can manage their commericial data and admins can help."""
+        return self.obj.id == user.id or super().checkAuthenticated(user)
+class EditPersonBySelfOrAdmins(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
+    usedfor = IPerson
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        """A user can edit the Person who is themselves.
+        The admin team can also edit any Person.
+        """
+        return self.obj.id == user.id or user.in_admin
+class ViewPersonLocation(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.View'
+    usedfor = IPersonLocation
+    def checkUnauthenticated(self):
+        return self.obj.visible
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        if self.obj.visible:
+            return True
+        else:
+            return user.person == self.obj.person or user.in_admin
+class EditPersonBySelf(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Special'
+    usedfor = IPerson
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        """A user can edit the Person who is themselves."""
+        return self.obj.id == user.person.id
+class ViewPublicOrPrivateTeamMembers(AuthorizationBase):
+    """Restrict viewing of private teams.
+    Only members of a private team can view the
+    membership list.
+    """
+    permission = 'launchpad.View'
+    usedfor = IPerson
+    def checkUnauthenticated(self):
+        """Unauthenticated users can only view public memberships."""
+        if self.obj.visibility == PersonVisibility.PUBLIC:
+            return True
+        return False
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        """Verify that the user can view the team's membership.
+        Anyone can see a public team's membership. Only a team member,
+        commercial admin, or a Launchpad admin can view a private team's
+        members.
+        """
+        if self.obj.visibility == PersonVisibility.PUBLIC:
+            return True
+        if user.in_admin or user.in_commercial_admin or user.inTeam(self.obj):
+            return True
+        # Private team owners have visibility.
+        if self.obj.is_team and user.inTeam(self.obj.teamowner):
+            return True
+        # We also grant visibility of the private team to administrators of
+        # other teams that have been invited to join the private team.
+        for invitee in self.obj.invited_members:
+            if (invitee.is_team and
+                invitee in user.person.getAdministratedTeams()):
+                return True
+        return False
+class PublicOrPrivateTeamsExistence(AuthorizationBase):
+    """Restrict knowing about private teams' existence.
+    Knowing the existence of a private team allow traversing to its URL and
+    displaying basic information like name, displayname.
+    """
+    permission = 'launchpad.LimitedView'
+    usedfor = IPersonLimitedView
+    def checkUnauthenticated(self):
+        """Unauthenticated users can only view public teams."""
+        if self.obj.visibility == PersonVisibility.PUBLIC:
+            return True
+        return False
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        """By default, we simply perform a View permission check.
+        We also grant limited viewability to users who can see PPAs and
+        branches owned by the team, and members of parent teams so they can
+        see the member-listings.
+        In other scenarios, the context in which the permission is required is
+        responsible for pre-caching the launchpad.LimitedView permission on
+        each team which requires it.
+        """
+        if self.forwardCheckAuthenticated(
+            user, self.obj, 'launchpad.View'):
+            return True
+        if (self.obj.is_team
+            and self.obj.visibility == PersonVisibility.PRIVATE):
+            # Grant visibility to people with subscriptions on a private
+            # team's private PPA.
+            subscriptions = getUtility(
+                IArchiveSubscriberSet).getBySubscriber(user.person)
+            subscriber_archive_ids = {
+                sub.archive_id for sub in subscriptions}
+            team_ppa_ids = {
+                ppa.id for ppa in self.obj.ppas if ppa.private}
+            if len(subscriber_archive_ids.intersection(team_ppa_ids)) > 0:
+                return True
+            # Grant visibility to people who can see branches owned by the
+            # private team.
+            team_branches = IBranchCollection(self.obj)
+            if not team_branches.visibleByUser(user.person).is_empty():
+                return True
+            # Grant visibility to people who can see branches subscribed to
+            # by the private team.
+            team_branches = getUtility(IAllBranches).subscribedBy(self.obj)
+            if not team_branches.visibleByUser(user.person).is_empty():
+                return True
+            # Grant visibility to branches visible to the user and which have
+            # review requests for the private team.
+            branches = getUtility(IAllBranches)
+            visible_branches = branches.visibleByUser(user.person)
+            mp = visible_branches.getMergeProposalsForReviewer(self.obj)
+            if not mp.is_empty():
+                return True
+            # Grant visibility to people who can see Git repositories owned
+            # by the private team.
+            team_repositories = IGitCollection(self.obj)
+            if not team_repositories.visibleByUser(user.person).is_empty():
+                return True
+            # Grant visibility to people who own Git repositories that grant
+            # some kind of write access to the private team.
+            owned_repositories = IGitCollection(user.person)
+            grants = owned_repositories.getRuleGrantsForGrantee(self.obj)
+            if not grants.is_empty():
+                return True
+            # Grant visibility to users in a team that has the private team as
+            # a member, so that they can see the team properly in member
+            # listings.
+            # The easiest check is just to see if the user is in a team that
+            # is a super team for the private team.
+            # Do comparison by ids because they may be needed for comparison
+            # to membership.team.ids later.
+            user_teams = [
+                team.id for team in user.person.teams_participated_in]
+            super_teams = [team.id for team in self.obj.super_teams]
+            intersection_teams = set(user_teams) & set(super_teams)
+            if len(intersection_teams) > 0:
+                return True
+            # If it's not, the private team may still be a pending membership,
+            # deactivated membership, or an expired membership,
+            # which still needs to be visible to team members.
+            BAD_STATES = (
+                TeamMembershipStatus.DECLINED.value,
+                TeamMembershipStatus.INVITATION_DECLINED.value,
+                )
+            team_memberships_query = """
+                SELECT team from TeamMembership WHERE person = %s AND
+                status NOT IN %s
+                """ % (self.obj.id, BAD_STATES)
+            store = IStore(Person)
+            future_super_teams = [team[0] for team in
+                    store.execute(team_memberships_query)]
+            intersection_teams = set(user_teams) & set(future_super_teams)
+            if len(intersection_teams) > 0:
+                return True
+            # Teams subscribed to blueprints are visible. This needs to
+            # be taught about privacy eventually.
+            specsubs = store.find(SpecificationSubscription, person=self.obj)
+            # Teams subscribed or assigned to bugs that the user can see
+            # are visible.
+            bugs = store.find(
+                BugTaskFlat,
+                get_bug_privacy_filter(user.person),
+                BugTaskFlat.bug_id.is_in(
+                    Union(
+                        Select(
+                            BugSubscription.bug_id,
+                            tables=(BugSubscription,),
+                            where=BugSubscription.person == self.obj),
+                        Select(
+                            BugTaskFlat.bug_id,
+                            tables=(BugTaskFlat,),
+                            where=BugTaskFlat.assignee == self.obj),
+                        all=True)))
+            if not specsubs.is_empty() or not bugs.is_empty():
+                return True
+        return False
+class EditPollByTeamOwnerOrTeamAdminsOrAdmins(
+        EditTeamMembershipByTeamOwnerOrTeamAdminsOrAdmins):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
+    usedfor = IPoll
+class EditPollSubsetByTeamOwnerOrTeamAdminsOrAdmins(
+        EditPollByTeamOwnerOrTeamAdminsOrAdmins):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
+    usedfor = IPollSubset
+class EditPollOptionByTeamOwnerOrTeamAdminsOrAdmins(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
+    usedfor = IPollOption
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        return can_edit_team(self.obj.poll.team, user)
+class ViewDistribution(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.View'
+    usedfor = IDistribution
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        return self.obj.userCanView(user)
+    def checkUnauthenticated(self):
+        return self.obj.userCanView(None)
+class LimitedViewDistribution(ViewDistribution):
+    permission = 'launchpad.LimitedView'
+    usedfor = IDistribution
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        return (
+            super().checkAuthenticated(user) or
+            self.obj.userCanLimitedView(user))
+class AdminDistribution(AdminByAdminsTeam):
+    """Soyuz involves huge chunks of data in the archive and librarian,
+    so for the moment we are locking down admin and edit on distributions
+    and distroseriess to the Launchpad admin team."""
+    permission = 'launchpad.Admin'
+    usedfor = IDistribution
+class EditDistributionByDistroOwnersOrAdmins(AuthorizationBase):
+    """The owner of a distribution should be able to edit its
+    information; it is mainly administrative data, such as bug supervisors.
+    Note that creation of new distributions and distribution
+    series is still protected with launchpad.Admin"""
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
+    usedfor = IDistribution
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        # Commercial admins may help setup commercial distributions.
+        return (
+            user.isOwner(self.obj)
+            or is_commercial_case(self.obj, user)
+            or user.in_admin)
+class SecurityAdminDistribution(AuthorizationBase):
+    """The security admins of a distribution should be able to create
+    and edit vulnerabilities in the distribution."""
+    permission = 'launchpad.SecurityAdmin'
+    usedfor = IDistribution
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        return (
+            user.isOwner(self.obj)
+            or is_commercial_case(self.obj, user)
+            or user.in_admin
+            or user.inTeam(self.obj.security_admin)
+        )
+class ModerateDistributionByDriversOrOwnersOrAdmins(AuthorizationBase):
+    """Distribution drivers, owners, and admins may plan releases.
+    Drivers of distributions that don't manage their packages in
+    Launchpad can create series. Owners and admins can create series for
+    all `IDistribution`s.
+    """
+    permission = 'launchpad.Moderate'
+    usedfor = IDistribution
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        if user.isDriver(self.obj) and not self.obj.official_packages:
+            # Damage to series with packages managed in Launchpad can
+            # cause serious strife. Restrict changes to the distro
+            # owner.
+            return True
+        return user.isOwner(self.obj) or user.in_admin
+class ViewDistributionSourcePackage(AnonymousAuthorization):
+    """Anyone can view a DistributionSourcePackage."""
+    usedfor = IDistributionSourcePackage
+class AdminDistributionTranslations(AuthorizationBase):
+    """Class for deciding who can administer distribution translations.
+    This class is used for `launchpad.TranslationsAdmin` privilege on
+    `IDistribution` and `IDistroSeries` and corresponding `IPOTemplate`s,
+    and limits access to Rosetta experts, Launchpad admins and distribution
+    translation group owner.
+    """
+    permission = 'launchpad.TranslationsAdmin'
+    usedfor = IDistribution
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        """Is the user able to manage `IDistribution` translations settings?
+        Any Launchpad/Launchpad Translations administrator, translation group
+        owner or a person allowed to edit distribution details is able to
+        change translations settings for a distribution.
+        """
+        # Translation group owner for a distribution is also a
+        # translations administrator for it.
+        translation_group = self.obj.translationgroup
+        if translation_group and user.inTeam(translation_group.owner):
+            return True
+        else:
+            return (user.in_rosetta_experts or
+                    EditDistributionByDistroOwnersOrAdmins(
+                        self.obj).checkAuthenticated(user))
+class BugSuperviseDistributionSourcePackage(AuthorizationBase):
+    """The owner of a distribution should be able to edit its source
+    package information"""
+    permission = 'launchpad.BugSupervisor'
+    usedfor = IDistributionSourcePackage
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        return (user.inTeam(self.obj.distribution.bug_supervisor) or
+                user.inTeam(self.obj.distribution.owner) or
+                user.in_admin)
+class EditDistributionSourcePackage(EditSourcePackage):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
+    usedfor = IDistributionSourcePackage
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        """Anyone who can upload a package can edit it.
+        Checking upload permission requires a distroseries; a reasonable
+        approximation is to check whether the user can upload the package to
+        the current series.
+        """
+        if user.in_admin:
+            return True
+        distribution = self.obj.distribution
+        if user.inTeam(distribution.owner):
+            return True
+        return self._checkUpload(
+            user, distribution.main_archive, distribution.currentseries)
+class NominateBugForProductSeries(AuthorizationBase):
+    """Product's owners and bug supervisors can add bug nominations."""
+    permission = 'launchpad.BugSupervisor'
+    usedfor = IProductSeries
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        return (user.inTeam(self.obj.product.bug_supervisor) or
+                user.inTeam(self.obj.product.owner) or
+                user.in_admin)
+class NominateBugForDistroSeries(AuthorizationBase):
+    """Distro's owners and bug supervisors can add bug nominations."""
+    permission = 'launchpad.BugSupervisor'
+    usedfor = IDistroSeries
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        return (user.inTeam(self.obj.distribution.bug_supervisor) or
+                user.inTeam(self.obj.distribution.owner) or
+                user.in_admin)
+class AdminDistroSeries(AdminByAdminsTeam):
+    """Soyuz involves huge chunks of data in the archive and librarian,
+    so for the moment we are locking down admin and edit on distributions
+    and distroseriess to the Launchpad admin team.
+    NB: Please consult carefully before modifying this permission because
+        changing it could cause the archive to get rearranged, with tons of
+        files moved to the new namespace, and mirrors would get very very
+        upset.
+    """
+    permission = 'launchpad.Admin'
+    usedfor = IDistroSeries
+class EditDistroSeriesByReleaseManagerOrDistroOwnersOrAdmins(
+    AuthorizationBase):
+    """The owner of the distro series (i.e. the owner of the distribution)
+    should be able to modify some of the fields on the IDistroSeries
+    NB: there is potential for a great mess if this is not done correctly,
+    so please consult carefully before modifying these permissions.
+    """
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
+    usedfor = IDistroSeries
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        if (user.inTeam(self.obj.driver)
+            and not self.obj.distribution.official_packages):
+            # Damage to series with packages managed in Launchpad can
+            # cause serious strife. Restrict changes to the distro
+            # owner.
+            return True
+        return (user.inTeam(self.obj.distribution.owner) or
+                user.in_admin)
+class ViewDistroSeries(AnonymousAuthorization):
+    """Anyone can view a DistroSeries."""
+    usedfor = IDistroSeries
+class EditDistroSeriesParent(AuthorizationBase):
+    """DistroSeriesParent can be edited by the same people who can edit
+    the derived_distroseries."""
+    permission = "launchpad.Edit"
+    usedfor = IDistroSeriesParent
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        auth = EditDistroSeriesByReleaseManagerOrDistroOwnersOrAdmins(
+            self.obj.derived_series)
+        return auth.checkAuthenticated(user)
+class ViewCountry(AnonymousAuthorization):
+    """Anyone can view a Country."""
+    usedfor = ICountry
+class AdminDistroSeriesDifference(AuthorizationBase):
+    """You need to be an archive admin or LP admin to get lp.Admin."""
+    permission = 'launchpad.Admin'
+    usedfor = IDistroSeriesDifferenceAdmin
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        # Archive admin is done by component, so here we just
+        # see if the user has that permission on any components
+        # at all.
+        archive = self.obj.derived_series.main_archive
+        return (
+            not archive.getComponentsForQueueAdmin(user.person).is_empty() or
+            user.in_admin)
+class EditDistroSeriesDifference(DelegatedAuthorization):
+    """Anyone with lp.View on the distribution can edit a DSD."""
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
+    usedfor = IDistroSeriesDifferenceEdit
+    def __init__(self, obj):
+        super().__init__(
+            obj, obj.derived_series.distribution, 'launchpad.View')
+    def checkUnauthenticated(self):
+        return False
+class SeriesDrivers(AuthorizationBase):
+    """Drivers can approve or decline features and target bugs.
+    Drivers exist for distribution and product series.  Distribution and
+    product owners are implicitly drivers too.
+    """
+    permission = 'launchpad.Driver'
+    usedfor = IHasDrivers
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        return self.obj.personHasDriverRights(user)
+class DriveProduct(SeriesDrivers):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Driver'
+    usedfor = IProduct
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        # Commercial admins may help setup commercial projects.
+        return (
+            super().checkAuthenticated(user)
+            or is_commercial_case(self.obj, user)
+            or False)
+class LimitedViewProductSeries(DelegatedAuthorization):
+    permission = 'launchpad.LimitedView'
+    usedfor = IProductSeriesLimitedView
+    def __init__(self, obj):
+        super().__init__(obj, obj.product, 'launchpad.LimitedView')
+class ViewProductSeries(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.View'
+    usedfor = IProductSeriesView
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        return self.obj.userCanView(user)
+    def checkUnauthenticated(self):
+        return self.obj.userCanView(None)
+class EditProductSeries(EditByOwnersOrAdmins):
+    usedfor = IProductSeries
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        """Allow product owner, drivers, some experts, or admins."""
+        if (user.isOwner(self.obj.product) or
+            user.isDriver(self.obj)):
+            # The user is the owner of the product, or the release manager.
+            return True
+        # Rosetta experts need to be able to upload translations.
+        # Registry admins are just special.
+        if (user.in_registry_experts or
+            user.in_rosetta_experts):
+            return True
+        return EditByOwnersOrAdmins.checkAuthenticated(self, user)
+class ViewDistroArchSeries(AnonymousAuthorization):
+    """Anyone can view a DistroArchSeries."""
+    usedfor = IDistroArchSeries
+class ModerateDistroArchSeries(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Moderate'
+    usedfor = IDistroArchSeries
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        return (
+            user.isOwner(self.obj.distroseries.distribution.main_archive)
+            or user.in_admin)
+class ViewDistroArchSeriesFilter(DelegatedAuthorization):
+    permission = 'launchpad.View'
+    usedfor = IDistroArchSeriesFilter
+    def __init__(self, obj):
+        super().__init__(obj, obj.distroarchseries, 'launchpad.View')
+class EditDistroArchSeriesFilter(DelegatedAuthorization):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
+    usedfor = IDistroArchSeriesFilter
+    def __init__(self, obj):
+        super().__init__(obj, obj.distroarchseries, 'launchpad.Moderate')
+class ViewAnnouncement(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.View'
+    usedfor = IAnnouncement
+    def checkUnauthenticated(self):
+        """Let anonymous users see published announcements."""
+        if self.obj.published:
+            return True
+        return False
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        """Keep project news invisible to end-users unless they are project
+        admins, until the announcements are published."""
+        # Every user can view published announcements.
+        if self.obj.published:
+            return True
+        # Project drivers can view any project announcements.
+        # Launchpad admins can view any announcement.
+        assert self.obj.target
+        return (user.isDriver(self.obj.target) or
+                user.isOwner(self.obj.target) or
+                user.in_admin)
+class EditAnnouncement(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
+    usedfor = IAnnouncement
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        """Allow the project owner and drivers to edit any project news."""
+        assert self.obj.target
+        return (user.isDriver(self.obj.target) or
+                user.isOwner(self.obj.target) or
+                user.in_admin)
+class ViewProductRelease(DelegatedAuthorization):
+    permission = 'launchpad.View'
+    usedfor = IProductRelease
+    def __init__(self, obj):
+        super().__init__(obj, obj.milestone, 'launchpad.View')
+class ViewNameBlacklist(EditByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
+    permission = 'launchpad.View'
+    usedfor = INameBlacklist
+class EditNameBlacklist(EditByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
+    usedfor = INameBlacklist
+class ViewNameBlacklistSet(EditByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
+    permission = 'launchpad.View'
+    usedfor = INameBlacklistSet
+class EditNameBlacklistSet(EditByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
+    usedfor = INameBlacklistSet
+class AdminDistroSeriesTranslations(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.TranslationsAdmin'
+    usedfor = IDistroSeries
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        """Is the user able to manage `IDistroSeries` translations.
+        Distribution translation managers and distribution series drivers
+        can manage IDistroSeries translations.
+        """
+        return (user.isDriver(self.obj) or
+                self.forwardCheckAuthenticated(user, self.obj.distribution))
+class AdminDistributionSourcePackageTranslations(DelegatedAuthorization):
+    """DistributionSourcePackage objects link to a distribution."""
+    permission = 'launchpad.TranslationsAdmin'
+    usedfor = IDistributionSourcePackage
+    def __init__(self, obj):
+        super().__init__(obj, obj.distribution)
+class AdminProductSeriesTranslations(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.TranslationsAdmin'
+    usedfor = IProductSeries
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        """Is the user able to manage `IProductSeries` translations."""
+        return (user.isOwner(self.obj) or
+                user.isDriver(self.obj) or
+                self.forwardCheckAuthenticated(user, self.obj.product))
+class AdminDistroSeriesLanguagePacks(
+    OnlyRosettaExpertsAndAdmins,
+    EditDistroSeriesByReleaseManagerOrDistroOwnersOrAdmins):
+    permission = 'launchpad.LanguagePacksAdmin'
+    usedfor = IDistroSeries
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        """Is the user able to manage `IDistroSeries` language packs?
+        Any Launchpad/Launchpad Translations administrator, people allowed to
+        edit distroseries or members of IDistribution.language_pack_admin team
+        are able to change the language packs available.
+        """
+        EditDS = EditDistroSeriesByReleaseManagerOrDistroOwnersOrAdmins
+        return (
+            OnlyRosettaExpertsAndAdmins.checkAuthenticated(self, user) or
+            EditDS.checkAuthenticated(self, user) or
+            user.inTeam(self.obj.distribution.language_pack_admin))
+class ViewGPGKey(AnonymousAuthorization):
+    usedfor = IGPGKey
+class ViewSSHKey(AnonymousAuthorization):
+    usedfor = ISSHKey
+class ViewIrcID(AnonymousAuthorization):
+    usedfor = IIrcID
+class ViewWikiName(AnonymousAuthorization):
+    usedfor = IWikiName
diff --git a/lib/lp/security.py b/lib/lp/security.py
index 2ab931d..3059ce1 100644
--- a/lib/lp/security.py
+++ b/lib/lp/security.py
@@ -4,8 +4,15 @@
 """Security policies for using content objects."""
 __all__ = [
+    'AdminByAdminsTeam',
+    'AdminByCommercialTeamOrAdmins',
+    'EditByOwnersOrAdmins',
+    'EditByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins',
+    'EditSourcePackage',
+    'is_commercial_case',
+    'OnlyRosettaExpertsAndAdmins',
 from datetime import (
@@ -15,11 +22,7 @@ from datetime import (
 from operator import methodcaller
 import pytz
-from storm.expr import (
-    And,
-    Select,
-    Union,
-    )
+from storm.expr import And
 from zope.component import (
@@ -50,14 +53,8 @@ from lp.blueprints.interfaces.specificationsubscription import (
 from lp.blueprints.interfaces.sprint import ISprint
 from lp.blueprints.interfaces.sprintspecification import ISprintSpecification
-from lp.blueprints.model.specificationsubscription import (
-    SpecificationSubscription,
-    )
 from lp.bugs.interfaces.bugtarget import IOfficialBugTagTargetRestricted
 from lp.bugs.interfaces.structuralsubscription import IStructuralSubscription
-from lp.bugs.model.bugsubscription import BugSubscription
-from lp.bugs.model.bugtaskflat import BugTaskFlat
-from lp.bugs.model.bugtasksearch import get_bug_privacy_filter
 from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.builder import (
@@ -77,10 +74,6 @@ from lp.code.interfaces.branch import (
-from lp.code.interfaces.branchcollection import (
-    IAllBranches,
-    IBranchCollection,
-    )
 from lp.code.interfaces.branchmergeproposal import IBranchMergeProposal
 from lp.code.interfaces.cibuild import ICIBuild
 from lp.code.interfaces.codeimport import ICodeImport
@@ -96,7 +89,6 @@ from lp.code.interfaces.codereviewcomment import (
 from lp.code.interfaces.codereviewvote import ICodeReviewVoteReference
 from lp.code.interfaces.diff import IPreviewDiff
 from lp.code.interfaces.gitactivity import IGitActivity
-from lp.code.interfaces.gitcollection import IGitCollection
 from lp.code.interfaces.gitref import IGitRef
 from lp.code.interfaces.gitrepository import (
@@ -122,97 +114,26 @@ from lp.oci.interfaces.ocirecipe import (
 from lp.oci.interfaces.ocirecipebuild import IOCIRecipeBuild
 from lp.oci.interfaces.ocirecipesubscription import IOCIRecipeSubscription
 from lp.oci.interfaces.ociregistrycredentials import IOCIRegistryCredentials
-from lp.registry.enums import PersonVisibility
-from lp.registry.interfaces.announcement import IAnnouncement
-from lp.registry.interfaces.distribution import IDistribution
-from lp.registry.interfaces.distributionmirror import IDistributionMirror
 from lp.registry.interfaces.distributionsourcepackage import (
-from lp.registry.interfaces.distroseries import IDistroSeries
-from lp.registry.interfaces.distroseriesdifference import (
-    IDistroSeriesDifferenceAdmin,
-    IDistroSeriesDifferenceEdit,
-    )
-from lp.registry.interfaces.distroseriesparent import IDistroSeriesParent
-from lp.registry.interfaces.gpg import IGPGKey
-from lp.registry.interfaces.irc import IIrcID
-from lp.registry.interfaces.location import IPersonLocation
-from lp.registry.interfaces.milestone import (
-    IMilestone,
-    IProjectGroupMilestone,
-    )
-from lp.registry.interfaces.nameblacklist import (
-    INameBlacklist,
-    INameBlacklistSet,
-    )
 from lp.registry.interfaces.ociproject import IOCIProject
 from lp.registry.interfaces.ociprojectseries import IOCIProjectSeries
-from lp.registry.interfaces.packaging import IPackaging
-from lp.registry.interfaces.person import (
-    IPerson,
-    IPersonLimitedView,
-    IPersonSet,
-    ITeam,
-    )
-from lp.registry.interfaces.pillar import (
-    IPillar,
-    IPillarPerson,
-    )
-from lp.registry.interfaces.poll import (
-    IPoll,
-    IPollOption,
-    IPollSubset,
-    )
-from lp.registry.interfaces.product import (
-    IProduct,
-    IProductSet,
-    )
-from lp.registry.interfaces.productrelease import (
-    IProductRelease,
-    IProductReleaseFile,
-    )
-from lp.registry.interfaces.productseries import (
-    IProductSeries,
-    IProductSeriesLimitedView,
-    IProductSeriesView,
-    ITimelineProductSeries,
-    )
-from lp.registry.interfaces.projectgroup import (
-    IProjectGroup,
-    IProjectGroupSet,
-    )
-from lp.registry.interfaces.role import (
-    IHasDrivers,
-    IHasOwner,
-    )
+from lp.registry.interfaces.product import IProduct
+from lp.registry.interfaces.productseries import IProductSeries
+from lp.registry.interfaces.role import IHasOwner
 from lp.registry.interfaces.sourcepackage import ISourcePackage
-from lp.registry.interfaces.ssh import ISSHKey
-from lp.registry.interfaces.teammembership import (
-    ITeamMembership,
-    TeamMembershipStatus,
-    )
-from lp.registry.interfaces.wikiname import IWikiName
-from lp.registry.model.person import Person
-from lp.services.auth.interfaces import IAccessToken
 from lp.services.config import config
 from lp.services.database.interfaces import IStore
-from lp.services.identity.interfaces.account import IAccount
 from lp.services.identity.interfaces.emailaddress import IEmailAddress
 from lp.services.librarian.interfaces import ILibraryFileAliasWithParent
 from lp.services.messages.interfaces.message import IMessage
 from lp.services.messages.interfaces.messagerevision import IMessageRevision
-from lp.services.oauth.interfaces import (
-    IOAuthAccessToken,
-    IOAuthRequestToken,
-    )
-from lp.services.openid.interfaces.openididentifier import IOpenIdIdentifier
 from lp.services.webapp.interfaces import ILaunchpadRoot
 from lp.services.webhooks.interfaces import (
-from lp.services.worlddata.interfaces.country import ICountry
 from lp.services.worlddata.interfaces.language import (
@@ -246,8 +167,6 @@ from lp.soyuz.interfaces.binarypackagebuild import IBinaryPackageBuild
 from lp.soyuz.interfaces.binarypackagerelease import (
-from lp.soyuz.interfaces.distroarchseries import IDistroArchSeries
-from lp.soyuz.interfaces.distroarchseriesfilter import IDistroArchSeriesFilter
 from lp.soyuz.interfaces.livefs import ILiveFS
 from lp.soyuz.interfaces.livefsbuild import ILiveFSBuild
 from lp.soyuz.interfaces.packagecopyjob import IPlainPackageCopyJob
@@ -405,124 +324,6 @@ class ModerateByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins(AuthorizationBase):
         return user.in_admin or user.in_registry_experts
-class ModerateDistroSeries(ModerateByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
-    usedfor = IDistroSeries
-class ModerateProduct(ModerateByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
-    usedfor = IProduct
-class ModerateProductSet(ModerateByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
-    usedfor = IProductSet
-class ModerateProject(ModerateByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
-    usedfor = IProjectGroup
-class ModerateProjectGroupSet(ModerateByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
-    usedfor = IProjectGroupSet
-class ModeratePerson(ModerateByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Moderate'
-    usedfor = IPerson
-class ViewPillar(AuthorizationBase):
-    usedfor = IPillar
-    permission = 'launchpad.View'
-    def checkUnauthenticated(self):
-        return self.obj.active
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """The Admins & Commercial Admins can see inactive pillars."""
-        if self.obj.active:
-            return True
-        else:
-            return (user.in_commercial_admin or
-                    user.in_admin or
-                    user.in_registry_experts)
-class PillarPersonSharingDriver(AuthorizationBase):
-    usedfor = IPillarPerson
-    permission = 'launchpad.Driver'
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """Maintainers, drivers, and admins can drive projects."""
-        return (user.in_admin or
-                user.isOwner(self.obj.pillar) or
-                user.isDriver(self.obj.pillar))
-class EditAccountBySelfOrAdmin(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = IAccount
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        return user.in_admin or user.person.accountID == self.obj.id
-class ViewAccount(EditAccountBySelfOrAdmin):
-    permission = 'launchpad.View'
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """Extend permission to registry experts."""
-        return (
-            super().checkAuthenticated(user)
-            or user.in_registry_experts)
-class ModerateAccountByRegistryExpert(AuthorizationBase):
-    usedfor = IAccount
-    permission = 'launchpad.Moderate'
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        return user.in_admin or user.in_registry_experts
-class ViewOpenIdIdentifierBySelfOrAdmin(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.View'
-    usedfor = IOpenIdIdentifier
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        return user.in_admin or user.person.accountID == self.obj.accountID
-class EditOAuthAccessToken(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = IOAuthAccessToken
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        return self.obj.person == user.person or user.in_admin
-class EditOAuthRequestToken(EditOAuthAccessToken):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = IOAuthRequestToken
-class EditAccessToken(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = IAccessToken
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        if user.inTeam(self.obj.owner):
-            return True
-        # Being able to edit the token doesn't allow extracting the secret,
-        # so it's OK to allow the owner of the target to do so too.  This
-        # allows target owners to exercise some control over access to their
-        # object.
-        adapter = queryAdapter(
-            self.obj.target, IAuthorization, 'launchpad.Edit')
-        if adapter is not None and adapter.checkAuthenticated(user):
-            return True
-        return False
 class EditByOwnersOrAdmins(AuthorizationBase):
     permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
     usedfor = IHasOwner
@@ -531,94 +332,6 @@ class EditByOwnersOrAdmins(AuthorizationBase):
         return user.isOwner(self.obj) or user.in_admin
-class ViewProduct(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.View'
-    usedfor = IProduct
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        return self.obj.userCanView(user)
-    def checkUnauthenticated(self):
-        return self.obj.userCanView(None)
-class LimitedViewProduct(ViewProduct):
-    permission = 'launchpad.LimitedView'
-    usedfor = IProduct
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        return (
-            super().checkAuthenticated(user) or
-            self.obj.userCanLimitedView(user))
-class EditProduct(EditByOwnersOrAdmins):
-    usedfor = IProduct
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        # Commercial admins may help setup commercial projects.
-        return (
-            super().checkAuthenticated(user)
-            or is_commercial_case(self.obj, user)
-            or False)
-class EditPackaging(EditByOwnersOrAdmins):
-    usedfor = IPackaging
-class EditProductReleaseFile(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = IProductReleaseFile
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        return EditProductRelease(self.obj.productrelease).checkAuthenticated(
-            user)
-class ViewTimelineProductSeries(DelegatedAuthorization):
-    """Anyone who can view the related product can also view an
-    ITimelineProductSeries.
-    """
-    permission = 'launchpad.View'
-    usedfor = ITimelineProductSeries
-    def __init__(self, obj):
-        super().__init__(obj, obj.product, 'launchpad.View')
-class ViewProductReleaseFile(AnonymousAuthorization):
-    """Anyone can view an IProductReleaseFile."""
-    usedfor = IProductReleaseFile
-class AdminDistributionMirrorByDistroOwnerOrMirrorAdminsOrAdmins(
-        AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Admin'
-    usedfor = IDistributionMirror
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        return (user.isOwner(self.obj.distribution) or
-                user.in_admin or
-                user.inTeam(self.obj.distribution.mirror_admin))
-class EditDistributionMirrorByOwnerOrDistroOwnerOrMirrorAdminsOrAdmins(
-        AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = IDistributionMirror
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        return (user.isOwner(self.obj) or user.in_admin or
-                user.isOwner(self.obj.distribution) or
-                user.inTeam(self.obj.distribution.mirror_admin))
-class ViewDistributionMirror(AnonymousAuthorization):
-    """Anyone can view an IDistributionMirror."""
-    usedfor = IDistributionMirror
 class EditSpecificationBranch(AuthorizationBase):
     usedfor = ISpecificationBranch
@@ -677,959 +390,181 @@ class EditSpecificationByRelatedPeople(AuthorizationBase):
     usedfor = ISpecification
     def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        assert self.obj.target
-        goal = self.obj.goal
-        if goal is not None:
-            if user.isOwner(goal) or user.isDriver(goal):
-                return True
-        return (user.in_admin or
-                user.in_registry_experts or
-                user.isOwner(self.obj.target) or
-                user.isDriver(self.obj.target) or
-                user.isOneOf(
-                    self.obj, ['owner', 'drafter', 'assignee', 'approver']))
-class ViewRevisionStatusReport(DelegatedAuthorization):
-    """Anyone who can see a Git repository can see its status reports."""
-    permission = 'launchpad.View'
-    usedfor = IRevisionStatusReport
-    def __init__(self, obj):
-        super().__init__(obj, obj.git_repository, 'launchpad.View')
-class EditRevisionStatusReport(AuthorizationBase):
-    """The owner of a Git repository can edit its status reports."""
-    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = IRevisionStatusReport
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        return user.isOwner(self.obj.git_repository)
-class ViewRevisionStatusArtifact(DelegatedAuthorization):
-    permission = 'launchpad.View'
-    usedfor = IRevisionStatusArtifact
-    def __init__(self, obj):
-        super().__init__(obj, obj.report, 'launchpad.View')
-class EditRevisionStatusArtifact(DelegatedAuthorization):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = IRevisionStatusArtifact
-    def __init__(self, obj):
-        super().__init__(obj, obj.report, 'launchpad.Edit')
-class AdminSpecification(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Admin'
-    usedfor = ISpecification
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        assert self.obj.target
-        return (
-                user.in_admin or
-                user.in_registry_experts or
-                user.isOwner(self.obj.target) or
-                user.isDriver(self.obj.target))
-class DriverSpecification(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Driver'
-    usedfor = ISpecification
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        # If no goal is proposed for the spec then there can be no
-        # drivers for it - we use launchpad.Driver on a spec to decide
-        # if the person can see the page which lets you decide whether
-        # to accept the goal, and if there is no goal then this is
-        # extremely difficult to do :-)
-        return (
-            self.obj.goal and
-            self.forwardCheckAuthenticated(user, self.obj.goal))
-class EditSprintSpecification(AuthorizationBase):
-    """The sprint owner or driver can say what makes it onto the agenda for
-    the sprint.
-    """
-    permission = 'launchpad.Driver'
-    usedfor = ISprintSpecification
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        sprint = self.obj.sprint
-        return user.isOwner(sprint) or user.isDriver(sprint) or user.in_admin
-class DriveSprint(AuthorizationBase):
-    """The sprint owner or driver can say what makes it onto the agenda for
-    the sprint.
-    """
-    permission = 'launchpad.Driver'
-    usedfor = ISprint
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        return (user.isOwner(self.obj) or
-                user.isDriver(self.obj) or
-                user.in_admin)
-class ViewSprint(AuthorizationBase):
-    """An attendee, owner, or driver of a sprint."""
-    permission = 'launchpad.View'
-    usedfor = ISprint
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        return (user.isOwner(self.obj) or
-                user.isDriver(self.obj) or
-                user.person in [attendance.attendee
-                            for attendance in self.obj.attendances] or
-                user.in_admin)
-class EditSprint(EditByOwnersOrAdmins):
-    usedfor = ISprint
-class ModerateSprint(ModerateByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
-    """The sprint owner, registry experts, and admins can moderate sprints."""
-    permission = 'launchpad.Moderate'
-    usedfor = ISprint
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        return (
-            super().checkAuthenticated(user) or
-            user.isOwner(self.obj))
-class EditSpecificationSubscription(AuthorizationBase):
-    """The subscriber, and people related to the spec or the target of the
-    spec can determine who is essential."""
-    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = ISpecificationSubscription
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        if self.obj.specification.goal is not None:
-            if user.isDriver(self.obj.specification.goal):
-                return True
-        else:
-            if user.isDriver(self.obj.specification.target):
-                return True
-        return (user.inTeam(self.obj.person) or
-                user.isOneOf(
-                    self.obj.specification,
-                    ['owner', 'drafter', 'assignee', 'approver']) or
-                user.in_admin)
-class OnlyRosettaExpertsAndAdmins(AuthorizationBase):
-    """Base class that allow access to Rosetta experts and Launchpad admins.
-    """
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """Allow Launchpad's admins and Rosetta experts edit all fields."""
-        return user.in_admin or user.in_rosetta_experts
-class AdminProjectTranslations(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.TranslationsAdmin'
-    usedfor = IProjectGroup
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """Is the user able to manage `IProjectGroup` translations settings?
-        Any Launchpad/Launchpad Translations administrator or owner is
-        able to change translation settings for a project group.
-        """
-        return (user.isOwner(self.obj) or
-                user.in_rosetta_experts or
-                user.in_admin)
-class AdminProductTranslations(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.TranslationsAdmin'
-    usedfor = IProduct
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """Is the user able to manage `IProduct` translations settings?
-        Any Launchpad/Launchpad Translations administrator or owners are
-        able to change translation settings for a product.
-        """
-        return (user.isOwner(self.obj) or
-                user.isDriver(self.obj) or
-                user.in_rosetta_experts or
-                user.in_admin)
-class ViewProjectMilestone(DelegatedAuthorization):
-    permission = 'launchpad.View'
-    usedfor = IProjectGroupMilestone
-    def __init__(self, obj):
-        super().__init__(obj, obj.product, 'launchpad.View')
-class EditProjectMilestoneNever(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = IProjectGroupMilestone
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """IProjectGroupMilestone is a fake content object."""
-        return False
-class LimitedViewMilestone(DelegatedAuthorization):
-    permission = 'launchpad.LimitedView'
-    usedfor = IMilestone
-    def __init__(self, obj):
-        super().__init__(obj, obj.target, 'launchpad.LimitedView')
-class ViewMilestone(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.View'
-    usedfor = IMilestone
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        return self.obj.userCanView(user)
-    def checkUnauthenticated(self):
-        return self.obj.userCanView(user=None)
-class EditMilestoneByTargetOwnerOrAdmins(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = IMilestone
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """Authorize the product or distribution owner."""
-        if user.in_admin:
-            return True
-        if user.isDriver(self.obj.series_target):
-            return True
-        return user.isOwner(self.obj.target)
-class AdminMilestoneByLaunchpadAdmins(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Admin'
-    usedfor = IMilestone
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """Only the Launchpad admins need this, we are only going to use
-        it for connecting up series and distroseries where we did not
-        have them.
-        """
-        return user.in_admin
-class ModeratePersonSetByExpertsOrAdmins(ModerateByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Moderate'
-    usedfor = IPersonSet
-class EditTeamByTeamOwnerOrLaunchpadAdmins(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Owner'
-    usedfor = ITeam
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """Only the team owner and Launchpad admins need this.
-        """
-        return user.inTeam(self.obj.teamowner) or user.in_admin
-class EditTeamByTeamOwnerOrTeamAdminsOrAdmins(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = ITeam
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """The team owner and team admins have launchpad.Edit on that team.
-        The Launchpad admins also have launchpad.Edit on all teams.
-        """
-        return can_edit_team(self.obj, user)
-class ModerateTeam(ModerateByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Moderate'
-    usedfor = ITeam
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """Is the user a privileged team member or Launchpad staff?
-        Return true when the user is a member of Launchpad admins,
-        registry experts, team admins, or the team owners.
-        """
-        return (
-            super().checkAuthenticated(user)
-            or can_edit_team(self.obj, user))
-class EditTeamMembershipByTeamOwnerOrTeamAdminsOrAdmins(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = ITeamMembership
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        return can_edit_team(self.obj.team, user)
-class ViewTeamMembership(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.View'
-    usedfor = ITeamMembership
-    def checkUnauthenticated(self):
-        """Unauthenticated users can only view public memberships."""
-        return self.obj.team.visibility == PersonVisibility.PUBLIC
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """Verify that the user can view the team's membership.
-        Anyone can see a public team's membership. Only a team member or
-        commercial admin or a Launchpad admin can view a private team.
-        """
-        if self.obj.team.visibility == PersonVisibility.PUBLIC:
-            return True
-        if (user.in_admin or user.in_commercial_admin
-            or user.inTeam(self.obj.team)):
-            return True
-        return False
-class AdminByCommercialTeamOrAdminsOrPerson(AdminByCommercialTeamOrAdmins):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Commercial'
-    usedfor = IPerson
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """Users can manage their commericial data and admins can help."""
-        return self.obj.id == user.id or super().checkAuthenticated(user)
-class EditPersonBySelfOrAdmins(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = IPerson
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """A user can edit the Person who is themselves.
-        The admin team can also edit any Person.
-        """
-        return self.obj.id == user.id or user.in_admin
-class EditTranslationsPersonByPerson(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = ITranslationsPerson
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        person = self.obj.person
-        return person == user.person or user.in_admin
-class ViewPersonLocation(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.View'
-    usedfor = IPersonLocation
-    def checkUnauthenticated(self):
-        return self.obj.visible
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        if self.obj.visible:
-            return True
-        else:
-            return user.person == self.obj.person or user.in_admin
-class EditPersonBySelf(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Special'
-    usedfor = IPerson
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """A user can edit the Person who is themselves."""
-        return self.obj.id == user.person.id
-class ViewPublicOrPrivateTeamMembers(AuthorizationBase):
-    """Restrict viewing of private teams.
-    Only members of a private team can view the
-    membership list.
-    """
-    permission = 'launchpad.View'
-    usedfor = IPerson
-    def checkUnauthenticated(self):
-        """Unauthenticated users can only view public memberships."""
-        if self.obj.visibility == PersonVisibility.PUBLIC:
-            return True
-        return False
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """Verify that the user can view the team's membership.
-        Anyone can see a public team's membership. Only a team member,
-        commercial admin, or a Launchpad admin can view a private team's
-        members.
-        """
-        if self.obj.visibility == PersonVisibility.PUBLIC:
-            return True
-        if user.in_admin or user.in_commercial_admin or user.inTeam(self.obj):
-            return True
-        # Private team owners have visibility.
-        if self.obj.is_team and user.inTeam(self.obj.teamowner):
-            return True
-        # We also grant visibility of the private team to administrators of
-        # other teams that have been invited to join the private team.
-        for invitee in self.obj.invited_members:
-            if (invitee.is_team and
-                invitee in user.person.getAdministratedTeams()):
-                return True
-        return False
-class PublicOrPrivateTeamsExistence(AuthorizationBase):
-    """Restrict knowing about private teams' existence.
-    Knowing the existence of a private team allow traversing to its URL and
-    displaying basic information like name, displayname.
-    """
-    permission = 'launchpad.LimitedView'
-    usedfor = IPersonLimitedView
-    def checkUnauthenticated(self):
-        """Unauthenticated users can only view public teams."""
-        if self.obj.visibility == PersonVisibility.PUBLIC:
-            return True
-        return False
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """By default, we simply perform a View permission check.
-        We also grant limited viewability to users who can see PPAs and
-        branches owned by the team, and members of parent teams so they can
-        see the member-listings.
-        In other scenarios, the context in which the permission is required is
-        responsible for pre-caching the launchpad.LimitedView permission on
-        each team which requires it.
-        """
-        if self.forwardCheckAuthenticated(
-            user, self.obj, 'launchpad.View'):
-            return True
-        if (self.obj.is_team
-            and self.obj.visibility == PersonVisibility.PRIVATE):
-            # Grant visibility to people with subscriptions on a private
-            # team's private PPA.
-            subscriptions = getUtility(
-                IArchiveSubscriberSet).getBySubscriber(user.person)
-            subscriber_archive_ids = {
-                sub.archive_id for sub in subscriptions}
-            team_ppa_ids = {
-                ppa.id for ppa in self.obj.ppas if ppa.private}
-            if len(subscriber_archive_ids.intersection(team_ppa_ids)) > 0:
-                return True
-            # Grant visibility to people who can see branches owned by the
-            # private team.
-            team_branches = IBranchCollection(self.obj)
-            if not team_branches.visibleByUser(user.person).is_empty():
-                return True
-            # Grant visibility to people who can see branches subscribed to
-            # by the private team.
-            team_branches = getUtility(IAllBranches).subscribedBy(self.obj)
-            if not team_branches.visibleByUser(user.person).is_empty():
-                return True
-            # Grant visibility to branches visible to the user and which have
-            # review requests for the private team.
-            branches = getUtility(IAllBranches)
-            visible_branches = branches.visibleByUser(user.person)
-            mp = visible_branches.getMergeProposalsForReviewer(self.obj)
-            if not mp.is_empty():
-                return True
-            # Grant visibility to people who can see Git repositories owned
-            # by the private team.
-            team_repositories = IGitCollection(self.obj)
-            if not team_repositories.visibleByUser(user.person).is_empty():
-                return True
-            # Grant visibility to people who own Git repositories that grant
-            # some kind of write access to the private team.
-            owned_repositories = IGitCollection(user.person)
-            grants = owned_repositories.getRuleGrantsForGrantee(self.obj)
-            if not grants.is_empty():
-                return True
-            # Grant visibility to users in a team that has the private team as
-            # a member, so that they can see the team properly in member
-            # listings.
-            # The easiest check is just to see if the user is in a team that
-            # is a super team for the private team.
-            # Do comparison by ids because they may be needed for comparison
-            # to membership.team.ids later.
-            user_teams = [
-                team.id for team in user.person.teams_participated_in]
-            super_teams = [team.id for team in self.obj.super_teams]
-            intersection_teams = set(user_teams) & set(super_teams)
-            if len(intersection_teams) > 0:
-                return True
-            # If it's not, the private team may still be a pending membership,
-            # deactivated membership, or an expired membership,
-            # which still needs to be visible to team members.
-            BAD_STATES = (
-                TeamMembershipStatus.DECLINED.value,
-                TeamMembershipStatus.INVITATION_DECLINED.value,
-                )
-            team_memberships_query = """
-                SELECT team from TeamMembership WHERE person = %s AND
-                status NOT IN %s
-                """ % (self.obj.id, BAD_STATES)
-            store = IStore(Person)
-            future_super_teams = [team[0] for team in
-                    store.execute(team_memberships_query)]
-            intersection_teams = set(user_teams) & set(future_super_teams)
-            if len(intersection_teams) > 0:
-                return True
-            # Teams subscribed to blueprints are visible. This needs to
-            # be taught about privacy eventually.
-            specsubs = store.find(SpecificationSubscription, person=self.obj)
-            # Teams subscribed or assigned to bugs that the user can see
-            # are visible.
-            bugs = store.find(
-                BugTaskFlat,
-                get_bug_privacy_filter(user.person),
-                BugTaskFlat.bug_id.is_in(
-                    Union(
-                        Select(
-                            BugSubscription.bug_id,
-                            tables=(BugSubscription,),
-                            where=BugSubscription.person == self.obj),
-                        Select(
-                            BugTaskFlat.bug_id,
-                            tables=(BugTaskFlat,),
-                            where=BugTaskFlat.assignee == self.obj),
-                        all=True)))
-            if not specsubs.is_empty() or not bugs.is_empty():
-                return True
-        return False
-class EditPollByTeamOwnerOrTeamAdminsOrAdmins(
-        EditTeamMembershipByTeamOwnerOrTeamAdminsOrAdmins):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = IPoll
-class EditPollSubsetByTeamOwnerOrTeamAdminsOrAdmins(
-        EditPollByTeamOwnerOrTeamAdminsOrAdmins):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = IPollSubset
-class EditPollOptionByTeamOwnerOrTeamAdminsOrAdmins(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = IPollOption
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        return can_edit_team(self.obj.poll.team, user)
-class ViewDistribution(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.View'
-    usedfor = IDistribution
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        return self.obj.userCanView(user)
-    def checkUnauthenticated(self):
-        return self.obj.userCanView(None)
-class LimitedViewDistribution(ViewDistribution):
-    permission = 'launchpad.LimitedView'
-    usedfor = IDistribution
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        return (
-            super().checkAuthenticated(user) or
-            self.obj.userCanLimitedView(user))
-class AdminDistribution(AdminByAdminsTeam):
-    """Soyuz involves huge chunks of data in the archive and librarian,
-    so for the moment we are locking down admin and edit on distributions
-    and distroseriess to the Launchpad admin team."""
-    permission = 'launchpad.Admin'
-    usedfor = IDistribution
-class EditDistributionByDistroOwnersOrAdmins(AuthorizationBase):
-    """The owner of a distribution should be able to edit its
-    information; it is mainly administrative data, such as bug supervisors.
-    Note that creation of new distributions and distribution
-    series is still protected with launchpad.Admin"""
-    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = IDistribution
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        # Commercial admins may help setup commercial distributions.
-        return (
-            user.isOwner(self.obj)
-            or is_commercial_case(self.obj, user)
-            or user.in_admin)
-class SecurityAdminDistribution(AuthorizationBase):
-    """The security admins of a distribution should be able to create
-    and edit vulnerabilities in the distribution."""
-    permission = 'launchpad.SecurityAdmin'
-    usedfor = IDistribution
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        return (
-            user.isOwner(self.obj)
-            or is_commercial_case(self.obj, user)
-            or user.in_admin
-            or user.inTeam(self.obj.security_admin)
-        )
-class ModerateDistributionByDriversOrOwnersOrAdmins(AuthorizationBase):
-    """Distribution drivers, owners, and admins may plan releases.
-    Drivers of distributions that don't manage their packages in
-    Launchpad can create series. Owners and admins can create series for
-    all `IDistribution`s.
-    """
-    permission = 'launchpad.Moderate'
-    usedfor = IDistribution
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        if user.isDriver(self.obj) and not self.obj.official_packages:
-            # Damage to series with packages managed in Launchpad can
-            # cause serious strife. Restrict changes to the distro
-            # owner.
-            return True
-        return user.isOwner(self.obj) or user.in_admin
-class ViewDistributionSourcePackage(AnonymousAuthorization):
-    """Anyone can view a DistributionSourcePackage."""
-    usedfor = IDistributionSourcePackage
-class BugSuperviseDistributionSourcePackage(AuthorizationBase):
-    """The owner of a distribution should be able to edit its source
-    package information"""
-    permission = 'launchpad.BugSupervisor'
-    usedfor = IDistributionSourcePackage
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        return (user.inTeam(self.obj.distribution.bug_supervisor) or
-                user.inTeam(self.obj.distribution.owner) or
-                user.in_admin)
-class EditDistributionSourcePackage(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = IDistributionSourcePackage
-    def _checkUpload(self, user, archive, distroseries):
-        # We use verifyUpload() instead of checkUpload() because we don't
-        # have a pocket.  It returns the reason the user can't upload or
-        # None if they are allowed.
-        if distroseries is None:
-            return False
-        sourcepackage = distroseries.getSourcePackage(
-            self.obj.sourcepackagename)
-        reason = archive.verifyUpload(
-            user.person, sourcepackagename=self.obj.sourcepackagename,
-            component=sourcepackage.latest_published_component,
-            distroseries=distroseries)
-        return reason is None
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """Anyone who can upload a package can edit it.
-        Checking upload permission requires a distroseries; a reasonable
-        approximation is to check whether the user can upload the package to
-        the current series.
-        """
-        if user.in_admin:
-            return True
-        distribution = self.obj.distribution
-        if user.inTeam(distribution.owner):
-            return True
-        return self._checkUpload(
-            user, distribution.main_archive, distribution.currentseries)
-class BugTargetOwnerOrBugSupervisorOrAdmins(AuthorizationBase):
-    """Product's owner and bug supervisor can set official bug tags."""
-    permission = 'launchpad.BugSupervisor'
-    usedfor = IOfficialBugTagTargetRestricted
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        return (user.inTeam(self.obj.bug_supervisor) or
-                user.inTeam(self.obj.owner) or
-                user.in_admin)
-class NominateBugForProductSeries(AuthorizationBase):
-    """Product's owners and bug supervisors can add bug nominations."""
-    permission = 'launchpad.BugSupervisor'
-    usedfor = IProductSeries
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        return (user.inTeam(self.obj.product.bug_supervisor) or
-                user.inTeam(self.obj.product.owner) or
-                user.in_admin)
-class NominateBugForDistroSeries(AuthorizationBase):
-    """Distro's owners and bug supervisors can add bug nominations."""
-    permission = 'launchpad.BugSupervisor'
-    usedfor = IDistroSeries
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        return (user.inTeam(self.obj.distribution.bug_supervisor) or
-                user.inTeam(self.obj.distribution.owner) or
-                user.in_admin)
+        assert self.obj.target
+        goal = self.obj.goal
+        if goal is not None:
+            if user.isOwner(goal) or user.isDriver(goal):
+                return True
+        return (user.in_admin or
+                user.in_registry_experts or
+                user.isOwner(self.obj.target) or
+                user.isDriver(self.obj.target) or
+                user.isOneOf(
+                    self.obj, ['owner', 'drafter', 'assignee', 'approver']))
-class AdminDistroSeries(AdminByAdminsTeam):
-    """Soyuz involves huge chunks of data in the archive and librarian,
-    so for the moment we are locking down admin and edit on distributions
-    and distroseriess to the Launchpad admin team.
-    NB: Please consult carefully before modifying this permission because
-        changing it could cause the archive to get rearranged, with tons of
-        files moved to the new namespace, and mirrors would get very very
-        upset.
-    """
-    permission = 'launchpad.Admin'
-    usedfor = IDistroSeries
+class ViewRevisionStatusReport(DelegatedAuthorization):
+    """Anyone who can see a Git repository can see its status reports."""
+    permission = 'launchpad.View'
+    usedfor = IRevisionStatusReport
+    def __init__(self, obj):
+        super().__init__(obj, obj.git_repository, 'launchpad.View')
-class EditDistroSeriesByReleaseManagerOrDistroOwnersOrAdmins(
-    AuthorizationBase):
-    """The owner of the distro series (i.e. the owner of the distribution)
-    should be able to modify some of the fields on the IDistroSeries
-    NB: there is potential for a great mess if this is not done correctly,
-    so please consult carefully before modifying these permissions.
-    """
+class EditRevisionStatusReport(AuthorizationBase):
+    """The owner of a Git repository can edit its status reports."""
     permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = IDistroSeries
+    usedfor = IRevisionStatusReport
     def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        if (user.inTeam(self.obj.driver)
-            and not self.obj.distribution.official_packages):
-            # Damage to series with packages managed in Launchpad can
-            # cause serious strife. Restrict changes to the distro
-            # owner.
-            return True
-        return (user.inTeam(self.obj.distribution.owner) or
-                user.in_admin)
+        return user.isOwner(self.obj.git_repository)
-class ViewDistroSeries(AnonymousAuthorization):
-    """Anyone can view a DistroSeries."""
-    usedfor = IDistroSeries
+class ViewRevisionStatusArtifact(DelegatedAuthorization):
+    permission = 'launchpad.View'
+    usedfor = IRevisionStatusArtifact
-class EditDistroSeriesParent(AuthorizationBase):
-    """DistroSeriesParent can be edited by the same people who can edit
-    the derived_distroseries."""
-    permission = "launchpad.Edit"
-    usedfor = IDistroSeriesParent
+    def __init__(self, obj):
+        super().__init__(obj, obj.report, 'launchpad.View')
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        auth = EditDistroSeriesByReleaseManagerOrDistroOwnersOrAdmins(
-            self.obj.derived_series)
-        return auth.checkAuthenticated(user)
+class EditRevisionStatusArtifact(DelegatedAuthorization):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
+    usedfor = IRevisionStatusArtifact
-class ViewCountry(AnonymousAuthorization):
-    """Anyone can view a Country."""
-    usedfor = ICountry
+    def __init__(self, obj):
+        super().__init__(obj, obj.report, 'launchpad.Edit')
-class AdminDistroSeriesDifference(AuthorizationBase):
-    """You need to be an archive admin or LP admin to get lp.Admin."""
+class AdminSpecification(AuthorizationBase):
     permission = 'launchpad.Admin'
-    usedfor = IDistroSeriesDifferenceAdmin
+    usedfor = ISpecification
     def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        # Archive admin is done by component, so here we just
-        # see if the user has that permission on any components
-        # at all.
-        archive = self.obj.derived_series.main_archive
+        assert self.obj.target
         return (
-            not archive.getComponentsForQueueAdmin(user.person).is_empty() or
-            user.in_admin)
-class EditDistroSeriesDifference(DelegatedAuthorization):
-    """Anyone with lp.View on the distribution can edit a DSD."""
-    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = IDistroSeriesDifferenceEdit
+                user.in_admin or
+                user.in_registry_experts or
+                user.isOwner(self.obj.target) or
+                user.isDriver(self.obj.target))
-    def __init__(self, obj):
-        super().__init__(
-            obj, obj.derived_series.distribution, 'launchpad.View')
-    def checkUnauthenticated(self):
-        return False
+class DriverSpecification(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Driver'
+    usedfor = ISpecification
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        # If no goal is proposed for the spec then there can be no
+        # drivers for it - we use launchpad.Driver on a spec to decide
+        # if the person can see the page which lets you decide whether
+        # to accept the goal, and if there is no goal then this is
+        # extremely difficult to do :-)
+        return (
+            self.obj.goal and
+            self.forwardCheckAuthenticated(user, self.obj.goal))
-class SeriesDrivers(AuthorizationBase):
-    """Drivers can approve or decline features and target bugs.
-    Drivers exist for distribution and product series.  Distribution and
-    product owners are implicitly drivers too.
+class EditSprintSpecification(AuthorizationBase):
+    """The sprint owner or driver can say what makes it onto the agenda for
+    the sprint.
     permission = 'launchpad.Driver'
-    usedfor = IHasDrivers
+    usedfor = ISprintSpecification
     def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        return self.obj.personHasDriverRights(user)
+        sprint = self.obj.sprint
+        return user.isOwner(sprint) or user.isDriver(sprint) or user.in_admin
-class DriveProduct(SeriesDrivers):
+class DriveSprint(AuthorizationBase):
+    """The sprint owner or driver can say what makes it onto the agenda for
+    the sprint.
+    """
     permission = 'launchpad.Driver'
-    usedfor = IProduct
+    usedfor = ISprint
     def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        # Commercial admins may help setup commercial projects.
-        return (
-            super().checkAuthenticated(user)
-            or is_commercial_case(self.obj, user)
-            or False)
-class LimitedViewProductSeries(DelegatedAuthorization):
-    permission = 'launchpad.LimitedView'
-    usedfor = IProductSeriesLimitedView
-    def __init__(self, obj):
-        super().__init__(obj, obj.product, 'launchpad.LimitedView')
+        return (user.isOwner(self.obj) or
+                user.isDriver(self.obj) or
+                user.in_admin)
-class ViewProductSeries(AuthorizationBase):
+class ViewSprint(AuthorizationBase):
+    """An attendee, owner, or driver of a sprint."""
     permission = 'launchpad.View'
-    usedfor = IProductSeriesView
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        return self.obj.userCanView(user)
-    def checkUnauthenticated(self):
-        return self.obj.userCanView(None)
-class EditProductSeries(EditByOwnersOrAdmins):
-    usedfor = IProductSeries
+    usedfor = ISprint
     def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """Allow product owner, drivers, some experts, or admins."""
-        if (user.isOwner(self.obj.product) or
-            user.isDriver(self.obj)):
-            # The user is the owner of the product, or the release manager.
-            return True
-        # Rosetta experts need to be able to upload translations.
-        # Registry admins are just special.
-        if (user.in_registry_experts or
-            user.in_rosetta_experts):
-            return True
-        return EditByOwnersOrAdmins.checkAuthenticated(self, user)
+        return (user.isOwner(self.obj) or
+                user.isDriver(self.obj) or
+                user.person in [attendance.attendee
+                            for attendance in self.obj.attendances] or
+                user.in_admin)
-class ViewDistroArchSeries(AnonymousAuthorization):
-    """Anyone can view a DistroArchSeries."""
-    usedfor = IDistroArchSeries
+class EditSprint(EditByOwnersOrAdmins):
+    usedfor = ISprint
-class ModerateDistroArchSeries(AuthorizationBase):
+class ModerateSprint(ModerateByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
+    """The sprint owner, registry experts, and admins can moderate sprints."""
     permission = 'launchpad.Moderate'
-    usedfor = IDistroArchSeries
+    usedfor = ISprint
     def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
         return (
-            user.isOwner(self.obj.distroseries.distribution.main_archive)
-            or user.in_admin)
+            super().checkAuthenticated(user) or
+            user.isOwner(self.obj))
-class ViewDistroArchSeriesFilter(DelegatedAuthorization):
-    permission = 'launchpad.View'
-    usedfor = IDistroArchSeriesFilter
+class EditSpecificationSubscription(AuthorizationBase):
+    """The subscriber, and people related to the spec or the target of the
+    spec can determine who is essential."""
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
+    usedfor = ISpecificationSubscription
-    def __init__(self, obj):
-        super().__init__(obj, obj.distroarchseries, 'launchpad.View')
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        if self.obj.specification.goal is not None:
+            if user.isDriver(self.obj.specification.goal):
+                return True
+        else:
+            if user.isDriver(self.obj.specification.target):
+                return True
+        return (user.inTeam(self.obj.person) or
+                user.isOneOf(
+                    self.obj.specification,
+                    ['owner', 'drafter', 'assignee', 'approver']) or
+                user.in_admin)
-class EditDistroArchSeriesFilter(DelegatedAuthorization):
+class EditTranslationsPersonByPerson(AuthorizationBase):
     permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = IDistroArchSeriesFilter
-    def __init__(self, obj):
-        super().__init__(obj, obj.distroarchseries, 'launchpad.Moderate')
+    usedfor = ITranslationsPerson
+    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
+        person = self.obj.person
+        return person == user.person or user.in_admin
-class ViewAnnouncement(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.View'
-    usedfor = IAnnouncement
-    def checkUnauthenticated(self):
-        """Let anonymous users see published announcements."""
-        if self.obj.published:
-            return True
-        return False
+class OnlyRosettaExpertsAndAdmins(AuthorizationBase):
+    """Base class that allow access to Rosetta experts and Launchpad admins.
+    """
     def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """Keep project news invisible to end-users unless they are project
-        admins, until the announcements are published."""
-        # Every user can view published announcements.
-        if self.obj.published:
-            return True
+        """Allow Launchpad's admins and Rosetta experts edit all fields."""
+        return user.in_admin or user.in_rosetta_experts
-        # Project drivers can view any project announcements.
-        # Launchpad admins can view any announcement.
-        assert self.obj.target
-        return (user.isDriver(self.obj.target) or
-                user.isOwner(self.obj.target) or
-                user.in_admin)
+class BugTargetOwnerOrBugSupervisorOrAdmins(AuthorizationBase):
+    """Product's owner and bug supervisor can set official bug tags."""
-class EditAnnouncement(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = IAnnouncement
+    permission = 'launchpad.BugSupervisor'
+    usedfor = IOfficialBugTagTargetRestricted
     def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """Allow the project owner and drivers to edit any project news."""
-        assert self.obj.target
-        return (user.isDriver(self.obj.target) or
-                user.isOwner(self.obj.target) or
+        return (user.inTeam(self.obj.bug_supervisor) or
+                user.inTeam(self.obj.owner) or
@@ -1725,35 +660,6 @@ class EditCodeImportMachine(OnlyBazaarExpertsAndAdmins):
     usedfor = ICodeImportMachine
-class AdminDistributionTranslations(AuthorizationBase):
-    """Class for deciding who can administer distribution translations.
-    This class is used for `launchpad.TranslationsAdmin` privilege on
-    `IDistribution` and `IDistroSeries` and corresponding `IPOTemplate`s,
-    and limits access to Rosetta experts, Launchpad admins and distribution
-    translation group owner.
-    """
-    permission = 'launchpad.TranslationsAdmin'
-    usedfor = IDistribution
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """Is the user able to manage `IDistribution` translations settings?
-        Any Launchpad/Launchpad Translations administrator, translation group
-        owner or a person allowed to edit distribution details is able to
-        change translations settings for a distribution.
-        """
-        # Translation group owner for a distribution is also a
-        # translations administrator for it.
-        translation_group = self.obj.translationgroup
-        if translation_group and user.inTeam(translation_group.owner):
-            return True
-        else:
-            return (user.in_rosetta_experts or
-                    EditDistributionByDistroOwnersOrAdmins(
-                        self.obj).checkAuthenticated(user))
 class ViewPOTemplates(AnonymousAuthorization):
     """Anyone can view an IPOTemplate."""
     usedfor = IPOTemplate
@@ -1910,27 +816,6 @@ class GitRepositoryExpensiveRequest(AuthorizationBase):
         return user.in_registry_experts or user.in_admin
-class EditProductRelease(EditByOwnersOrAdmins):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = IProductRelease
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        if (user.isOwner(self.obj.productseries.product) or
-            user.isDriver(self.obj.productseries)):
-            # The user is an owner or a release manager.
-            return True
-        return EditByOwnersOrAdmins.checkAuthenticated(
-            self, user)
-class ViewProductRelease(DelegatedAuthorization):
-    permission = 'launchpad.View'
-    usedfor = IProductRelease
-    def __init__(self, obj):
-        super().__init__(obj, obj.milestone, 'launchpad.View')
 class AdminTranslationImportQueueEntry(AuthorizationBase):
     permission = 'launchpad.Admin'
     usedfor = ITranslationImportQueueEntry
@@ -2327,34 +1212,6 @@ class DeleteFAQ(AuthorizationBase):
         return user.in_registry_experts or user.in_admin
-def can_edit_team(team, user):
-    """Return True if the given user has edit rights for the given team."""
-    if user.in_admin:
-        return True
-    else:
-        return team in user.person.getAdministratedTeams()
-class ViewNameBlacklist(EditByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
-    permission = 'launchpad.View'
-    usedfor = INameBlacklist
-class EditNameBlacklist(EditByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = INameBlacklist
-class ViewNameBlacklistSet(EditByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
-    permission = 'launchpad.View'
-    usedfor = INameBlacklistSet
-class EditNameBlacklistSet(EditByRegistryExpertsOrAdmins):
-    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
-    usedfor = INameBlacklistSet
 class ViewLanguageSet(AnonymousAuthorization):
     """Anyone can view an ILangaugeSet."""
     usedfor = ILanguageSet
@@ -2385,12 +1242,10 @@ class AdminCustomLanguageCode(AuthorizationBase):
     usedfor = ICustomLanguageCode
     def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        if self.obj.product is not None:
-            return AdminProductTranslations(
-                self.obj.product).checkAuthenticated(user)
-        else:
-            return AdminDistributionTranslations(
-                self.obj.distribution).checkAuthenticated(user)
+        return self.forwardCheckAuthenticated(
+            user,
+            self.obj.product or self.obj.distribution
+            )
 class AccessBranch(AuthorizationBase):
@@ -2599,41 +1454,6 @@ class ViewGitActivity(DelegatedAuthorization):
         super().__init__(obj, obj.repository)
-class AdminDistroSeriesTranslations(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.TranslationsAdmin'
-    usedfor = IDistroSeries
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """Is the user able to manage `IDistroSeries` translations.
-        Distribution translation managers and distribution series drivers
-        can manage IDistroSeries translations.
-        """
-        return (user.isDriver(self.obj) or
-                self.forwardCheckAuthenticated(user, self.obj.distribution))
-class AdminDistributionSourcePackageTranslations(DelegatedAuthorization):
-    """DistributionSourcePackage objects link to a distribution."""
-    permission = 'launchpad.TranslationsAdmin'
-    usedfor = IDistributionSourcePackage
-    def __init__(self, obj):
-        super().__init__(obj, obj.distribution)
-class AdminProductSeriesTranslations(AuthorizationBase):
-    permission = 'launchpad.TranslationsAdmin'
-    usedfor = IProductSeries
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """Is the user able to manage `IProductSeries` translations."""
-        return (user.isOwner(self.obj) or
-                user.isDriver(self.obj) or
-                self.forwardCheckAuthenticated(user, self.obj.product))
 class BranchMergeProposalView(AuthorizationBase):
     permission = 'launchpad.View'
     usedfor = IBranchMergeProposal
@@ -2767,26 +1587,6 @@ class BranchMergeProposalEdit(AuthorizationBase):
         return self.forwardCheckAuthenticated(user, self.obj.merge_target)
-class AdminDistroSeriesLanguagePacks(
-    OnlyRosettaExpertsAndAdmins,
-    EditDistroSeriesByReleaseManagerOrDistroOwnersOrAdmins):
-    permission = 'launchpad.LanguagePacksAdmin'
-    usedfor = IDistroSeries
-    def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
-        """Is the user able to manage `IDistroSeries` language packs?
-        Any Launchpad/Launchpad Translations administrator, people allowed to
-        edit distroseries or members of IDistribution.language_pack_admin team
-        are able to change the language packs available.
-        """
-        EditDS = EditDistroSeriesByReleaseManagerOrDistroOwnersOrAdmins
-        return (
-            OnlyRosettaExpertsAndAdmins.checkAuthenticated(self, user) or
-            EditDS.checkAuthenticated(self, user) or
-            user.inTeam(self.obj.distribution.language_pack_admin))
 class AdminLanguagePack(OnlyRosettaExpertsAndAdmins):
     permission = 'launchpad.LanguagePacksAdmin'
     usedfor = ILanguagePack
@@ -3161,22 +1961,6 @@ class EditEmailAddress(EditByOwnersOrAdmins):
         return super().checkAuthenticated(user)
-class ViewGPGKey(AnonymousAuthorization):
-    usedfor = IGPGKey
-class ViewSSHKey(AnonymousAuthorization):
-    usedfor = ISSHKey
-class ViewIrcID(AnonymousAuthorization):
-    usedfor = IIrcID
-class ViewWikiName(AnonymousAuthorization):
-    usedfor = IWikiName
 class ViewPackageset(AnonymousAuthorization):
     """Anyone can view an IPackageset."""
     usedfor = IPackageset
@@ -3279,9 +2063,24 @@ class ViewSourcePackage(AnonymousAuthorization):
     usedfor = ISourcePackage
-class EditSourcePackage(EditDistributionSourcePackage):
+class EditSourcePackage(AuthorizationBase):
+    permission = 'launchpad.Edit'
     usedfor = ISourcePackage
+    def _checkUpload(self, user, archive, distroseries):
+        # We use verifyUpload() instead of checkUpload() because we don't
+        # have a pocket.  It returns the reason the user can't upload or
+        # None if they are allowed.
+        if distroseries is None:
+            return False
+        sourcepackage = distroseries.getSourcePackage(
+            self.obj.sourcepackagename)
+        reason = archive.verifyUpload(
+            user.person, sourcepackagename=self.obj.sourcepackagename,
+            component=sourcepackage.latest_published_component,
+            distroseries=distroseries)
+        return reason is None
     def checkAuthenticated(self, user):
         """Anyone who can upload a package can edit it."""
         if user.in_admin:

Follow ups